Confusion, Pain, ATLA,, and Book Updates

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So ummm

It's been a little while 😅

A few personal updates and then book updates

So first

I'm at the home stretch with my braces

Yesterday I got them tightened— and I got a rubber band on the other side of my mouth (so now I think the mini overbite is being dealt with) and now I have rubber bands in between my molars..? They said it's to straighten the molars a bit but if the band comes out it's not too bad..

So I'm confused XD

How do I know I'm at the home stretch?

My mom said she paid the last check for the orthodontist, and when I first got them, I made an estimation on when I should be getting them off, which is this September. But that was a pure estimation, who knows if I'm gonna need another appointment after my next one.

They didn't tell me if I'm gonna be getting them off next time, but either I will be (but it's not likely since they didn't tell me), or I'll have them off the appointment after that.

So uh, my pain will soon be over 😂

In like, what, two months at least? Still, getting them off this year :D

Also, I'm getting new glasses -_- I wanted to keep my old frames, but if I did, I would have to keep my glasses there for two weeks... :/

So I would be blind for two fucking weeks—


I don't like the new ones too much. Maybe I'll get used to them, idk. They look okay on the outside, but the inside is a lavender, and I feel like that's gonna bother me -_-

But the person helping me pick them out said that the lavender on the inside makes the color on the outside look a little lighter...? I guess that makes sense, but still, I would rather have one solid color -_-

I like my old gray glasses ;-;

But I didn't wanna leave them since I have summer work to do and my mom says it's time for a change 😒

But fuck it, I'll probably get used to it :/

What's next...

I feel like shit...

Probably because of the pain the braces are giving me right now. It's a time.

But I just feel like shit in general.

I feel so unmotivated to do anything, and my head fucking hurts ;-;

Another thing, I really don't know how school's gonna be...

I really want things to be normal again. I want to go to school, see everybody, have a normal homecoming dance and Color Wars, I wanna have IFest, maybe even go to turnabout with friends since no one loves me.. I just wanna have a normal school year. And considering this is gonna be Claudia's first year as well, I wanna let her have a good experience.

Also I really want homecoming to happen since I actually have a group of friends now and I want to redeem my dress choices -_-

(Seriously, I didn't go out to buy them, I either borrowed or used an old one.)

The one freshman year looked okay, but I wore a leather jacket with it -_-

And sophomore... the dress on its own is great. On me? Not so much.

If homecoming does happen, which again, I really hope it does (if not I'm hosting my own, fuck it), I'm going out to buy my own dress this time. I'm very disappointed in my past clothing choices 😂

Plus I wanna actually post something on my personal Instagram since the most recent one is homecoming from last year and I look ugly as shit in there -_-

But enough about me wanting to redeem my horrible fashion choices (I'm not good at fashion so it's no surprise)

On a happier note, I watched ATLA again with my friends recently.

We finished book 2, and we started book 3 and ended on the episode "The Puppetmaster."

That episode gave me chills, man 😅

Also, you have no idea how many times I threatened to crawl into the show and kill Azula myself.

Also, I'm fucking pissed at Zuko. He gave me hope but then no he just had to side with Azula despite knowing that she lied to him before already about his honor and his dad and everything. Fucking....

Also, I knew that Iroh gets ripped because Shaye told me, but what's funny is I didn't know when.

So while ya boi was called a fat crazy old man in prison, I just go, "Imagine that Iroh just starts working out and goes, 'the fuck did you say to me ya little bitch?'"



All of us just started laughing so hard and I just kept going "I DIDN'T KNOW WTF HE'D DO IT NOW WTF"

It was a time 😂😂

* also this is a update mid chapter, but Claudia, Shaye, Soph, Usako and I all played while on the QLS discord server today and oh my god I fucking loved the outcome of everything 😂😂 

Love you guys :DD

Also Cookie if you ever get discord again and you're able to talk imma invite you to the server so you can join our shenanigans 😂❤️ *


Time for book updates, which is probably the shit you care about more

I mean, that's probably why you read this book and follow me— to know what and when I'm updating

First order of business

Sonic 06 rewrite

I'm currently working on the last episode, which is when Solaris is formed. So we're at the home stretch.

A part of me really doesn't like some of the choices I've made in the story... and it makes me wanna scrap the whole thing. But that's what lack of motivation does to ya. It did the same thing to me with Fallen Angel, so I'm going to finish Flame of Iblis no matter how bad I think it is.

Still, it's probably 1% better than the original 06 since Elise isn't there 😅

But yeah I feel like I fucked up a lot with the timelines and shit despite trying to make those plot holes filled... I did my best, alright?

Next, ATSC. I had not worked on it in a long time. I feel like shit. I just can't seem to find the motivation to put the comments together.

I don't wanna cancel the book, because the writing part is really fun. I cringe at some choices I made in the beginning, but that's how progress works— you get better at writing as you go.

But then again... when will I have the time to force myself to sit down and put the comments together? I've got one book project to complete and two others after that, and I have summer work and school's on its way, whether it's gonna be e-learning or how. I'm also gonna need to start driving soon (COVID fucked things up with my drivers ed and I'm 16 without a permit 😒), and...

I'm so overwhelmed.

Life is moving way too fast. I want to sit back and enjoy it, I don't want to run along with it.

... So.... ATSC isn't coming back in a while.

I don't want to cancel it. I really don't. But I'm gonna keep it on hold for as long as I need to. I wish this wasn't the case, but it is.

Heh, now there's literally no good updated content for anyone, which I'm bummed about. The only ones are this book and my Art Book 2, but these aren't even story driven.

I guess speaking of which..

Art Book.

I don't think an update is coming this week. I haven't been drawing a lot. I'm working on a Kali profile and a cool sketchbook drawing, but I haven't been doodling enough so there's not a lot of content.

Also my head hurts too much to even draw right now and I'm really unmotivated in general 😅

So that's fun..

Hopefully when I have less things on my mind I'll doodle a little more

Next up, Short Stories

I literally have so many draft chapters in that book

It's always easier to write in one go rather than stop writing and hope to finish it another day, but then you never do...

I dunno.

I was writing Avery's part of the SNG/SFK chapters (should I call it Sonic Next Gen or Sonic Fan Kids...? Since not all of them are fan kids, like Juniper...), and then I was writing some of the funnier chapters.. like an improv court case with the Sonic cast and a monopoly game with the fan kids specifically (based off that one draw the squad with the fan kids I did)

But yeah I'm gonna see what I can do


That's all I got for book updates 😂😅

Until next time, bitches

Byeee 👋🏻

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