When Love Live goes wild - Part 4

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Everyone: Who?

Riko: It's funny how Chika's mom looks younger than her, right?
Nico: You know that is just a support member, don't you?
Yohanne: Well... It helps, though.
Riko: Yeah! And I even have a few more.

Eli: Oh my... It must be 20... No, more than 20! How the heck do you have so much of them??
You: Probably that's why her account doesn't worth too much.
Nico: Yeah, unlike somebody here... (looks at Maki with a derp smile)
Maki: Uehhhh?????
Dia: Oh wait! I saw those women at the Love Live Movie, they'd even took part in one of your songs!

(Correct me if I'm wrong)

Aqours: Wow.... Legends!

Arisa: (suddenly walks in) What is everyone talking about?
Eli: Support members in LLSIF, Arisa!
Kanan: They're such legends to me.
Arisa: What type of support is that?
Umi: Ultra Rares. Like in our cards!
Arisa: (looks) Holy mothers.
Chika: They're such legends, like their daughters even they didn't take part in Love Live!
Arisa: (turns to Aqours and smiles) I didn't know they had legends on this game!


If you don't get it, you're not a fan of SIF

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