13th Century Ninja and Kunoichi part 2

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-Last Time on 'Red and Blue! The Ninja Duo!'-

'Back in time by 800 years- she's-!'


An explosion of light coming from the other side of town cuts me off and making both me and the First freakin Kunoichi snap ours heads in that direction.


~~Present Time~~

~Riley's P.O.V~

My hand quickly dug out my necklace from my suit and gave the stone a squeeze.

After a moment, it warmed up slightly in my clenched fist and I breathed out a small sigh in relief.

Shoving the necklace back into my suit, I start running towards the direction of the explosion.


I barley hear the First Kunoichi as I rounded a corner. Picking up speed, I was almost at the other side of town when I spot a familiar black and red suit coming into town with another figure in black and red.

"Is that...?" I shake my head before yelling out. "Ninja!"

Both figures snap their heads to me but only one reacted.


My Ninja meets me halfway and we pull each other into a hug.

Staying in that position for a moment, the memory of the kiss suddenly pops into my head and the same seemed to happen to Ninja as we both quickly let go of each other and looked to the side awkwardly.

"So-uh-are-are you okay?" Ninja asks, rubbing the back of his head while looking at the spots of dirt on me from the crash.

"I'm f-fine." I stuttered, thankful for the mask to cover my blushing face as I dusted myself off a bit. "Got smashed through a building, almost got mauled by one of those monster rats, and I meet the First Kunoichi. You?"

"Got thrown into a bunch of clothesline and nearly got thrown into a hole by the First Ninja thinking I was the Sorcerer-"

"Wait." I cut him off, starting to panic. "What? So, the Sorcerer was supposed to be sealed today and he isn't."

"I beg your pardon?" A sharp voice interrupts us making us snap out heads to see the First Kunoichi, who showed up out of nowhere, standing next to First Ninja, looking alarmed. "The Sorcerer hasn't been sealed!?"

"Ninja, we might be in bigger trouble than we thought. With how delicate time travel is-"

"Kuno, chill. it's fine." Ninja cuts me off, not looking to bothered. "We can still fix this, together."

That seemed to make something in First Ninja snap, cause before anyone could stop him, he had Ninja by the collar. "My brothers made the ultimate sacrifice in the battle to defeat the Sorcerer. And in one moment-"

He then shoves Ninja making me catch him before he could fall. "You have wrought our destruction!"

"Ninja-" First Kunoichi tries to calm her partner but is cut off.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Ninja gets out of my hold to defend himself. "We-" Gesturing to himself and I. "Were fighting the Sorcerer until we got separated and you kicked me. If anyone hath wrought anyone's destruction, you-hath-wrought.. it?"

While this was going on, First Kunoichi and I were standing off to the side watching them squabble.

First Kunoichi, though looking tired, chuckled. "Your friend is quite passionate."

"Yeah." I agree fondly watching Ninja. 'He's pretty Bruce.'

"I don't believe we properly introduced ourselves." First Kunoichi points out before turning to me and bowing in greeting. "I am the Kunoichi. And you are?"

"Oh! Uh-" I quickly bow back, feeling flustered at meeting such an icon. "Funny thing, I am also the Kunoichi. From the-uh- future...."

"The future?!" First Kunoichi gasps, looking shocked at the idea. "How on earth did you two get here?"

"That's actually a funny story-"

A sudden 'thunk' cuts me off and interrupts the Ninja's arguing.

We all turn to look to see Howard tipped out of the barrel he was hiding in.

Seeing us, being Ninja and I, he quickly ran up to Ninja. "Ninja! Thank cheese I found you. That barrel-filled with pickles. Well, not anymore. I'm filled with pickles." He then belches making me and Ninja roll our eyes.

"Friend of yours?" First Kunoichi asks looking both amused, disgusted, and unsure.

"Believe it or not." I mumble back, feeling a headache forming. I then perk up. "Speaking of friends...." I cup my hand around my mouth and call out. "RACHEL! Rachel, you can come out now! We're cool!"

Rachel's head peaked out of a nearby building, looking around before seeing me and rushing over. "Kunoichi! Everything okay?!"

"Yeah, everything's kind of fine now. Beside the Sorcerer being out." I mumble that last part.

"Cool." Rachel's eyes then trail to the two adults and got big. Gasping, she tugs on my arm. "Ri- I'm mean Kunoichi. Are they...?"

"The First Ninja and Kunoichi? Yup." I finish with a grin under my mask.

"Oh my-!"

A red cloth suddenly wrapped around our, Ninja, Howard, Rachel, and I, heads and pulled them together causing us to hit our heads against each other.


"Stop talking!" First Ninja orders firmly before sitting on the ground in the lotus position. "I must visualize our dilemma if I am to actualize the solution."

I rubbed my head to ease the pain and in confusion. I knew what he was saying but who talks like that?

"This guy talks like the Nomicon." Howard grumbles, rubbing his own head.

"I know, right?" Ninja says in agreement.

"Is he always like this?" I asked First Kunoichi who looked fondly exasperated.

"Very, but it gets the job done." She answers looking at First Ninja with what I could only identify as a loving expression.

Darting my eyes between them, I thought. 'There were always rumors and theories, but are they-'


A voice cuts off my train of thought as a short man in blue robes comes running over out of breath.

"What is it, my trusty squire Plop Plop?" First Ninja asks, cracking an eye open.

All four of us teenagers immediately burst into laughter at the name.

Through my laughter I could just barley hear the guy ask First Ninja and Kunoichi. "Why are they laughing?"

"Your name!" Howard manages to gasp out. "Plop Plop! It's fantastic!"

"What do they call you?" Plop Plop asks looking unamused.


"Howard?! That's a girl's name!" Plop Plop laughs, causing another round of laughter with Howard now being the one unamused.

"That's a girl's name-HAHA!" Ninja wheezed out before getting punched to the ground by Howard.


Another voice stops our laughter as a woman about my height runs up to First Kunoichi.

"Ah, Miya, my handmaiden, what is the matter?" First Kunoichi asks, looking concerned.

"My-huff-Lady, The Sorcerer's attack has caused damaged to the estate." Miya gasps out.

This causes the First Ninja and Kunoichi's eyes to widen in alarm. First Kunoichi asks. "What happened to the estate?! Is everyone alright?"

"Yes my lady, the west part of the estate and part of the garden have been destroyed. No one was harmed and everyone has evacuated to the shelter."

First Kunoichi and Ninja sighed in relief. Ninja and I shared a look.

'Who were they talking about?'

"Good. The less casualties the better." First Ninja gets to his feet. "Our trap has failed. Plop Plop, did you retrieve the Eye of Eternity?"

Plop Plop looks at the First Ninja nervously. "About the stone......the Sorcerer got it...."

A sudden rumbling was the only warning we got before an explosion of stank suddenly fills the sky and the shadow of the Sorcerer is seen.


We all gasp as the tower of stank formed to a ball before charging at us. First Ninja, First Kunoichi, Ninja, and I jumped out of the way, but Plop Plop, Howard, Miya, and Rachel weren't as lucky as they were knocked to the ground.

A heavy silence fell on us as we absorbed what just happened.

We. Are. Screwed.

"So that seems bad." Ninja says casually which made me slap the back of his head. "Ow!"

"Read the room, dude." I hissed under my breath.

A pair of frustrated yells makes us look at First Ninja who lit up red and sent some kind of blast shaped like a dragon at the koi fish statue while First Kunoichi lit up green and stomps on the ground making a wave of sharp rocks to pop out of the ground and head towards the statue as well.

The result of the combined attack completely obliterated the statue and the ground around it.

'......so honkin cool....!'

The two adults were panting in anger as Ninja stepped up to them. "OK, one, you gotta teach us how to do that! And two, we can fix this."

"He's right!" Howard proclaims, getting to his feet as he and everyone else came back over. "This is what he does. He messes things up and she figures out how to fix them."

"And what do you two do?" Miya asks Rachel and Howard curiously.

"Uh....moral support?" Rachel replies unsurely, looking towards me where I gave her a thumbs up in agreement.

Howard buffs his nails in confidence. "I point out the fact that he messed up and tell her they have to fix it."

This gets a mutual reaction out of Ninja, Rachel, and I.

"Excuses you, Weinerman!?"

"Isn't that Kunoichi's thing?"


Clearly fed up with our squabbling, First Ninja snapped. "Stop it!"

First Kunoichi was quick to placing a calming hand on his shoulder, despite looking stressed herself. "Otto, take a breath. Getting angry will only cloud your mind."

"Yeah, what she said." Ninja pipes up. "Me and Kuno get ourselves into these little dillies A.T.T. ~All the time.~" He then pulls out the NinjaNomicon, gesturing to me to take out the KunoichiNomicon as well. "We'll just ask the Ninja and Kunoichi Nomicons."

"What are those?!" First Ninja and Kunoichi ask in unison. First Ninja in caution and First Kunoichi in curiosity.

"Oh! You two are in for a treat." Ninja laughs as he goes to stand next to First Ninja, throwing an arm around his shoulder. "You're gonna love the Nomicon. You talk just like it."

Rolling my eyes, I go to stand next to First Kunoichi.

"Come, my friends, shloomp with us."

And with that, Ninja and I open our books and all four of us get sucked in.


~Inside the Ninja and Kunoichi Nomicons~

First Ninja and Kunoichi screamed as we all plummeted through the book.

"The Ninja and Kunoichi Nomicon is the combined wisdom of every ninja and kunoichi ever! It knows, like, everything!" Ninja yelled over the wind as we go closer to the ground.

Doubting the two adults heard him over their screaming, I notice the sandy ground quickly approaching.

Doing a small flip to ease the landing, Ninja and I copied each other and started sliding down the sand dune.

First Ninja and Kunoichi weren't as lucky as they landed roughly on the ground and started rolling downhill after us.

Reaching the bottom of the dune, Ninja and I watch awkwardly as the two adults finally made it to the bottom in a crumpled heap.

The two were quick to straighten themselves out and pretend the last minute didn't happen.

"Soooo," Ninja starts awkwardly. "Nomicool, we got a sorcerer on the loose. He's armed with a super powerful secret stone. What do you got?"

The blue doodle clouds in the sky began to shift and swirl around.

"Here we go, here we go!" Ninja claps his hands excitedly, making me giggle at his energy.

'He's so cute.~'

The blue doodle clouds suddenly combined into a larger cloud with the lesson in the middle of it.

~You cannot right the future until you write the past.~

A rush of dread came over me when I saw 'future'.

'Did something already happen?'

"Uh-huh." I hear Ninja say to himself in thought.

"You don't know what that means, do you?" First Kunoichi asks Ninja bluntly.

"I do not....." Ninja admits.

Sighing, I face palm. "Ninja, like any time travel movie-"

"Not in a movie."

"Hush, that when someone wonks up the past-"

The blue doodle cloud suddenly becomes a scroll that opens to reveal a now free Sorcerer in the present causing mayhem in the school!

"-they can destroy the future...." I finish before covering my mouth in horror at the scene.

The scroll then burst into flames just as the dessert starts to shake and sinking us into the ground and out of the book.

~Back Outside~

~Third Person's P.O.V.~

Howard, Plop Plop, Rahcel, and Miya were all sitting around their unconscious friends, talking.

"My first name is Plop. My last name was already Plop." Plop Plop explains to Howard in annoyance, his frown getting deeper when Howard just answered with a snicker.

"So what's it like serving the Kunoichi?" Rachel asks Miya.

"An honorable and fulfilling task. I couldn't ask for a better lady to serve." Miya says proudly.

"So no downsides?" Rachel asks, not in disbelief but curiosity.

"Not really." Miya pauses before looking to the side, looking tired. "....except for the few times when she gets into trouble from her so called 'adventuring' that she drags me along to....."

Rachel pats her shoulder in sympathy.

All four then jumped, startled when their once unconscious group of heroes suddenly sprang to life.

First Ninja and Kunoichi were groaning and holding their heads from the sudden rush while the two teen heroes were quickly going through their nomicons and watching in horror as everything inside started disappearing.

"No, no, no! The Nomicona are disappearing!" Ninja says with a panic tone. "You're right Kuno, the future's in trouble cause we wonked up the past!"

"Wait, How wonked are we talking here?" Howard asks, looking troubled.

~~~Present Time~~~

Back in present day, students and staff of Norrisville High School were all running and screaming in terror as a now free Sorcerer unleashed his chaotic magic, turning any unfortunate person caught in the crossfire into a monster just to add into the destruction.

"Most fun I've had in 800 years! Hahaha! " Sorcerer laughs before pausing, sensing eyes on him.

Looking in the direction of the eyes, he sees Julian staring at him in fear before the boy quickly jumped into his locker, slams it shut, and then sits on the floor of it; curled into a ball, hoping the scary monster man doesn't come after him.

Those hopes were soon crushed as his locker door was torn in two, and a figure now stood over him.

Eyes wide and voice just barley holding his fear, Julian asks. "H-h-how can I be of service, O-o-o-o Sp-sp-spooky One?"

"I need a lift.~" Sorcerer sneers before letting out an evil laugh that Julian slowly joined in.

The Sorcerer stops giving him a look that makes Julian freeze. "oh..."

A moment later, the entrance to the school practically explodes as the Sorcerer uses a now stanked Julian as a horse and rides off into the city with waves of stank following after him, turning anyone unlucky enough to be in it's way into a monster.

At McFist Industries, the field trip class was still on their tour, not noticing four missing students, when the Sorcerer burst in, threw the tour guide into a grinder, and then riding off.

"Principal Slimovitz, some guy just destroyed our tour guide!" Doug points out, much to Slimovitz's annoyance.

"Really, Doug? Tattling on an evil wizard, did we not just discuss this?" Slimovitz scolds.

In McFist's office, McFist and Viceroy where frantically trying to come up with a plan to free the Sorcerer.

"Work faster!" McFist yells at Viceroy, who was working on a whiteboard. "I guaranteed the Sorcerer he'd be free today."

Viceroy stops working to face his boss. "It's not my fault you made a promise you can't keep."

"You can't keep." McFist fires back before his office phone went off.

"Mr. McFist, there's a Mr. Sorcerer here to see you." His Robo-ape receptionist says through the phone.



McFist and Viceroy had to shield their heads from the debris and were now openly gaping at the now free Sorcerer standing in McFist's office.

It took McFist a moment to find his voice but could only muster an awkward. "Hey, you're..... Hey!"

Sorcerer simply walked past him to stand in front of the window overviewing the city. "I didn't believe your ridiculous guarantee. But you did it, and I'm free." Sorcerer laughs gleefully.

McFist laughs nervously. "Yep, I did it. All me."

Viceroy gives McFist a look. "You did it?"

McFist just gives him a smug look back. "Didn't I? Didn't I, Viceroy?"

Fed up with the arguing, Sorcerer whips around and yells. "BRING THEM TO ME!"

McFist and Viceroy flinch at the order before McFist asks. "Bring who to you?"

"The Ninja and Kunoichi!" The Sorcerer barks. "I want them to look me in the eye and know all is lost."

"Oh, you did it all right." Viceroy mutters to McFist sassily.

McFist could only grumble.

~~~Back with the gang in the past~~~

"Present Sorcerer is free and turning the town into his own evil playground!" Kuno exclaims, now on her feet and pacing.

"Kuno, Kuno calm down." Ninja gets up to stop her. "We have- waits whats going on?"

Everyone looks to see what caught Ninja's attention and see the villagers gathering their belongings and leaving!

The group watch as the villagers abandon their homes, heads down in defeat and sadness.

The sight only added more despair to the two adult heroes, as they watch the life of their home leave.

"We've lost. We're defeated." First Ninja says dejectedly, shoulders slumped in defeat.

Fist Kunoichi wasn't much better, as she was hugging herself with a disheartening look in her eyes.

Ninja and Kunoichi share a worried look at seeing this and quickly break from the group to stand in front of everyone.

"OK, I admit this looks bad, but we can't give up." Ninja attempts to encourage the group.

"Ninjas right. Sorcerer may have won the battle but we can still win the war. We can't let things end here." Kunoichi says in determination.

Everyone jumps as a pillar of stank explodes into the sky on the other side of town.

Howard raises a hand. "I'm down for giving up."

"Me too. Let's all give up." Plop Plop agrees, doing the same.

This earned them both a head slap from an annoyed Miya and Rachel.

Kunoichi shakes her head at them before looking back at the Fist Ninja and Kunoichi. "First Ninja and Kunoichi, please, you can't give up. You've stopped the Sorcerer before."

"No we didn't." First Kunoichi denies, sounding tired.

"Where we come from, you did." Ninja argues.

"Where you come from no longer exists." First Ninja says in a defeated tone that made them flinch. "I have battled the Sorcerer my entire life." He places a hand on First Kunoichi's shoulder. "Kunoichi, my wife, almost as much. We've both lost our families to that monster. Now with the Eye of Eternities, he is unstoppable. When you have given all you have, you have nothing left to give."

The rest of the group goes quiet, either stunned or confused at First Ninja's words.

"We quit." First Ninja clarifies before he and First Kunoichi start following after the evacuating villagers with Plop Plop and Miya running after them.

"We're Heroes." Ninja insist. "We never quit."

He was ignored which made him gap. "I can't believe they just quit. They're the first Ninja and Kunoichi! They're legends."

"They're also people, Ninja. Tired people." Kunoichi sighs looking at the shrinking red and blue figures, feeling downhearted. "Even legends can lose their spirit if pushed too hard. And those two have been pushed for a long time."

"Fine, if they won't help..." Ninja starts but gets cut off.

"Don't." Howard stops him. "I know what you're gonna say. You're gonna be all, 'Guys, looks like it's up to us.' "

"I'm not gonna say that." Ninja denies, looking truthful.

This made the rest of them confused as that was Ninja's usual heroic approach.

"You're not?" Howard asks cautiously.

"No." Ninja puts a hand Howard's shoulder and whispers cheekily. "'Cause you just did."

Howard grumbles at this while the girls laugh. "I didn't mean to."

"Okay, back to serious." Ninja turns to his partner. "You have a plan, Kuno?"

Placing a hand to her chin, Kunoichi thinks for a moment. "Hmm....The best we can do is finish First Ninja and Kunoichi's original plan and trap the Sorcerer. But we have to get the Eye of Eternities away from him if we want even the slightest chance of succeeding."

"Perfect. Kunoichi and I will distract the Sorcerer while Howard and Rachel grab the stone and get it as far away from him as possible. We kick his butt, throw him down the hole, seal it up, then BAM! BOOM! BAH! Future is saved!" Ninja shouts in complete confidence. "Any question?"

Rachel and Howard raise their hands.

"Perfect! Let's go!" Ninja then sprints in the direction of the Sorcerer with Kunoichi right behind him.

Howard turns to Rachel as the two follow their heroic friends at a slower pace. "We're gonna get the cheese kicked out of us. Aren't we?"

"Most likely."


The Sorcerer laughs as he holds the Eye of Eternities with his magic, getting ready to destroy another building-

"Yoo-hoo! Sorcerer~" An air fist collides into his back making him drop the stone.

Spinning around in anger, the Sorcerer sees Ninja and Kunoichi glaring at him in opposition.

'Ha, child's play.' He smirks while gathering magic to his hands.

Boths sides kept still, waiting for the other to make a move.

Sorcerer made the first move and shot a blast at the two teens. Ninja jumps into the air to dodge it while Kunoichi jumps to the side.

While in the air, Ninja fires another attack. "Ninja air fist!"

The attack hits the Sorcerer in the face and knocks him back into a wall.

Seeing a chance, Kunoichi takes out a vine ball, throws it, and has the Sorcerer caught in a tangle of vines.

Sorcerer struggles against the vines as the two teen heroes charge at him. But before they could land another hit, he burns the vines away and sends another blast of magic that made Ninja and Kunoichi backtrack and jump out of the way.

As the fight goes on, Howard carefully and as casually as possible grabs the stone from the ground and all but powerwalks to where Rachel was hiding.

"You got it!" Rachel cheers before pausing. "Now what?"

"How the cheese should I know!" Howard snaps, looking ready to chuck the stone and forget its existence. "Cunningham and Davis only said to keep it from the Sorcerer!"

"Uh...." Rachel fidgets unsurely before spotting the road leading out of the village. "Let's just leave and hide in the woods. Hopefully the fight won't take too long."

"Ugggghhhhh- Camping!" Howard groans before dragging his feet forward. "Cunningham and Davis so owe me for this!"

Back with the fight, Sorcerer was firing blast after blast of stank at Ninja and Kunoichi who did their best to dodge it all.

Ninja spots an opening and leaps into the air, leg out for a kick. "Ninja kick!"

Sorcerer smirks and grabs Ninja's foot, stopping the attack.

Ninja only had time to gulp as the Sorcerer spins around and launches Ninja to the sky. He then conjures multiple arms and sends them after Ninja.

Ninja does his best to evade their grasps with his sword but was grabbed in the end and began getting crushed.

Kunoichi, seeing her partner in distress, used her scarf to wrap it around the Sorcerer face, causing him to lose concentration and release Ninja.

Ninja lands on the ground roughly just as Sorcerer freed himself from Kunoichi's hold. Seeing his catch free, Sorcerer took his frustrations on Kunoichi by gripping her scarf and using it to swing her around before throwing her at Ninja, causing the two to fall to the ground in a painful heap.

Now towering over the two heroes, Sorcerer claws lit up with magic as sneered down at his enemies. "So, Ninja and Kunoichi, you must be desperate to start a fight you cannot win."

"We don't need to win." Ninja grunts out as he and Kunoichi struggled to get to their feet. "We were just distracting you long enough to snatch the stone."

"Now it's gone." Kunoichi spits out, glaring. "Far away from here. You'll never see it again!"

Sorcerer merely smirks and lets out a loud whistle.

Not even a second later, two monster rats dragged their friends over to them.

"Got the stone." Howard points out casually, waving the stone around.

"Oh, boy." Ninja face palms.

"What the juice happened, Rachel!?" Kunoichi asks, exasperated.

"Howard refused to run at a speed that would make him sweat." Rachel deadpans making Kunoichi face palm.

"Prepare to be destroyed." The Sorcerer growls and begins to gather a large amount of magic.

"So do you two get destroyed first? Or Rachel and me? How we gonna do this?" Howard asks, seeming to accept his fate.

Ninja's eyes started darting around trying to think of another plan when his eyes landed on the stone.

"Hey, guys," Ninja starts, his tone catching the groups attention. "Remember that time when Howard and I accidentally released the Tengu and Okami and it possessed Rachel and Howard and turned them into a dragon and bird demon?"

"Yeah?" Kunoichi answers, unsure where he was going with this.

"No!?" Rachel says looking alarmed. "When the juice did this happen!?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about that..."Kunoichi sheepishly says, rubbing the back of her head and not looking at Rachel incredulous expression.

"You forgot to mention that I got possessed by a demon dragon!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Oh, yeah." Howard says, remembering the time while ignoring girls squabbling. "I never ever wanna do that again."

"You never will, You never will ." Ninja starts nudging Kunoichi who quickly caught onto his idea and was now looking at Rachel guiltily. Rachel staired back warily. "Whaaat?...."

"Sorry about this Rachel, I'll make it up to you later. I swear."


"After right now!" Ninja quicky takes out a Sai before Howard could say anything and stabs the stone, breaking it. "Ninja sacred stone stab!"

The Tengu and the Okami were quick to escape their prison just as quick as both heroes grabbed their respective best friend and flings them into the air.

The two demons take the bait and fly after the two teens and possesses them.

"Rachel's gonna kill me when this is over...."

"Aren't you exaggerating just a bit?"

"No, no I'm not."

The now fully possessed Howard and Rachel land behind Ninja and Kunoichi, ready for battle.

"You cannot defeat me, Ninja and Kunoichi." Sorcerer mocks as the dust clears

"We can't, but all of us can." Ninja says as he and Kunoichi got into battle stance with their possessed friends copying their movements.

"The Tengu/Okami and the Ninja/Kunoichi suit are forever linked."

Ninja makes the first move and controls Tengu-Howard to punch the Sorcerer. "Ninja remote control Tengu punch!"

The punch sends Sorcerer sliding backwards and before he could return the favor a long tail mimicking Kunoichi leg, kicks him into a building.

Sorcerer pulls his body from the building with a growl. "Six can play at this game!"

He then spits out a larger version of himself made from his magic.

Seeing the additional threat, Ninja and Kunoichi tense.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ninja sees Tengu-Howard fidgeting. "Relax, Howard. This is just you and me- playing Grave Puncher back home."

Kunoichi notices Okami-Rachel's own restlessness. "Rach, it's okay. I know this is weird but as long as keep a leveled headed we'll- AH!" She gets cuts off by a punch to the face from the P-Sorcerer to Okami-Rachel's face that sends them both to the ground.

"Ku-!" Ninja soon joined his partner on the ground viva punch to the cheek from P-Sorcerer to Tengu-Howard.

"Owwwww, You jerk!" Kunoichi yells getting to her feet while rubbing her head, Okami-Rachel copying her actions.

"Ow! I was not ready!" Ninja shouts before powers up Ninja rage with Kunoichi following his lead. Both power ups extended to their friends.

"Now we're ready."

Kunoichi lunges, fists covered in ice, and goes in for the attack with Ninja right behind her.

All six exchanged attacks, but even with four against two, neither side seemed to be gaining the upper hand. It was only when Sorcerer's projection dodged an attack from Okami-Rachel did he land a solid hit to Tengu-Howard's gut, bringing both him and Ninja down.

"Ack!-That was my guts...." Ninja powers down, curled into the fetal position, holding his stomach in pain. "He got me in my guts."

"Ninja!" Kunoichi calls out in worry.

Seeing her distracted, P-Sorcerer took his chance to upper cut Okami-Rachel in the chin, throwing both girls back and making them dazed.

"Ku-cough!-Kuno! You alright!?" Ninja groans out, wincing in pain.

"Wh-ys TheRe liGhts EvERy whERe..." Kunoichi garbles out, doodle stars spinning around her head.

~~~Outside the Village~~~

Keeping a distance from the villagers, both first Ninja and Kunoichi were silent in mournful shame as their respective handmaiden and squire stayed quiet as well, unsure of how to help them.

But just as the four were getting out of view of the village, multiple explosions coming from the village catches the groups attention.

It didn't take much for First Ninja and Kunoichi to realize that the explosions were caused by the children from the future battling the Sorcerer.

First Kunoichi looked on in dread. Despite just knowing the two for barley an hour, she didn't want any harm to come to them.

They were so young....

First Ninja stares at the battle with a blank expression but if one looked closer, they would see the concern in his eyes.

Those eyes then widen when the message from those strange books suddenly clicked in his mind. "To write the future,..."

"....you must right the past." First Kunoichi finishes, getting the same enlightened look on her face.

The two then stared off towards the village, notably standing taller and more confident than before.

Plop Plop and Miya looked at each other then at First Ninja and Kunoichi.

"Are you talking to us, or...?"

"Shut up, Plop Plop."

~~~Back at the Village~~~

The battle between the Ninja, Kunoichi, their possessed friends, and the Sorcerer was still raging on with neither side backing down.

This was able to change when Ninja got Tengu-Howard to kick P-Sorcerer down giving Kunoichi the chance to maneuver Okami-Rachel into wrapping her tail around P-Sorcerer to trap him. Just as Okami-Rachel was about to punch him, a monster rat snuck up on Ninja and Kunoichi and knocks them off their feet and onto their backs on the roof they were on.

The sudden action causes Tengu-Howard and Okami-Rachel to be ripped away from their positions and onto their backs. With a venomous sneer, Sorcerer makes his projection slam a hand onto Tengu-Howard's chest and a foot onto Okami-Rachel's. The moment each appendage touched them, an agonizing pain spread throughout their bodies making them scream out in pain with Ninja and Kunoichi copying them from the connection they shared.

Stunned into immobility, Ninja and Kunoichi could only weakly watch as their friends are tortured.



Cackling in his victory, Sorcerer raises his hand with four of his chaos pearls twirling around it. But just as he was about to use them to deliver the finishing blow, a familiar blue cloth wraps around his wrist, stopping him.

Snapping his head towards the owner of the blue cloth, Sorcerer could only gap at the sight of the First Ninja and Kunoichi. "You-!"

With a stronger pull, Sorcerer's hand was pulled back causing his chaos pearls to fly off into four different directions. "No!"

With another strong pull, Sorcerer is heaved through the air towards his enemies where First Ninja meets him halfway, throwing a Ryuu fist at his face and sending him flying out of the village.

With the Sorcerer's magic no longer holding them down, Ninja and Kunoichi were able to sit up just as their predecessors came to check on them.

"Are you two alright?" First Kunoichi asks, looking them over for any serious injuries.

"Ye-Yeah, were okay." Kunoichi answer with a look of relief on her face.

"Hey, First Ninja and Kunoichi! You're back. Yes!" Ninja pumps his fist skywards. "Heroes never say quit!"

"On your feet, quickly!" First Ninja orders as he starts racing where the Sorcerer landed. "It's not over yet!"

The rest follow First Ninja out of the village and quickly find the Sorcerer dragging himself out of crater he made upon landing. The spot not too far from the hole where First Ninja and Kunoichi planned to seal him.

As Sorcerer attempts to collect his bearings, he was suddenly tied up by Fist Ninja's headband and was now being carried overhead by him. Struggling to break free, Sorcerer saw where his enemy was taking him and began thrashing.

But it was all for not as with a small huff, First Ninja throws the Sorcerer down the pit that would be his prison. The Sorcerer yells as he falls and grunts in pain as his back hits the only flat surface in the pit and jumps at the feeling of cold enchanted shackles clamping on his wrist.

Sitting up, Sorcerer trembles in rage at the cuffs on his wrists before snapping his head up in time to see First Kunoichi hauling a giant bolder over her head.

A bolder big enough to seal the pit.

"NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Sorcerer fires magic from both his hands upwards just as the bolder was set down.

Outside the pit, Plop Plop and Miya, who arrived just as First Kunoichi picked up the bolder, quickly throw themselves onto the bolder to keep it down as it began to shake from the Sorcerer's attacks.

"We can't- oof!-hold this forever, guys!" Plop Plop grunts.

"Any-eep!- ideas!?" Miya asks, nearly slipping off the boulder from a stronger attack.

The four heroes start thinking when two animalistic cries from overhead caught their attention. Looking up, they see Tengu-Howard and Okami-Rachel flying around aimlessly as Ninja and Kunoichi didn't need them at that moment.

First Ninja stares at the two possessed teenagers as a plan form in his mind. "Only when the stone is made whole will the hole be made stone."

First Kunoichi nods in understanding while Ninja and Kunoichi looked at him like he lost his mind.

"OH COME ON! That didn't even make a lick of sense!" Kunoichi yells, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

"Sweet cheese! What the juice are you talking about!?" Ninja loudly asks in the same tone as partner.

"We've got to return the bird and dragon demons to the stone." First Ninja explains while taking out the two halves of eye of eternity.

This sparks an idea/memory for the two younger heroes, and they share a knowing look.

Spotting a pile of broken wood, Kunoichi throws out a hot ball, setting the wood on fire. Walking over to the fire, both Ninja and Kunoichi take off their masks and throws them into the fire. "Way ahead of you, First Ninj."

Everyone else gasps shock.


"What are you doing?!"


"Are you insane?!"

"Relax." Randy says calmly, only looking a little worried. "This worked last time. Pretty sure it's gonna work now."

"I will be extremely upset if it doesn't." Riley deadpans.

Much to their relief, their plan does work as the moment their masks burned away, the Okami and Tengu releases their friends making them fall from height they were flying from.

Randy and Riley were quick to catch them before they hit the ground.

.....more like Riley caught Rachel while Randy softened Howard's landing.

First Ninja watches as the Tengu and Okami dive straight at him for the stone in his hand. When they got close enough, First Ninja holds the two halves together and then embedded them into the boulder after pushing Plop Plop and Miya out of the way.

The moment the Tengu and Okami touched the stone, a blast of light momentarily blinds everyone while pushing them back as the Sorcerer's new prison was sealed.

~~~Present Time~~~

The Sorcerer cackles from a top of a building as fire and panic spread throughout the town.

Freedom was finally his!

The world was finally his!

And once he has the Ninja and Kunoichi in his grasps, NO ONE WILL-!


"McFist guarantees he's gonna get me out of here today." Sorcerer says to his small rat companion, sounding and looking board as he sat in his prison.

The little rat squeaks out a response.

"Yeah, I don't believe him, either...." Sorcerer sighs.

~~~Back with the gang in the past~~~

After the dust settles, everyone regrouped and was now looking over the newly sealed pit with Randy and Riley holding their reformed masks.

Howard and Rachel were both panting from everything with Rachel looking more frazzled.

Randy pats Howard's back in comfort. "You did good, buddy. You did real good."

"Seriously!" Howard yells exasperated. " I never wanna do that again." Howard grabs Randy's collar, looking at him desperately. "Promise me, Cunningham."

Randy could only pat his friend's head in sympathy. "I can't do that...."

"Rachel..." Riley says hesitantly to her friend. "I'm really sorry how things turned out, but I swear that-"

A hand grips the front of her shirt and has her bend down to her friend's height so Rachel could look at her in the eye.

Riley gulps at the intense look in her friend's eyes. "Rachel...?"

"You owe me....till we graduate from college...." Rachel whispers with a tone that left no room for an argument.

"Got it!" Riley squeaks in fear.

Rachel nods before falling backwards in an exhausted huff.

Riley grabs her beating heart trying to calm down from the near-death experience.

Randy and Howard, who were watching the scene, gap. "Wow." Randy utters. "I guess you weren't exaggerating about how mad she would get...."

"I didn't know she could get mad." Howard threw in, looking dumbfounded.

First Kunoichi clears her throat, getting Randy and Riley's attention.

"The Sorcerer broke our spirit, but you both showed us what it means to be true heroes." First Ninja says to the two teens, both he and First Kunoichi looking eternally grateful.

"Despite the odds not being in our favor, you showed us that as long as there is someone willing to fight, there will always be hope for the future." First Kunoichi adds on, looking proud of the two teenagers, making them bashful.

"Yes," First Ninja agrees with his partner. "It was very..."

"Bruce?" Randy says with smile.

"Bruce..." First Ninja tests the word seeming happy with it. "I like that."

"Look, we're gonna need you to write down everything you know." Randy asks while handing First Ninja the Ninjanomicon with Riley doing the same with the First Kunoichi. "Believe it or not, things don't always go as smoothly as they did today."

"Hopefully, when we get back to the future both nomicons will be back to normal." Riley says, looking ready to fall asleep. First Kunoichi places a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You got it...Ninja." First Ninja says before playfully doing a finger gun and clicking his tongue.

Randy does it right back with a grin.

This soon turned into a small click off that had both First Kunoichi and Riley watch on in fondness.

"I am so sorry if Randy teaches First Ninja anything annoying." Riley says to First Kunoichi while covering her mouth to hide her smile.

"It quite alright." First Kunoichi laughs as she watches the boys. "To be honest, I'm looking forward to him being able to finally relax after all these years."

Riley looks at the older woman who looked much lighter than before. "You both deserve some peace."

"Thank you." First Kunoichi says. "So, what do you plan to do when you all go back to your own time?"

"To be honest, go straight home and sleep for a week." Riley replies bluntly, stretching her arms.

"I see." First Kunoichi says, looking befuddled. "Apologies, I was under the impression that you would be celebrating with your friends and suitor."

"Suitor? Who?" Riley asks, looking alarmed by the statement.

First Kunoichi doesn't say anything but simply turns her head toward Randy and First Ninja before looking back at Riley with a raised brow.

Riley's face gets red as her hair. "NO!- We- he- I- we're not-he's not-!"

"But you would like to be." First Kunoichi interrupts with a knowing look.

Riley goes quiet, face still flushed as gives a small. "....yes..."

First Kunoichi gives a Riley a fond look as she places a hand on her shoulder. "Young one, if there is one thing life has taught me is that time waits for no one. So, we must take the chances we are given in order to live a fulfilled life."

Taking in the advice, Riley glances at Randy as a new resolve forms with in her.

As the heroes were talking, Miya was speaking to Rachel.

"It is quite heartwarming to know that the future generations will hold such loyal and kind people like yourself Rachel." Miya says making Rachel rub her arm bashfully.

"Aw thanks. You are too. Not many people are willing to help in battle."

"Lots of unwanted practice."

Plop Plop turns away from the Ninja's little competition to address Howard. "You fought bravely today. I will name all of my daughters in your honor." He snickers. "Howard."

Howard gives the man a good-natured glare. "And every time I go to the bathroom, I will remember you, Plop Plop." This then reminds Howard of a certain thing. "Speaking of, let's get back to the portal potty." His words catch his friend's attention. "I gotta take a 21st century, if you know what I mean."

The teens groan in disgust while the adults looked confused.

An ominous gurgling suddenly comes from Howard's stomach making everyone freeze.

Howard clutches his stomach and turns in the direction of where the portal potty was-

"Find an outhouse or get left behind, Weinerman."

Only to change direction to the village and run off.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

At present day, the portal potty reappears in Viceroy's lab as if it never disappeared. The main four peak their head's out, looked around, before rushing out of the machine and out of the lab.

A moment later, Viceroy and McFist come into the lab.

"Oh, there it is, right where we left it." Viceroy says with relief, glad his machine was unharmed.

"Always the last place you look." McFist puts in as he opens the door only to stop dead in his tracks.

The reason for this was that the entire interior was destroyed. The controls smashed and damage in every corner of the small space.

"NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Viceroy and McFist yell in despair.

"MY MACHINE!" Viceroy cries out, falling to his knees.

"MY CEREAL!" McFist weeps, falling to the ground to slam his fist in defeat.

Back to the main four, the small group of teenagers were hiding behind a wall as they waited for the tour tram holding their class to get closer.

Once so, the four sneak on and retake their seats in the back row with Randy and Riley sharing the middle.

"So that was..." Howard starts awkwardly.

"Yeah." Randy replies with Riley nodding in agreement.

"Do you guys think everything's back to normal?" Rachel asks, looking a bit worried.

Randy and Riley share a look before pulling out their nomicons. "Only one way to find out."

They open their books and get sucked in. ""Arwoooh!"

Doug, being the nosey shoob that he is, notices the two teen heroes slumped against each other, knocked out. "Principal Slimovitz! Randy and Riley are sleeping!"

"Really, Doug," Slimovitz asks in a fed-up tone, not even bothering to turn around. "Really?"

~Inside the Ninja and Kunoichi Nomicons~

Passing through the wild and familiar scenery gave Randy and Riley a feeling of relief and nostalgia.

And then pain when the two-fly face first into a building.

Groaning in pain as they peeled themselves off the building and fall to the ground, the two couldn't help but gasp at the grand sight of the outside view of the Dojo. Their first time seeing it.

But what caught their attention was the giant scroll painting that showed the Sorcerer in chains, the Tengu and Okami, and finally the First Ninja and Kunoichi, Plop Plop and Miya, themselves, and their friends. The boys on one side and the girls on the other.

The pictures of the First Ninja and Kunoichi suddenly came to life and drops down to stand in front of the two teens.

"Now it is your turn to write history." First says while holding out a Tengu feather to Randy.

First Kunoichi does the same with Riley but with a Okami scale, giving them a playful challenging look. "Are you ready?"

The two teens didn't even have to look at each other to know what the other was thinking.


"Oh my Bruce!" Randy yells in excitement. "I can't believe you guys are here-I mean why wouldn't you be here- but either way this is the cheese!"

"Are you guys gonna be training us!?" Riley asks excitedly, all previous exhaustion seemingly vanished.

"Thats right." First Ninja confirms. "While you both will continue your regular training with your respective Nomicons, Kunoichi and I will personally be training you one on one or together from time to time."

"And like the Nomicons, we will be here to give any advice or words of wisdom you may need." First Kunoichi adds while looking amused at the young teen's expressions.

"Are we gonna start now?!" Randy asks looking pumped at the idea.

"No." Both First Ninja and Kunoichi say firmly in unison.

"You two just came back from a life-threatening battle with the Sorcerer. The only thing you two will be doing is rest." First Ninja lectures, arms crossed.

"That and it seems your field trip has come to an end." First Kunoichi comments while gesturing to the side, making a scroll appear that showed their class exiting the tour tram with friends struggling to get them out without being suspicious.

"Till next time, Ninja and Kunoichi." First Ninja and Kunoichi wave as the two teens were then pushed out of the book.

~Back Outside~

~Riley's P.O.V.~

Gasping, I groan from a slight ache on my head.

"Thank cheese, you guys are back." Howard sighs in relief. "Hurry and get up or were gonna get left behind."

"Howard wait!"

Howard goes after the class with Rachel going after him.

Head still feeling dizzy, I didn't immediately get up from the ground until an outstretched hand appeared in front of my face.

Looking up, I see it was Randy.

"You okay?" He asks, his usual cute, kind smile on his face.

Feeling my heart beat a little faster, I place my hand in his. "Yeah..."

Helping me up, I felt his grip loosen to let go. "We better hurry, don't want to get left behind in our arch enemy's base."

Just before his hand left my mine, I tightened my grip, stopping him.

"Riley?" He asks curiously, cheeks red.

I don't say anything. I don't even look at him as my mind runs a thousand thoughts a minute and my heart feeling like it was gonna explode.

'What am I doing?!'

'Why won't I let go of his hand?!'

'You're being weird! Stop it!'

'This is so embarrassing!'

'Why can't I just-'

All that stops when First Kunoichi's advice rings through my mind.

'Young one, if there is one thing life has taught me is that time waits for no one. So, we must take the chances we are given in order to live a fulfilled life.'

Taking a breath and steeling my nerves, I look at Randy. "Randy."


"Will-" My words get caught in my throat and I couldn't help but look to the side with my face feeling like it was on fire. "Be-before we go home today, wh-whould you m-m-ind meeting me at the school shed? I wanna talk to you about something. Privately."

The question catches him by surprise as he stutters. "Oh uh sure-"

"Great! Seeyouthen-!" I ramble, carefully letting go of his hand, and then speedwalking after the class to the bus.

Getting on the bus, I see Rachel sitting a few rows away from Howard and holding a seat for me. I released a sigh of relief at this and soon join Rachel.

"Hey, there you are. Why's your face so red?"

"I'll tell you later. But do you mind waiting for me a bit after school. I have to do something."


~Randy's P.O.V.~

Bewildered by the way Riley was acting and her sudden departure, I follow after her while trying to ignore the way my hand tingled.

'Wonder what she wants to talk about?' I think to myself as I board the bus. Spotting Howard, I walk down the aisle to get to my seat. While doing so, I spot Riley whispering to Rachel about something. Catching each other's eye, I get a feeling of déjà vu as her face goes red and she breaks eye contact by turning her head away.

Rachel suddenly looks interested at what was happening and was now prodding Riley.

Walking past them, I sit next to Howard who asks. "What was the holdup Cunningham? Doug almost sat with me. Did you need to use the john too or something?"

The bus starts leaving McFist Industries as we talked.

"Uh no. Riley was acting kind of weird." I reply, sending a glance at said red head.

"Weird how?"

"Her face was red, she was stuttering, and could barely look me in the eye." As I talked, Howard slowly gets an intense interested expression. "She then asks me to meet up at the school shed after school to talk about something privately."

Howard's face becomes alarmed then thoughtful. "Really? Was there anything else Davis said?"



The sudden yell makes me and everyone else jump as we turn to look at Rachel who was standing in her seat with giant smile on her face, looking down at a red faced Riley.

Riley didn't look at anyone as she tried to get her friend to sit down, hissing. "Yes now sit down-!"

"No standing or yelling on the bus Ms. Williams!"

"Sorry!" Just as Rachel was about to sit down, she looks in our direction and sends us a thumbs up.

Confused, I look at Howard who was putting his own hand down for some reason and now had a smirk on his face.

Seeing me look at him, he wipes the smirk off his face and starts leaning against the window, nonchalant. "Yeah, that does sound weird for Davis. Especially on where she wants to talk."

"What wrong with the school shed?"

"You never heard? That's where most couples go to make out."


"I just said no yelling Mr. Cunningham!"

"Sorry!" I hunch down in my seat, face burning up. "Ther-theres no way-i-i-i-its just a coincidence! There's no way Riley-!"

"I mean...it kinda fits." Howard points out much to my confusion.


"Barely talked to you for week after kissing you out of nowhere, kissing you in general, and now wanting to meet up at a place known as a kissing spot. Maybe Davis liked the kiss so much she wants to try again?" Howard explains, my face getting redder at each point.

"N-no-no way! Riley's' not like that! It can't be! I'm- I'm not ready! I've never told her I like her! We haven't gone on a date, or -Gasp!-Whatifmybreathstinkssobadsheneverwantstotalktomeagain!"

"Cunningham chill. If you don't want to-"

"But I do want to! It's just..." I look away, shoulders slumped.

"Just what?"

"I don't- sigh- I don't want to kiss her if it doesn't mean anything...." I explain. "It wouldn't feel right."

I suddenly feel my shoulder's getting grabbed as Howard make me face him, a stern expression on his face. "Then make it meaningful."


"Confess Cunningham! Confess before the kiss and make it meaningful! It's a win-win!"

"But what if she-"

"Cunningham." Howard's tone cuts me off. "I'm your best bro. And as said best bro, if you don't do this, your gonna regret this for the rest of your life."

I look to the side not saying anything, knowing he was right.

"So are you gonna do it?"

After thinking for moment, a surge of determination wells up in me.

"Yeah, I'll do it."

"Good." Howard settles back into his seat. "Try not to puke."


~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

~Riley's P.O.V~

Weaving through the halls as the final bell rings, I get to my locker, grumbling under my breath when my nervous hands wouldn't open it.


I jump and nearly headbutt the locker door as it opens.

Rachel pops up next to me, talking excitedly. "So how are you gonna confess!? Going with it straight forward, give him a letter like on tv, are you gonaa kiss him again!?"

"Rachel, your my best friend, But I am really trying not to freak myself out here."

"Oops, sorry." Rachel settles. "But really, how are you gonna do this?"

"I-" Head raised like I had an idea before slumping over. "-have no idea. I'm mainly trying not to think much so I don't faint or do something stupid out right."

"Wow." Rachel winces. "Well, whatever happens, I wish you luck."

"Thanks." I get the last of my stuff before closing my locker. Taking a breath, I say. "Well, I'm off. If I don't meet back up with you in an hour, I've most likely fainted from embarrassment."


Swallowing my nerves, I start making my way to the school shed.

Now outside and turning the corner, a little bit of my nerves leave when I see no one around.

Did not want to do this with an audience.

Placing my bag by my feet as I lean against the shed doors, I start thinking on how I would do this.

'Do I just be up front about it? Maybe some kind of speech? No thats dumb. Maybe just kiss him like Rachel said? Ugh knowing me I'll say something stupid and ruin-'


I jump out of my thoughts and snap my head around to see Randy standing there looking as nervous as I felt.

'But why would he be nervous-' My thoughts stop as a wave of dread washes over me. 'Did he figure out what I wanted to talk about? Does he know I was gonna confess and is trying to let me off gently or something? What am I gonna-'

"Riley." Randy says again, getting my attention. Looking back at him, I see his nervous look turned into a determined one. "Before anything else happens, there's something I want to say."

Taken aback, I could only say. "U-uh sure, go ahead."

Randy was silent for a moment and looking closely I could see he was sweating a bit.

"I-" He stops like the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat as his face got redder. "I- for a-awhile now I-I have- I just-!"

Now looking frustrated with himself, I took a step forward with a hand stretched out to help-


I gasp and recoil back in shock as Randy slaps himself across the face!

"Randy! Why did you-!"


Freezing at this, I could only stare at him dumbfounded. Not believing in what I just heard. "....what?"

"I-" He swallows, looking at the ground, fist clenched. "I like you. I've had a crush on you since we were kids. You're the most amazing person I know! Your smart, kind, considerate, and all around an amazing friend! I really wanted to tell you all this before we started making out cause I didn't want it to be meaningless!"

Feeling my heart about to beat out of my chest from the amount of joy I was feeling, I stutter. "Wow Randy I-I-I can't even believe you-wait." I focus on the last part of his sentence. "Making out- who-who said we were gonna make out!?"

This causes Randy to freeze as his face turned confused. "Did .....you not ask me to come here, where couples come to make out, to make out?"

"Wha-No!" I refused, completely shocked. "I asked you to come here so I could confess and ask you out! Who told you this was a make out spot!"


"Of course." I growl under my breath, thinking of a way to get back at the ginger. "And for the record, the make out spot couples go to is the supply closet near the Senior classrooms."

"Oh...."Randy mumbles looking mortified. He then blinks and looks at me in shock. "You were gonna confess?! To me! And ask me out?!"

Now blushing, I start mess with my hair as I look to the side. "Y-y-ye-yeah, tha-that was the plan..."

An awkward silence settles between us and despite feeling over the moon at Randy liking me, I also wanted to the ground to swallow me whole to get away from this awkwardness.

Glancing back at Randy, I see he was starting into space with his cheeks flushed, mumbling somthing I couldn't hear.

Clearing my throat, I call out. "Uh, Randy?"

That snaps him out of it, and he belts out. "YOU LIKE ME!?"

Flinching back at the volume, I nod slowly while barley keeping eye contact. "Y-yes." I look back at him. "A-and you like me, right?"

Gulping, he nods. "Y-yeah."

It goes quiet again.



"You s-said you wanted to go out. Together?"

"Ye-yeah I did. Do you want to-"






Now smiling, I shuffle my feet bashfully. "Dooo you wanna try this weekend? Saturday night, maybe?"

"Definitely." He says with a big smile of his own. "Does dinner and a movie sound okay to you?"

"Sounds extraordinary- I mean lovely- I mean-" Taking a breath, I smile. "Sounds perfect."




"The cheese."

We laugh and just stand there smiling at each other.

"Hey uh.." He rubs the back of his head with one hand while stuffing the other into his pocket. "I gotta meet back up with Howard before he thinks I died or something. I'll... text you later?"

"Sure." I grab my bag from the ground. "I gotta meet up with Rachel before she calls for a search party." Looking back at him, I give him another smile. "See you Saturday?"

"Saturday." He confirms starting to back away with me doing the same, neither of us taking our eyes off the other. Grinning all the way.

"Cool, later."


"See ya-" I back up into the school wall, stopping my rambling. Blushing even harder, I stutter as I move to the side to round the corner. "Wall-thats a wall- I'm just gonna- bye!"

Now out of view, I immediately cover my face with my hands to muffle the squeal I let out while jumping in place.

So glad no one was around.

Pulling myself together, I ran to the front entrance where Rachel was waiting for me. Spotting her, I yell out. "RACHEL!"

Head snaping towards me, she meets me halfway before bombarding me with questions. "Is everything okay?! Did he except? Are now going out!? When's the wedding!?"

Laughing, I say breathlessly. "Actually, He confessed, then I confessed and asked him out, he said yes and to make a long story short, we have a date this Saturday night!"

Rachel lets out a happy scream while holding my hands and makes me happy jump with her. "OMG! That amazing! What are guys gonna do!? What are you gonna wear?!"

"We-" I freeze. "Crud, what am I gonna wear?!"

"Don't freak out." Rachel stops me, placing a calming hand on my shoulder. "As your best friend, it is part of the job description to make you so pretty on your first date, that when he see you, his jaw falls from his face!"

"Kind of extreme but either way you're the best!"

"I know. Now which sounds better, semi-formal or dressy casual?"

~Third Person's P.O.V~

"Well look who it is." Howard comments as Randy comes over with a huge love-struck grin on his face. "Looks like you didn't faint like a shoob and I don't see any left-over lunch on you. I take it everything went well?"

"Try Bruce-tacular! She-" Randy stops to give his friend a betrayed look. "YOU LIED ABOUT THE MAKEOUT SPOT!"

"I did." Howard confirms, not looking guilty in the slightest.


"It got you to confess, didn't it?" Howard argues making Randy go quiet. "So, your welcome. Now what's the situation now?"

The smitten look returns to Randy's face. "We have a date this Saturday night!"

"Well, it's about time." Howard comments before asking. "Just one more question, did you ask her out or..."

"Uh she asked me-"


"Bet?- What bet!?"

"Forget it. Now come on Romeo, we need to find you something to wear for your date."

"Howard! What bet!?"

A/n: Hey guys! Sorry this took longer to finish but when I said in the previous chapter about this one coming soon, I was about half way finished.

And then the spontaneous ideas appeared.

The amount of rewrites, alterations, ect. that kept coming I thought I would have to scarp this this entirely and start over.

The previous word count for all this was almost 4,000 words!

Not counting this A/N, this chapter is now 9,730 words! Thats 260 words away from being 10,000! This is now the longest chapter yet!

Anyway....the season 1 finale is done so on to season 2!




I lied there is one more chapter before I bring this season to a close.

And after that, this book will be completed and I will be writing season two in another book.

So don't panic when you see this book say completed. Okay.

I'm doing this for organizational purposes.

Also in regard to the poll of Riley's season two out, I will be revealing the results in the next chapter, so you still have time to vote!

~See you next time~

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