Tears and Hugs

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I need to be comforted. No, don't worry nothing serious. Just need people to understand what I'm stupidly feeling right now.

My heart broke into pieces. Seeing they to be able to move on despite the expected pain of losing and all their hard work crashing down into nothingness makes me want to stay in the corner and cry.

It was going so well on the start however watching as the story progress, it shows how the deuteragonist, being the competitive rival and friend, was given the role of being realistic of the pain of not wanting to lose. I mean, they keep losing to everything when they do their best!! Can't they have some credits?!

There's nothing bad to it. It's reality. You win or lose in a 50-50 chances. But then, the antagonist had to be like a psychopath, gaining what they wanted just for her mother to notice her. Like seriously? I would have been at least happy a bit if the deuteragonist lost on the finals. Why do they have to suffer?! Darn Bandai Channel.

Okay, back to my original decision. I'm going to sit in the corner and tear up for today.

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