I accidently married Taihou

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I was hiding somewhere

Me:Oh god...what i did do that to married her in my phone.

Jon:Hey man,what are you doing in there?

Me:I'm hiding from her...

Jon:You mean Taihou?


Someone knock the door

Sakuya:Who could that be?

Rias open the door and it was Taihou

Everyone except me:T-t-taihou!?!?

Taihou:Where is my love~? He actually married me~

Jon:We're sorry Taihou,he's not here.

Taihou:It's that true~?*blank space*

Jon:Well yes...ok you leave may now.

Taihou:No,it's a lie and i gonna find him~*search everywhere*

Jon:Oh god...

Sakuya:Meiling do your thing.

Meiling:Ehhh!? Why me!?

Sakuya:Cause you are a brave gatekeeper or no.


Sakuya:Then do it!


Taihou:My love come out,come out wherever you are~*she continue looking for me*

Meiling:*step infront of her*Stop right there evil girl! I will not hestitate to looking for him! My QI will knocked you out!*do the chinese battle pose at her*


Meiling:Prepared your maker!*try to punch her but Taihou pull out the knife from between in her breasts then she stopped and terrified*

Taihou:So tell me,where is he~?*point at the knife at her*

Meiling:*her thoughts*She is way more scarier than Sakuya...



I scream out of hiding spotted then i run away and Taihou saw me running away

Taihou:I found you,get back here my love and we're going to the honeymoon~*start chasing me*

Me:*offscreen*SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!

Meiling was fainted then Sakuya was facepalm and sighed

Sakuya:You had one job Meiling.

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