My thoughts on Episode 1 and 2 of Staff Stories...

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Wolf by the Ears

So we start the story with Jensen after the bus drove off the cliff.

So Jensen escaped and jumped off another cliff and passed out.

Then, he woke up to a wolf and their pup. Which he thought the wolf was attacking him so he slice the wolf's leg,

Then the pup would come at him and well that just gave him memories of him and his sister Natasha running a pet shop and him wanting to save every puppy and give them a happy ending.

Most of it was just him hanging with the wolf and their pup and the flashbacks, but what really shocked me was when wild dogs attacked Natasha and killed her and Rufus the dog that he named ran away.

He managed to bond with the wolf and their pup but later the cops was looking for them. And well... one of the cops shot the wolf and it died.

But don't worry he adopted the pup and named it Rufus after the dog he used to have before.

Not a bad episode, no opinion towards Jensen whatsoever.


Blood Bond

So the scene starts off with a young Kristal making an audition tape to co host at her dad's show

"Race to the Place" 

So after that Kristal wanted to hang with her dad but her dad's bodyguard that's named Howard tells her that the dad is busy with the show. 

Also can y'all believe Kristal knew Nina and Marcus when she was younger? I think? Maybe it's another Marcus idk.

Some bodyguards take Kristal to where she meets up with her dad "Christoff" after quite a while.

He wants to congratulate Kristal on her show and how he wants to start things over.

And not much I wanna discuss about but there's a bowling scene I like.

Anyways the Christoff would then show her daughter a video of her audition tapes and how he watched them and that gave her Disventure Camp because of her hard work. He would then ask her to be a co host for Race to the Place, in which she considers, but later when get got on the plane, she decides not to go with it because she considers Marcus, Nina and Oliver as family. Kristoffer respects her decision and decides to leave. 

I love how he doesn't remember Oliver with how much interns he probably has.

And that's it.

I have no opinion on Christoff.

But solid episode, this was probably uploaded when The Promised Doll came out, but I'll talk about it after I watch First Mis-Introductions.

Oh and I'm still working on my TD x DC Elimination Order, but it'll come soon. Just give me some time.

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