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A/N: I'm gonna skip McSatchel because it's more of Randy-Howard centric episode and I honestly didnt know how to inclued Riley.

~Randy's P.O.V.~

"Thats awful!" I say in shock after listenting to Howard's story. "Your Uncle Newg is going to jail for a crime he didnt commit."

Howard turns to me not looking all that concerend for his relitive. "You've completely missed the point of that story." Howard digs through his pocket and shoved some tickets into my face. "I got two free tickets to Woopee World this weekened. You in?" 

I grabbed the tickets to look them over feeling excited. "So in!"

"Ha ha, I was afraid you say that."

I look at my best friend confused. 'What was that supposed to mean?'

Seemingly able to read my mind, Howard keeps talking while turning back to his locker.

"You see, we both know once we get into Wooppe world, you'll spot McFist.."

I started tuning him out while looking out the window spotting McFist's hovercraft!

"McFist!" I press myself against the glass to get a beeter look. "He must be up to something!"

I quickly ran through the halls towards the exit and was greeted by my lovely partner already outside, suited up, and ready to kick butt.

"You ready?" Kuno asks with a grappling hook in hand.

"Born ready." I threw on my mask and pulled out my own grappling hook.

The two of us booked it towards the hovercraft just as it was taking off and quickly hooked the aircraft and were now flying through the air.

The hovercraft quickly flew low over the forest, running over a sign saying 'DUDRKOFF WOOD', until the hovercraft landed near a small hut like house.

Carefully following McFist and Viceroy as they go into the house, Kuno and I peered inside through a crack in the front door.

Inside we saw a laid back looking middle-aged man that looked a little like McFist sitting in large hot tub.

"No way! Its my baby bro Hanny! What brings you here bromosapien?" The man says looking happy to see McFist.

"McFist has a brother?" I hear Kuno whisper in surprise.

"Apparently." I responded shrugging.

"Terry, I faxed you this morning!" McFist shouted in his usual grumpy tone.

"Adam, dude, why didn't you tell I got fax, man?" Terry asks a goat that was eating a piece of paper from fax machine.

Most likely the said fax.

I heard McFist grumble under his breath. "I hate coming here.."

"You know the deallyo." Viceroy sighs. "Terry is heir to McFist industry. Once a year he needs to sign the company over to you."

Kuno and I shared a look at that.

"That guy is not McFist's big brother." I couldn't help but say.

"Yeah. He's way to chill to be related to that lump of grump." Kuno added.

At that moment, Terry decided to give McFist a wet willy much to the disgust of McFist and to the delight of me and Kuno.

"That guy is so McFist's brother!" I cheerfully say as Kuno tries to hold a back a snort.

McFist backs away in disgust and gestures angerly to the paper Viceroy was holding. "Just sign the paper!"

Terry didn't seem interested in what his brother just said as he changed the topic. "I wanna rap atcha first about something important." He wraps an arm around his brother.

McFist just rolls his eyes and groans. "Ugh, here comes the wind power-"

"WIND POWER!" Terry exclaims sweeping an arm through the air. "Its the future man! All the way from the past. If ran things on wind, the whole world can taker breezy."

That seemed to be McFist's final straw. "JUST SIGN THE PAPER!"

Adam the goat took that moment to walk up to Viceroy and swipe the paper out of his hand and eat it.

McFist's faces burns with anger.

Viceroy just sighs. "I'll go get the backup document from the hovercraft." He walks towards the door making Kuno and I press ourselves to the side to hide.

We hear Terry cheer. "Alright! Grab a luffa, you can scrub my cant reaches."

McFist gags loudly and runs out of the house after Viceroy. "Viceroy I'll help you!"

When the two were out of earshot, I laughed out loud. "This is huge!"

"How so?" Kuno asks.

"Think about it. If Terry doesn't sign that paper, McFist will be gone and we'll never have to worry about him again!"

I see Kuno's eyes widen in realization. "That's....Perfect! Without McFist, there would be no more robots and the Sorcerer would be without a useful ally."

"Exactly! Now come on." I threw the end of my scarf towards the roof with Kuno doing the same and we both pull ourselves to the roof.

Spotting Terry through the open skylight, I was about to hop down when both Ninja and Kunoichi Nomicons started going off.

Kuno and I share a look as I huff. "Fine Nomicon, but make it fast."

We both take out our Nomicons, opened them up, and immediately get sucked in.


~Inside the Ninja/Kunoichi Nomicon~

Feeling my body fall, I couldn't help but yell as I crashed down into the dojo painfully.

Is a pillow or something to much to ask!?

Hearing a pained grunt beside me assured me that I wasn't the only one thinking that.

Peeling my face off the floor, I see a picture of a smug looking bad guy with a weak lookin dude by his feet.

A messages the shows up.

                                   -The unknown ally can be more dangerous the known enemy-

A ninja replaces the message and slices the bad guy in half.

The small weak guy looking grateful cheers.

Until he turns into a giant monster and roasts the ninja.

"We hear you Nomicons. And normally I'd be like totally but have you seen Terry?"

"Yeah." Riley chimes in. "Terry cares about the environment! He's nothing like McFist."

The doodle monster blasts a fireball at our feet making us fall through the floor.

~Back Outside~

Opening my eyes, I felt my scarf being tugged on and look to see Adam the goat munching on the end of it.

I hear Kuno giggle from beside me.

Flashing her an unamused stare, I tugged the scarf out of the goats mouth. "No Adam, stop it."

When Terry was distracted with playing with the water, me and Kuno carefully brought ourselves down to stand on the rim of the hot tub.

Seeing our shadows cast over him, Terry looks up and smiles. "Ninja and Kunoichi! What are you guys doing here? Did you come by for a soak?"

That threw us off.

"Wha- soak? No!"


"We're....good." I cleared my throat while crouching down to be eye level with the older man. "Listen Terry, you cant sign that paper."

Terry looked confused. "But then I'll be running McFist Industry."

"Exactly!" Kuno exclaims. "Wonderful, do just that."

"Sorry guys." Terry starts playing with a rubber duck not looking thrilled by the idea. "I'm not a business man. It's like my dad used to say, 'Terry! You are not a business man'."

Bonk. Looks like we have to try a little harder. "This you chance to prove him wrong." I walked along the rim of the hot tub to get closer. "With you in charge, Norrisville could run on wind power."

That caught Terry's attention. "We could finally taker breezy."

He then farts making me cover my nose and Kuno vocally gag in disgust.

I suddenly hear a familiar grumbling coming from the front door.

Quickly gesturing at Kuno, we both jumped back through the skylight just as McFist trudged back in with a copy of the paper.

"Enough with the dude stew Terry." We hear McFist. "It's time to sign the paper."

Kuno and I hopped down back onto the deck not hearing the rest of the conversation.

But we did hear-


Me and Kuno laughed quietly to ourselves and exchanged a high five.

                                                                                   ~~Time Skip~~

After meeting back up with Howard and promising that I wouldn't let McFist wonk up our trip, it was finally the weekend and I told Howard what happened as we stood in line for Whoopee World.

"So your saying I was standing at my locker, talking to myself like a shoob for 20 minutes!" Howard recaped looking ready to punch me.

"You completely missed the point of the story." I moved forward in line to hand in my ticket. "Riley and I replaced our enemy with a peace-loving nicewad!" Howard and me get on the down escalator. "No way could this go wrong."

Howard doesn't look convinced so I start singing the Whoopee World theme to get him in the mood.

It seemed to work as Howard starts to join in on the song.


The sudden shout made us jump and turn our heads around to see a little boy with brown hair.

'Who looks awfully familiar..' I couldn't help but think staring at the kid.

"Mason! I told you not to run off like that!" A female voice calls out.

Looking up, I see Riley coming down the escalator to stand behind the kid.

"Sorry Riley...." Mason says sheepishly.

It finally hits me.

This was Riley's cousin Mason! The kid she brought to the Grave Puncher movie premier!

Riley looks up at us and blinks in surprise. "Oh hey guys. Didn't expect to run into you guys here."

"Uh... yeah. Howard's uncle scored us some tickets." I explained.

"Cool." She gestures to Mason. "You guys remember Mason right? From the Grave Puncher movie premier."

"Yeah, Hey." I greeted with Howard doing a small wave.

"Mason, you remember Randy and Howard right?" Riley asks her cousin.

He nods and points at Howard. "Howard." Then points at me. "And your Randy, Riley's boyfriend."

My face immediately went red from the claim and I hear Howard begin to die of laughter.

Looking at Riley, I see her face was red as well and looked ready to strangle the kid.

"Mason, for the last time Randy is not my boyfriend." Riley hisses through clenched teeth.

"So why's your face red- cow." Mason suddenly points at something.


I look to where he was pointing and look to see a cow with a machine attached to it's butt.

Getting off the escalator, we all stare at the animal in bewilderment.

When the cow moved away, we see Terry surrounded by a group of robots in purple robes.

"Welcome....TO WINDEE WORLD!! The world's first wind powered amusement park!"

 I couldn't help but gape at the sight of a dozen or so cows hooked up to a large machine by the devices on their butts and purple tubes that seemed to be collecting their farts... 

"Wait." I say trying to register everything. "So wind power is fart power?"

"I was not expecting this..." Riley says with a grimace.

"This. Is. Amaz-dingles!" Howard cheers.

Mason didn't say anything as he was to busy pulling on Riley's hand trying to get into the fart powered park faster.

Terry suddenly comes by being carried by his robots. "That's the sound of the smell of the future kids. Man, I had no idea being a business man would so easy."

"I'm starting to have second thoughts about this..." Riley says looking doubtful.

"Come on Riley, its not so bad." I put a hand on her shoulder. "Remember, this was to get McFist out of our hair for good."


"Riley! Can we go on the rides now please!"  Mason whines tugging on his cousin's hand.

"Okay, okay-" She lets her cousin lead her away. "I'll see you guys later!"

"Later Riley!" I waved before looking at Howard who was looking at a purple tube in fascination. "Howard, I'd never thought I'd get to say this, but lets go check fart powered bumper cars off our bucket list!"

Howard and I then raced off to a day fart powered fun!

~Riley's P.O.V.~

So.....Windee World. A completely fart powered amusement park.

My opinion on it.

Not. Fun. At all....

And from the frowning face from Mason and everyone else around us, I wasn't the only one thinking this.

Nothing, beside the game tents, was working correctly! Stuff was either going too slow or kept stopping.

"This stinks!" Mason pouts on a bench near the restrooms. 

A nearby cow farts. "Literally."

I crouch down to his height and place a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, don't be down bud. We can still have fun. Here how about I go get us some corn dogs and we'll hit the game booths. What do you say?"

His angry pout seemed to lessen just a bit. "Okay..."

Smiling, I poke him in the side making him giggle. "Great. Just sit tight and I'll bring back the food okay?"



Mason gave an exaggerated sigh. "Stay in place, don't talk to strangers, don't go with strangers, call you, mom, dad, aunt, or uncle if something happens, and make a scene if someone tries to touch me."

"Good." I ruffle his hair. "I'll be right back."

Standing back up, I walk over to the nearest food stall and started waiting in line lost in my thoughts to past the time.

'Was replacing McFist with his brother the best option?' I shook my head. 'What am I thinking, of course to was. I'm a bit bummed about Whoopee World but some sacrifices need to be made for the greater good. There's other stuff to do in town beside Whoopee World.'

"What would you like miss?"

Blinking out of my thoughts, I see I was in the front of the line.

"Oh, uh, two corn dogs please." I say to the robe wearing robot.

The robot nods gave me my order along with two smoothies.

I looked at smoothies in confusion. "Uh...I didn't order these."

"Free prune smoothies for all Windee World customers." Was the explanation.

"Uh, okay. Thanks I guess." I say awkwardly nodding my head. Turning on my heels, I make my way back to Mason.

Only to find an empty bench with a half empty smoothie cup.

"Seriously!" I exclaimed after pushing down the rush of panic that tried to take over.

'Think rationally. Mason never broke my rules before.' I glance at the bathroom. 'Right! He could've just gone to the rest room. Give it a minute and he'll be back.'

After a few minutes and no Mason, I start to panic a bit glancing around. 'Okay just calm down. Call his phone. He knows never to go anywhere without it.'

Nodding at the plan, I grab my phone, call the Mason, and wait for him to pick it up. 

But as my phone started ringing, I hear a different phone near me go off. Looking around, I didn't see anyone near me.

Or at all now noticing there wasn't anyone in the area. Weird.

Turning my head around to find the other phone when something catches my eye.

On the ground, under the bench, just behind the leg.

Crouching down, I reach under to grab something that was cool to the touch and vibrating.

Bringing the object up to my face I felt my heart stop and sink into my stomach.

I was hold a phone with my picture staring right back at me saying, 'Cousin Riley Calling...' 

It was Mason's phone.

~Randy's P.O.V.~

"Howard come on, you not really mad." I say out loud trying to find him. Only to find an empty bench with some spilled smoothie cups. "Where are you?"

Something bad suddenly enter my nose. "UGH! You were here." I sniffed. "And recently..."


I jumped startled by the sudden shout and whipped my head around to see Riley run by looking distressed.


I quickly ran after her and managed to grab her by the shoulder. "Riley-RILEY! Calm down. Whats wrong?" 

"It-its Mason..." Riley managed to get out trying to talk through her crying. "I-I-I went to go get food for us to cheer him up. I was gone for a few minutes- 5 minutes!- and he wasn't at the bench I left him and his- his phone was on the ground and I don't know where he is and I-I...." She covers her face and begins sobbing into her hands.

Not thinking twice, I pulled her into a hug. "Shh, Riley its okay. He couldn't have gotten far. I'll help you find him."

Riley sniffles and slowly lowers her hands from her face to look at me. "Really?"

I smile at her gently. "Of course."

She gives me watery smile in return and hugs me tightly. "Thank you."

Blushing lightly, I hugged her back feeling her rest her chin on my shoulder.

"What the juice?"


Blinking, I pull back from the hug to see Riley narrowing hers at something behind me.

I turned my head around just in time to see one of Terry's robot poke something hidden from my view with a large stick before disappearing behind some tents.

Sharing a suspicious glance with Riley, the two of us carefully get closer, peer around the tent and gasp.

We see some people being led to a Whoopee statue by some of Terry's robots wielding electric spears.

"Mason and Howard must be in there." I point out.

Not hearing a response, I glance at Riley- oh she's mad.

And by mad, I mean her face is about as red as her hair and I could almost see steam shooting out of her ears.

"Lets go." Riley pulls out her mask, puts it on, and bolts for the statue with me racing after her after putting on my own masks.

~Third Person P.O.V.~

After following the prisoners and their robotic captors from the elevator and through a factory, Ninja and Kunoichi couldn't help but gasp at what they when they reached the final room.

Inside the room was a gigantic alien looking orb with purple spots connected to dozens of pods by tubes.

Looking closer, they see that people were being shoved into the pods!

An unfamiliar maniacal laughter tore the hero's attention away from the machine to see a now sinister looking Terry and a gaping McFist and Viceroy.

"Wind power man!" Terry says evilly. "It all happening! Today, Whoopee World. Tomorrow, the world world!"

"This is your plan?" McFist asks his brother in disbelief. "To hook up the entire planet to fart catchers?"

"Yupper-doodles!" Terry grins. "And I am going to be the King! Of Fart- Topia!"

Ninja and Kunoichi took that as a que to smokebomb in.

"Gonna have to call smoke bomb on that!" Ninja says glaring at Terry.

"Ninja! Kunoichi!" Terry greets happily, his mood doing a complete 180. "Check it!" He gestures to everything. "I did what you said. I took over the company."

"That was your idea!?" McFist yells pointing an accusing finger at them.

Ninja and Kunoichi start trying to explain themselves awkwardly.

"Uh well you uh-"

"W-We didn't know he-"

"No idea about the farts-"

"Thought he was the chill one-"

Howard, from inside a pod, interrupts. "Ninja! Kunoichi! You gotta save us!"

"Please Help!" Mason shouted from another pod.

The two heroes quickly brought out their weapons. "Its over Terry."

"Oh it would be way cooler if it wasn't, you know." Terry chuckles before quickly playing a pan flute.

A door to the side suddenly slides open to reveal a group of Terry's robots.

When they didn't do anything, Terry grew frustrated at threw his pan flute and one of them. "That means get them you peace loving trash compactors!"

That made the robots spring into action and lunge at the heroes with flowers in their hands much to the teens relief.

Until those flowers began spinning and turning into buzz saws.

Alarmed, Ninja and Kunoichi were quick to start slicing and dicing the robots and their weapons.

It didn't take to take them all out much to Terry's dismay.

"Ugh!" Terry cries slumping in defeat. " Its over man..."

Viceroy suddenly comes up behind him a whispers something in his ear point at the large machine.

Terry laughs in delight and presses a near by button. "It's back on man!"

Everyone watches at the giant metal orb suddenly turns into giant robot tic.

"You just couldn't help yourself could you?" McFist grumbled to Viceroy. "All the guy wanted was a commercial grade fart catcher. And you gave him a robo-tick!"

"Mother says overachieving is one of my finest qualities." Was Viceroy's answer.

The robo-Tick turned to the two heroes, opened its mouth, and blasts a stream of fire at the teens.

Scrambling to get out of the line of fire, Ninja and Kunoichi jumped and dodged around the room before hiding behind a large gear.

"Okay." Ninja pants out. "So swapping McFists was epicly wonk. We gotta make this right." He looks at his partner frantic. "How do we make it right!"

Kunoichi puts a hand to her chin, her thoughts going a mile a minute to put together a decent plan. Taking a risk, she peeks around the to gear to get a better look at the robot when the Nomicon's message flashes before her eyes.

                             -The unknown ally can be more dangerous the known enemy-

She glances at McFist and Terry and feels a lightbulb go off in her head.

"Ninja, I got an idea! Woah!" She quickly ducks her head behind the gear when she sees the robo-tick shoot more fire at them.

"What is it?"

"So Terry, our unknown ally, is more dangerous then McFist, Right."


"Reverse it, what if our known enemy, McFist, was actually an unknown ally?"

Ninja's eyes widen. "That perfect! Its so simple!"


The two then waited for the robot to pause in it's attack for Ninja to throw some ninja hot balls at McFist. "Hey McFist! Think fast!"

McFist didn't hear what said and looked at Viceroy in confusion. "Wait, What did he say? Stink last?"

Turning his head back to the Ninja, McFist yelped and brought his robotic arm up to deflect the incoming hot balls that ricochet off his arm and into the robo-tick's mouth.

"Eat ninja hot balls!" Ninja declares as the robot  began to turn red and slowly expand.

Nodding to each other, Ninja and Kunoichi quickly used their scarfs to grab a metal beam above the robot, swung themselves into the air, and simultaneously kicking the robot in the back sending it forward and through a wall.

"Aw, bummer dude..." Terry sighs in defeat.

The robot explodes.

                                                                                ~~5 minutes later~~

After the robot exploded, with no one getting hurt, Ninja and Kunoichi were able to get everyone out of their pods, back up through the elevator, and back to a now destroyed Windee World.

Terry looks at the destruction in dismay. "Oh what have I done?! I tried to taker breezy instead I became the last thing I ever wanted to be! A McFist!" He looks down. "Dad was right. Being a business man ain't my business man..."

McFist places a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Listen, Terry. Y-you may not be a business man but I could never be a-a uh... what are you anyway? A deadbeat?"

Terry smiles and hugs his brother. "Gracias brochacho. That means a lot."

"Now..." McFist pushes him off and shoves a paper into his hands. " SIGN THE PAPER!!!"

Terry signs it happily. "Oh man, that is a load off."

McFist hold the paper happily to the point of kissing it repeatedly.

Ninja and Kunoichi interrupt him while glaring him down. "Its us and you again McFist."

Viceroy makes a face at that comment. "Guess I don't exist. I'm just the guy who builds stuff-"

McFist interrupts him with his usual grumpy tone. "Give it a rest would ya!"

He then looks at his two enemies. "Honestly you two, it's been kind of a long day. What do you say we start fresh, tomorrow."

Ninja and Kunoichi glance at each other and nod in agreement.


~Riley's P.O.V.~

After finding a decent place to demask, I start walking through the crowd looking for Mason.

"Mason!?" I call out.


My head snapped towards the direction of the voice and I see Mason running towards me with Howard and Randy trailing behind him.

I drop to my knees with my arms open just as my cousin slammed into me and started sniffling into my shoulder.

Wrapping my arms around him I said. "Oh Mason, thank goodness your okay."

He says something into my shoulder that was muffled but I could pick up, "Scary", "Dark", "Loud", etc.

I rub his back in a soothing manner to help calm him down. 

I looked up at Randy and Howard watching and smiled. "Thanks guys. I owe you big time."

Howard just shrugs looking to the side indifferent but I could see the corner of his mouth twitch.

Randy just smiles at me. "I said I'd help didn't I?"

I smiled back before standing up with Mason in my arms. I suddenly see Terry out of the corner of my eye and frown.

After some reassurance, I hand Mason off to a confused Randy and marched my way up to Terry.

"Excuse me?" I tapped his shoulder.

He turns around perplexed. "Yes?"

Giving him a small smile, I reared back a clenched fist and socked him right across the face!

My punch sent him flat onto his back, dazed.

"Do anything that endangers my family again, the only breezy thing you'll be taking is through an oxygen tank." I growled glaring at the fallen man.

Turning with a huff, I casually walk back to the guys with them gaping at what just happened.

I carefully took Mason back from Randy, teasingly closing the purpled haired boy's gaping mouth.

"Bye Guys!" I say cheerfully before walking away towards home.

A/N: Sorry about this being late. Wattpads been weird.

On that note, is anyone else having this problem?

You go back to fix something in you writing and everything after it starts getting deleted letter by letter all of a sudden.


On another note, the next chapter after this will be off schedule cause I know for a fact it's gonna take more time write.

And what is the name of that chapter you ask...


Gotta make sure it's up to you fandom loving standers. ;)

~Stay Tuned 

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