SIF Updating

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These days I'm pretty stressful about school... so this is one of my ways to breakout of it.
First is about recent scouts.
Jesus, my luck in this game is actually not bad at all!

Yeah I got these 2 as well but I forgot to screenshot it

Idolized Umi into (what version is this?) *Something* Dancing, like Indian dance where Kotori is an UR? I don't even know.

Secondly, live shows. I'm like, a Master master right now (ha, get it? XD) These songs are not un-FC-able like many of you might suffer.
I mean, they're just 10-11 stars...

Also, I got a B combo run on Susume - Tomorrow. The reason for this, and also for the excuse that I ALMOST failed at the end, is because I have really sweaty hands. Like legit, my hands are sweating even from typing this story. The screen got really watery at the end of the song, and I kid you not, I HAVE LIKE 10 STAMIMA AT THE END OF THAT SONG. I was so close to fail.

There's a possibility this song is a 700-combo run song. Do you agree?

Finally, the event that is on-going.
Among all tpyes of event that is available in SIF, I officially find Challenge Festival my favorite.
I mean, take a look.

Just got this a few minutes ago, a bit hyped since Rin is my least favorite (least favorite, NOT WORST)

I don't know if I had a new phone earlier, things like this would happen more often in like, Token or Score Match or not, but seriously, this cost me only 2-3 weeks to play (that time has also included the times I had to study) so if the whole week was a break, I'd have completed it sooner.

And for anyone asking, no I don't care about bloodbaths or card wars or rankings or anything like that. The reason I play this game is only for fun, and also to experience the feelings of old Love Live fans throughout the songs and welcoming the new squad, Aqours, since I'm pretty much late to Love Live (I started to found out about them last April or June, when I heard that they had done their Final Live and officially disappeared in idol world. Sad days :( )

That's all for now. Hope you have an amazing weekend, share this to your SIF friends, and I'll see you in my future work.

Singing out.

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