13th Century Ninja and Kunoichi part 1

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~Third Person P.O.V.~

It was dark and stormy afternoon at McFist Industry, as the robo-apes are hard at work as they shoveled, smashed, cut, and pressed the material for one of McFist's many products.

A small tour tram pulls up, carrying the class of the two heroes for their field trip.

The robo-ape tour guide gestured to the workers. "And here you can see happy McFist employees manufacturing some of your favorite human fuels like, McMeat Stache. 'The moustache-flavored meat snack.'"

Everyone but a certain four, oohed and awed.

Howard was sitting in the back of the tram with Randy, while munching on a McMeat Stache. "Amazing! It tastes exactly like moustache."

Randy give him a look. "You don't know what moustache tastes like."

"Really?" Howard says back, eyebrow raised. "Have you kissed my nana on the mouth? Because I have."

This causes Randy to shudder and gag a little.

Though at the word kiss, Randy's eyes couldn't help but glance at the back of Riley's head, who was sitting in front of them next to Rachel.

The two girls were talking about something when Riley catches his eye, turns red, and quickly turns around.

Feeling his own face heat up, Randy slumps in his seat with a groan.

"Still haven't talked to her about the whole smooch thing?" Howard asks as he watches his friend.

"Noooo." Randy grumbles. "When I finally get the courage to, something either happens or it gets so awkward I freeze up."

"I still don't understand what's there to talk about. You like her, she kissed you meaning she likes you back. All you gotta do now is ask her out and be done with it."

"Her kissing me doesn't mean she likes me. Eventhoughitwasthegreatestthingtoeverhappentomeandherlikingmebackwouldbealitteraldreamcometrue, for all I know it could mean something else!"

"Like what?! What could her kissing you meaning anything else?!"

"I don't know!" Randy covers his face in frustration. "Why is this so complicated...?"

"Cause you won't stop over thinking!"

With the girls, Riley was unknowingly copying Randy's position but was covering her face in embarrassment.

"It's been a week and I still can't believe you kissed Randy." Rachel says looking at her friend in amusement. "But now you're avoiding the subject entirely. Whats up with you?"

"It's so embarrassing..." Riley whines into her hand. "I only kissed him because I wasn't thinking, and I wanted to check if it would be different from kissing NomiRandy."

"And because you like him."

"And because I like him." Riley moves her hands from her face to run them through her hair. "I just don't know how to act around him now."

"Riley, you just need to stop overthinking about this. If you want to date him, go for it!"

"But what if that messes things up between us?"

"You'll never know if you don't try!"

Before Riley could say anything else, the Robo-ape tour guide interrupted the talking by pulling up a projection of sand.

"Ever stare up at the stars and wonder where sand comes from? Find out at our next stop." The Robo-ape starts up the tram as Principle Slimovitz jumps up in excitement.

"Ooh! I'm a huge sand collector. Well, not huge sand. That'd just be rocks."

Everyone groans and face palms at that.

Especially Randy, who hadn't relaxed since coming here. "Ugh! I'm in my archenemy's lair. It's my chance to stop his next evil scheme before it even starts. And I'm stuck on this stupid tour."

Howard turns away from the view of the factory to glare at his friend. "I'm enjoying this stupid tour. We're about to find out how sand is made. Face it!" Howard gets in Randy's face. "For once, there is no scheme."

~~With McFist and Viceroy~~

"This is my favorite scheme ever!" McFist shouts in excitement as Viceroy worked on the latest project.

Viceroy groans as he lifts up his wielding mask, looking at his boss annoyed. "Hannibal, I've worked day and night and broken every law of physics to build you a Time McChine! You gonna tell me what you need it for?"

McFist grins. "I am going back in time toooooo..." He pauses for effect. "Buy every box of my favorite discontinued breakfast cereal!"

There was a moment of silence as Viceroy stared at his boss before making a face. "Oh, heavens...."

McFist, not reading the air, took this differently. "I hated 'Oh Heavens.' I'm talking 'Atomic Cavity Sugar Blasters.'"

He sighs as he remembers his childhood. "You think they'll be around forever, then the next day, gone." McFist turns around to lean on a control broad. "It really makes you think."

As McFist and Viceroy talk, McFist's robot arm spots a fly and attempts to smash it.

"This is a single use Time McChine." Viceroy emphasize as he gestured to said machine. "Are you sure you don't wanna use it for something, I don't know, destroy-the-Ninja-and-Kunoichi related?!"

"Hmmmmmmmm, Nope!" McFist says without hesitation. "I'm going with cereal. Breakfast will never be the same."

McFist's arm finally gets the fly when it landed on the intercom button, turning it on.

~~Back with the class~~

The tram holding the class was just leaving the stop on the explanation of sand with every passenger completely freaked out.

"That's how sand is made?" Randy asks in shock before looking to Howard. "Did you have any idea?"


"I wonder if I could sue McFist for this?" Riley says to no one in particular, looking disturbed. "I heard it's illegal to be spreading false information."

"So that's not how sand is made?" Rachel asks, starting to calm down.

"Not even close!"

At that moment, the intercom turns on with McFist's and Viceroy's voices coming through, catching the hero's attention.

"This scheme is going to totally change the game. It's going to be a real change gamer."

"I think you mean game changer."

"Game changer! I love it! Hey, what is that, some sort of button?"

The intercom gets cut off and all previous awkwardness between the two teen heroes is replaced by mutual suspicion as they shared a glance.

After making sure the class's attention was still facing forward, the girls quickly join the boys at the back seat.

"Did you hear that?!" Randy asks with clear panic in his voice. "McFist has a game changer. Do you know what that means?! He's found a way to destroy-"

"The Ninja and Kunoichi!/Found a way to change games without getting up from your bean bag!" Howard and Randy say in unison.

The girls and Randy stare at Howard deadpanned.

"....Or your thing."

"We need to get off this tram and find this changer before McFist can use it." Riley says as she and Randy hover in their seats, ready to jump off.

"I'm going with you!" Howard grabs Randy's arm. "You know, in case it's my thing."

"I'm coming too!" Rachel pipes in.

But just as the four were about to jump off-

"Principal Slimovitz! Randy, Riley, Howard, and Rachel are talking about sneaking off the tour!"

The tram comes to a stop at Slimovitz's signal as all four friends snap their heads towards a smug Doug.

"What the cheese, Doug?!" Randy yells incredulous as the four slumping in their seats, glaring at the puffed-up snitch.

Riley didn't resist in kicking the back of his seat.

"Hey!" Doug complains, glaring at her as she smirks back. "Principal Slimovitz-!"

"Enough Douglas." Slimovitz cuts him off, while missing the small fist bump between Riley and Randy. "While I'm thankful that this was brought to my attention, unfortunately for Douglas, the only thing I hate more than tour deserters is a tattletale."

This wipes the smug smile right off Doug's face and right onto the main four's as Doug was pulled from of his seat and made to stand in the front.

"Everyone look at Doug. Nowhere else, just at Doug. Don't worry about what Randy, Riley, Howard, and Rachel are doing. Look.at.Doug!"

Noticing everyone's attention was on Doug, the four quietly and quickly slip off the tram and away from the group.

~~With McFist and Viceroy~~

"You know what my favorite flavor was, Viceroy?" McFist asks allowed, relaxing against the control station. "Blue."

Viceroy just rolls his eyes under his welding mask as finishes up the machine. "There you go, sir. I was able to scare up just enough heart to get in to send you there and back."

McFist immediately jumps in. "Let's do this. I'M STARVING!"

But just before McFist could switch on the machine, the Robo-Ape secretary called in.

"Mr. McFist, there's a Sorcerer on the phone for you."

McFist groans while getting out of the machine. "Isn't that always the way? Every time you're about to cop a squat on the old-time machine an evil sorcerer calls?"

Viceroy and McFist walk out of the lab.

Moments later, the group of four sneaks in.

"Viceroy's lab." Randy comments while looking around. "The game changer's gotta be in here."

"Man, I hope so." Howard says casually as his friends started looking around. "Do you know how much time I would save if I didn't have to get up to change my own games?"

Riley's search brought her to the time-machine, that to her, just looked like a tricked-out port-a-potty.

"There and Back?" Riley reads aloud, rubbing her chin in thought.

"What could that mean?" Rachel asks as she come up to stand by her friend.

"No idea. Maybe-"

"I don't know why I answered that."

The group of friends freeze at the sound of McFist's nearing voice.

"Quick! In the porta potty." Randy shoves everyone into the machine and closes the door, just as McFist and Viceroy reenter the lab.

Inside the now cramp port-a-potty/time machine, Riley and Randy were doing their best to make out the muffled conversation that was happening outside.

As they do this, Randy notices Howard sitting on the seat and fiddling with the controls.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to program this stupid techno toilet." Howard answers back.

"Uh Howard, I don't think-" Rachel starts buts is ignored.

"Let's see. I'll lead off with a one." Howard presses a button causing a light to flash and a one to appear on a screen behind him.

He then gasps as his stomach anonymously groans making his friend's eyes widen in alarm.

"Better make it a two." Howard presses another button making a two appear on the screen.

"You are not doing that while we're in here." Randy says while placing himself between the girls and Howard in a poor attempt to shield from the upcoming horror.

"Sorry." Howard grunts. "Can't wait."

He then farts making the rest of the occupant's gag heavily.

"Phew." Howard sighs in relief. "False alarm. Just a one after all."

Another one appears on the screen when Howard presses a button.

"You're the worst kind of friend." Randy gasps as he pulls the collar of his shirt over his nose with the girls doing the same.

Howard farts again and starts groaning in pain. "No, it's a three!"

"What's a three?" Randy whispers, feeling his dreed rise.

"It's one plus two!" Howard snaps. "Man, you are terrible at math."

Howard presses one last button, making a three appear on the screen and show 1213. But just before he could reach his fly, Riley shoves past Randy and Rachel to get in Howard's face making him freeze in fear from the intense look in her eyes.

"Weinerman, I'm only gonna say this once. If you even attempt to go while we're in here, I swear on my life as a Kunoichi, I'll make sure whatever comes out of you will go straight. back. in. One way or another."

Everyone in the port-a-potty goes quiet at Riley's threat, eyes wide.

Howard gulps and quickly tries to act unaffected from the threat. "Whatever Davis. I suddenly don't need to go cause I don't want to. And not because you scared my bowels to a complete halt."

Howard then leans against the control panel, trying to appear nonchalant only for his elbow to press down on a button that said 'Travel.'.

The port-a-potty suddenly lights up and starts to shake.



Outside the port-a-potty, McFist was changing into a disguise.

"Viceroy, what do you think?" McFist steps out from behind a changing screen to show off his 70's attire. "Don't I look groovy? Gotta blend in. I don't wanna blow my cover as a time traveler."

Viceroy simply rolls his eyes in response as McFist goes to the time-machine. But before he could even touch the door, it vanishes.

McFist jumps back in shock and starts looking around frantically. "Where'd the Time MacChine go?"

"Not where? When?" Viceroy points out looking just as confused.

McFist sighs. "Fine. When did the Time MacChine go?"

"Just now. Didn't you see it?" Viceroy snorts at his joke making McFist face palm.

~Riley's P.O.V.~

No one knew what was happening as the port-a-potty rocked back and forth, throwing all four of us around the small space.









And just as quick as the rocking had started, it stops.

"Ohhhh, that three is turning into a four!" Howard moans and starts pushing to get out. "Get me out of here or be in the splash zone!"

That got the rest of us to move and all but break the door down.

Once outside, and trying to ignore Howard's regurgitating, I collapsed to my knees trying to get some fresh air only to notice that the air was fresher? Clean?

Upon further inspection, instead of feeling the cold hard metal of Viceroy's lab, I look to see I was sitting in soft grass.

Lifting my head, I was blown away by the sight of the large meadow we were all in, with nothing but nature as far as the eye could see.

"What the-?" I start before being interrupted by Howard.

"Uh...What happened to Viceroy's lab?"

"Forget the lab, what happened to the building?!" Rachel asks looking as bewildered as I felt.

"I think the bigger question is," Randy starts as he looked at us with a worried expression. "What happened to Norrisville?"

"I-I-I have no-"The question made me panic slightly for a second before I took a breath to calm myself. Getting to my feet, I say. "Ok, I think we should all calm ourselves and not panic. The port-a-potty was probably some kind of teleporter. Let just call someone and get help."

"And tell them what?" Howard asks, looking grumpy.

"That we got bored of the tour, went exploring, and ended up messing with one of McFist unfinished products." I reply taking out my phone. "Worst case scenario will be a lengthy grounding from our parents. Small upside would be McFist getting yelled at by said parents for poor security measures."

Looking at my phone, I frown at seeing no bars. "Okay, no signal. Anyone else?"

"Nope." Rachel says shaking her head.




"Nada." Howard pockets his phone and looks at me arms crossed. "Got any better ideas, Davis?"

"Then I guess we go look for help-"


"Hey guys, what's that?" Rahcel interrupts Howard's panicking to point at some small columns of smoke over the hilltop.

"That looks like it could be help." I say throwing a smug look at Howard. "Smoke mean fire, fire means people, people mean homes, and homes mean lines of communication. We'll go over with the same story, ask for help, and be home before dinner."

I start walking up the hill with the others following after me.

But what I saw from on top of the hill made me stop in my tracks. The sudden halt caused everyone to bump into me from behind.

"What the juice, Davis?! Whats the hold up?" Howard complains.

"Riley? What wrong?" Randy asks placing a hand on my shoulder in concern.

"I think I was too optimistic with my plan." I answer while gesturing to the view of the small, rustic, village at the bottom of the hill.

"Just how far did that machine take us?" Rachel asks, looking concerned.

"No idea." Randy says before taking the lead. "But we won't get any answers standing here. Come on."

The four of us soon arrived in the village and were quickly gaining attention from the locals.

Which wasn't that surprising, considering the villagers were wearing clothes that looked like the ones the first settlers of Norrisvile wore from hundreds of years ago.

Compared to that, the colorful sight of our group was definitely an odd sight to behold.

"Am I the only one who's starting to feel a little self-conscious?" Rachel asks aloud, wrapping her arms around herself and getting closer to me.

"No, no you are not." I say back, fiddling with my hair nervously and trying to ignore the whispering and stares directed at us.

"What the juice?" I hear Randy say in confusion.

"Guys, what is this place?" Howard asks us.

But before anyone could attempt to answer, a weird sound caught our attention and we all looked to see people at wooden booths, messing with them like they were games.

"Welcome to Ye Olde Amusement Pit." A man that looked a lot like Greg, says to us. "Skibow, forsooth, skibow."

That.... is very strange.

The sound of wooden wheels caught our attention next as we looked to the other side of the street to see a line of people standing behind a man dressed like a kangaroo, who pushed a couple in a wagon into a pit of hay.

But it was the sign that really caught my attention.

'Ye Olde Whoopee World.'

'Whoopee World?' I think to myself as a feeling of deja'vu came over me.

The sudden sound of chickens made Randy flinch as we turn to see a building with a chicken statue on top called Charlie Cluckers, with people driving horse drawn wagons, picking up food at the window.

"This is getting weird." I say aloud as we made it to the center of the village where a carp statue stood with a gold stone for an eye.

'Wait.' I think, taking a closer look at the stone. 'IS THAT THE EYE OF ETERNITIES!?'

Randy's gasp takes my attention away from the stone as he says. "Guys, we're in Norrisville. We went back in time!"

Howard and Rachel gasps at this as my brain starts running a mile a minute.

"Time travel? Cunningham, did you hit your head or something? That's impossible!" Howard says looking slightly panicked. "Tell him Davis!"

"No, I think Randy's right." I say getting a 'WHAT!' from Howard. "Look around us, most of these places, albeit very old school, only exist in Norrisville. Not to mention, last I checked, there is only one Eye of Eternities."

"So, you mean that porta potty was also a time machine?" Howard asks now shocked.

"No, I think it was only a time machine." Rachel corrects. "Which makes me extra glad Riley stopped you before you could use it."

"Again, that was my choice."

I see Randy about to say something when the ground suddenly started to shake.

The shaking caused an immediate reaction out of the villagers as they all started screaming and running for cover.

"It's a stampede!"

"Grab your kinfolk. Run!"

"Hide! Quickly!"

"What the juice is going on?!" Howard says while trying to keep balance.

"Uh guys...." Rachel point towards a cliff with a trembling finger that the rest of us quickly follow.

What we saw made my heart drop into my stomach.

Hundreds if not at least a thousand of rat like monsters were descending from the cliff side and heading straight for the village!

Randy was able to shake of the shock first as he said. "Howard, Rachel, you two better hide."

"Right." Rachel takes off and goes to hide but I don't hear anything from Howard.

"Howard?" I call out, looking around only to deadpan when I see him cramp himself into a barrel.

Randy sees this as well and speaks. "OK, no, you're good? You're already hiding? OK." He then looks at me. "Let's do this Riley."

Seeing the determination in his eyes gave me confidence as I nodded back. "Right."

We both then run towards the stampede while putting on our masks.

"Looks like we got here just in Ninja time!" Ninja says as we got into fighting stance. "I don't know what the cheese is going on, but it ends now. Ninja flip!"

We jump into the fray and start beating up as many rat monsters as we can when I suddenly see one of the defeated monsters turn back into a normal rat as familiar green mist flowed out of it.

"Stank?" I say in confusion.

Ninja, who saw all this as well, says. "But that would mean..."

A dreadful, familiar, awful cackling was somehow heard over the sound of the stampede.

Feeling dread wash over me, I looked towards the source of the laugh only to see my suspicion confirmed.

It was the Sorcerer.

In the flesh and free.

"The Sorcerer!" Ninja gasps in shock as we watched our most feared enemy destroying parts of the village with his magic.

"OK, all right, OK." I hear Ninja start rambling." Yeah, no, no, no-"

"Ninja." I call out in hopes to snap him out of it all the while trying to swallow my nerves.

"Looks like we're fighting the Sorcerer today-"


"That's not a big deal-" He keeps going looking more and more frantic. "HOLY CHEESE! WE'RE FIGHTING THE SORCERER TODAY!"

"NINJA!" I yell, grabbing him by the shoulders and giving him a shake. "Snap out of it! We gotta focus!"

"How are you not freaking out?!"

"Who said I wasn't?!"

A blast of magic, that was way too close for comfort, shot over our heads is what broke us apart.

"You're right." Ninja says as he slaps his cheeks and got his game face on. "We gotta focus and kick this guy's butt!"

Taking a deep breath, I nodded in agreement.

The two of us charged through the stamped, jumping and flipping off the monster rats, all the while keeping our eyes on the Sorcerer.

The Sorcerer finally took notice of us when we launched ourselves into the air and we're diving at him, fist ready.

"Ninja and Kunoichi! This will not be your day!" Sorcerer gathered a large ball of magic in his twig like hands and threw it at us.

With no way to dodge, the ball of magic hit us dead on. Blasting us back to the ground where we barley had a moment to recover as we then had to dodge and weave from incoming monster rats.

Hearing the Sorcerer's cackling, I looked to see him ride past on a monster rat just before releasing a tornado of stank that quickly started sucking in anything nearby.

One of those things being me as I felt the pull of the wind lift me off the ground until Ninja grabbed my wrist.

"I got you!" Ninja yells while clawing the ground with his other hand to keep us grounded.

This only lasts a few seconds before a crate slammed into Ninja and causing the two of us to separate and get sucked into the tornado.



I scream as I'm thrown through the air before I crashed straight through a building and landing in a pile of hay.

Groaning, I slowly and shakily lift myself from the hay, rubbing my head. "Owwww.... could this day get any worse?"


"Me and my big mouth." I grumble under my breath before jumping to my feet and looking around just to see one of the rat monsters about to attack a mother and her child.

Not thinking twice, I threw my scarf at the monster and managed to grab it and pull it away.

"Go! Now!" I shout to the mother who nodded, grabs her daughter, and takes off.

The monster rat I had in my clutches started to buck and thrash making my grip start to slip.

It was only when I stepped on something that I did slip and lost hold on the monster.

Said monster was quick to turn to me and lunge.

Still dizzy from the crash, I could only shut my eyes and brace myself for the attack.




'What the juice?'

Cracking an eye open, I see the monster rat, that was only a few inches away from me, being restrained again by a black chain.

Looking back at the now struggling monster, I follow the length of the chain to see it led to a dark alleyway.

I watched as the chain was only tugged but had enough power to pull the monster rat flying into the alleyway.

The sound of punches and pained squeaks could be heard from the alleyway as I shakily got to my feet.

Stank soon leaves the alleyway, and it goes quiet.

"Um, hello?" I call out.

"That was quite the noble act you did for that mother and child, young one." A voice suddenly rings out. The sound echoing around the deserted street, making it hard to pinpoint the exact location of the source.

"Uh... thanks?" I reply unsurely, eyes glancing around. "It's what I do."

"Oh? As what?"

"As the Kunoichi, of course." I say proudly, chest puffed out and all.

The sudden silence was deafening as the pride I was feeling started to deflate from it.

"Hmmm, how funny."

"What?" I ask, now feeling tense.

"That last I was informed, there was only one Kunoichi."

A sudden presence behind me makes me jump and spin around only to gasp.

"And that would be me."

If my eyes could get any wider, they would have popped out of my head.

'Back in time by 800 years- she's-!'


An explosion of light coming from the other side of town cuts me off and making both me and the First freakin Kunoichi snap ours heads in that direction.


A/N: Part 2 is on the way!

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