I have a theory about this Wattpad thing

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Okay what I'm about to say is probably just bs, but I'm gonna share it anyways.

I assume everyone has noticed the new update, and you either like it or hate it.

Also, a rumor has been going around, saying that the rp books and accounts are going to be deleted. I don't know if it's true or not, but I'm gonna assume it's not a rumor started by someone who wanted attention, but something Wattpad considered doing.

And it got me thinking, because both of them are started around the same time.

What if Wattpad wants to get rid of the 'not-actual-stories' books, like rp and random books like this one?

It would make kinda sense with the new update, if you have something to say, most people would do it in their randomness book. Now you can do it on your message board, and people would still be able to read it.

The deleting of the rp's would speak for itself.

But why get rid of those things?

1. Wattpad wants to go back to the period where people would only publish 'real' stories, because that's where the app was made for.


2. There are too many books. Before this all started, I had to comment at least 5 times before my comment reached the comment section. There could be too many books, and Wattpad started glitching, so they want to clean everything up, but don't want to delete popular books, or possible future ones.

And that's my theory.

But honestly, I just think Wattpad decided 'yay new update people are gonna love it' and the rumor is just a rumor.

Why I still decided to publish this theory thing is because if it happened to be true, I would be right, with proof.

But I still think it's nothing.

And I also just wanted to seem smart.

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