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I've been meaning to do this for a while.

I'm gonna rewrite Iris.

In the book I wrote for her initially, I made her seem like a Mary Sue (which she isn't supposed to be), so I'm going to tone her down A LOT

Again, I'm no longer an MLP fan, but I still want to give my first OC the proper treatment 😅

But anyway....

Here's a quick doodle of her

So there's the girly

I haven't drawn horse bodies in so long so it looks bad, don't judge me XD

I'm gonna keep her design. I felt like I should've changed it and give her more color, but at the same time, keeping her the way she is would probably satisfy my younger MLP fan self. The only thing I did change was the length and waviness of her hair, but that's not too much


Her coat is white, her markings are black. Woah, so edgy. Her mane's (and tail's) main color is black, but she has thick strands of color in her mane and tail— a rose pink stripe in the middle and a blue one on each side of the pink (with black in between, of course...)

Her eyes are icy blue, but they're much darker around the center of her eye. She's got a cool gradient effect and shit (I really love playing around with color in the eyes, okay? 😂)

So she's obviously a pegasus. Her wings start white but they fade to black at the ends.

Her cutie mark is a black lightning bolt with six dots on the sides and one on the bottom— there are three rose pink dots and four blue dots and it's in an alternating pattern, obviously.

Her hair is still spiky, but I gave more floofiness to her hair since her old hair was literally straight and spiky so she looked much edgier than she should 😅

She's not edgy guys ;-;


Backstory time.

She didn't always have the markings. She was struck by a black lightning bolt with some power in it, and she earned the markings and some magic abilities. She's not as powerful as a regular unicorn, let alone an alicorn, so boom, no more Mary Sue.

See, in the original version, Iris was LITERALLY a Mary Sue. I'm ashamed of it. In the old version, when she was struck by the bolt, Iris earned not only alicorn level powers (that for some reason included shape shifting), but she also got a "dark/evil" side that would take over her when she's angry.

Fuck that shit. I'm not making my girly suffer. However, what I can do is after the lightning bolt strike, she hasn't really been the same. Iris became more anxious and very paranoid, and she started receiving nightmares about her powers possibly becoming too much for her (though she's not even that powerful in the first place). So she fears even trying to levitate an object for her own benefit. However, she will use the power she has whenever she needs to.

So what did I change so far?

- she still has magic, but she's nowhere near as powerful as an alicorn (for those of you who don't know, the only alicorns in the series are Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight Sparkle, and Flurry Heart... and FH IS POWERFUL AS FUCK)

- no evil side, but she'll have negative mental effects from the strike due to the nightmares she'd receive.

Alright, onto her friends.

SHE'S NOT BESTIES WITH THE MANE SIX! I don't care what her original story said, she's not! Not even all of my middle school friends' OCs are her best friends (Melody Storm, Aura Moon, Night Slash, Believber (Wow Evelyn XD), Rivermist, Paris... I cant remember if there were any more.)

I made this choice because I feel like their characters don't have any personality to them, because they didn't even develop their characters too much.

So this is why Iris's best friends are the ones from OC stories. Even though those OCs belonged to my old friends, I drew them and created them for them, so if they disown the OCs, they're technically mine. Therefore, Iris's close friends are Emerald Rose, Shadow Flare, Lightning Speed, Solar Dust, Cobalt Blitz, Flower Star, and Thundercloud (he was only briefly mentioned, I never fully designed him or anything)

So even though I'm no longer close friends with any of these people irl, the characters that were created for them (if I'm being honest, some of them didn't know I made them—) are still Iris's close friends. So there.

Lucky Breeze is still Iris's sister (duh, that's Claudia's OC XD)

But yeah. Now that the characters technically belong to me....

Iris is between crushing on Lightning Speed or Cobalt Blitz. Before she became friends with those two, though, she had a crush on Shadow Flare, but her crush eventually wore off.

Even though Cobalt was a jerk to Iris at first, Lightning helped them get along and shit so they're fine now.

Also, if I'm being honest, I kinda ship Solar Dust and Emerald Rose 🤣 in OC stories they were a pretty okay duo XD


So that covers friends

I should cover personality

Iris is a very calm and reserved person— well, pony. She does enjoy spending time with those she loves, but she's more of an introvert and needs her time alone to regain her energy.

She's very cautious with her powers, as stated before, and she tries not to use them recklessly. Since all of her friends happen to be pegasi (I am not kidding, all of those OCs were pegusi), she doesn't get much magic training since she's not close friends with a unicorn, let alone an alicorn, so she's always scared she might do something wrong with them.

Her nightmares also have a psychological effect on her. She always doubts herself and is very humble, and she doesn't take compliments well. Although she enjoys her company, she's not much of a talker (unlike Tidal), and she's more of a listener. She's very understanding, and she's willing to help others, even if she herself isn't in the best state of mind.

Iris has many fears, and her worst one is losing her loved ones. She's an overprotective older sister, and she will protect Lucky no matter what the cost is.

Iris is strong when it comes to standing up for her beliefs and what she thinks is right, but her emotional barriers can only stand for so long. Sometimes she can let her emotions get to her, and accidentally misuses the power she has. Even though her power is not powerful enough to kill someone in one shot, she still feels extreme guilt whenever she loses control.

And no. Losing control of her emotions is NOT because of an "evil side" or anything. Iris is just been putting up with a lot of fears and that's what makes her very anxious about her abilities and about hurting others, so because she's already so emotionally unstable because of the nightmares, she can get ticked off kinda easily. Her friends can easily bring her out of her bad mood though.. She's very moody, in a sense.

Iris is still generally understanding and she always listens to others and is never afraid to help others in need.

Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that she has a red husky, and his name is Sage XD he's not gonna be as hella smart as he was in the book (because trust me... he was acting like he was very professionally trained as a fucking puppy... I'm gonna give him a chance to grow and then he'll become smarter as he grows XD )

And out of my OCs, Iris is the oldest. She's 18 XD

Before we go any further lemme give you guys the map of Equestria (and beyond) ..apparently this is the official version

So Ponyville is somewhat in the middle (which is where Iris lives). It's you guys see that purple mountain in the middle of the land? The town right next to it is Ponyville. You also kinda see Twilight's castle right there XD

Cloudsdale is right above Twilight's castle, and that's where Iris used to live, and she visits her hometown quite often.

Canterlot is the city on that purple mountain with that castle on the side with the waterfall.

That's all I'm gonna name since those are probably gonna be the only important locations for Iris... but trust me, I was a fan for like what, seven to eight years? I know most of the locations on this map, and holy shit Hasbro, you missed so many locations. (Where the hell is the Changeling Kingdom? The Kirins? The Wonderbolts Academy?)

So I'm gonna do the generic "likes and dislikes" thing everyone does with their OCs 🤣

- family/friends and their company
- alone time
- rest
- flying to clear her mind off things
- Sage
- the beach... even though in Equestria you have to travel quite far to her to a fucking beach 🤣 you saw the damn map XD she just likes the sound of the water and all 🤷🏽‍♀️
- nature in general, she finds it relaxing
- music

- her powers (because of the nightmares)
- judgy people— well, ponies
- ponies/other creatures (since there are also griffons, dragons, hippogriffs, Kirins, etc) that won't leave her alone about her powers (she didn't tell many people about them, but boy rumors do spread)
- (at first) Cobalt (because he was initially rude to her, but Lightning helped the two become decent friends)
- Aura Moon (you guys know who's OC that is? XDD imma let you all guess to test our fRiEnDsHiP—)
- loud noises
- lightning (it reminds her how she got her powers in the first place)

So yeah

That's ya girl for ya

If I had to write a whole story about her kinda like how I did the first time, the new and improved one would be how she comes along to finally accept her new powers and overcome her fears, become more in control with her mind.

I'm not at all trying to make her edgy, it just fits Iris's backstory and her design, and one of her key character traits that I did not even change was her being more calm and reserved. She's basically similar to Blaze before Sonic Rush happened in a way— the only difference is that she has friends to help her out, and she doesn't push them away since she knows she can't handle her emotions on her own, and her friends ease up her unstableness.

Listen, the nightmares were harsh for her, okay? XD she's a pegasus with magic that is nowhere near as powerful as an alicorn's, and her nightmares are treating her powers like they're too much.

So if I had to make a story, it would be everyone telling her that her powers are definitely not as dangerous and uncontrollable as her nightmares make them out to be.

There, she's no longer a Mary Sue 🤣

I'm gonna do the same to Ezria, but Ezria's story is kinda tied with Shaye's Undertale OC, Cascade. So when we finish up our notes and everything, I'll update all of you on how the new Ezria is XD


There you go

New and improved Iris Blaze

No longer a Mary Sue, but she still has some elements from her past self (just majorly toned down)


See ya guys 👋🏻

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