Christmas Tag

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I got tagged by Demi-witch_hunter again. Thanks, Brooke! These are really fun even if I don't know what to say.

Rules: Must do it by Christmas or Christmas eve.
Must tag at least five people.

Question One: Who would you want to be under the mistletoe with?

Emma Watson or Matt Smith. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again. They are hot.

Question Two: Favorite holiday tradition?

Opening one gift on Christmas eve. It's always my siblings and my new Christmas pajamas. My mom usually does a pretty good job picking out pajamas we like. I also really like staying up almost all night on Christmas eve helping my mom wrap Christmas presents.

Question Three: Favorite person on Wattpad?

Um... I'm going to be shot over this. 😂 But honestly, I can't just choose one person. There are so many great people on here and great writers! I guess I'll say everyone that I follow?

I tag:
JMpieguy2001 (sorry I keep tagging you)

Please don't do it if you don't want to!

Peace out and stay awesome!

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