Tiny Insta Rant

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A couple quick updates

So first thing I wanna go over is the title

Yesterday I live-streamed on Insta with Shaye— I was just doodling. I reposted the livestream as an IGTV video. Then and now I was fully aware it would not get as much likes, and I was okay with that.

What wasn't okay though is that right after I lost followers. Only three, but it's still a loss to me because my follower growth isn't rapid.

I'm worried I'm gonna lose more if I keep the video up. I'm not sure what it was. At least now I know to do it less 😅

I'll probably do another livestream in the future if/when I have more followers that's at a safe number... who knows

It's fun talking to people who enjoy your work ^^

A good thing that came out of the stream (other than the conversations in it— those were fun XD) is that a follower reached out to me apologizing for missing the stream and that they hope they'd be able to be there for the next one

We ended up talking for a little bit until I had to go to church :/

But I'm glad that I was able to talk with a follower more, I love interacting with people as you guys know 😂

But yeah, that's that

I guess speaking of Insta, the algorithm sucks ass. Of course, I don't notice much of the effects because I'm not a big account, and the algorithm changed my account was much smaller... so I never noticed these things to begin with.

But I've seen how it affects other artists and how angry they are, so I completely stand by them.

I'm also pissed that the hashtags are still closed because "we don't want false info about the US election spread" and I'm just here like "dUDE THE ELECTION IS OVER BIDEN WON OKAY—"

It pisses me off so much. Even though that's when I had my follower growth, I'm just so angry at how Instagram is too lazy to get rid of that block for hashtags.

Because the algorithm sucks so much for artists, I've heard that someone is making an app called Artfol ?? Apparently it's supposed to be a lot like Instagram in formatting, but it won't be greedy for money and it will be primarily for art.

I know I'm definitely gonna set up an account there and have a fourth place to post my art (first Wattpad, then Insta, then Deviant Art, and now Artfol, damn 🤣)

But I've heard a lot of Insta artists are planning to permanently move there. I'm not planning to quit Instagram though. Hopefully Instagram listens to the artists' cries, but we can't count on it.

It's hard to share content you enjoy making when numbers are involved, because then that's what you pay attention to.

I'm worried I'm gonna become one of the people who only cares about the numbers. It's sad that people can't enjoy making content they love because then they just lose faith in the projects they enjoy making and are forced to work on things that appeal more, and who even knows if those appeals will work.


What's another thing...

Oh, my family's recovered from COVID, so we're good now... that's nice 😅

I just want that vaccine to come already so no one would be scared to hang out -_-

I also decided to torture myself with art projects because why not 🤣

Speaking of which...

Book updates

I'm still editing the 06 rewrite, and I've retrieved three finished chapter drawings so far, and the fourth is currently in the works (thank you guys so much!! I needa repay all of you lmao)

I really wanna finish it soon but I know it won't happen because of everything that's on my mind :/

Also I gave myself the hardest chapter drawings to do, so time to cry :'))

There are still two slots open as well, so I might needa draw those too ;-;

Oh well

We'll see how it goes


ATSC is not gonna be updated anytime soon due to these other situations and crap, sorry guys :/

I'm hoping to get one out before Christmas though, but I needa make sure I have all of the comments in (so anyone who hasn't read the recent chapters please do so if you can before I start screenshotting— 😂)

Another quick update I wanna make is that I was working on a remaster of the SNG (Sonic next gen) stories. I'm changing up backstories because let's be real, children of heroes would not go to school.

They'd be homeschooled and they'd train with their parents to become the next legendary heroes.

So yeah, currently working on Jase's chapter, and I'm not sure if I'm gonna be motivated to do all of them. If I have an idea pop up, I'll write it out.

But yeah that's all I got for today 😂

See ya guys 👋🏻

(Also update on the follows thing, I just gained two today so uhhh fun... but losing those three was kinda stressing me out this morning 😅)

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