Monster Dump

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~Third Person P.O.V~

The school bus from Norrisville high entered the empty parking lot of Norrisville State Park before parking and letting the students walk out.

As the students filed out, Randy took a moment to smile at the sight of the large volcano.

Riley was glancing around, a little sad that Rachel didn't share this class with her, so she felt a little lonely on this fieldtrip.

"~Sigh~ The annual freshman field trip to Mt. Chuck." The science teacher, Mrs. Driscoll, said in tranquility.

She then reached over and made her skeleton, that was also her husband Jerry, talk. " The world's only man made volcano."

Standing near Randy and Howard, Riley was able to hear their conversation. 

"Glory awaits, Howard," Randy said to Howard. "When we spit in that volcano, we'll be joining Norrisville High's all-time greats."

Riley couldn't help herself when she furrowed her eyebrows. 'These two could not be serious.'

Mrs. Driscoll continued. "Of course we won't actually be going up the volcano, that's for hooligans, daredevils and tomfoolers. Nope, we're headed to the informative and school board approved Museum of Silt."

She gestured to a nearby building that was plain white with 'Museum of Silt' painted on the side in red.

Overall, it looked very boring.

All the students frowned in disappointment. 

Except one.

"Silt, silt, silt!" Bucky cheered gaining a few looks.

"Now, before we go in, I want to say one thing..." Mrs. Driscoll started as she walked forward while dragging her husband. When she stooped, Jerry kept moving and ended up tapping her bottom catching her by surprise.

"Oh Jerry .." She gave him a flirting look before looking at the student sternly. "Every year, some numbskull tries to sneak up the volcano to spit in it."

"That's us, Howard." Randy said wrapping an arm around his friend's shoulder. "We are that numbskull."

'Oh my ninja, they are serious.' Riley thought, trying not to stare.

"Which is why we're using the buddy system. If you stray more than five feet from your buddy, you both get a month's detention. For added security, I'm pairing a responsible student with a numbskull. Bucky, you're with Randy."

Bucky groaned.

"Flute girl, you're with Howard."

"Augh.." Flute girl facepalmed at her bad luck.

"Julian, you're with Stevens."

Steven pulled out his trombone and played sadly.

"Riley, your with Haydn."

(A/N: This kid, and his canon name is Haydn Bogroff.)

The two shared a polite, awkward smile.

She heard about his reputation of getting into the middle of trouble. On purpose or not.

 Howard didn't like this situation one bit. "Oh, great. What do we do now, huh? I mean, I was all excited to sneak off and luge into that volcano. And scarf down some victory nachos." He pulled out some nachos, from somewhere.

"If it was easy, it wouldn't be awesome." Randy reassured his bro. "We just have to find a way to get up there. Rendezvous at Checkpoint Bravo-"

"No funny business, you two. I got my sockets on you." Jerry 'said' popping behind them with his wife.

                                                            ~~Inside the Museum~~

~Riley's P.O.V~

I have never been so bored in my life.

Same pretty much went for everyone in the theater.

Taking a glance at my buddy, I see he was on his phone and trying not to be obvious about it.


After a few more minutes, I believed it was a good tome to ditch.

Leaning my head towards Haydn, "Wanna ditch?"

His eyes darted towards me, the screen, then me again.

"Heck yes."

Getting up  and telling Mrs. Driscoll we were going to the 'Bathroom', we took our time to get to the lobby.

"So now what?" My buddy asked while putting his hands in his pockets.

Opening my mouth to reply, I quickly closed when I caught sight of Howard leaving with an annoyed Flute girl following.

"Now where are they going?" Haydn asked watching as well.

Thinking for a moment, I asked, "Promise not to snitch?"

"Your kidding right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Earlier, I over heard Randy and Howard talking about going up the volcano to spit in it."

"Okay? What then, are we gonna follow them?"

"Just to make sure they don't get into too much trouble. Why? You wanna stay?"

"Heck no."

"Then lets go."

A sudden flash of blue peered out of my bag making me quickly cover it.

"What was that?" Haydn asked peering around me to look at my bag.

"Uuuhhh.... that phone? Yeah my phone! Must be getting a call, just give me a quick sec."

Not waiting for answer, I went into an empty hallway and opened the Nomicon that shloomped me in.


~Inside the Kunoichi Nomicon~

         -A Kunoichi must never  endanger the innocent, but she must always defend the defenseless-

"No offence Nomicon, but that's kind of Hero 101. Besides, I'm just making sure Randy and Howard aren't doing anything that'll get them in big trouble."

A strong force than pushed me out.

~Back outside~

After getting back and giving the book a weird look before putting it back in my bag, I made my way back to Haydn and we both began following Howard and Flute girl from a distance.

Even though it was immature, I couldn't help but giggle quietly at Flute girls yells of frustration as Howard used the 5 foot rule against her.

The chuckle I hear next to me apparently agreed.

It wasn't long when they reached the top where Randy and Bucky were waiting.

"Five foot rule, huh?" Randy said while leaning on a sign.

Howard laughed. "Yeah, she's gotta go where ever I go."

"That is not funny!" Flute girl cried out stomping after him.

Haydn and I watch from behind some rocks as Bucky kneeled down and drag his finger across the ground, and then but the same finger in his mouth.

He then says, "Hey, this is the same as the silt at the bottom!" 

Me and Haydn shared a shock/ WTJ look before slowly looking back the scene.

I worry about Bucky sometimes.

Randy and Howard were near the ledge looking down as Randy said. " Our most finest hour is upon us."

"This is your greatest idea ever!" Howard declared.

The dramatic moment was then cut short by Flute girl with a, "You guys are idiots."

My buddy and I shared another look that said we somewhat agreed with her statement.

The bros ignored her as Randy pulled out his phone and held it above his head. "Ready. Set. Hork!"

And with that, they spit into the volcano.

There was a moment of silence.

"What the juice! That was it!"

Snapping my head towards Haydn, I see he was standing up with his arms stretched out incredulously.

Seeing everyone's eyes on him, Haydn awkwardly ducked back behind the rock.

"Uh I mean.... Ignore the talking rock!"



"Nice going dude.." I scowled while standing up and dusting myself off.

"Hey! In my defense, I thought/hoped that it was going to be cooler."

"Riley, Haydn? What are you guys doing here?" Flute girl asked.

"Just seeing how this whole thing would go, and to make sure these two didn't cause to much trouble." I replied gesturing to Howard and Randy.

"Say what you want Davis, we just joined Norrisville high all-time greats!" Howard proudly.

"Yup! Now all we have to do is those victory nachos!" Randy said before looking towards Howard with a questioning look he sees something orange on his cheek. "Hey where are the victory nachos?"

Howard nervously licked away the orange spot, and the two began to argue about the last nacho.

I looked at Haydn, "Entertained yet?"

"A little."

The arguing escalated to the point where the boys were tugging on the box until it ripped in half.

And the half holding the nacho flew down the volcano.

Howard watched it fall annoyed. "Oh, way to go Cunningham!"

An upset Flute girl and Bucky approached Randy.

"You betrayed me with word play, Randy." Bucky said frowning.

Flute girl put her hands on his shoulder and began leading him away, all the while glaring at Randy. "Come on Bucky, lets go."

Randy reached out, apologetic. "Buck, I'm sorry."

Haydn nudged me, gesturing to the leaving group. "You coming?"

I took a glance at Randy's sad face as Howard started leaving as well.

I looked back at Haydn. "You go ahead, I'll catch up."

Giving me a concerned look, he started following the group.

Watching him leave for a sec, I walked over towards Randy. "Randy are you okay?"

About to answer, the ground suddenly started shaking violently causing us both to stumble around.

When it settled, I see Randy look over the edge. "That's probably bad..."

"What are you-"

The ground shook again as orange tentacles shot of the opening, causing me to scream in surprise.

"Run!" Randy yelled grabbing my hand and pulling me away in time to dodge an incoming tentacle.

Randy was still pulling me along down the side of the volcano when I snapped out of my shock and began to match his pace, tightening my grip on his hand.

But the sudden steepness of the volcano caused us both to stumble and start sliding down it at a fast pace.

Screaming, we stopped holding hands and opted for clinging on to each other.

We try digging our feet into the ground to slow down as we neared the edge with Randy yelling. "Stopstopstopstopstop!"

We were able to stop just at the edge, but for extra measure I threw my self on my back bringing Randy with me.

Knowing for sure we were safe, the two of us breathed a sigh of relief.

Though noticing my lungs felt a little constricted, I realized we were still holding onto each other.

My head was on his chest with my arms around his waist while one of his arms was around my waist and the other around my shoulders holding me tight to his person.

Releasing my grip on him, I began to shift around while looking up at his face as mine went a little pink.


He blinked a few times to get his mind right and took notice of our position. Face darkening a deep red, he let go of me and we both sat up with out saying a word.

It was awkward for a moment.



"Ah! It put its tentacle in my mouth!"

Looking at each other surprised, we looked behind us to were the familiar voice came from to see a cave.

"Howard?" Randy asked worriedly getting up and peering into the cave.

I stood up to stand next to him. "That thing got them!"

That 'thing' let out a roar that echoed through the cave making us cover our ears.

I stared tugging Randy away. "Randy come on! We have to go!"

"But what about-"

"We cant do anything! Our best bet is to go get help."

He resisted at a bit more before he followed behind me.

'Okay, just get Randy at a safe distance, get 'separated', and then suit up to save everyone.'  I thought to myself taking a glance behind me,

Only to see Randy gone.

Dang it!

Groaning, I put on mask while running back towards the cave.

Running into the cave, I caught sight of my partner slashing some tentacles off the creature.

The monster paused.

"Totally worked!" Ninja said putting his sword away.

The monster then let out another roar as it regrew its tentacles.

"Ninja, its not working!" Flute girl screamed from the grasp of a tentacle with Howard and Haydn.

"Yeah thanks." Ninja said slicing another tentacle that came close. "I got that."

My eyes widen as the monster's face twisted into a smirk as it grabbed some rocks and threw them us.

Reacting on instinct, I body slammed Ninja out of the way.

Everything went into slow motion as I watched Ninja spin around to look back at me with surprise and horror.

I could hear one last thing as the rocks slammed down on me....


~Third Person P.O.V~


Ninja stood there in shock as his partner was buried under the large rocks.

Snapping out of it, he quickly ran over to the pile and began digging.

"Please be okay! Please be okay!"

A sudden shift of rock made him snap his head towards it and he fell back as a hand shot of the pile, startling him.

Another hand shot out as more rocks shifted. Quickly, he dashed over and dug faster through the rocks before grabbing both hands and pulled a dust covered/dazed Kunoichi to her feet while supporting her with his arm.

"Kuno! Are you okay?!" Ninja asked looking her over for any injury.

"......Where's the truck that hit me, I'm gonna slash its tires.." Kunoichi groaned out making Ninja chuckle and give her a small hug.

"Thanks Kuno."

Kunoichi smiled and returned the hug until a small squeaking whimper made the two turn to see a small blue blob creature in the clutches of the larger blob's tentacle.

The little blob squeaked louder in distress as the bigger began squeeze it.

A sudden blast of fire suddenly shot of the little blob, hitting the larger one straight through. The monster blob threw the smaller one away as it looked down at the hole in its chest as it dries up and crumpled away before healing.

The sight struck a realization through the hero's head.


"That's it!" Ninja said while removing his arm from Kunoichi.

They both looked down at the lid below them while unraveling their scarfs.

"Like they say, sometimes you gotta fight ectoplasm with lava!" Ninja said as he jumped forward.

"No, you just made that up." Kunoichi said jumping after him.

"No one's ever said that!" Bucky yelled out.

The two ran along the walls while tying their scarfs around the lid's hatch handle. After moment of turning it, the lid opened allowing lava to spurt out.

"Boom! Lava." Ninja said as the partners landed.

"Um, that's your plan?" Flute girl asked. "Douse us in molten hot lava?!"

Howard screamed in agreement. "Gotta admit Ninja, Kunoichi, Not one of your best!"

Ninja pulled out his dual swords as did Kunoichi with her tessens.

"Who says we were done?" Kunoichi asked.

"Yeah, that was just phase one!" Ninja said as they both jumped.

"Then what's phase two!" Bucky and Haydn screamed in unison.

The monster began to crawl up the wall to get away from the lava while shooting a tentacle at the heroes, but the Ninja sliced it off. It then raised raised the rest of it tentacles, excluding the one holding the four students, and slammed them down at the teammates only for the two the dodge and slice the tentacles apart.

Seeming to remember about its hostages, the monster smirked and threw the four students at the partners.

The four screamed as they were flung through the air, and still screamed as the two heroes caught them making the partners roll their eyes.

"Uh guys..." Kunoichi started as she held Haydn by the ankle.

"Your safe..." Ninja finished as he held Bucky and Flute girl by their ankles while having his scarf wrapped around their wastes creating a hammock  that caught Howard. 

The four noticed and smiled.

"Hooray!" Bucky cheered.

"That was awesome!" Haydn cheered as well as the teammates set them down and led them to a nearby exit.

"Thanks Ninja, Kunoichi." Flute girl said.

"Catch you on the flip-flop." Howard said.

The two ran back towards the monster and watched as it climbed up the wall.

"Who would hide an amoeba monster in a man-made volcano?" Ninja asked.

Kunoichi suddenly felt the need to move and quickly stepped to the side as a slimed covered Viceroy fell from above to the ground at the spot she was just standing.


"Viceroy!" Ninja yelled while grabbing the scientist by the collar and lifting him up. "I should've known."

"Ninja, Kunoichi, you have to save Nicholas! He's defenseless!" Viceroy cried pointing towards the rising lava.

They looked over and saw the small blue blob from before on a rock stranded.

"Meet us at the top." Kunoichi said as she quickly hopped over to the small blob and scooped it up into her arms before following Ninja up the volcano.

When they reached the top, Ninja looked at the blob in Kunoichi's arms. "You're all kind of shnasty!"

"But cute enough to be a plush toy." Kunoichi pointed out and was rewarded with a slime covered lick on her cheek. "I take that back."

Ninja snickered a bit as Viceroy called out. "My Nicholas! Oh, Ninja, Kunoichi, how can I ever thank you?!"

"Uh, you could take a vacation from helping our arch-enemy plot to kill us!" Ninja said back.

"...I do have a timeshare in Provance... Done!"

Kunoichi got into a pitching stance and threw Nicholas like a baseball at Viceroy.

Viceroy opened his arms wide ready to catch him, but was hit in the face with him causing them to both to fall off the side of the volcano.

The volcano started shaking again causing the heroes to stumble a bit and then see the monster come up from the top with a roar.

"Ninja getting out of here!" Ninja said as he and Kunoichi jumped away just as the lava burned the monster to ash.

The two ran down while jumping and dodging falling rocks as they began to near the students that were standing near a ledge.

They then landed on top of a bolder that nearly crushed Bucky.

"Ninja! Kunoichi! Did you two plan that?" Flute girl asked with Bucky in her arms.

"Uh...Yes?" Ninja said unsurely until Kunoichi elbowed him in the side making him stand up straighter. "I mean Yes!"

"I seriously appreciate this, Ninja and Kunoichi!" Flute girl said while dropping Bucky and clasping her hands.

Howard shoved her aside. "Yeah, we were pretty shoobed for minute there."

"Wait! Randy's missing!" Bucky exclaimed.

Haydn began looking around franticly."And so is Riley!"

"Aw." Ninja started."That means so much to--that boy I've never heard of. Don't you worry, I'll bring your friend back safe and sound."

Bucky sighed in relief. "Good. 'Cause I'll get a month's detention if I show up without him. I can't handle that kind of time."

Ninja rolled his eye with a groan.

"The girl is okay, I actually ran into her at the bottom when she was trying to get help. She should be waiting by the buses for you all." Kunoichi said.

Hayden sighed in relief and unnoticed by anyone, The Ninja did as well.

Kunoichi smiled under mask before holding a hand up to Ninja, who gave her a high-five.

"Well stay safe everyone. Bye Ninja." She then smoked bombed away.

Ninja walked over to Howard. "Get them to the bus."

~Riley's P.O.V~

After ducking behind a rock and taking off my mask at the bottom of the volcano, I walked out from behind the rock just in time to hear my name being called out.


Looking over, I see everyone, besides Randy, running towards me.

"Guys! You're all okay!" I said as they came up to me.

"Are you okay?" Haydn asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Kunoichi led me down here and I decided to wait here for you guys. By the way, Where's Randy?" I asked glancing around.

"The Ninja said he'll bring him later." Howard said. "Lets get to the bus."

                                                            ~~Time Skip~~

After rejoining the class without it being known we were gone, everyone sat next to their buddy on the bus as Mrs. Driscoll took attendance.

"OK, let's see who earned themselves a nice, fat detention." Mrs. Driscoll said. "Stevens, check. Julian, check."

I couldn't help but glance worryingly at the empty seat next to a panicking Bucky. Until I heard a thump on the roof that made me look up wondering what that was.

"Riley, check.  Haydn, check. Weinerman, check. Flute girl, check. Hensletter..." The teacher looked up from her bored. "Check. Cunningham..."

'Randy where are you?' I though to myself anxiously until I heard...

"Bucky and I are both here, Mrs. Driscoll."

I turned around in my seat so quickly that my ponytail accidentally slapped Hayden.

Ignoring his complaint, I stared in disbelief at the sight of a calm Randy sitting next to Bucky.

I shook my head back and forth from Randy to the bus doors serval times completely confused as Bucky cheered.

"But he was-how did- so fast....what?" I slumped down in my seat as my brain short circuited.

I then felt a pat on my shoulder. "Its best not to think about it." I hear Hayden say.

                                                                       ~~Time Skip~~

Everyone exited the bus as it parked in front of the school.

When I stepped out, and waved goodbye to Haydn, I immediately went over to Randy and gave him a swift punch in the arm.

"Ow! What the juice, Riley?" Randy asked while rubbing the arm I hit.

"That was for scaring the cheese out of me when you disappeared on me, ya shoob!" I said with my hands on my hips. "Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

"You were worried about me....?"

I felt my temper begin to simmer down. "Of course I was worried. Your my friend Randy, I'm gonna worry."

"Oh...I'm sorry."

I smiled and nudged his shoulder. "Its okay. Just don't do it again or your gonna get more than just punch in the arm! I'll see you later."

~Randy's P.O.V~

I watched as Riley walked away as her words sank in.

' She was worried about  Me!'

I felt a grin grow on my face as I fist-pumped.

"Best. Day. EVER!"

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