When Love Live goes wild - Part 3

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Nico: Hey look guys!
Ruby: Eh? Me?
Nico: What a cute lolicon! (Pats Ruby's head)
Ruby: Em... Etou... (blush)
Everyone was saying about how cute Ruby was, except Arisa.
Eli: Arisa? Why are you having that look?
Arisa: To be honest, onee-chan, I think she and Nico have some kind of relationship...
Nico: (laughs) That's impossible! How come I and her related to each other like that? We're different groups, you know?
Arisa: Why not, Nico-sama? Aren't you a lolicon as well?

Muse & Aqours: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.............myyyyyyyyyyy...........goddddddddddd.............

Eli: Arisa?!?!?! Who told you that?!?!?!
Arisa: Her girlfriend?
Aqours: HOLY **** YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!?!

Nico: (stares at Maki) Hmmmm.......
Maki: ............. Well that was embarrassing :)

Arisa: And oh, thank you for the school visit invitation, Aqours!
Chika: No problem! What was your favorite part/room/person throughout the tour?
Maki: I'd go for the music room and Riko. She likes music and plays the piano like me!
Nico: Probably Yohanne.
Umi: Just because you two are both cancer, isn't it?
Nozomi: (comforts) Don't worry Umi-chan, we all know what is it.
Umi: Thanks Nozomi... By the way, I like Kanan-chan's personality. She likes the sea.
Kanan: Oh :) Thanks, Umi.
Arisa: That is so cool! Not to mention she has a whole squad of die-hard fans who want to see her!
Aqours: WTF?!?!?! Where did you get that from?!?!
Arisa: Don't you see that she disappears most of the time in Season 1?!?!?
Aqours: (Laughs like hell) OH MY GOD!!!! THIS LITTLE GIRL IS INSANE!!!
Eli: (laughing inside while holding this face)

Mari: Let her be, Eli-san :D I like this girl!
Eli: She's never been like this even when we hang out together! 
You: Maybe that's another side of her? You know, Badass Russians?
Eli: HEY!!! Where did you learn that???
Umi: (sigh) Who else...
Arisa: Ehehe~ ^^'
Nozomi: Anyways... If I have to go for what or who I like... Hmmmm.... Yoshiko's devil summon power and Kanan's... you know what I mean :)
Yohanne: It's YOHANNE, goddamnit Nozo!!!
Eli: I like Mari the best. We can learn about each other's countries! I would love to know how Italy is.
Mari: I've always wanted to travel to Russia ever since I meet you and the rest of Muse. It's surely gonna be a great place!
Arisa: Yep, and really cold as well. (Eli: Uh huh - nods in agreement)
Honoka: I like Chika's personality! We have a lot of similarities!
Umi: Including your study results, heh?
Honoka & Chika: UMI-CHAN!!!!! ><
Kotori: Now now Umi-chan~ By the way, one thing I really like are your costumes for the live! I saw your First Live event and it was awesome!
Umi: Always the clothes, huh Kotori?
Riko: Does she actually likes them that much?
Umi: Well, she our main outfit designer, so...
Aqours: Woooaaaahhhhh
Nico: Rin? Pana? Hardly see you talk in a while.
Rin: Oh! Gomen! Well, about Aqours... I'd go for Hanamaru. Not going to lie, I would listen to her "zura" for a whole day. And her... wait...
HONKY!! I thought you and Zuramaru are the same?!?!
Muse: Zuramaru???
Hanamaru: Oh :) Everyone in Aqours call me like that. But what do I and her (point at Honk) have in gerenal?
Rin: Both of you love bread! Remember?
Honoka: WHAT?!?!?! REALLY?!?!?!?!
Dia: She eats LOADS of them every-possible-time-and-place.
Hanamaru: Well I do but... WHAT THE!
(Honk tackle hugs Zuramaru)
Hanamaru: UFH!!!!!!
(Muse and Aqours laugh)
Hanayo: For me... Etou... I personally find Ruby fits me the most. She and I both had to overcome ourselves in becoming school idols like everyone.
Ruby: I feel happy because everyone was there cheering and supporting me the whole time. That gave me the courage I need to continue being an idol.
Hanayo: Yep! Me too!

After a while of chatting...
Kanan: I've just realized, our school fund has been going down pretty much recently. Anyone knows why?
Arisa: Well why don't you ask Dia-sama?
Dia: ME?!?!? Well... um....
Arisa: Don't be shy, Dia-sama! You invited me to your school's office. It was really cool!
Dia: NO, BUT-
Arisa: You had a full stock of pictures, posters and idol-related stuffs!
Mari: That's normal, but...
Arisa: You guys know SIF - School Idol Festival? That music game?
Aqours & Muse: Yeahhhh?
Arisa: Dia has a full team of Ultra Rares there! And she's only at level 10!
Aqours & Muse: WHATTTTTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!
NicoMaki: Holy Shit...
Arisa: You want to know the funny bit?
Aqours & Muse: What is it?
Arisa: The posters, the figures, the UR team.... (shouts) EVERY SINGLE BIT OF THOSE THINGS RELATE TO MY SISTER!!!!!!
Dia: (tries to calm herself) Ehem... (keeps straight face) How would you prove it anyways?
Kanan: Well we DON'T need those anymore becau-
Arisa: Prove? 

(Shows phone up and access to her pictures)



The gang ended up shouting, screaming and laughing
Dia just putting her "50+1 shades of red" face in Ruby's shoulder

At the end, when everyone was bidding goodbyes...

Dia: Eli-sama... I'm sorry....
Eli: Wow. Never thought I would have such a fan like that!
But I like it! And don't just think about me. You have an amazing future in front of you! If you like me and want to become me one day, you should put that into action and improve yourself non-stop. Keep being the "Big Sis" for Aqours and looking after them! I have faith in you. Good luck, Dia-san!
Um... thank you, Eli-sama... It's been a pleasure... (blush really hard)

Dia was about to leave...

Eli: DIA, WAIT!!! Have you got a photo, picture or something?
Dia: Well, I have one here, it's your best picture in my opinion... (gives out photo)
Eli: (smiles) Perfect!

Out of nowhere, Eli took out a pen and, in front of Dia's shocked face and the awe from everyone in Muse and Aqours, she signed it.

When Dia realized what has happened, she jumped around like a pillow been thrown everywhere. What's been even crazier...

Eli pecked Dia in the cheeks.


Dia fainted.

Eli: Eh?!?!?!
Dia: (mummurs) No regrets...

Aqours & Muse (including Eli): (laughs like hell)
Arisa: (tries to talk with a painful stomach from laughing) Maki-sama, we need medic!
Maki: (still laughing) Okay okay XD Here I am XD

At home that night...
Eli: Jesus christ Arisa... Where have you learnt all those insults?
Arisa: Yukiho? Maybe? But mostly just from Nico and everyone else, basically.

Eli: Arisa...
Arisa: What, onee-chan?

Eli: Teach me some of those. So I can deal with haters.
Arisa: And rapers as well.

- High Five! -

PS: To nicodumbass2207 This might be a good story for your Love Live Random! XD

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