I'm fucked

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So yeah

I'm pretty much fucked

I'm literally typing this in the middle of math class holy shit XD

But okay here's the tea


I have an ifest meeting today

Everyone is required to be there

Now here I have two issues

One, I'm not sure if I'm 100% in the highlander part (that's a whole different story— long story short, I signed up for it but I was never signed in, and so I asked the leaders if they could arrange something or figure something out and they never got back to me even though they said they will— XD)

I would love to be in the part since I am a highlander, but if I'm not then oh well, there's next year as well.

And two...

This is the real issue.

Don't freak out when I say this.


Our next door neighbors tested positive for COVID.

And Nat's in contact with them all the time since you know, they're kids, and our parents are friends with theirs.

And guess what.

Both my mom and I started showing symptoms— they started on Friday.

Guys, I might have COVID.

My mom's gonna go get tested on Thursday, but we're just accepting the fact we probably have it.

But this means I can't go to this mandatory ifest meeting, because I don't want to get everyone there infected in case I actually do have it.



I'm fucked

Especially if I'm also signed up for the highlander part after all since this is the first practice going over that part (the rest of this practice is supposed to be review of disco polo and jump style, which I have in the bag)

And guys don't worry about me, I should be fine.

It'll most likely pass. I'll probably be sick for a little while, but so far it hasn't been too bad. I don't wanna jinx it of course, but all that's been happening is that my throat was dry on Friday and my nose is either constantly stuffy, runny, or so dry to the point it slightly stings when I inhale through it.

And yes because of that I don't have a strong sense of smell anymore

I mean, I never did, but point is it's worse :')

So I'm doing some self quarantining

So surprise, it's not school that gave me COVID, it's my neighbors -_-

But yeah now I have no idea what to say. I need to go to this meeting, but I don't wanna risk infecting anyone if I actually have COVID.

Thanks neighbors -_-

In other news, most of the Hooligans and Claudia (including myself XD) are doing Secret Santa, and Bella and I organized it so frickin well— 🤣

We decided that we'd do a drop off/pick up situation— we'll reveal who we had at the end, and then we'll organize how everyone will pick up or drop off their gifts.

It's less risky than hanging out with 16 people during this time—

But yeah, I got a really great person >w<

Claudia and I know who we got because we made sure we didn't get each other (since we're already gonna get each other stuff for Christmas anyway—) and we're helping each other out

Anyway moving onto other updates..


I'm almost done with editing chapter 1 of the 06 rewrite. It took me a while because I spent a lot of time on working on something else.

Speaking of which..

The Halloween special of ATSC is a little late, but it's out 😂

I'm hoping to get an Art Book chapter out soon, but no promises

Anyway that's all I got

Stay safe guys 👋🏻

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