random shit

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So I just feel like updating 😅

But uh.. it's gonna be about really random shit that comes to mind XD


I wanted to say I might've figured out what my level of the asexual spectrum is. But uh... After typing for so long and reading into those sexualities more, I realized that I'm just not any of those? 😅

I used this image to help me...

And yet I can't figure it out.

So because I can't explain it, I'm just novisexual? 🤣

See, here's my case...

• My crushes are always small— they don't grow more unless my relationship with that person becomes stronger (it doesn't grow by a lot though)
- this leads me to assume that if I ended up in a relationship, I'd let my feelings grow more there...

• I don't crush majorly very often— it's very rare for me to have a huge crush on a specific person... I think it's happened like twice, and one of them is for an embarrassing reason (it was fourth grade -_-)

• I feel like this is the most important part... I usually have a few "considerations"... what that means is if I get along with a guy well, I think to myself, "if he ever asks me out, I wouldn't just say no" if you know what I mean. I guess that's just my desire to be in a relationship but with someone who I actually get along with... I'm not desperate, I wouldn't date just anybody 😅

So uh... what I mean is there are a few guys that I wouldn't say no to if they asked me out. Not many, but it's a few. Again, they're not major crushes, hence why I used the term "considerations"

... don't judge how my mind works..? 😂

• Sometimes I'm even unsure what my "crush" on a person means. Is it that I want to become closer with them? Is it actually a desire for a relationship with them, or is it just wanting to be better friends... I seriously don't know.

I really do want a relationship and for someone to love me like that, but I don't know how I'm ever gonna get someone since I'm so fucking confusing 🤣

So uh, I have that confusion fest going for me XD

What other randomness can I come up with...

Oh, I finished one of my summer packets for AP Chemistry... it was hell since I had to try to follow along to a video while Claudia kept screeching in the room next to me since she was playing Minecraft, but I got it.

... somehow.

Only two more to go and then extra worksheets, but it's gonna take hours since I have three more hour long videos to watch 😓

And then I need to read Dead Wake ;-;

It seems interesting, but I really don't like reading nonfiction.

It's about the sinking of the Lusitania or something...? 😅 I dunno..

All I know was this was during WWI and that the boat was sunk by some German U-boat, I think..? I know it was German, but I have no idea what the thug itself was.

But yeah. Summer work is  f u n.

No it's not -_-

Speaking of school, there's a high chance were returning in August, but there's the possibility of us wearing masks. I don't wanna social distance and wear masks in school, I wanna hug everybodyyyyy ;-;

I just want this virus to be over and I don't want anyone to be scared anymore ;-;

Also, if Color Wars and Homecoming doesn't happen this year, I'm rioting.


Enough of that...

Random question...

Is it wrong to be kinda pissed at a friend when they're in a relationship and they talk about it a lot while you're just there like "mhmhmhm I've been single all my life and I want a relationship and you're here bragging to me about your fourth fuckin' gf"?

Sorry, that was a mouthful.

Like... I know a bunch of friends that have either had multiple relationships or are currently in one— maybe both— and they talk about it on a few occasions and it just makes me angry inside for some reason.

I guess it's just questioning what I'm doing wrong that people don't like me. And I guess it's also anger from the fact that dudes only look at appearance these days and I'm ugly as shit, especially compared to all the other girls in my grade -_-



Oh yeah

I might as well talk about book updates

Art Book chapter is coming soon for sure ^^

I doodled something that is I guess an AU of an AU...? 😅 I'll explain it further in the chapter itself when it comes out

ATSC has been untouched for a while, and its anniversary was June 24th...

I thought it was sometime in August but apparently not? 😅

Umm... hopefully I'll get to it soon...

Anyway, 06 rewrite

Guess what bitches

I finished chapter 12, which contained Silver's finale and Sonic's finale.



This better be received well 😂 I worked on it for over half a year now—

So that's fun :DD

Imma write out what art I want for each chapter so that I can get some people to help me 😂😅


Well, my internet just shit itself while I was trying to watch a Game Grumps comp -_- how I'm gonna go to sleep now, I don't know

Imma go try to fix that..

That being said, that was the random shit I had for today

I didn't have much, but what can I say, it's like 1:16 am

Aight, see ya guys 👋🏻

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