Game Review: Toradora Portable

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Another Game Review that revolves on a certain anime probably most people know. Yes! Toradora! Wherein, the famous Tiger and Dragon duo with their friends a Chihuahua, a Bear and err, yeah slightly ran out how to describe him as an animal.

A monkey maybe?

Ahem, right, giving a refresh, the anime Toradora was known due our two main characters, Ryuuji Takasu and Taiga Aisaka. Starting off on the wrong foot, the two made a truce to help one another with their crush on their respective best friend, specifically Yuusaku Kitamura and Minori Kushieda. Joining in them also is Kitamura's childhood friend and model, Ami Kawashima.

- Now the anime ends up with Ryuuji and Taiga ending up together after trying so hard and jumping through every obstacles they had. But putting it aside, the game plot was having you, as Ryuuji losing his memories after Christmas Eve, wherein the time Ryuuji was supposed to confess to Minori while in a bear costume. Oops, spoilers. The plot progress having to try regain his memories while reaching different routes of your choice that ends up with a lot of plot stories to take.

- Considering how the anime is, the characters are pretty much the same them. How the Tsundere Tiger continues to keep her promises and smack the hell out of you to the ever two faced Chihuahua who can be surprisingly genuine and loving. So I can safely say how you can love all of their pros and cons unless there was someone out there who never like the series from the beginning.

- Toradora Portable is simply a visual novel wherein choices matter that has you conversing with certain characters and having to clean different places in order to gain items required on certain routes. Sidetracking, there are also a few mini games to try playing. Which honestly had me interested on a certain one that I'm not about to share.

Now the routes revolves you with any of the characters, especially, since this is a rom-com/drama/slice of life, the three main girls; Taiga, Minori and Ami. Being a visual novel, it ain't surprising to have its own bad, neutral, true endings adding some side endings that leads with the other side characters such as Sumire, Kitamura, Yuri, and Noto and Haruta. All in all, there's about 21 endings if I'm not mistaken to try.

- Lots of routes to play. That's the fun part of it all. Shows you different story plots of tons of dialogue to try out. Addition that there's another route where you play as the misfortunate guy, Kota. Aside that, you can also listen to all of the soundtracks, get CG's and play mini game on the extra in the meantime.

- So much repetition to do! I mean, you can always used the handy dandy save files but being the OCD at some point I am and wanting to get a hundred percent on everything such as the routes and all so this is rather a personal complaint of mine. Lol. Not to mention and spoiler alert, the true ending for Taiga and Minori were quite the pull back than Ami's. It was way more complicated in the end on the completion route so I was slightly disappointed. In exchanged, let me love the beautiful soundtracks you acquire after finishing a certain requirement.

All in all
- I say, play and try it out. Visual novel games really know how to pique your attention. Like a book coming out to life and despite not being a moving picture that is a so called movie and so, the CG's, plot and BGM makes it all the better. With that said, Maki out.

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