Transfer Market in School Idol Festival?

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Okay, so this is a thing that I've really concerned about during yesterday, and I feel like I should give an opinion about it.

PS: Share this on your story maybe, especially Wattpad-ers who plays SIF or have a huge amount of followers that play SIF such as Not_Sacchan (known as YFG-chan), Lunar_NightMinami_Kotori, or even my fellow Wattpad-ers like nicodumbass2207, Mialitana and YukiNghuyen246.


All right, so let's get started. If you don't know, I am a big fan of football/soccer or anything you'd call it. And of course, in real-life football, and other sports, there are transfers. Transfers are when a player moves from one club to another, where the selling club gives the player and the buying club pays an amount of money, the number is usually confirmed between the two teams before.

Games also have this feature. Players across the world use in-game money to buy players that others sell. In result, there are hundreds, thousands and even millions of transfers happen every day in game. We call that transfer market.

How the transfer market works (sorry because Vietnamese) - Player Lists

A specific player that I chose with his price

Sell your players. There are transfer fees goes to the company makes this game. You can play as a VIP member (VIP Card - In the Shop) or play in special gaming houses that has the company's computer service to reduce the transfer fees

So, you're probably asking: What the hell is this and how it's related to Love Live? Well, what I've thought is a combination between football and idol world. I called it "Crossover Game Features". In other words, I want a Transfer Market in Love Live! School Idol Festival.

(I dont't have Photoshop skills - which I really want to learn, so I can't fully demonstrate what I'm saying. Sorry :( )  

No, not like those doujins that reflect the dark side of idols. It's just that you use your current money in-game to buy cards that you want to improve your team and for idolizing.

How will this work? Basically, you stuck in one of two (or even both) of these situations:
1. You have one or more cards that you have idolized, maxed out level and you don't use them anymore. But you have already maxed out everyone else as well and you don't want to sell your cards for Gs or feed them to a Normal (except you're a dumbass)
2. You have a bunch of unidolized cards, and you have some problems. You don't have any stickers left, you don't have other same cards to idolize, and you've wait endlessly to get your favorite set to get rid of those cards, but it's not happening yet. Of course, you don't want to get rid of your current cards.
Note that you have a decent amount of Love Gems and Golds.

You already know that in SIF, there is a Sticker Shop. You use Stickers to get stuffs in that shop like cards, supporting members, scouting coupons... But the only way to get those stickers is that, you have to sacrifice your cards in training/practice. Not to mention that Promo URs don't give anything! 

The Sticker Shop rarely updates

So, the Transfer Market that I said should solve those problems. You post a card on the transfer market with a price, then list it. There will be a price range for different cards. The price will base on:

- Rarity
- Fan favorite (That card is used by a majority of players)
- Affects that comes from other cards (For example, the new set comes out means that players will spend on those more, which also means most of the older cards will reduce their price)
- Other stuffs that I haven't thought about yet.

This can be the Search Engine for LLSIF Transfer Market in my opinion

For this market, you can use Gold, or even Love Gems to buy cards! The opposite can also be done! Which means you can get Love Gems from cards. Jesus Christ!

Every card has a limit of time that represents how long they appears on the transfer market, not like the football game I mentioned above (well I play 2 football games, this and the one called "FIFA Mobile" on my phone. Well they're both FIFA :) )

FIFA Mobile Search Engine 

What I'm gonna say is applying the FIFA Mobile market rule to School Idol Festival. When searching for a card, you have 2 options:
- Bid on it until the time ends. The person with the highest bid will win the card. 
- Buy it immediately.

Make your luck in the bids or become "instant noodles"

Just imagine that you post a Maki card for this:
Starting Price: 150 Love Gems
Buy Now: 200 Love Gems
And you post it for 8 hours.
Other players will then have two options: Bid on the card, starts from 150 Gems, then goes up to 155, 160, 175... or buy it straight away for 200 (which most players will do) in a limit of 8 hours.

Firstly, I think about the stuffs that you can post on this Transfer Market.
I came up with this:
- Idol cards
- Supporting members
- Scouting assistants (Coupons or Tickets)
Just like the Sticker Shop, but you have more options in case you're saving for Stickers.

Price Ranges (my first thoughts) are gonna be:

Idol Cards:
- Normals: < 10000 Gs (Unidolized) ; 10000 - 100000 Gs (Idolized)
- Rares: 100000 - 1000000 Gs or < 10 Gems (Unidolized) ; 1000000 - 2500000 Gs or 10 - 25 Gems (Idolized)
- Super Rares: 1000000 - 10000000 Gs or 10 - 50 Gems (Unidloized) ; 10000000 - 2500000 Gs or 50 - 100 Gems (Idoized)
- Super Super Rares (KLab needs a better name): 10000000 - 100000000 Gs or 100 - 250 Gems (Unidolized) ; 100000000 - 250000000 Gs or 250 - 500 Gems (Idolized)
- Ultra Rares: > 100000000 Gs or 500 - 1000 Gems (Unidolized) ; 150000000 - 500000000 Gs or 1000 - 5000 Gems (Idolized)

Just imagine how much gems I will have if the Transfer Market apply to SIF...  

Support Members:
- Rares: < 10000 Gs
- Super Rares: 10000 - 50000 Gs or 50 - 100 Gems
- Ultra Rares: 50000 - 100000 Gs or 100 - 200 Gems

Scouting Assistants:
- Scouting Coupon: 30000 - 50000 Gs or 30 - 50 Gems
- Scouting Ticket: 50000 - 150000 Gs or 50 - 100 Gems

Promo Ultra Rares will be Untradeable (Which means you can't sell them on the Transfer Market)


If the Transfer Market apply to School Idol Festival, the day we have this kind of team will not be too far away anymore :)

That's all for now. Hopefully you guys all understand my crossover features. There will be a Part 2 about this, so stay tuned.

Tell me what you think, I appreciate all the comments.

Would you want a Transfer Market in School Idol Festival?

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