So I Finished ATLA-

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Obviously spoilers ahead

But I finished watching ATLA with the Hooligans.

Oh my god

I'm so sad our journey is over :((

But I absolutely loved the show 😆

It just makes me want a fourth season just to see the aftermath of everything and just to see the characters— I don't care that the major story is over 😂

I might watch LoK on my own, but I've heard it doesn't live up to ATLA... so.. I might just watch bits and pieces of it

But anyway, as I said...

Spoilers ahead.

Are we good?


.... can I just say I love all the characters? Some more than others, and I'll list them 😂

I fucking love Sokka. He can be a dork and a bit of an idiot sometimes, but at the same time, he's probably the most clever one on the team and we respect a guy who can't bend hut can still fight.

Words can't even describe how much I love him as a character XD

Toph is definitely my second favorite— her remarks are the best and the amount of blind jokes that were made because of her... just yes XDD Master Earthender right here 😂

Third favorite.... I'm surprised to say this XD

But uh... in the beginning, I fucking hated how edgy Zuko was. It was just the most generic edginess you could have in a character, but then as we found out more about him, I started to feel bad for him. Things started looking up for him, and he seemed to be better in book 2.

But then the book 2 finale fucks that up and betrays Iroh when Azula tells him that his dad wants him back— like bitch, do you not remember how she tried to bring you and Iroh back as prisoners the first time?! Don't ducking trust Azula—

Anyway, I love Iroh and the fact that Zuko hurt his uncle like that... all to just live unhappily

I'm glad he realized that's not what he was meant to do. Thank god his character turned around.

... so halfway through book three when he turned around, I kinda started to like him more 😂 he seemed much nicer after hanging around the guys, and oh my god his hug with Aang when he becomes the Fire Lord is just so heartwarming ;^;

But I guess since I'm talking about Zuko's development, I can talk about what I really disliked about Katara.

Don't get me wrong, Katara is still a good character. She's just... the way she kept lashing out at Zuko when he was trying to explain himself was just cruel.

I'm so fucking glad Toph can sense lies and sincerity, because she was able to see that Zuko was not lying when he met up with them. God, he even dropped to his knees and offered himself as a prisoner, and Katara still splashed water on him and yelled at him to leave.

I get it— they didn't see his good side yet and they kept getting chased by him. But it still made me so fucking angry 😅

Or as my friends and I would say, "angy" XD

We got so many inside jokes from watching this together 😂

"I angy—"
"Toph is the only top."
"Azula! I must get you back for betraying me in Push the Button!"
"Yue's probably up there looking at Suki like, '... That bitch!'"

And then the best one is me and Izzy constantly yelling at each other as Zuko and Iroh 🤣 (I'll get to this later XD) So many funny things came out of this 😂

The Azula Push the Button incident will also be explained later since it kinda relates to me and Izzy yelling at each other XDD

And speaking of Azula, I fucking love her as a villain. I hate her, but that's because she's just so amazing at her job. It's insane how clever she is, and the fact that towards the end when Mai and Ty Lee betray her (yes girls—) and then she starts becoming obsessed with her power as the new Fire Lord, she began to break and slip into insanity.

Like damn. The battle between her and Zuko, where she was now the insane angry one and Zuko was actually composed and he was much clearer... the symbolism and development was amazing. I fucking loved it.

And Katara was very big brain when she trapped Azula in the water XD

And then the battle between Aang and Ozai was also very intense. The fact that Aang unblocked his last chakra by just getting his back scar hit against the rock is just yes 😂👏🏻 Avatar state, babyyyyyy

But yeah no, Zuko vs Azula was amazing. Azula was really out of her mind— I'm so pissed she cut her hair, she was actually really pretty for a villain XDD


I'm about to talk about pairings and duos XD

I feel like the first one I need to start with is the one that became canon at the end.


...... why?

They're great friends. Why it had to be made into a relationship because of Aang's crush on her, I have no idea. It's just so awkward since Aang is 12 and shorter and that Katara is 14..

She's like an older sister to him if anything. The fact they ended up together kinda ticks me off.

And that's the ship that made the Zutara fans piss themselves with anger, which I'm gonna actually transition into now :D (I'm so good at this hAhAHa—)

... nah.

I'm sure they're good friends now. But what ruined this ship for me was just how stubborn Katara was to opening up to him when everyone else already did. Yes, it was nice that Zuko jumped in front of Azula's lightning to save Katara— but he would've done that for any other of his friends/loved ones as well. It just shows his development.


Now that I watched ATLA to the end, I can now add it to my ship opinions book 🤣👏🏻

Alright back in track

Zutara's a no for me. I see why people ship it, but I just hate that Katara was so fucking rude to him in the beginning. I get why she was, but did she seriously have to hold a grudge over him for something he didn't do? She couldn't expect him to have killed her mom— he was almost as young as she was, he wasn't in the army or anything. Honestly, I dunno what she was thinking.

What's funny is I don't necessarily like any of the ships in ATLA. There's only one, which I'm gonna get to.

But this one must be dealt with first. And it's another canon one.

Zuko x Mai. Maizuko? Zukai? I don't even know.

I just... no... it was nice that Mai helped him escape the Boiling Rock and betrayed Azula, but.. they're just not really a good fit for each other in my opinion. Maybe if Mai will stop being so emotionless, then I'd like it a little better...?

And we already saw in that beach episode back when Zuko was still a confused boy that they weren't necessarily the best couple.

And now for the one I actually like.

Sokka x Suki. I love how soft this pairing is. Sokka's just being Sokka and Suki is just like "yup, that's him XD"

When the two were watching the play together they really showed off their cuter support for one another, and especially in the finale, too. Sokka, Suki, and Toph are literally the best trio 😂

I'm gonna touch more on that but I'm still talking about Sokka and Suki right now XD

They're just adorable 😂 I love how Suki's the one who changed Sokka from being a sexist asshole in the episode they met in book 1 ^^ I bet you she was really impressed with him when they met again in the Serpent's Pass episode XD

I mean, they did kiss, which made Tung make the "Yue's jealousy" joke 😂 (I doodled it out, it's in my second Art Book :DDD)

But yeah

They are adorable together 😂 I'm sure Sokka can be an annoying boyfriend sometimes, but he really does love Suki and he shows it ^^ And Suki shows she definitely loves him, too XD


Time for duos

I 👏🏻 fucking 👏🏻 love 👏🏻 Sokka 👏🏻 and 👏🏻 Toph 👏🏻

I really do. They have a brother-sister relationship that I adore, and their comedy together is amazing. I think the one I like most is when Sokka complains he can't see, and Toph sarcastically says, "Oh no, what a nightmare!" since she's blind 😂 his little "sorry" after that was great XD

And another good blind joke with these two was when Sokka was painting Appa, and Aang and Katara were like "... that doesn't look like him"

Toph goes, "I think he looks just like him :)"

Sokka's reply: "Thank you, I worked really hard on—" his realization hits 🤣 "Why do you need to do this?"

And then again, in the final battle, when Suki was off on another war blimp, Sokka and Toph were getting attacked and I swear there was one moment where Sokka was shield-hugging Toph and I— yes.

They have the best sibling energy despite the real siblings being Sokka and Katara. I love it so much.

As you can tell,  this is probably my favorite duo 😂 I promise you I don't ship them as a relationship, that would be awkward as shit since Sokka's like four years older. I just love their sibling energy with one another 😂

Sokka and Zuko is another fantastic duo. A lot of people ship this, but I don't really ship it. But their teamwork at the Boiling Rock was just amazing. At first I felt bad for Zuko since Sokka seemed to like to bug him, but then the two started to get along decently and when Boiling Rock came... fuck yes.

Point is, another fantastic duo that I love.

But I feel like the best duo, which is another one of my favorites, is Zuko and Iroh. I swear, everything about their relationship is just... mmmmmm.

I just felt so bad for Iroh when Zuko betrayed him when that bitch Azula came in... fjosijckwkjfkakzj

But these writers clearly knew what they were doing. We love Uncle Iroh. We really do.

And by we I mean everybody. If you hate Iroh, you're a heartless bitch. You can't not love a man who just wants a peaceful life of making tea and playing pai sho (is that how you spell it?). Plus, he's a forgiving man and he fucking lost his son, which is even more sad ;-;

... damn it now "leaves from the vine" is stuck in my head 😭

But yeah...


Time to talk about me and Izzy being Zuko and Iroh

I may have mentioned this before, but the we (as in the Hooligans) decided we'd dub some episodes of Avatar.

We know we want to do the play episode just because it's funny, and for the actors playing out characters, our roles would swap around (meaning if one person is Aang, another person would be the actor playing Aang in the play... make sense..?)

We're still decided on how that episode would work 😂

However, for any other episode we do... this is what I memorized of the list... (we'll probably make changes if the people who didn't watch with us won't wanna take part):

(By the way, this list was established as we were watching Book 1 XD)

Aang - Julia

Katara - Bella (this is already amazing because she's gonna have to narrate the intro, and because Aang and Katara spend so much time together, Bella and Julia are gonna be at each other's throats 🤣)

Sokka - Alex (I swear he's gonna he making gay jokes all the time XDD)

Appa - Tung (yes Appa's gonna have a voice)

Momo - Izzy (he is gonna have a voice too XDD)

Man, Tung and Izzy are also gonna be the most chaotic duo 😂

Zuko - me (ironic since I hated him at the time we made this casting 😂)

Iroh - Izzy

(this is what I mean— Izzy and I were going off on each other when one of us did our impression 🤣 like if I got into Zuko's voice and said, "But Uncle I need to restore my honor—" she'd say, "Oh no you don't you pussy, get the fuck over here!" ........ and then once I said, "No please not this intense game of hide and seek again!" XDDD

I can't wait for this 😂)

Suki - Alex (we'll change this if we have to)

Ty Lee - Tina

Mai - Lindsay

Zhao - Tina

Azula - Tung (so Tung and I have some beef— he betrayed me in Push the Button so since I'm Zuko I'm planning on bringing that into the dub at some point 😂)

Toph - me (at the time I didn't know who she was, but everybody agreed I can definitely pull Toph off, so I agreed 😂 and how I don't regret it :D)

Yue - Izzy (she's gonna be making gay jokes with Alex 🤣)

We might make Wilson Ozai as well as some other background characters (the background characters are managed by Megan btw— she has all the power and we're scared 😂) ...

But that's all I remember of the list so far XD

But yeah!

We're planning to dub some episodes at some point!

Don't know when we're gonna do it since we're all busy and we need to plan everything and train everyone who doesn't know how to do it (Izzy, Tung and I have this in the bag, we've been doing it while watching the show and we've been nailing it 😂 Julia said she scared, so I'll probably send her the Sonic fandubs to see an example XD I think Tina's gonna do good too, Lindsay not so sure, and Bella.. she might do good XD and Alex I already have faith in 😂)

But we're planning to do it eventually XD

We also decided we're gonna make watching shows together a thing— apparently everyone's supposed to come up with something to watch for next time but I can't really think of anything, so I'm just gonna vote on something 😂

Izzy's telling me I should try anime, but to be completely honest I'm trying to avoid it because I haven't exactly had the best experience with some weebs I've met 😅

I guess I also don't like the style in animation— from what I've seen it seems really stiff... I could rant all day about the animation style (and no, ATLA's is really good with its animation despite being inspired by anime) but I'll spare you from that

I'm just trying to avoid more toxic fandoms too, I guess 😅 gimme a break, I'm already in the Sonic and Undertale fandoms, and I used to be in the MLP fandom. I think I've had enough toxicity 😂

But yeah

That's that...

I think some of the shows mentioned that will be thrown into the table to vote for were RWBY and I think She-Ra..? I'm not sure, but I know RWBY was suggested because Julia kept saying it and Izzy agreed XD

I know Camp Camp was also suggested by Izzy, which I did watch most of (it's funny XD a lot of adult jokes, it's amazing 😂)

Bu enough about that

Avatar was fucking amazing.

I loved it so much. I loved my whole journey with it XD

I predicted two moments that happened as I said them, which made me and the others laugh way too hard 😂

First was ripped Iroh, which I talked about in a previous chapter (I knew it was gonna happen because Shaye told me, but when I said it I wasn't thinking about that and then Iroh just begins to do push ups in his jail cell 🤣)

Second was the episode where Zuko proves himself and becomes a part of team avatar. I literally was like "okay... imma predict how this episode's gonna go."

Izzy goes, "okay go"

And I begin: "So Combustion Man is gonna attack the team, and then Zuko's gonna come in and save them team, and then they'll see that he's not really bad—"

And as I say that, it fucking happens

And this time I knew absolutely knotting, I just figured it was so cliche 😂 but the fact that it happened right as I said that had us all crying for a solid minute 🤣

So yeah, it's safe to say my Avatar experience was 👌🏻👌🏻

Before I leave... All hail Fire Lord Zuko. Fuck Ozai, Azulon, and Sozin. Fuck them. Assholes...

I think I might be Fire Nation and not Earth Kingdom... did I talk about this before? About me not knowing which I was? 😂

I think I did...

But which would I be? Fire or earth bender? XDD

I feel like fire at this point but I wanna see the responses 😂 (I'm not gonna get a lot but who cares—)


Quick updates on books—

I haven't worked on ATSC, I'm working in more art, so my art book should be updated sometime next week, I'm in the middle of writer's block but I'll try to force myself past it soon so I can finish the 06 rewrite, and finally, the short story drafts I have in Short Stories will probably not come anytime soon.

There 😂

Alright, I'm tired, it's 1 am...

So uhhh

See ya

And if you haven't watched ATLA already, don't be like past me and go watch it 😂

Byeee 👋🏻

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