Addressing nicknames, venting, and my slow updates

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I'm about to update some shitttttt -_-


First thing that I've been doing recently

I decided to rewatch the entirety of Underverse and XTale

I wanna cri ;^;

So yeah umm... go watch that if you haven't already (lemme just say for a bigger emotional impact, watch Underverse first and then the prequel that is XTale... it hits so much harder that way and XTale did come out after Underverse despite being a prequel 😂)

Another thing

I have an AP Gov exam on Monday at 3pm central time. Fuck.

I was studying way too much today so my head hurt from it 😓 Shaye knows since I was on a call with her for maybe half an hour right after that long few hour study session.. :/

What else... oh

Something I wanna address...

What people call me

As many of you already know, my real name is Olivia. Some people still call me Sweggy on here, and that's completely fine. I'm used to both, and that's okay ^^

However... there are nicknames that people made I'm not really comfortable with...

Or sometimes it depends on the person that calls me a specific nickname

For example, I would feel very uncomfortable if anyone else except only certain people called me Olive Oil. That nickname is reserved for close irl friends (especially Claudia and Caden since they both called me that very often) and Shaye since I got used to her calling me that sometimes too 😅 anyone else calling me that would make me feel very uncomfortable

Another one is Olive Garden. Claudia calls me that, sometimes the same people who also call me Olive Oil will, too. I know that some of the Hooligans also started calling me that (without Claudia's influence) so they're allowed to call me that. But again, if a random person on the internet was to go like "Hi Olive Garden, how's it going?" I would be very concerned, and also very very scared—

And then there's Bartholomew. Don't ask. Only some know the context. And literally only one person is allowed to call me that, and that person is Tina, because I'm allowed to call her her old embarrassing YouTube channel name :)))

There's also Sweglivia, which at first I was kinda weirded out by, but I ended up being kinda okay with it as long as it was only Sophie calling me that because she made the nickname up.

And finally, there's Oliwcia (to you guys better speller Olivcha) which is only reserved for Claudia or any super close Polish friends that have called me that before, like my old friend D. No, her name doesn't start with a D, I actually call her D to avoid confusion between her and my sister since her name is also Claudia. So the two Claudias are allowed to call me that because Polish nicknames are fun among Polish people.

Now onto nicknames I'm not okay with being called, even by close friends.

I hate being called Olive. I hate it. Olive Oil and Olive Garden are different bc those are inside jokes, but Olive by itself I just hate. It just makes me shudder when someone calls me that, idk why.

I also hate Livvy. In seventh grade there were popular guys that called me that and no one else, so I was okay with them calling me that, but no one has ever called me that since then, and a certain bitch I was once friends with tried to make up nicknames for me and this was one of them, and I was like "nope—"

And... I guess in general I hate my name being shortened. I hate the nicknames Liv, Oli (whether it's pronounced Ollie or Oh-lee), Via, Livia, O, etc. I'm just not one of those people that likes shortened versions of their names. I just... I don't like them. I don't exactly know why. I just don't.

I know there were some people that called me some of these, like one weird girl from my school kept calling me Liv or Livvy (and again, calling me Livvy belongs to the three or four popular guys that called me it), and I know I have an internet friend that likes to call me Oli, but... I guess I just thought I would finally address the nicknames I'm not comfortable with so that in the future I don't get called them, and so I don't have to tell people to stop calling me a name that they enjoyed calling me... I feel bad, but at the same time, I'd rather feel more comfortable with my name than be insecure about all the bad nicknames that come with it

So what do I expect most people to call me? Irl, most would call me Olivia. On the internet, I would normally expect Olivia. Only specific close friends (my sister, the neighborhood squad, the Hooligans, and Shaye) are allowed to call me Olive Oil or Olive Garden. And only Tina is allowed to call me Bartholomew. Oliwcia also belongs to only Claudia (she doesn't call me that often, but sometimes we tease each other with our Polish nicknames)

So for the rest of you that don't apply to those... either Olivia or Sweggy is okay ^^ If you're new by chance, please don't shorten my name if we start talking, okay? 😅

If anything, just ask me if I'm okay with being called that before you start calling me something.

Now that the whole nickname insecurity thing is out of the way...

Time to update you guys on my book progress

The new chapter of ATSC is in the works, I just didn't have the time to work on it recently

The same goes for the 06 rewrite.. I'm worried I might become unmotivated to write it, but I would rather force myself to finish the project (bc I'm so far already) than to leave it off to the side and work on other projects, leaving the rewrite to rot in the drafts with all my other scrapped stories. As soon as I'm done with the next ATSC chapter, that's what I'm gonna work on.

Also, that's exactly why ATSC took so long. It wasn't just because of lack of motivation to put the comments together, but it was also because I was busy with the 06 rewrite and I didn't wanna get distracted.

Alright... then there's Art Book 2. Don't worry, it's coming soon. I'll probably finish one more page and then I'll post, idk.

But yeah, that's for the books...

Last thing I wanna address is people bugging me about their personal lives and looking up to me as a therapist all the time.

Look, I'm willing to help my friends when they're struggling, but I also have my own problems to juggle on top of that. So unless you're an irl friend or a QLS member, I'm sorry, but I don't think I have the energy to help more people than I should with their problems, especially since I'm not a professional therapist and again, I have my own problems to juggle and I don't think having to deal with strangers' problems will help my mental state.

(and lemme tell ya, there are two reoccurring people that aren't even my friends that won't stop shoving their problems at me even after showing so much disinterest... my god, what the fuck do I even do anymore?)

So umm...

Yeah, that's my life right now.

So when it comes to me updating books... please be patient. I know it's been a month since the last ATSC chapter, but I seriously need these breaks to recollect myself and get back to writing again. I don't wanna be forced to do something I love, because then I'll lose my love for it.

I hope you all understand, whether it's about the nicknames, the random strangers that vent to me, or my slow updates. Thank you for those of you that are patient, love you guys <3

see ya 👋🏻

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