Attack of the Killer Potatoes

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~Third Person P.O.V~

"AHHHHHH-OOF!" Ninja was thrown back harshly into a tree, causing it to tilt as he fell to the ground.

"AHHHH-UGH!" Kunoichi came flying through before crashing in the branches of the tree while slowly and painfully hitting some branches on her way down to the ground face first.

"...Owwww...." Kunoichi mumbled into the dirt.

"That.." Ninja started as he struggled to pull himself up with a rock. "..Hurt."

"I think I head-butted a bird..." Kunoichi groaned out while lifting herself up with her arms.

A large shadow covered them both making them look up to the robot they've been fighting.

"Uh-Oh.." Ninja said.

The two pushed themselves to their feet as the robot let out a roar and began stomping towards them.

"Smokebomb!" They threw down their individual smoke bombs and disappeared just as the robot brought down its foot.

Lifting it, the robot looked around confused when it saw nothing crushed.

The partners glanced at the robot from their hiding spot in the rocks a little ways from the it.

A flash of red and blue drew their attention to their glowing Nomicons in their suits.

Kunoichi turned to Ninja. "Your turn."

Nodding, he brought out his book and set it on the ground. "Okay Nomicon, a little help here."

He flipped through the pages before he was shlooped inside and his unconscious body flopped on to hers until she steadied him and laid his head on her shoulder.

After a moment, he bolted back up with a gasp.

"So what did it say?" Kunoichi asked willing her blush away.

" 'When faced with a mighty enemy, counter with a mightier force.' " Ninja recited as he put his book back into his suit.

"Mightier force?" Kunoichi asked not understanding.

"I know! What's mightier than a killer robot?" Ninja asked rhetorically as said robot spotted them and came rushing over, jumped, and hit the large rock above them.

The two quickly jumped out from under it in time to avoid being crushed by the rock.

They landed and pulled out some weapons.

"Ninja chain-sickle!" Ninja yelled while pull out the weapon and as Kunoichi grabbed a couple of ninja rings in each hand.

The heroes charged a the robot with war cries. Jumping on to it, they used their weapons on the robot, only to see nothing happen and quickly stopped.

"Uh-oh.." Ninja said before he and his partner dived out of the way of a incoming robot hand.

Once on the ground, Ninja threw his chain at the robot only for it catch it in its mouth. It began to eat the chain causing the Ninja to be pulled towards it, even as Kunoichi grabbed him by the waist to help, it only started dragging them both.

The force became to strong as the robot yanked the chain out of Ninja's hands and swallowed it.

The robot then bent down and let out a large burp in their faces.

"EEWWWW!" Kunoichi wined while waving her hand in front of her face to blow away the smell. "Why man?! WHY!?"

Ninja groaned while doing the same. "Robo Burp!" He cried eye twitching. "I totally tasted that." He then began to wipe his mouth over his mask. "Its in my mouth! I cant get it out of my mouth!"

"If this smell stays in my hair, I'M TURING YOU INTO A TOASTER!" Kunoichi yelled out grabbing her pony tail in one hand and angerly pointing at the robot with the other.

The robot apparently didn't liked getting yelled at, so it lifted its foot to stomp on them only for them to jump away.

This happened several more times until Ninja and Kunoichi landed near the edge of a cliff with a shovel next to them.

"Counter with a mightier force...." Kunoichi mumbled aloud trying to come up with a plan with the advice given to them.

Ninja heard her and looked down at the shovel getting an idea. "Aw yeah! Shovel!" Ninja kicked the tool into his hands and took a hard swing...

The robot's head bobbed at the sudden attack as it closed its legs and held the attacked area.

Kunoichi stared at scene for a few seconds before pointing at the suffering robot and laughed.

She honestly didn't think crotch shots were all that funny, but considering that the robot tried to kill them and burped in their faces, it was karma at its finest.

The two moved to opposite sides as the robot leaned over the edge of the cliff and fell as Ninja and Kunoichi laughed.

Once it hit the bottom, it exploded sending a pillar of heat and parts into the air.

The two followed the pillar with their eyes as it reached towards the sky before dying out. The heroes eyes then widen at incoming falling parts.

Acting quickly, the partner began jumping around to avoid the falling robot parts.

Until they got caught under one of the robot's shovel hands.

But kicking a piece away was enough to set them free.

"Boom! Up top!" Ninja cheered as he and Kunoichi did their signature high-five.

A small alarm was then heard making Kunoichi take out her phone. Looking at it, her eyes widen in panic. "Oh crud! Sorry Ninja gotta go, see ya!"

She then threw down a smoke-bombed and disappeared leaving Ninja standing there confused.

~Riley's P.O.V~

I was just able to make it to science class just three minute before the final bell rang.

Class was today was pretty munch uneventful as Mrs. Driscoll droned on about the lesson until she noticed Howard wasn't paying attention and redirected the topic to him and Randy failing science class.

"In other words Mr. Weinerman, if you were this bone," She lifted up Jerry the skeleton's leg. "You'd failing 'thigh' school science." She then laughed as she nudged her husband.

Bucky laughed as well. " Thigh school! Zing!"

"Pft, brown noser." I heard Howard grumble out from my seat diagonally from his.

I looked over at Howard to see him completely uninterested and noticed Randy was missing.

Making sure the teacher wasn't looking, I threw a small piece of paper at the back of his head.

I watched as his hand immediately go to the place where he was hit and served his head around to find his attacker.

When he looked in my direction, seeing me stare back, he gave me an annoyed glare to which I gave him an apologetic look before gesturing to the empty  seat beside him.

"Where' Randy?"  I mouthed.

He looked at the empty chair and seemed to tense up as he looked back at me, opening his mouth to answer when the door suddenly cracked open to reveal a pantig Randy sneaking in.

'Huh, question answered.' I thought as Randy quickly shuffled into the room and took his seat next to his friend.

"Hey Howard, did I miss anything?"


'Guess he really wasn't paying attention.' I though as the teacher took notice of Randy.

"Ah, Mr. Cunningham, I was just telling your lab partner that the two of you are failing my class."

I see Randy shoulders slump. "So I didn't miss anything."

"Oh yeah! Were failing science." Howard said nonchalantly making me roll my eyes and shake my head.

Mrs. Driscoll spoke up. "And the only way you two will pass is if you win tomorrow's science fair." She then chuckled.

I then hear Randy replied in a completely relaxed tone. "Pft, that is no problem. We totally have a totally awesome project."

'They do?' I asked myself internally while raising an eyebrow.

"You do?" Mrs. Driscoll asked surprised.

"Yes!" Randy replied.

I could barley make out Howard asking in a hush tone, "We do?"

I couldn't hear what Randy said but the slight shake of his head told me everything.

"Well, we'll see tomorrow." The teacher said looking she didn't fully believe them as she then made her husband talk.

"You wont find failing science very humorous."

"Oh, ah, Jerry."

Bucky laughed again making me roll my eyes. "Hahahaha! Humorous! Double zing!"

"Brown noser." Randy said quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

"That's what I said!" Howard exclaimed.

                                                                 ~~Time skip~~

"Riley, is that you!?" My mom called out as I walked through the front door of my house.

"Yeah mom!" I called back while throwing my bag onto the couch and making my way towards the sound of her voice.

I found her in the kitchen working on some pastries.

"Trying out a new recipe?" I asked looking over the treats and try to resist the temptation to take one.

"Yep. Your father wants to experiment with the menu since the holidays are coming soon."

Quick note, my parents own the Davis's Day Bakery with my dad as the owner and my mom as one of the chefs.

"Oh, and I baked that ginger cookie dough for your project. They should be on your desk. How is that coming along by the way?"

"Oh thanks! And its going pretty well, I just have to test this batch and wright down the rest of the data and I'll be done." I said as I gave her a hug, careful to not unsteady her near the hot oven.

"Good. I'll call you when dinners done."

"Kay!" I replied before walking out of the kitchen and grabbing my bag and walking upstairs to my room.

Once inside, the scent of ginger was everywhere making me hum at delicious smell.

Walking over to my desk, I opened a drawer and pulled a bag of ginger cookies that I made yesterday and set it down next to the fresher batch.

Opening the bag, I took a bite out of a cookie that was made right off the bat and took a minute to get a good taste of it.

I then took a bite out of the fresher batch that had its dough sit in a fridge for two days. Noticing they taste and texture difference immediately, I wrote down my observation that the new batch was more even in texture and taste, showing that allowing the ingredients to mix longer made better results.

My project was set!

                                                               ~~Time skip/Next day~~

I was setting up my stand while double checking my work in the crowded gym filled with science projects.

Once I was done, I sat down and mindlessly observed nearby stands while waiting my turn.

Okay, some model volcanos.

Model solar system.

Rocket models.

Bucky with potato science.

Randy and Howard walking by while carrying something boxed shaped covered by a sheet...

Wait, what?

"Well, you two actually got something for today." I said catching their attention.

They walked over with Randy saying. "Hey Riley."

"Sup." Howard greeted. 

I returned their greeting while eyeing the cover cube. "So, what do you boys got there?"

"Only the most mind blowing science project that will blow all the other projects out of the water! So don't be too disappointed when we win." Howard said cockily.

I hummed in reply not believing it. "Whatever you say Weinerman."

"So what did you do for your project?" Randy asked.

"Eh, made a bunch of cookies made differently to see if letting ingredients mix longer taste better than ones you make right off the bat."

"You had me at cookies!" Howard exclaimed reaching for one only to get his hand smacked away.

"Uh, uh, no one gets a cookie until after I'm judged. You can get one after."

Howard frowned still eyeing the cookies, rubbing his hand while Randy snickered as he held their science project.

The two then walked off to set up just as the judges, Mrs. Driscroll, her husband Jerry, and Principal Slimovitz walked over to my stand.

"Well, Ms. Davis, what is your science project?" Mrs. Driscroll asked looking at my booth.

I explained my project while offering some cookies to them, explaining how letting ingredients settle longer allows them to fuse together better, which gives the cookies better texture and taste.

The two adults hummed in delight at the cookies as Mrs. Driscroll pressed a stickie note to my table with an A on it making me smile.

Though I had to keep my smile on a little harder when I saw out of the corner of my eye Principal Slimovitz 'discreetly' stuff some cookies into his pocket before walking away.

Could've just asked, dude.

Leaning back in my chair to relax to only jump to my feet startled when a beam shot out of no where and hit Bucky's project.

"Hey, My project!"

I watched gobsmacked as the potato began to come to life as it grew. It then pulled out the wire that was stabbed into it before going on a rampage.

"Well, that's a big deal." I said to myself before ducking down under my table and pulling out my mask.

After suiting up, I jumped out in time to see Ninja jump into the mutant's mouth and kicking up. Seeing an opening, I ran forward and kicked it the face sending it back a bit.

I then backed flipped and landed next to Ninja.

"Hello, Kunoichi. Nice day we're having so far." Ninja said casually making me smile a bit under my mask.

"Yes it is, until the potato uprising came and ruined it." I said back as the monster threw a table at us.

Ninja jumped forward yelling, "Ninja rotating table slide!" as he slid through midair and I slid on the ground below him to duck from the incoming table and we both landed in front of the monster.

We both then reeled back a fist to deliver a double uppercut at the monster sending it flying into a near by volcano project.

We then dashed forward taking out our weapons, him some dual swords and me with my tessens as the potato monster charged at us.

We both jumped on a wall for height advantage and sliced a our weapons at the monster.

The monster froze before falling back into three pieces.

We stood up with Ninja saying, " Anyone order a side of fries?"

I groaned while face palming. Why....

Bucky, who was standing near by, laughed. "Ha! Potato humor. Ninja you are the Zing!"

"Don't encourage him...." I wined quietly

Ninja laughed while strapping his swords to his back while turning his back on the monster pieces. "You said it, I didn't say it..."

"Uh Ninja..." I called out warily as I eyed the moving monster corpse.

"That was you-" The now three potato monster roared at Ninja cutting him off.

He turned around seeing them. "Huh, how about that."

He drew his swords again while I reopened my tessens and we both sliced at them again.

Though's piece then came to life and we now had 6 monster potatoes.

Seeing the increased number, everyone ran away.

I narrowed my eyes trying to figure this out only for Ninja to dash forward with only one sword.

"Ninja wait!"

He ignored me and continuously sliced through the monsters only for them to regrow each time.

"WILL YOU QUITE IT WITH THE POTATO SLICING THING!!!" I yelled out just as he stopped.(A/N: Can you guess this reference?)

The end result was a small army of mini potato monsters.

"I really thought it would work that time." Ninja said aloud. "Don't know why."

The mini potatoes charged at us.

I jumped back trying to stay out of their reach only for a couple of them to trip me. Falling backwards, I struggled  to stand back up as they climbed all over me, tugging on my hair and scarf while scratching and biting me.

Fed up, I grabbed at the potatoes throwing them off me while trading my tessens for my eskrimas and started knocking them away.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ninja grab some small trees from a near by project and began using them to knock away the potatoes.

A sudden rumbling sound drew my attention to a robot coming our way.

"NINJA ON YOUR RIGHT!" I yelled out while batting away another potato.

Ninja looked and saw the robot. "What! Killer robot?! Bring it on!"

He threw away the threes and jumped with me towards the robot only to start jumping and dodging as the robot swung its mallets trying to smash us. Only to smash near by science projects instead, much to the dismay of the students.

"My project!" One kid yelled.

"Sorry!" Ninja and I said while keeping our eyes on the robot. We really need to work on damage control.

The two of us were soon back to back. Ninja facing the charging robot and I was facing the army of mini potatoes  that was also heading in our direction.

Ninja then said something that made my eyes widen in realization.

" 'When faced with a mighty enemy'..." This is were I took over.

" 'Counter with a mightier force'.." I finished his sentence smirking as I peeked over my shoulder to see the robot right in front of us raising its hammers. Ninja turned his head a bit and meet my gaze and I could tell he was smirking under his mask.

Time to finish this.

"Okay giant robot..." Ninja said as he and I stretched our scarfs to the beams above us before quickly pulling ourselves up just as the robot brought down its hammers on the potatoes monster, squashing them.

"Its potato mashing time!"

The robot smashed all of the potato monsters and ended up slipping on their remains.

Landing back on the ground, we did our signature high-five as Ninja cheered. "BOOM! Gravity! Science!"

A small rumbling sound caught our attention and we looked down at the robot.

Ooooh right..

We quickly jumped away as the robot exploded. When we landed, Ninja held out his hand and caught the cat that I may or may not have forgotten was in there. 


"Well today was weird. I'll see you later red."

"See ya Kuno."

I then threw down a smoke bomb.

Going into the empty hallway, I took off my mask and snuck back into the gym just in time to here principal Slimovitz ask,"Okay students, Who's project caused the potatoes to mutate?"

Nobody said anything. I mean, who would?

"Well, I guess we'll never know who solved the school's food shortage-" What? "-and won first place."

I rolled my eyes. Who here would fall for such a-

I was cut off from my thinking as Randy and Howard began saying it was them.


                                                                          ~~Time Skip~~

~Third Person P.O.V~

After admitting that their project caused this mess, their punishment was to clean it.

Well at least they passed science. Barely.

 "Why do we have to clean this up?" Howard complained as he mopped.

"Well, I mean, it was our science project that turned those innocent potatoes into rampaging psycho spuds." Randy answered.

 "Yeah. Guess that's what we get for handing in someone else's fart box as our project." 

 "Hey, Howard. We learned a valuable lesson today." Randy patted his chest. It was silent for moment before the two broke out into laughter.

"Huh, I never knew cleaning mashed potatoes was fun."

They two looked towards the entrance of the gym to see Riley walking towards them with her bag.

"Davis? What are you doing here?" Howard asked.

She smiled and reached into her bag, pulling out a container. "Keeping my word from earlier."

She opened the container to reveal an assortment of cookies. The sight, and smell, put a smile on the boys faces.

"You are awesome, Davis." Howards said as he grabbed a handful and started snacking.

"I know." Riley said smugly and then looked at Randy. "Want anything specific?"

"Do you have peanut butter? Those are my favorite."

"Really?! Mine too and yeah, here." She handed him the cookie and took one out for herself. Giving it a bite, she closed her eyes and smiled, unable to see Randy looking at her fondly/ goofily, thinking she was cute.

A sudden sound broke his trance and made Riley grimace.

"Please tell me that was the box." 

"Wish I could, buddy. Wish I could."

"Well on that note, I'm gonna go." She handed the container to Randy. "Here, you guys can finish those and give it back later. See you tomorrow." And with that she left.

Randy gave his friend a flat look. "Really?"

"Shut up."

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