I got a problem

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Hi lads! How's it going so far?

Ok, so by the title, you know that I have a problem. And I AM HAVING A BIG PROBLEM. As you know, I can update with my phone, but the NicoMakiXHusband story and the FIFA 17 one (which is basically another NicoMaki but in Vietnamese), to add pictures and possibly Youtube URL as well, I have to use my laptop. It got a bit of problems lately, unstable internet, can't reinstall my favorite game, osu!. So I decided to reset my laptop, and I chose to repair the drives as well.

Everything was going well, UNTIL THE (C:) DRIVE. It said 100% complete on that, but it stopped from 4AM to 8PM yesterday on that part! I tried to turn off the lap but when I turned it back on, the screen was black with the loading circle just run endlessly at the bottom!

I use Windows 10 and now I'm really panic. I will possibly can't update at least for the next few days.

What should I do? Please help.

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