Christmas Party and More Touhou's Arrived

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Everyone start the party and wearing some christmas outfits


Neptune:Yippee! I love Christmas!

Nepgear:You bet sis!

Vert:Oh boy! I wonder what games what will we played.

Tohka:Already baked a chocolate cookies with Ruby.

Remilia:When the others are arrived Sakuya?

Sayuka:There on the way Mistress.

Asia:Eh? Who?

Remilia:My friends.

Ranka:*jump on Jin*Merry Christmas Jin!

Jin:Hoy! Let me go you dumb dog!

Mei Mei:Ranka is always Ranka.

Hitomi:Yeah! Even you not change Jin.*giggles*

Jin:Well thanks Hitomi.

Issei and Shido set up the music karaoke,Nekopara girls humming Jingle Bells song,DXD and SK girls set up the presents under the Christmas Tree

Flandre:I'm so excited for Christmas!

Koakuma:Of course Flandre.

Patchouli is waiting Marisa to come

Meiling:What are you doing Patchy?

Patchouli:I'm waiting the Marisa to get my books back...


Someone knock the door

Me:Who could that be?

Roman open the door it was Reimu and Suika

Reimu:Merry Christmas everyone!

Everyone:Reimu!! And Suika.

Suika:Hi everyone!

Reimu:We like to joined the party.

Me:Sure come on in.

Reimu and Suika enters

Suika:Where is the beer,i want to drink it!

Reimu:Now,now Suika later ok.

Suika:Ok Reimu!

Then Marisa and Alice

Marisa:Hello ze! We are here along with my best friend.

Alice:It's pleasure to meet you.

Me:Oh Marisa and Alice.

Marisa:Yep! We like to joined the party ze!

Me:Sure come in.

Marisa and Alice enters

Patchouli:There you are Marisa.

Marisa:Hey Patchy! You here also? That's great!

Patchouli:Yes and where is my books?


Patchouli:You didn't it bring it back...

Marisa:Yeah...i left it at home.

Patchouli:*grab her witch outfit and shake her*HOW DARE YOU MARISA,I SAID TO GET MY BOOKS NOW! I WILL REGRET YOU FOR NOT RETURNING MY BOOKS!!!*cough**cough*

Marisa:Ehehe...calm down i will bring it back tomorrow or the day after.

Patchouli groans

Alice:Alright enough you too,today is christmas,don't worry i will get your books back.

Patchouli:Thank you.

Then portal gap open out of nowhere

Ruby:Woah! Is the portal!?

Someone came out the portal it was Chen,Ran and Yukari

Chen:We are here!

TP Ran:Merry Christmas everyone.

Yukari:It's looks like we right on time.

Me:Oh the legendary youkai herself,along with her master and shikigami.

Yukari:*giggles*Why thank you for the mentioned it boy,i'm Yukari Yakumo please to meet you.

TP Ran:I'm Ran Yakumo,please to meet you and this is my shikigami Chen.

Chen:Hello nya!


Moca:Oh look Ran-chan~ She has your name to you~

BD Ran:Why is she has my name on it?

Tomoe:Well who knows Ran.

Yukari:Anyway we like to joined the party for Christmas.

Me:Well sure.

Then Youmu and Yuyuko arrived at the door

Youmu:Greeting everyone.


Me:Oh Youmu and Yuyuko.

Youmu:Yep,we came here to joined the party.

Yuyuko:Of course~

Me:Well sure come on in.

Youmu and Yuyuko enters but then a delicious smells towards Yuyuko

Yuyuko:*smell it*Foods~!*followed the smell*

Youmu:Yuyuko-sama wait! Don't eat it the foods we're not ready to start the party!!!

Yukari:*giggles*Yuyuko has never change.

Yuyuko went to the dining the table and saw a lot of foods on it

Yuyuko:Food~*lick her lips of her hungriness*

Ruby:Yuyuko! Don't eat it!

Youmu push her away from the foods

Youmu:No Yuyuko-sama later eating foods,the party not yet started!

Yuyuko:*giggles*Sorry~ I couldn't resist myself~

Yukari:*giggles*Yuyuko is always Yuyuko~

Me:Anyway,let's start the party!


Everyone start the party,Remilia and Flandre eat their foods by Sakuya's meal,Roselia eats Lisa's Cookies,Hello Happy World doing some Christmas dance,then Issei,Shido,Pastel*Palettes,DXD girls and Neptunia girls are playing some Christmas games while Afterglow,Morfonica and Raise A Suilen watch them,Patchouli reading her book with Marisa and Alice,Suika drink some beer with Reimu, then Iruma,Clara and Admodeus,Nekopara girls and DAL girls singing the karaoke,Yuyuko eat a lot of foods

Ruby:Woah! Yuyuko.

Yukari:She is one hungry ghost girl.

Weiss:How many times that she eats a lot of food?


Meiling was lonely outside the mansion guarding the gate

Meiling:Why i can't be invited the party,Sakuya said i have to do my job.*fake cry herself*

Then Poppin Party performed their song "Our Christmas Song"

Flandre:We almost end of 2021 right?


But then Cirno arrives

Cirno:The strongest ice fairy has arrived at the party!!!

Marisa:Oh hey it's the annoying fairy.

Cirno:Hey! I'm not annoying! I'm the strongest!!!

Marisa:No one cares.

Reimu:*drunk*Ugh...give me some drinks!

Cirno:*groans*Anyway i brought Mystia here!

Mystia:Hello everyone.

Yuyuko saw Mystia

Yuyuko:Ah~! There you are my delicious meal~*grab a knife and a fork*

Mystia shriek and back away

Yuyuko:Food~!!!*fly at her*

Mystia start flying and fly away from her while scream


Yuyuko continue try to eat her while Mystia dodge her and everyone sweatdrop

Me:*turn to the comments*Well everyone,if you don't know Touhou here's the full song AMV video.

Me:So that been said Merry Christmas everyone!

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