More responses to the favorite people XD

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So I got two more people who tagged me to this image

I already tagged QLS recently, but imma say why I love all of them real quick XD


Claudia - She's my fucking sister, of course I lover her 😂 We can be assholes to each other, but in the end, I'm there for ya. You're probably gonna be like "uMm oKaY bOoMer" but I love you XDDD

Shaye - Okay, words cannot even describe how much I fucking love you as a friend. We've had silly and stupid conversations as well as serious ones. You've been there for me even when the situation wasn't that serious looking back, and you always support me and help me out ^^ ily mein freund XD

Cookie - Out of all of my internet friends, you've stuck with me the longest. Even though we're a few years apart in age, we still have very fun conversations, and you've supported for almost a full year now. I'm really happy we started talking, and it was all because of a stupid story I wrote 😂😂 ilyyy ^^

Sophie - You're my most recent close internet friend, and yet I still love you so much XD You're basically a clone of Claudia but if Claudia liked to annoy me a lot more like an actual younger sister would 😂 But even though you like to annoy me at times, we still have funny conversations and you make me laugh, and I don't care how much you push my love for you away, I will send you as many virtual hugs as I want XDD

Also I fucking love your accent you lil' Irish bean I love youuuuuu

Usako - We got closer recently when QLS became a thing XD although the rest of us have no idea what you're talking about half the time since we're not anime fans, we can still have entertaining conversations, and you laughing at my stupidity and the rest of the weirdness that comes with just makes me happy that someone's enjoying themselves while I'm being a complete idiot 😂😂

So umm

Since I already tagged them the last time I did this, I'm not gonna tag them again since they did this already and I don't want this to be a never ending loop XD I'm pretty sure they're gonna see it anyway tho 😂

Anyways, two other people tagged me with this image (which I didn't expect at all, thank you guys XD) so imma tag them back real quick—

Kirbywithnicehair - we didn't really talk much until recently, so I can't really make any judgements, but thank you for supporting my shit even back when you were on you kevon_winner account XD

And finally..

StarannaBlur - So we met through the ATSC book since you were a frequent commenter/asker, and I still greatly appreciate all the support you gave me that helped that book grow ^^ And I'm glad you like my art and that book, and it warmed my heart when you tagged me because I didn't expect it 😂 thank you XD


I don't really talk to many other people except for some of my ATSC readers, but they pretty much only read that book so I don't have any true bonds with some of them 😅 but I still really appreciate you guys reading my shitty work XDD and I'm so sorry for the delay, I just have so many other projects 😅

So... umm... thanks for tagging me you guys, I'm glad you guys think of me that way 😂

I don't think I'm gonna make another chapter about this image since I find it unlikely that anyone else will tag me, but if I do get tagged again, I'm just gonna reply to them in the comments 😅

Alright, that's all XD bye guys ^^ 👋🏻

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