My past...

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I'm not feeling like writing these days. The weather has changed a lot in Vietnam recently and that makes me feel really tired. But anyways, I just want to show you my other side - my past, my family and everything you cannot see through my writings on Wattpad.

I was born on April 18th 2001. My dad later on said that I was very lucky; my mother used to destroy (or something like that) 2 children in her stomach since the family was too poor, and he had to encouraged her to let me live. When I was only 4 years old, I could speak fluently. My house back then was really small. There were only 2 floors, and the upper "floor" actually was just a small room for my mother to prepare for her lessons.
My mom was a teacher. A Literature teacher at a secondary school. And my father is a doctor. Our family was small but full of laughs and happiness.
But, not everything is pink. I still remember once I was so naughty that my dad locked me outside of the house and I had to stay there for like - I don't know - 15 minutes? I was so energetic and hype for activities that when my dad was cleaning the house, he warned me about the wet floor but I was too young to understand, so I usually played football indoors and mostly fell out and bumped my head really hard against the floor. And that's really hurt.
When I was about 6 or 7, our family moved to our old grandparents' house, which is my house now. And I started school that time. I failed entering Nguyen Sieu Primary School but gained entrance at M.V.Lomonosov Primary School. I was thinking, my school life is gonna be so cool with lots of new friends, teachers and great lessons.
Until I got a traffic accident. Right at my first day at school. A scooter motorbike against a school bus.

The only thing I remember is that I was on a taxi with mother and 2 other people, my white shirt was stained in blood and my right cheek felt really hurt. And then I was on a hospital, everyone in my family was there, my grandad was crying because he thought I was dead. And to be honest with you guys, I was so close to death. I was so lucky that I fell and passed out at the side of the bus.
After that, I had to stay home for like a year or something. My right cheek, which was operated, is now having a small scar that will probably go with me for the rest of my life. 

You guys have like a full family, your mom and your dad love you the most, and in those primary years, you always fell very energetic and excited for everything. You always want to go outside as well!
I used to be like that.
Until 2 years after that accident happened.
The worst thing that a child could ever imagined. 
It stroke on me.

That was March 14th 2010. After the trip to the circus, I went back to school with my class and I was about to have my delicious lunch when suddenly, my uncle called a day off for me. We went to a taxi, it took us to a hospital. Everyone was there again. And do you know what I saw?

My mother's corpse. Not exactly but nearly a corpse. She's about to die. 
And about 2 years ago, my dad finally told me about my mom's death. He's also not sure, but it was something related to cancer.

Why didn't anyone tell me about this earlier? Why did mom had such a terrible condition but she still took me to the beach when I was in Grade 2? Why didn't she tell me?
Or was I too young too understand everything?...
I was so shocked that I couldn't say anything. Later on, when I was waiting outside with some of my relatives, the doctors put my mom in a van. Everyone was crying. And 2 days later, my mom's funeral was made. I didn't know anything but the feeling of a child whose mom wasn't holding them and have fun with them. When the van was going and the small car which I was in going behind, I was screaming and crying in pain: "GIVE ME BACK MY MOM!!!!!" and everyone had to calm me down. And the moment the whole family went to the final destination - the graveyard, I finally realized in shock and the most painful way you could ever imagined.
My mother...
She has left me...

After what happened, in the next 4 years, I became silent. I hardly went out. I hardly smiled or laugh. I learned nothing rather than school knowledges. After school, I just went home immediately. I didn't want to talk to anyone from my classmates and just put myself in a shell (If anyone of you watch Love Live!, I was literally Nozomi Tojo those days). And ever since then, I became cocky. I lost my temper easily and ready to fight with anyone. I'm a boy, but I used to cry a lot. But nevertheless, my result in school was perfect, especially English (When I was in Grade 4, I got a total score of 98% on the final summary of both semester, which included a 100% score in first semester).

When I was in Grade 7, my father married another woman. She is really nice, tho. She used to go out with me a lot and took me to a lot of places. A year ago, in February 27th, I got a great news: I had a little brother! He's really naughty and cries a lot, but that's kids, eh? And other than that, everything was normal. I still got good grades, average life with the Windows Phone Lumia 525.

Until that happened again.
This time, is my great grandmother.
I and dad still met her the previous day, she was still healthy. She still talked with us peacefully and happily. At 3AM next day, she still went out for a toilet. But in the morning... my younger brother (my aunt's son) called her for taking him to school and... she never woke up to do that ever again.
I literally was at school when I heard the news. I had to take a day off the next day because I was too shocked.
Two pains that can never be healed...
For only a 15-year-old boy...
That was just out of the limit.

I passed out in the middle of great grandma's funeral. And everyone had to take me inside.

That's the worst 2 things happened for now. I don't even know what will happen in the future.

All right, now to my other side - the side you can never found out if I haven't released this chapter. I'm actually a person with a lot of inner thoughts. I always think about my future, if I can get any jobs, if I can marry anyone, and also how I will die. I'm not lying. I am literally thinking about that RIGHT NOW.
I always think that if one day, I suddenly disappear in this world, who will take on my works? Who will finish my dream of becoming a Youtuber and traveling to other countries? Who will take on lessons of Photoshop for me?...
I can't get rid of those feeling. It just... Really deep.
And also about how I can help the family. My family is not rich (Last chapter for anyone didn't know), and I always think about how to help them. What can I do? Can I do work experience? Can I work and study at the same time in college? Can I do work experience right in summer vacation? And if I can, what will I do?.... All of those questions just stuck in my head for a long time. And yet, I still can't find the answer.
One more thing, I'm 15 now, nearly 16, and I know the feeling of love and being loved by another people. Yes, I don't have a girlfriend. I'm currently single. And this might be a bit embarrassing but, I still have a habit of hugging a body pillow when I sleep.

Alright, that's all for now. I don't feel like writing these days, and I'm still currently stuck with the ideas of my other story: "NicoMaki: Our Surprising And Unexpected Husbands", I will try my best, but I think now is not the time. Through this story, I just want to let you guys know one thing.

You are very lucky to have both mom and dad, healthy and happy. If there's a person who can't even buy an ASUS phone, then don't always ask "Where's my money?" after you do the housework. 
You are lucky than a lot of people in this world.

I don't want to like, take sorry and pity from you. This is just a chapter telling you about everything I've been through and also to let you know: There is always an other side of a person that you can never find out, except when you're his/her best friend, or lover, and ready to share anything with you when he/she's down.

Thank you for reading. Nguyen Cong Huan now signed out. Peace.

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