Tag - 2

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So I was tagged by the lovely kittywantsacookie

So here's the image...

I wish I could crop out the black part but Wattpad is stupid in my phone and won't let me pull up the image then 😒

Here we go

1) aw geez... too many to count

• a bunch of Polish songs (I'll list a few..)
- Nie Chcę Cie Obchodzić (the singer is a female and her name started with an A, idk)
- Miłość w Zakopanem - Sławomir
- Żono Moja - Masters (I think?)
- Suknie Kolorową (don't remember the artist—)
- O Tobie Kochana - Milano
- Dzieje Się - Golec uOrkiestra
- Ona Czuje We Mnie Piniądz (and yes it's piniądz not pieniądz -_-)
- Ona By Tak Chciała - Ronnie Ferrari (i think XD)
- Nie Daj Życiu Się
- Bawimy Się - Markus P (this dude was actually a DJ at my little sister's baptism party 🤣👏🏻 and now he's famous ;^;)
- Basically any motherfuckin disco polo song XDD

What else...

• A bunch of SharaX
- Spear of a True Hero
- Rewind
- Graveyard Kitten
- Toy Pianos
- Renegade
- Tick Tock
- Megolatrousle
- Battle Against a True Dragonborn
- Spider Dance Levels
- Viva La Verse
- Waterfall Death Dance
- Dark Darker Yet Monster
- Tokyovania
There are probably more XD

Other songs...

• Jumping All Over the World - Scooter
• Coffin Dance Meme (Megalovania cover) - Magentium (I put the video down because there are two versions... one is worse 😅)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

• Timelapsovania - Magentium
• Livenlovania (don't know by who..)... I mean come on, it's Live and Learn x Megalovania, of course it's good XDD
• Forceful Colors (Livenlovania x Fist Bump... even better XDD)
Best part? Both of those have a His World leitmotif 😆😆
• Taking a Stand - Captain America Winter Soldier OST
• The main Iron Man 1 theme XD
• Field of Hopes and Dreams Dance Mix (I forgot who the guy who made it was ;-;)

I also fucking love throwback songs. No modern rap, gimme all the 2000s and early 2010s music. I shall appreciate it all 😂❤️

I think I'm finally done with music...

I would add the Greek IFest music, but I don't know the Greek font 😅 (one of them was a remix of Zorba's dance tho, it was good XD)



2) Pfft, I was a soccer player. Soccer is easily my favorite, though I'm not the best at it. However, just because I may not be great doesn't mean I can't enjoy it ^^

Also, ski jumping. Not for me to do, but I love watching the tournaments. Our Polish boys Kamil Stoch, Dawid Kubacki, and Piotr Żyła in the house XD

Stefan Kraft... go fuck yourself, let our boys win 🤣 Same with you, Kobayashi... and Geiger...


Don't worry, we still manage to beat them at times 😂👍🏻

But yeah. I really enjoy sports as long as everyone plays fair and I understand the rules ^^

The only sport I actually fucking despise is basketball. Not to be racist, but most of the black and Arab boys around my area are way over the top when playing basketball... they try to be show offs but they just make fools of themselves 😒

I also hate basketball because I have no arm strength and I'm short :D

Although I actually made a half court/three point shot on accident before—

3) Aight

• a bunch of disco polo bands XD
• Crush40
• and nostalgia hits me super hard with One Direction. I used to be a 1D fan, so when I hear their old songs, I still know the lyrics to them and it makes me wanna cry 😂😂

4) *cracks Knuckles* Not as much as the songs don't worry XD

• Gravity Falls
• Stranger Things
• Over the Garden Wall
• Sonic Boom was actually kinda good/funny 😅
• House MD (I only watched a few episodes but omg it makes me worried sick and shut but it's so fucking interesting XDD I really need to find a way to watch the whole damn series—)
• trust me.. the Marvel shows that come out on Disney+ will probably be on this list XDD

5)  okay..

• most of the MCU XD
• Sonic the Hedgehog
• Booksmart

6) blueeee 💙💙 Pretty much any shade of it XD for specifically, its gotta be either the rich blue, the lighter-teal shades, or the really dark shades

The desaturated and generic ones are meh 😅

7) don't really have a favorite food...

However, I have a favorite candy/chocolate


The QLS (mostly Claudia and Shaye) know this all too well 🤣

8)  Okay, I really love Glacier Freeze Gatorade (light blue) and I'm a fucking child because I still love chocolate milk. However, I do drink my water with ice and I do have tea with honey from time to time XD

9)  here we go XD

• Sonic games (specifically Unleashed is my #1 favorite) (the music in all the games is the shittt yesss)
• Undertale (THE MUSICCC)
• Mario Galaxy (maybe the 2nd one too, I just need to play through it again) (the music from both games is so goooddddd)
• Mario 3D World (again, amazing music XD)
• Kid Icarus Uprising (I never played but I love the story and cutscenes ^^)
• Super Smash Bros Ultimate (World of Light has me raging XDDDD)
• Minecraft
• BATIM (I never played but I've seen others play it.. kinda funny XD I'm sensitive to horror, but this was just a few jump scares and some disturbing shot
• Cuphead (I also never played, bud I've seen people play and it's funny af 😂)

I think that's it actually... is it? Maybe


I'm not gonna tag people because I'm pretty sure the people I would've tagged (the QLS) have already done if/are working on it right now

Oh well

See ya guys, I'm gonna do to sleep, it's 2:30 am 👋🏻😅

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