Tag 27 or something (It's 26 I checked)

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Why was uploading this one picture so fucking annoying?


1. Bored as all hell

2. Coca-cola

3. I would say the blood of my enemies, but Maze basically made that joke, so...

Reaction pictures I guess.

4. The only person who has tagged me outside of Wattpad is  and even then it was like one time. So, uh, nobody?

5. I'm assuming this means 20th down the list, in which case I am not going to name her, but 

Here's her pfp I guess. It's just a photoshop of her original pfp with a santa hat I made for her a few weeks ago.

A line about her. I mean, I haven't known her that long so I don't really have any deep thoughts or anything, but she's chill. We talk about anime sometimes.

6. There isn't one. We're all too stupid to be an Einstein.

7. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

I think that should suffice.

8. I know English and I'm... decent... at Spanish but also not really.


...is usually my answer but I've actually been really enjoying photography this year.


Christ why did I do this? Literally nobody gives a rhino's right asscheek about this book.

Ok uh Happy New Year Everyone.


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