A Merry Birthday

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Ahh, time flies so fast Christmas is here. But let's not forget a certain event. Manwithoutpurpose this is for you. P.S Yes yes, be hype on the birthday messages on the end. Also, an extra note.

"Senpai~" Maki Megumi, a second year called out to a special person for the day.

"Ahh, Makki. Is there something you need?" Naoya Kurogane waved as he smiles.

"Everyone wanted me to ask you if you want to go somewhere. You know, for the special occasion" Maki announce. "It's Christmas after all"

Ahh, have they forgotten? Not like it mattered. People are too busy to realize today is the day.

"Sure" Naoya smile, "Where are we going?"

"I honestly don't know. Maria and the others plan the setting" Maki said.

Gulp. Is that a good or bad thing? Seems like he better watch out for everyone's sake. So much for his special day.

"Alright alright, let's go" Naoya walk ahead however Maki stop in her tracks, "You okay?"

"Nothing" Maki hesitate but changes when she beam as she went beside him, "Shall we?"

Naoya nod as both of them walk to the club room, everyone waiting.

"Yo" Shiho was the first to greet.

"Uu, your both late" Maria said.

"Sorry sorry" Maki waved her hand.

"So where are we going?" Naoya asked.

"Didn't Maki tell you? It's a surprise" Luke grin.

"Surprise? What's that gotta do with hanging out?" Naoya raise his eyebrow.

Oh, maybe they did remember.

"For certain reasons Nao-nii." Annabeth warned, " I suggest you two be ready for the impact"

"Wait, what do you mean-" Naoya and and Maki were hit in the head and lost consciousness.

"Uu, this will be fun" Maria gave an evil cackle.

A few minutes later...

Groaning, Naoya rub the back of his head. He was first to wake up but his vision of the surrounding was still a blur.

"White...?" Naoya thought.

Relieving from the pain, his eyes widen to see three of his friends.

"An-cchi, Shiho, Luc!" Naoya called out to them.

But no one respond, he then came closer to check them. And the cliche tag was added to the book, Randomness.

"Give me five more minutes" The boys muttered in their sleep.

Naoya sweatdrop. "Damn they..."

"Nao-nii?" A familiar voice entrance him, only to see a cute girl rubbing her eyes from being woken up.

Naoya blush however he immediately pick himself up to reality. "Oi An-cchi. Do you know where we are?"

"Hmm?" Annabeth stand up to pick things up clearly, "It seems we are in a room and rather that, might as well be trap in it"

"Trap?! What the heck?" Naoya burst out, waking the other two.

"What's the ruckus all about?" Shiho yawn.

"We're trap" Naoya panic.

"I never said we were. It was a thought" Annabeth correct.

"Right..." Naoya calm down.

"Relax Nao. It's not like anything's going to happen" Luke assure as he stretch his arms.

It felt comforting however an eerie atmosphere wouldn't get off his mind.

"To make things soothing, want to play a game of dare?" Annabeth suggest. "After all, doesn't a room with a girl and three boys feel intimidating"

What the hell?!

"Oh! Yeah, that's cool" Shiho grin. "It'll be interesting to give dares. Hehe"

"Now now, no dirty thoughts. You'll be punish by A-chan" Annabeth flirt.

Honestly, this is quite different from the usual top student. As if a switch was place to entertain them or maybe him.

"What about you Nao-nii?" Annabeth ask, "Will you come and join us?"

"I guess so." Naoya said.

Time once more pass. No one had open the topic of searching for a way out. Why though?

"Alright, I dare you to sing" Shiho said.

"Sing? I'm not really that good..." Annabeth shift into her shy self. "But if you insist then I will"

She went infront of us as the boys cheer and clap. However Naoya felt once more the same eerie atmosphere around them.

"This is for you!" Annabeth pointed at Naoya and start. "Ha-"

Unfortunately, the unexpected happen. The room black out.

"Oi! What happen?" Shiho's voice resound.

And a sound of something dripping join in.

"Everyone relax. Everything-" Naoya assure.

Then the lights came back, showing the room to light.

"Is not alright..." Luke's eyes widen as he watch the painful scene.

Shiho and Naoya's eyes did the same. Unable for their mind to process.

"What the hell?!" Shiho was the first to speak up.

"An-cchi..." Naoya fell down to his knees as he watch at the lifeless form of their junior, swinging within a chain filled with spike in her neck, her blood dripping.

Then a mysterious door showed itself.

"And the door appears..." Luke muttered.

"T-this is gruesome" Shiho muttered.

Naoya tries to reach out however Shiho came in to stop him.

"Naoya...we need to go" Shiho said as he shook his head.

"But...but...this isn't real. Just a trick...An-cchi is alive." Naoya couldn't believe as he stare at every detail that made her Annabeth.

Sadden, Shiho and Luke place a hand in each shoulder, removing him from his trance. "Nao..."

"There's no use... it's sudden but it seems like we need to get out of here" Shiho said.

Why hadn't they done that from the beginning. Why wait for the worse to come. Now he really should worry. This isn't the place-

"Wait a second! Where's Makki and the others?!" Naoya ask.

Both boys shrugg before pulling him up out of the room.

"Let's just go first" Luke suggest.

"Care to explain? The last thing I remember was being knock out" Naoya said.

"Well yeah however..." Luke averted his eyes, "We got ourselves into a big trouble"

"What do you mean? Why tell me this now?" Naoya burst with questions.

"Relax..." Shiho sigh, "You can guess who did it"

His eyes widen. "You've got to be kidding me!? She wouldn't!"

"Possibly" Shiho shrugg.

Suddenly, Naoya rush to the end and shout, "Maria!! What the hell?! You just killed Annabeth. Bullcrap! Let us out!"

But no one answer.

"Nao!" Luke called out, followed by Shiho. "Your overreacting. We simply thought it was a prank but-"

"A kid can't simply do all this. There must be a logical meaning behind this" Shiho add.

"S-sorry..." Naoya sigh, "Just couldn't get over"

"We all are" Luke assure, "Now let's get out of this place"

They went inside the room, only to see a familiar person.

"Zane!" The trio happily called out.

The blonde turn around, relief shown in his face. "Thank goodness your all right"

"So are we" Luke smiled. "You alone?"

"Well, yeah. No sign of the girls though" Zane shrugg.

Naoya's face fall, reminded of the recent incident.

Curious, Zane press on. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah...Blue's dead" Shiho announce.

Zane widen his eyes before falling down to stare at the floor. "I'm sorry to hear that"

"I-it's cool" Naoya shook his head, "I'll find Maria and stop her plans before she hurts anyone"

"Yeah well good luck with that" Zane encourage. "But we got an issue to do so"

"Huh?" The three boys raise their eyebrow and exchange glance.

"Yeah, someone left a note here" Zane show in front of them.

"There are four papers and you must write a name, one who you suspect is the traitor inside the room. The traitor will be left behind and face the consequence. If not, Zane will be killed" Luke read.

"That's bullshit!" Naoya scream, "Who the hell thinks I'll let anyone get killed and if only I was..."

"Chill. We're all in the same boat as this." Shiho said.

"And your thoughts Zane-kun?" Luke ask.

"You can ignore it or play the game. I'm also a victim here" Zane chuckled.

"As much as I don't want anyone dying either, how are we going to survive this?" Luke point out, "I mean look at Ann-chan got herself into"

"Hmm, then let's kill and move on" Shiho suggest.

"Bad plan!" Naoya said, "I know let's all write our name in the respective paper, that way no one will be left out"

"It seems like a rational plan" Zane agreed.

"Alright, let's get the hell out of here" Naoya smile.

Taking turns, the four have written in the paper and place it in the table.

"Now what?" Naoya ask.

Suddenly, the floor crack open, only three of the four who fell.

"What the f-!" They fell with their voices leaving the room.

A door suddenly appear behind Shiho.

"Well, looks like I got betray" Shiho smirk and walk away. "Time for the next phase then"

Returning back to the trio, they all fell into a pile. Naoya being the unlucky person once more with Luke at the top and Zane in between.

"Ow..." Zane grunt.

"You should really lose a few pounds Luc" Naoya complain.

"Excuse me? I, at least take a morning jog" Luke raise an eyebrow and stood up, taking the surrounding. "Where are we? Also, where's Shiho-kun?"

Looking up to where they fell, the crack had close, leaving the three alone.

"Damn it! He got betrayed" Naoya said before glaring at the two, who flinch.

"Don't suspect me! I didn't even write his name" Luke said.

"Yeah, but it could be any of you" Naoya pointed out.

"Or you" Luke retort.

"I know Shiho than you so I can assure that I didn't" Naoya said.

"Nao..." Luke grit his teeth.

"Enough you two. Your acting like kids. Yes, he got betrayed, if your feeling relent that one of us betrayed Shiho then do it personally!" Zane scold.

Luke and Naoya exchange glance before staring at Zane, who brought his hand in defense. "Suspicious"

"W-what?" Zane stuttur.

"Your saying all that but it seems like we do have a traitor" Luke place a hand in his chin.

"I have got to agree with Luc" Naoya nod.

"Agh... Whatever, let's just get going" Zane sigh and walk then stop when he saw he doesn't like, "Or we can all go separate ways"

In front of them is a two way road.

"An intersection" Naoya said.

"Well, looks like we got another issue in front of us" Luke sigh.

"I suggest we stick together. Who knows what's waiting for us, might be another trap" Naoya said.

However Zane turn right and walk.

"Oi, Zane. Where are you going?" Naoya called out.

"I'm heading this way to check. If I don't come back...well, you know what that means" Zane said without a sign of being frighten.

"We'll come with you then" Naoya suggest.

But Zane kept going, "Don't follow me!"

"Ehh? But why?" Naoya raise an eyebrow.

"I might be the one who betrayed Shiho. You wouldn't suspect but I might be the one after all" Zane venomously said as he disappeared from sight.

"Zane!" Naoya called out.

Luke place a hand on his shoulder to take his attention and give him comfort. "Sorry...but that's his decision"

Sighing in defeat, he nod. "Let's go"

The two walk in silence, observing their surrounding.

"Uu..." A familiar voice was heard.

"What was that?" Luke freak out in surprise.

"That voice..." Naoya's eyes widen and before he know it, he was sprinting to the source. "Maria!!"

"Nao!!" Luke called out once more.

But he wouldn't listen and search.

"Uu..." Once more, the voice became a bit louder.

"Where are you?" He ask, shouting.

"Nao! Calm down" Luke followed behind. "Damn it!"

"Uu..." Suddenly it became louder for anyone to know.

"Maria!" Naoya called one last time. Only not to expect the worse.

"Senpai!?" In the corner of the hall, Maki was there, surprise. She was sitting with her legs close to her, as if she was frighten to move.

"Makki!" Naoya came in close to check on her, "Are you alright?"

She simply nod.

Luke came in, her expression in shock.

"Hey, everything's alright..." Naoya assured, "We're getting out of here"

This time, she shook her head in disagreement. "I wouldn't say that if I were you..." She hid her eyes and pointed to the direction Luke was looking.

Naoya hadn't notice as he was too busy worrying about her friend but this time he felt like his stomach twirling and wanting to puke all what he had eaten a few hours ago.

"Uu..." The young girl now in a position with her body mush up, unable to distinguish who she was.

"M-maria..." Naoya went closer to check reality. "H-how..."

"We were together a few minutes ago. However since we didn't get along, she ran. I went after her after realizing that it's too dangerous but..." Maki quiver.

Closing his eyes, he turn his back and focus on his junior. "C'mon, it's creeping you out. We should find a place to rest"

Unable to act, Luke and Naoya help her up and walk slowly as they try to forget that view they had seen.

Naoya knew that his adopted sister may be crazy but he knew killing her is too overboard that he felt guilt and pity.

Luckily, they found a room. Maki was lay down slowly in the couch and taken rest. Luke and Naoya take turn to watch over. So far, everything was going well.

Well, so far.

Knocking on the door, both boys became alarmed.

"Guys? It's me Zane" the familiar voice said.

Luke was about to open the door however Naoya stop him, shaking his head. Using his eyes becoming serious, conveying to Luke as if saying, "Let's check if it's him"

Nodding, Luke let go. "Is that really you, Zane?"

"Yeah, it's me" he answered, "Can you let me in?"

"What's the title of the story we're in?" Naoya ask.

Hesitating, the man from the other side sighed. "Maki's Cliche Story. Can you let me in now please?"

Exchanging glance, Naoya finally open the door. To see Zane, however his hands above the air as he walk in.

Naoya close the door and smile, "How'd you find us?"

"It wasn't that easy..." Zane return the gesture however change into something gloomy, "Cause I was used as bait"

"Oh no..." Naoya's face fell. "Why?!"

"Sorry for tricking you but I was given direction or else she'll die" Zane bit his lip as he gaze fall onto Maki.

"You wouldn't" Luke step up.

"Don't worry, I ain't the one deciding." Zane said as he suddenly brought a gun in his hand and place it beside Maki. "She does"

Feeling something odd, Maki open her eyes to see blue eyes. One, that used to be full of comfort but now...

"Zane?" Maki muttered.

"Good morning. You have work to do" Zane smile wearily.

"Huh? But it's Sunday" Maki rub her eyes until she felt a cold object place in her hand.

Her mind processing, her eyes widen in despair and look at everyone for sign. "What is the meaning of this?"

"The culprit wants you to kill one of us or else you'll die" Zane said pitiful as he walk back.

"This is bullshit. Maki can't kill anyone. You'll be turning her into a criminal!" Naoya shout.

"Yeah, but which is worth it? Her life or ours?" Zane pointed out.

Naoya grit his teeth as he watch Maki trembling in fear. She had witness Maria die. Can she kill anyone?

"Relax..." Luke suddenly speak and walk close to her. "Breathe..."

Maki was brought back to reality and did what she was told. Luke smile to give her encouragement.

"Have you decide?" Luke ask as he close his eyes.

"Luc?" Naoya mutter.

"It's alright...we'll see this through the end" Luke assure.

"Hey Luc, what are you planning?" Naoya called out.

Zane, however just close his eyes, waiting for the impact.

Luke simply hold onto his classmate's hand and place the gun in his chest. "Sorry, I did something very bad so I don't have any regret on letting you do so"

Maki couldn't mutter a word and look at Luke with teary eyes. "Lu..."

"Ann-chan was killed" Luke straightforwardly said.

Maki's eyes widen as tears burst out. "Anna..."

"Yeah, I couldn't save her which ashame me to watch you suffer" Luke said, "So, in my decision for your sake, don't give up. Ann-chan and I will watch over you and everyone"

"Luke...you idiot" Maki force a smile, filled with sadness and hate.

"Hush..." Luke said as he smile and use his free hand to close her eyes. With a click, a body fell motionless.

Naoya and Zane's jaw drop and waited everything to process. Everything is happening too fast.

Maki fell to her knees and cried. Naoya went beside her to comfort. Everything is overwhelming.

"You did fine...Luc is proud of you" Naoya rub her hair.

"B-but..." Maki stuttur, unable to speak out her thoughts due to her tears. She then shook her head, "Lu...he died for my sake, a selfish person who had taken someone's life without a reason. I-it would have been easy i-if..."

"He and An-cchi wouldn't like to see you cry. C'mon, get up and rest" Naoya pull Maki up to her feet.

Hesitating, Maki simply let go of Naoya and look him in the eye. "I'm a killer, shouldn't you be scared of me?" She said as she hold onto the gun tightly.

"Why would I? You were forced to" Naoya sadden.

"Well, I might as well do it again" Maki grimace as he push Naoya away and went out of the room.

Zane, who stood in one place, glance at Naoya as he ball his fist. "Sorry..."

"I-it's alright...I understand your scared as hell but if I were in your shoes, I'd do the same thing Luc just did" Naoya calm down and stare at Zane.

He then walk pass through him and open the door. Zane turn back and ask, "Where are you going?"

"Where else? To get Makki" Naoya announce, "Lock the door and don't let anyone in. The password is MWP" and close the door behind.

"MWP?" Zane cock his head.

"Makki!" Naoya called out as he run through the hall. "Where are you?"

He look left and right, using his gut instincts to lead his way. Somewhere, he could hear feet shuffling to move. Determine, he went out to find the source. "Makki!"

Taking a left turn without a stop, he had bump into someone small.

"Ow..." Gladly, it was Maki. "Damn it Senpai, watch where your going"

"Makki! Thank goodness I found you" Naoya grin.

Maki simply sigh as she stand up first and gave Naoya a hand to support himself. "Why are you following me?"

"Obviously, I don't want you running away in fear" Naoya said, "It would be rude of me to let a young girl cry"

"Pfft, still the gentle idiot you are" Maki laugh. "Guess I really can't do anything without any of you. I'd be lost too deep if you haven't gotten yourself involved"

"Not really, we were just too focus on being your friend and having fun" Naoya shrugg, "Well then, shall we?

Maki sigh before smiling, "As I'll ever be"

The two walk back to the room, giving out encouragement and support. Another moment gone fine until they open the door.

"Zane, we're back!" Maki knock on the door.

No one answered.

The two exchange glances, anxiety replacing their smile.

"Back away" Naoya instruct and kicks the door.

"Senpai!! Poor Door-kun" Maki jaw drop in disbelief.

"Sorry?" Naoya said confused. He shook his head and went back to serious mode, "Never mind. Zane!"

Naoya went inside first, no one was inside. Before Maki could enter, Naoya place a hand and stop her. "Stay outside. I don't want you seeing it"

"Oh..." Maki quiver then nod.

Naoya look around for any sign. Finally, his eyes set on a room. Looking closer, there's blood.

Gulping, Naoya readied himself for the worse. Opening the door was none other than a beheaded Zane with no eyes and his teeth, lying down in a gruesome appearance.

"I should have let him come. Damn it" Naoya said as he tries not to vomit.

Comparing, he doesn't know which view have he seem worse. Maria or Zane?

He then walk out immediately and walk to Maki, who was at least still alive.

So far, everyone he knew was dead. Annabeth, Maria, Luke, Zane and well he wasn't sure if Shiho is alive either. They left him after all. Now all what's left is him and Maki, trying to survive this madness.

"Well?" Maki's voice break his trance.

He simply shook his head which gives enough sign for Maki to understand. She simply nod.

"We should really get out of here" Naoya determinedly said.

Thinking, Maki suddenly pops a light bulb. "I think I saw a door saying exit a few back when Maria and I separate"

"Why didn't you say so?!" Naoya ask.

"You didn't ask! And it was you who wanted for us to move" Maki muttered under her breath. "And I wasn't sure if it was true"

"If your saying that now! There's no time to lose" Naoya suddenly pull her wrist and went back to the direction they went.

After a countless search for the exit and extra scolding of direction. They finally found the exit.

"It really has the word exit written in it" Naoya said as he stare at the big green words written above the door.

"Told you so" Maki sigh. "Let's get out of here before we find ourselves in a mess"

"Right" Naoya nod in agreement.

The two stop, waiting for the other to open the door. They then give looks as if telling to say, "You open the door"

"Senpai! Your the gentleman!" Maki pointed out.

"Well, they have this saying as Ladies first right?" Naoya counter.

Maki pout and pulls the knob, "Stupid Senpai"

Maki opens the door and enter, unready for her face to be behold. In front of Naoya's eyes, she was cut through with two swinging axe, waiting for her.

"Makki!!!" Naoya's eyes widen in terrify.

Waiting for the trap to slow down, he immediately went inside and look not only to see Maki's cutted body...but everyone.

Unable to take it, he fell into unconsciousness.

Is it the end for Naoya's life too? Should he be ready for the fact that his birthday is also the day he dies? But wait... what's that sound?

Groaning, Naoya fixated his eyes to his surrounding. He was lying into something comfortable, he look at the side to see his top clothing on the ground. He then look infront of him and saw a reindeer?

Wait, reindeer?!

Coming back to reality, he saw himself in a very inappropriate position with the reindeer above.

"Who the heck are you? Why are my clothes lying- Holy shit, no!" Naoya immediately crawl out of the bed and took his clothing.

Mr. Reindeer, simply staring at him, gave Naoya the shudder. He look around and luckily a door is there. He went and tries to open the door but it was lock.

Mr. Reindeer final walk to him, holding something behind his back.

"Please not a vibra- please don't ra-" Naoya focus on the knob but to no avail.

And then Mr. Reindeer approach him, leading to Naoya to close his eyes for the impact. But it never came.

The door switch was open and Mr. Reindeer move away and went to another door, leading maybe the bathroom.

Blinking to reality, Naoya sign in relief. It was a tough day after all. They were gone.

Wanting to get over, the door was knock, surprising the senior. He knock on the door but this time no one respond. As if they were waiting for him to answer.

He hesitate once more, not wanting to have the same fate everyone had taken. He was going to live and survive for everyone.

Determine, he open the door.

With a pop of confetti, familiar voices resound the room. "Merry Christmas!!"

To see Shiho, Maria and Zane, smiling at him.

"And happy birthday!" This time, it was Annabeth, Luke and Maki.

He isn't dreaming, right? He must be dead. Just imagining that everything was all right and he would have expected this. But...

"Oi, seems like Naoya is still in a trance of trauma" Shiho chuckle.

"Uu, the plan work" Maria laugh.

"Well, who wouldn't believe the realistic thing. I thought you were all dead!" Maki pout, "You could have told me"

"Sorry, sorry...it was a bit late" Luke run the back of his head.

Maki look at everyone with anger but she simply swipe it away and focus back to Naoya.

"Senpai~" Maki cooed beside him. "Relax, it was all a prank. I didn't even know. Everyone is alive."

"Sure..." Naoya groan.

"Nao-nii. I'm sorry I couldn't stop them, we had a majority of doing so" Annabeth apologize.

Naoya sigh, "I'm still not believing that I'm alive but if it's true. I'm glad everyone is alright"

"Well no need to worry about that," Luke grin, "It's your birthday after all"

"Relax and enjoy the moment. We'll have drinks to celebrate for you surviving the horror of losing friends" Shiho cheer.

"No thank you" Naoya said.

Suddenly the bathroom was heard being flush and came out is the reindeer.

"Err, did you guys invite him?" Naoya pointed at Mr. Reindeer.

"Him? Maybe Maria did. Is he a party mascot?" Zane ask.

"No. I didn't." Maria raise his eyebrow.

"Then who invited him?" Shiho ask.

Suddenly, Naoya was drag to his feet and pull back to the room.

"What the heck, hey get off of me" Naoya said.

"Wow...I didn't know you had a things for those" Maki said.

"What are you talking about?" Naoya ask in desperation.

"Well, he's at that age. I mean everyone is going to do it sooner or later." Luke shrugg.

"Wait, what?!" Naoya finally notice. "No no no. Someone save me...!"

And then he was thrown back to the room and the door locking.

"Well, seems like we'll have to party without him." Shiho sigh.

"Uu..." Maria nod.

"Can someone explain me why Reindeer took Nao-nii?" Annabeth whisper.

Maki place a shoulder and shook her head, "It's too early for both you and Maria. You'll know someday. Right now, just have fun"

"If you say so" Annabeth smile and went back to join with the others.


I wonder what happened to him. Ahaha. Alright alright, to what you have been waiting for, here it is!

Hey MWP! YOU GETTING OLD! OLD MAN! HAHA! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to you! I hope your WAIFU and Wife finally get along, HAHA! Stop hitting on girls already, OLD MAN, you have two wives already! Save some for me! - WarlordRoy-Kun

A date of birth. What incredible joy! To this talented and murderous boy. A writer that toys with the emotion of the readers. By killing off their favourite character. Oh, I don't mean much. It's not like I have a grudge to say. But all I'm really yapping about is for you to have a happy birthday. And for this year, when you grow a number older. For goodness sake, will it kill you to make my favourite character last atleast for another chapter?! - Wisely_Weird30

To the old man who got a certain ice queen and the sweet princess in his arms. I greet him a vacation filled with joy and laughter rather than sacrificing and hiding himself in the background for everyone's sake and not only that but also a special day that needs to be grant. Aside from his obvious and shameless act of self advertisement, a message is here to be portray, "Ho ho ho, sorry I ain't Santa nor your goddess that would grant your wish. But... Happy Birthday and thank you for being 'there' or 'here' with us throughout the year. Let's make more memories and conversation that we'll make us laugh and grow (No, not old. You take that part)" Commentary is needed to hear thee thoughts. Obviously, there was no effort on doing this but the amusement of one's work. Ahaha, in any case and once more. Merry Xmas and Happy Bday! - NanoriHoshimi

MWP! Woot woot! 🎉🎉🎉 It's ya birthday! 🎈🎈 How does it feel to be one year older? Are you feeling old enough? Well I hope that this year brings you more joy and happiness. Although you are a grown man, I hope these birthday still have much love and joy from your family and friends. Of course including those of in the wattpad community!! Looking back j realized how much I had fun reading your stories as you, yourself out a lot of time and love into them. I can't believe its already your birthday! I hope we continue to be good friends as you continue with your writing! Hope you have a wonderful birthday with many cakes and food! Make sure to stay healthy and with much love, Happy Birthday~ - cocoshinju

To MWP, I'm here to say happy birthday! Cause I can't see you on real life so I guess a congratulation on Wattpad can do. Oh and make sure you thank Maki for this! She even pm me for this happy bday thing. You really have been blessed by god with a good friend. I hope your story continue and be one of the best stories in Wattpad. Thank you for everything you do for me in Wattpad! Including voting for my story and even answer some of my questions about Wattpad. I'm really grateful I'm friends with you even if it's an online world. Thank you for supporting me from the start with working happy and all...I hope you can live the rest of your life long, happy and peaceful. Once again, happy birthday MWP! - DanganTaliaFan

Heyo MWP-sensei! It's been roughly three years since we first crossed paths (Yes, I can vaguely recall Gakkou Gurashi being one of your biggest hits) It's been fun hanging around you despite all the trouble life seems to hand down on us. Enough of the long sappy stuff though: Happy Birthday Naoya - Luccato_san


*Sigh* That's a bit sad, I forgot to take some of the other message for you like HikiMurakamo, MariaisMaria, ShihoFujioka and so on. It ain't easy when everyone is busy during the holidays. And the fact you won't be seeing this at the meantime is frustrating. I had it all planned out for you and your busy with work. Damn right, I had made my birthday message for you but then I have to change it on the last minute because of life being so unfair. And darn, I was planning to challenge you today but it was act out early. Then again, the challenge with everyone was fun. As I was saying, MWP, you better come back and smile with all the message I got for you. I mean your self advertisement for messages was a big failure that I had to do myself just for you. By the way, your thoughts on the one-shot? Man, it was hard for me thinking of what should I do for you, luckily Luc was nice enough to help me out. So I made a crossover of Maki's Cliche Story and When Your Friends Cry although I had the first plan out the exit door is where you meet Mr. Reindeer and got into a *censor* Which, I would have added Wrong Door. Ahh, I start spouting and didn't realize I made this whole chapter of 5000+ words dedicated to you. So to end it here, thank you so much for the advice (Even though you hate them sometimes), laughter and wacky moments. I hope we can continue being friends and continue to watch over us. (Cause you're older than us for like I don't know...how old are you anyway?) So without further ado, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Okay, I'm done. Kidding, I wouldn't forget. Happy birthday MWP.

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