My Season 4 AU Interviews - Part 3

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*Rumor would come sit down*

Ryousuke: Hello Rumor, that's a great name you have.

Rumor: Thanks.

Ryousuke: So can you tell me a bit about yourself?

Rumor: Yes I'm a celebrity doing celebrity things. 

Rumor: I'm a well liked person from where I live. 

Rumor: I dreamed of becoming a singer everyone would love listening to.

Ryousuke: Great, what else do you wanna tell me?

Rumor: Now I heard about this Disventure Camp show when my brother who doesn't usually like being in the spotlight, had me watch one of the episodes where the characters were singing and stuff. 

Rumor: I'm not gonna lie it was really awesome. (😎)

Ryousuke: It was, which team's song was your favorite?

Rumor: Yellow Team's it just had some amazing lyrics and beat. And the fact one of the lights fell on Yul's foot was a funny scene.

Ryousuke: So what's your reason on joining this season?

Rumor: After watching every episode of Seasons 1 - 3, I've been intrigued in this one character, Ellie Parker. 

Rumor: Seeing how desperate she is to win a million dollars. Which made me see how some people unfortunately don't have a home to live in or food to put on a plate... (😔)

Rumor: That's why I will join the show. If I win I'll donate 10k to every homeless person I find.

Ryousuke: Love the confidence, I'm sure you have a chance to win.

Rumor: Really?! Well this makes me more excited! (🤩)


Headcanons about Rumor...

- She believes that Disventure Camp is scripted and staged.

- She usually goes shopping to improve her mood.

- Sometimes she's worried about her clothes, nails or hair getting messed up.


*Timothy would come and sit down.*

Ryousuke: Hello Timothy. 

Timothy: I go by Tim actually.

Ryousuke: Right. So Tim, why do you wanna join Disventure Camp War and Drama?

Timothy: Well... when I was younger I used to cause a lot of trouble, yep a lot. I piss off my parents a lot. 

Timothy: In which, they don't usually believe I could go a day without being troublesome. (😕)

Timothy: I also got this brother Jeremy, who always snitches on me and it gets quite annoying. (😒)

Timothy: And when he's the one causing trouble, my parents would always find a way to put the blame on me. 

Timothy: Which is probably why I moved out at the age of 17 to go live with my uncle and aunt.

Ryousuke: Your family isn't good.

Timothy: I know, I heard they're going through rehab after my old classmate's parents decided they needed a fix on their behavior.

Timothy: I probably wouldn't be able to see them because I'm in college which is far from where I used to live growing up and I live in a dorm room.

Timothy: But anyways don't wanna go off topic, I wanna join a show where I can have some fun. Prank people and compete in competition. I mean my pranks are harmless so they wouldn't care.

Ryousuke: Ok then. 


Headcanons about Timothy...

- He still has his old box of pranks and usually refills it.

- He usually makes slime in the dorm room to possibly sell to people.

- He loves prank calling bars and giving them joke names to yell out.


*Blake would come in and sit down.*

Ryousuke: Hey there Blake, glad to see you here.

Blake: Fellow greetings to you too.

Ryousuke: So tell me why do you wanna join Disventure Camp War and Drama?

Blake: To fill my father's legacy.

Blake: See, I work as an accountant in a company called Haruhiko Productions.

Blake: I'm a hard worker and I do everything to make sure my employees and I run smoothly.

Blake: I would never go against my father.

Ryousuke: I see, and I guess you'd be able to beat 19 other people here then?

Blake: Trust me, I'd do anything here, even if it means eliminating some innocent opponents just for a cash prize.

Ryousuke: Love the confidence.

Ryousuke: I just got one more question for you.

Blake: That is?

Ryousuke:..... What's your working hours?

Blake: 9 to 5.


(TW: Abuse)

Headcanons about Blake...

- Just like Lake, he won't admit at first that his dad is abusive.

- If you see a man flying through the air that's probably Blake, as he knows how to make himself fly using a small bomb and knows how to land safely.

- His favorite food is kebabs.


*Cassie would then sit down.*

Ryousuke: Hello there Cassie.

Ryousuke: So tell me a bit about yourself.

Cassie: I run an underground fight club after I managed to save enough to buy the area.

Cassie: I then invite people to fight each other and others to bet on who they want to win.

Ryousuke: I see, so any strengths and weaknesses I should worry about?

Cassie: Well for my strengths, it's.... strength. I don't think I got anything else here.

Cassie: Although a weakness is probably my anger issues, I worry it might hurt someone.

Ryousuke: What makes you say that?

Cassie: Well my older brother also has anger issues and as such, he tends to lash out at people who tend to betray him in any way.

Cassie: One time, this guy messed with him and he nearly stole the guy's organs.

Ryousuke: Yikes... I don't want to be his enemy. 

Headcanons about Cassie....

- Besides boxing, she's really skilled in wrestling.

- Her least favorite subject is Math.

- She once went to the hospital after a Karen threw her off the first floor of a mall when she fought with her.

Part 3 is done!

Headcanons were made by me.

Rumor is an oc of DRDCDR

Cassie and Timothy are ocs of Werewolf1363

Blake is an oc of HyperCartoonFan20

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