Today is Officially International Tag Day

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*smiles evilly*
Let's get started!
Oh yeah, I was tagged by CanYouNotRightNow

1. What's the first cartoon you've ever watched? Honestly, I never really watched cartoons unless the shows on Nick Jr. and Sprout count. I would have to say I believe it was Sesame Street.

2. What's your favorite cartoon? I don't really watch cartoons...

3. Favorite male character? 😐😐😐 Why you do dis? *takes a deep breath* NicoWillLeoPercyFrank. That counts as one person right?

4. Favorite female character? *takes another deep breath* ReynaAnnabethHazelThaliaLouEllenPhoebeZoëBiancaetc. .... That also counts as one person.

5. What's a cartoon I want to see? I don't really know... I don't watch much TV.

6. Who is your crush? Don't have one.

7. Who's your favorite ship? SOLANGELO (it'll change sooner or later, but I'm obsessed.)

8. Cartoon you don't like? Sponge Bob. Oh my gods it is literally the most stupid show in human creation. (No offense to you people who like the show.)

9. Who's your favorite villain? I would have to say probably Luke even though he wasn't really a villain in the end. He did piss me off a lot. I still don't understand why Annabeth was infatuated with him. However, he was a good kid. *sniffles* R.I.P. Luke.

10. What's your favorite funny scene? Leo and Percy. Yes, they count as scenes because since they are main characters, they show up in a majority of the scenes. Those two will be the death of me. Also, (ToA spoiler) when Will introduced Nico as his boyfriend.

11. What's your favorite suspense/shock scene? *snorts* A good suspense/shock scene? You do realize I am Percy Jackson trash right? Dear old Uncle Rick doesn't write good suspense/shock scenes. They're terrible! Rick Riordan is a freaking troll! (HoO spoilers) Between Percy and Annabeth falling into Tartarus, Bryce showing up and cutting Reyna, and then Leo dying?! *takes a deep breath* Sorry. I shall not rant right now. *glares at Uncle Rick*

12. Favorite sad scene? (HoO spoiler) Percy and Annabeth telling the stars Bob says hello. *starts sobbing uncontrollably*

13. Who's your favorite character? *sighs* Okay characters. Please don't kill me. Wait, you're all demigods so... Hades please have mercy on my soul.
I would have to say either Nico, Reyna, Annabeth, or Leo. *struggles because there are so many good characters*

14. What cartoon do you get tired of watching? I don't watch cartoons.

15. What's your favorite animal? Either a horse, bird, or a dog.

16. What's a cartoon with the best quality animation? *shrugs* You'll have to ask my friends Ninja-Of-Creation and nightshade5767

17. Favorite male and female side characters? Will Solace and Lou Ellen

18. Who's your favorite irrelevant character? I'm going to have a lot of people fight me here in a second, so I'm not replying to any comments related to this question.
Ron Weasley.

19. What's a character you don't look like? I would say all of them except possibly Reyna. Although, she has long hair, and I have really short hair.

20. Who's your favorite crazy character? Dalek Supreme (the one who went crazy in The Stolen Earth and Journey's End)

21. Favorite main character? I won't waste your time. Just look back up to all of the other favorite character questions 😂

22. Who's the strongest character? There are a lot of really strong characters, but I'm going to have to go with Nico.

23. Who's the loveliest character? Um... I'm... Um...


That's my answer.

Moving on.

24. Who's the most handsome? *falls to knees* I DO NOT WISH TO DIE TODAY!!!

*sniffles* same answer as number 23.

25. Favorite power/skill? I can't really just pick one. I guess some of my top favorites would be shadow travel, flying, raising the dead, regeneration (Doctor Who), turning invisible, changing into different animals, and a lot of others.

*pats down self* THE GODS HAVE MERCY!!! I'M A- *gets shot by lightening* Thanks, Zeus.

Anyway, I'm only tagging a few people because this took forever to do 😂 You don't have to do it if you don't want to!

Demi-witch_hunter (hee hee *evil smirk*)

Peace out and stay awesome!

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