My fanfic story ideas

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So watch Fairy Tail in order to understand this.

So I had this idea I'm probably not gonna do. Though knowing me and if one person says I should I'll do it.

It's like an Aries x Loke story.

So here's the entire story.

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Loke's never really been in love, sure he's had a relationship with girl's but it was just to get his mind off Karen's death. Just kisses and hugs nothing else, a one-sided romance that never meant anything to him just like his feelings for Lucy, he did as a gesture, a gesture to show his appreciation towards her and he convinced himself he loved her for what she did.

When Lucy finally got Aries key he started to hang out with her more, strengthing their relationship even more, being coming close friends again. He doesn't realize that he has a crush on Aries since he's never fully known what it's like to actually have a crush on someone since he denied himself that ever since Karen died, and he didn't come to notice that he did like Aries even before the Karen situation; so he's kinda clueless.

Turns out in the middle of hanging out with Aries he realizes he loves this girl and doesn't know if she likes him back and it's pure panic from there since she's never shown any attraction towards him.

The rest of the fanfiction is just confusion, panic because he's never had a real crush, starts avoiding Aries cause this weird, and confusing and oh god help us all.

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What do you think?

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