horrible decision-

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I'm never letting my mom cut my hair again :)))

Here's the thing about my old hair... I fucking loved it. It was wavy by the roots and it turned into natural beach waves as it got to the ends, and it sometimes even curled on its own. My hair was a little past halfway down my back, and so when I had a high ponytail, it still looked long.

So yesterday I washed my hair and shit and my mom said "I think it's time to cut a little bit it's getting really long"

I've been refusing to cut my hair every time she said to, but this time, I agreed

Now I wish I didn't

So... I told her only a little bit. I even showed her how much, like maybe 2-4 centimeters. Not a lot.


That doesn't seem like a lot, especially when she showed me how much she cut off, BUT HOLY SHIT AFTER THE HAIRCUT I SAW THE EXTREME DIFFERENCE AND NOW I'M SAD.

My hair was something I was actually proud of, it was one of the only things I liked about myself. Now it's gone.

I know it'll grow back, but how long will it take?? Five months? Fuck that shit, I'm gonna be depresso until then. I'm not patient enough for that shit. I just want it to grow back as fast as possible. I miss my beach waves, those were cut off ;-;

It just feels so abnormally thick, and the ends are just.. I know they're healthier which is why they look different, but it's not comfortable to me....

My ponytail looks so ugly now 😭

You know what, fuck it, I'm still drawing my avatar with my old hair -_- because one, it looks better, and two, when my hair grows back to that length, I'm not cutting it that much again. Nope.

Thanks mom. Thanks for getting rid of one of the only things I liked about myself :'))))

And if you guys say I'm being over dramatic and shit, no, I'm just really upset about it, and I think people know that when you're in the moment, everything just seems to be the end of the world even when it isn't. I'm probably gonna calm down about it in like two weeks— actually no, probably two months -_- — but right now I feel super shitty about it and I just know I'm never cutting more than four centimeters again :)

So what did I learn?

I'm not letting my mom cut my hair again, because she does what she wants, not what I want 😒

Alright... what are some other news that you guys would actually care about...


06 rewrite is doing pretty okay. As soon as I get to the editing process, I'll let everyone who volunteered to help with the chapter drawings know what drawings would have to be drawn. Currently on chapter 9.

I'm also super motivated to start writing the swap story and the Forces sequel... but I want to finish the rewrite first so I don't end up putting that project off to the side and never complete it XDD

I'm working on a Sonic as Vines animatic. It's only one vine so far, but I'm giving it a lot of love and I'm gonna post it as its own post because it's just funny and cute 😂😂

I'm gonna work on finishing the 20 art styles challenge next... yikes 😅 I'm probably gonna replace the Steven Universe one with Powerpuff Girls since I can't seem to draw a fucking face that would look like t came from SU 🤣

I'm probably gonna fix Doki Doki, too... it looks b a d ;-;

And yes. All of them have my old hair. Fuck it.

I can't believe I'm grieving over my own hair but it really be like that when it's one of the only things you liked about yourself 😂😂

What else...

I don't know when my next ATSC update will be, please be patient... I'm so sorry it's taking so long, I'm just not motivated to get to the sorting of  the damn questions -_-

I'm definitely limiting what I screenshot next time.

I think that's it...?

Welp... see ya guys

I'm just gonna continue doing chem work and keep crying over my hair :')

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