Swampy Seconds

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~Third Person P.O.V.~

The bell rang for first period as everyone watched the morning announcements from their principal.

"So the music class is cancelled till further notice. With any flowers the family asks that you send..." Slimovitz holds a music note. "A note!"

 "School announcement zing!" Bucky cheerfully plays his triangle while everyone else groaned from it.

Randy and Howard were just blankly staring ahead barley paying attention until they heard. "And finaly, quick sand has been found in the creepy swamp behind the school. So don't got in the creepy swamp, there's quicksand!"

Perking up, the two lean close as Randy whispers. "Did you hear what he said?"

"Yeah!" Howard nods excitedly. "Go in the creep swamp. There's quicksand!"

Randy as laughs at that.

Riley, hearing all this, stared at them blankly before turning her head away. "Nope. Not today. They need to learn by themselves."

                                                                               ~~Time Skip~~

Now at the creepy swamp, Howard frowned. "Oh, bad news RC. There's a sign." He gestures to said sign that said in bold red, 'KEEP OUT!'

Randy was panting from carrying a cinderblock all the way there. "And a fence."

Howard double takes and whines. "Oh! I didn't even see the fence! Looks like we dragged that cinderblock all the way here for nothing."

"No Howard, I-" Drops the cinderblock. "Dragged the cinderblock all the way here for nothing."  He then hands Howard his bag. "And I wont let it be for nothing."

Randy then takes out his mask, puts it on, and moves closer to the fence much to Howard's amazement as his friend takes out his sword.

"Yes! Chop it down! Chop. It. Down!" A red glow from Randy's bag stops Howard's cheering. "Noooo! That book gonna ruin everything!"

"Not this time. Nomicon don't own me! We came to swamp, we gun to swamp!"

"Ha!" Howard laugh smugly. "In your face Nomicon!" Howard kick the bag lightly making it glow and vibrate faster.

With a jump and a swing of his sword, Ninja cuts a hole into the tall fence. 

Howard grabs his face in amazment as Randy took off his mask. "I can not believe you did that."

The Nomicon literally began to pulse from anger but was ignored.

"Howard, what say we go find ourselves some-"

"QUUUICKSAND!" Howard dances in place in excitement while Randy bends down to grab his bag.

Taking note of the still pulsing book, Randy doesn't think twice to shove the book deeper into the bag making it go quiet.

Hoisting his bag on to his shoulder, both Randy and Howard cheered and raced to the swamp.

Not even realizing they set off a sensor that alerted a predator of their presences.

                                                                     ~~~With Riley~~~


Riley stares at the now broken-in-half pencil in her hand with a blank expression.

"Psst! Riley!"

The red head calmly looks to her left to see Haydn looking at her in concern.

He points at the broken pencil. "You good?"

Riley calmly switches her broken pencil with a new one. "Never better."

Haydn didn't look convinced.

                                                            ~~With Randy and Howard~~

The two friends ran through the swamp until they got to a fork in the road with signs pointing in both directions saying 'Quicksand'.

The bros looked at each other.

Howard points to left path. "You check left!"

And Randy points to the right path. "I'll take right!"

The two boys run down their chosen path with high speed.

Randy ran down the trail with excitement.

Until he got caught in a snare trap and was hanging upside down.

But this didn't seem to deter Randy. "I've been snared like a Opossum." He frowns in thought. "Or is it Opossum? An Opossum? A Opossum? None of these sound right." He takes out his mask. "Anyway these guys don't know who their messing with!" He shoves on the mask and get ready to escape.

But nothing happened.

Randy looks down at himself in confusion. "Hellooo suuit."

He repeatedly puts the mask off and on but nothing changes.

This aggravates Randy. "Dangling in midair here. Could kinda use my suit and my weapons and- WHY ISNT THIS WORKING!"

Grumbling under his breath, Randy suddenly feels something start to slid off his neck and with his fast reflex was able to catch his necklace before it fell to the ground.

"Phew!" Randy holds the necklace by the string to look at the blue stone. "That would've been bad."

A near by twig snapped made Randy freeze and snap his head towards the sound seeing nothing.

He nervously shoves his mask back into his pocket with one hand while the other clenches around his necklace.

Randy's eyes dart around to find anything while slowly using his body to spin the rope holding him around until he became face to face with a short, muscular, scruffy looking man with spiky reddish-brown hair and beard, with scars under his eye and on his shoulder.

And were his eyes glowing purple!?

Randy yelps when the man got closer to him.

"Well how you doin over there partner?" The man asks. "My name Catfish."

"Hello Mr. Catfish." Randy greeted nervously. "Ran-ginald Bagel. Ranginald Bagel! That's me! It seems I've been mistakenly caught in you trap."

This makes Catfish chuckle. "Oh, there ain't no mistake about it Mr. Bagel." He narrows his eyes. "I'm the best trapper in these here parts. Or any parts haha. You danglin cause you criss-crossen on my poppety."

"Oh nonono sir! I would never criss cross on your poppety." Randy says trying to defend himself. "This is all just a big misunderstanding."

"Boy it don't matta." Catfish say cutting the rope holding Randy making the boy drop to the ground.

Groaning a bit from the sudden fall, Randy opens his eyes to see Catfish standing over him with some rope.

"Now you my poppety!"

Randy's grip on the necklace tightens.

                                                                                  ~~With Riley~~


"Miss. Davis, is everything alright?"

"Uh...." Riley glances around awkwardly at the eyes now on her standing figure with a hand laying on her chest above the necklace hidden under her cloths that suddenly burned her.

"N-no. Uh..I'm not feeling that well. May I go to the nurse?"



"Al-alright. Here's a hallpass-"

"Thank you!"


Riley rushes into the nearest bathroom and all but ripped her necklace off her neck to hold it in front of her.

The small red stone seemed to be flashing softly and lightly touching it made her feel the light heat it was giving off.

Riley tilts her head to the side confused. "Randy?"

Not taking her eyes off the stone, she grabs her phone and dials a number in.

                                                                         ~~5 minutes ago~~

                                                                        ~~With Randy~~

Randy, now tied to the front of Catfish's truck, was frantically trying to think of a plan to get out of this situation.

But his thinking was cut short as his phone goes off with a call in his back pocket.

Carefully moving his hand, Randy answers. "Howard?"

"Cunningham? Cunningham! Found the quicksand. I'm dangling over it! I need the Ninja! Hurry!"

"Okay, okay don't panic. I'll be right there." Randy glances at the ropes he's tied up with. "Actually not right there cause I'm sota, kind of, tied to the grill of a psychopath's pick-up truck and my Ninja suit doesn't work."

"Get off of speaker phone! IT SOUNDED LIKE YOUR SUIT DOESNT WORK!"

"It doesnt. So just hang in there."

"Word play? At a time like this?"

Randy's phone beeps. "Hang on Howard, I got another call." He answeres. "Hello?"


"Riley!?" He shouts getting nervouse. "Wha-wha-whats up? Why the sudden call?"

"Well I was hoping to get some kind of explanation as to why my necklace suddenly burned me in the middle of class. You wouldn't happen to the cause of it would you?"

"I...honestly do not." Randy answered confused by the question.

The truck suddenly runs over a bump causing Randy to yelp as the truck jolts.

"What was that?"


"Didn't sound like nothing. And speaking of sound, why does it sound like your in a moving vehicle?"

"In a move -pft!- no no. Why on earth would you think I'm tied to a moving truck driven by a swamp psycho being taken to unknown location with a nonworking Ninja suit." Randy's quick to realize what he just said. 'Bonk.'

".......YOUR WHAT-!?"

The call gets cut off. "Call dropped."

Randy winces a bit. 'Maaaybe staying with the swamp dude wont be so bad.'

                                                                       ~~With Riley~~

"Call dropped."

Eye twitching, Riley slowly looks at the phone in her hand and debated whether or not to throw it at a wall in anger.

'......better not, Mom and Dad will start asking questions.'

Pinching the bridge of her nose while taking a deep breath, Riley pockets her phone, puts on her necklace, bolts out of the bathroom into the empty halls, takes her mask out of her pocket, puts it on, and start heading in the direction of the swamp.

                                                                   ~~With Randy~~

Randy grunts as he's thrown into a small cage by Catfish.

Sitting up, Randy blinks at the animals surrounding Catfish and double takes when he sees some of them acting like furniture.

And are all of their eyes glowing?!

"Get yourself some cozy cher." Catfish picks up a mug from a turtles back. "Cause this here, is you new home!"

Randy couldn't believe what was happening. "What. The. Juice!?"

"I'm the boss of this here swamp. Me." Catfish gestures to animals around them. "All these critters, they do what I say. Ain't that right."

The animals do nothing.

Catfish picks up a small turtle and give it a noogie. "I said, Ain't that right!?"

The turtle nods fearfully.

Catfish returns his attention back on Randy. "Oooh, a skinny mullet like you gonna make me a nice coat rack, yeah. I just gotta fit ya with a collar. So what size collar are you? I'm gonna say about 15- 15 1/2..."

Randy stares at the insane man, gobsmacked. "What- why would I know that!?"

An alarm suddenly starts blaring making Catfish turn to look at some T.V monitors to see Howard dangling over some quicksand.

Catfish turns to grin at Randy just missing a flash of blue dart across a screen. "It looks like someone else be criss-crossen on my poppety."

Reaching into the bag around his neck, Catfish grabs a handful of purple dust and splashes it on a bears face. "Now you keep an eye on Mr. Bagel. He act like a koulan. You have yourself a skinny mullet pole boy, haha."

He spreads more dust on the rest of the animals while heading out the door as the animals followed him.

The moment the door closed, Randy takes out his mask and shoves it on only for nothing to happen.


Randy sighs in defeat and takes the Nomicon out of his bag. "Nomicon, I've been trapped in a cage by some kind of swamp...wizard. Why wont my Ninja suit work?"

He opens the book and get sucked in.


~Inside the Ninja Nomicon~

When Randy opened his eyes, he finds himself floating in orange space with a giant playing card in front of him.

It showed the King of clubs holding a toy bear with the sound of crying child in the background. Doodle hands then slithered up and took his crown.

The card changed to the Jack of clubs with a pile of money until the doodle hands came and took his sword.

It then changed to the Ace of clubs with a man dressed as a Ninja. When a doodle hand took the mask, it showed the man to be Mac Antfee.

The card then leaves to show Randy a message.

                                                          -If you abuse the power, you lose the power-

"So I lost my Ninja powers because I abused them." Randy clarifies. "But not forever right? H-h-how do I get them back?"

He gets pushed out the book.

~Back Outside~

Randy gasps as he's brought back before glaring at the book. "Fine you wont help me. Then I'll just do this with out the suit." 

He pockets his masks and puts the book away. Grabbing the bars of his cage, Randy looks around for anything that could help him but finds nothing.

Sighing, he eyes the bear and gets an idea. "Psst, you help free me, I'll help you stop being a sofa."

The bear roared and angerly swiped at the cage making Randy lean back the best he could to avoid getting hit.

When the bear stopped, Randy notices one of the bars being lose and smirks.

"Ya hungry?" Randy sticks his leg out of the cage tauntingly. "Hows you like a bite of koulan leg?"

The bear growls and swiped at the cage again, breaking it, and allowing Randy to dive out of a nearby window to safety.

Propping himself with his arms, Randy sighed in relief while wiping mud off his face.

Howard's screams caught Randy's attention. "I'm coming Big H!"

Springing to his feet, Randy tears through the swamp towards the sound of his friend's screams as fast as his legs could take him.

Pushing vines and plants out of his line of vison, he-




Randy clutches his head in pain from the sudden impact of whatever he ran to.

Propping himself up while rubbing his head, Randy looks to see what he ran into only to it wasn't a what but a who.


Kunoichi rubbed her own head as she lifted it to see Randy.


"Oh Kuno you have know idea how relieved I am to see yo- OW!- Why'd you hit me!?" Randy rubs the shoulder his partner hit.

"Cause I was looking everywhere for you, ya shoob! I nearly got caught by a bunch of traps trying to find you!" Kunoichi ranted as she got to her feet. "Now whats going on? Over the phone you said you were tied to a truck by a swamp psycho and your suit wouldn't work."

"I escaped." Randy says as he gets to his own feet and dust himself off. "And the Nomicons mad at me for misusing it."

"How did you misuse it?" Kunoichi asks with her hands on her hips.

Randy looks away from her while fiddling with his fingers nervously. "I may or may not have used it to cut open the fence so me and Howard could check out the quick sand....."

"You-!" Kunoichi growls but takes a breath and starts pacing to calm down.

After a minute, she looks back at Randy ready to give him a scolding-


Both teens snapped their heads towards the scream.

"Was that Howard?" Kunoichi asks.

"Yeah come on!" Randy starts running down the path again with Kunoichi right on his heels.

As they ran, they soon run past the river where a two seated fan boat was docked.

Randy skids to a halt before jogging backwards to the fan boat and looks at it.

Kunoichi walks over to him confused. "Randy what are you doing?"

Randy gives her a smirk.

                                                                          ~~5 minutes later~~

"And my mom said all those hours playing 'Swamp Puncher: Grand theft Fan Boat' would amount to nothing." Randy says aloud smugly as he drives the fan boat through the swamps waters.

"Brag after you not crash this thing!" Kunoichi shouts as she tightens her grip on her seat.

Randy phones suddenly rings making the boy answer while putting it on speaker already knowing who it was. "Howard. Kunoichi and I are coming to get you."


"We're coming to save you!"

"I cant hear you! It sounds like your on a fan boat!"

"I am on a fan boat!"

"Aw man. I miss everything. Also...HEEELLPP!!!"

The two teens could barley hear what sounded like something large heading towards Howard.

"WHAAAAAAA! If I don't make it through this.."

"Howard your gonna make it." Randy says in determination trying to make the fan boat go faster as his partner looks at him in worry.

"No! Let me say this! I-in seventh grade, when I borrowed you underpants and retuned them saying they were clean. Not true! Not even close!"

It took Randy a second to register what he just heard as he slowly gave his phone a look while Kunoichi, who heard eveything, gave both him and the phone a look.

"...waitwaitwaitwait, How not clean?"

"Adios bromosabi..." The line goes dead.

"Howard!" Randy calls in conceren.

"Randy! Over there!" Kunoichi points to a cloud a smoke coming from the tree line ahead of them.

Without a second thought, Randy slams down on the gas making the fan boat shoot forward.

It didn't take long for them to reach Howard, who was surrounded by animals, Catfish, and was dangling over a boiling pot.

Caught up by the scene, Randy forgot to brake and ending up crashing making Kunoichi and Randy fly off the boat and onto the land ungracefully.

"Don't even think about it Booray!" Quickly getting to his feet, Randy runs up to the man ready to fight. 

Catfish looked a little surprised by Randy's sudden appearance but didn't let it get to him. "You! Your supposed to be in your cage."

'Cage?' Kunoichi repeated in her head as she got up while taking her tessens out.

"Your not eating my friend." Randy told the older man in determination.

"I ain't gonna eat your friend." Catfish smirks while gesturing to the many animals surrounding them. "They gonna eat your friend. Hehe, then they gonna eat you and your little girly friend over there." He gestures to Kunoichi who was having a stare down with a panther.

Randy gulps as the animals start closing in making Randy stand closer to the boiling pot with Kunoichi having to do the same.

Howard was slight hyperventilating at this point. "Would you pj up already!"

"I cant!" Randy replied not taking is eyes off the animals. "The mask is freezing me out because I abused it's power."

"Then figure out how to un-abuse it!" Kunoichi yelled as she knocked an incoming snake away.

Randy was doing the same in dodging the charging animals until a growl of a panther made him freeze.

He sees a panther staring straight at Howard looking hungry.

"NO!" Randy throws himself at the wild animal just as it pounces at Howard.

The force of the tackle sent Randy and the panther tumbling to the ground before fall straight into a pit of quicksand!

Everyone froze.

Kunoichi covered her mouth in shock as her eyes began to glaze with tears.

Howard, just as shocked, could only say. "Woah."

Catfish couldn't help but agree. "I second that woah two times. Woah, woah!"

All three watched as the bubbles came to a stop signifying one thing.

Kunoichi let her tears fall freely as she sobbed into her hands as Howard wailed. "NNOOOOOOOOOO!"

"Mr. Bagel just sacrafies himself for you. That was very noble." Catfish says. "And stupid." 

Kunoichi twitches at that.

Without wasting anymore time with what just happened, Catfish makes his way over to the rope holding Howard up.

Using his animals as stepping stools to reach the rope, Catfish takes out his hunting knife ready to slice the only thing keeping Howard alive when a silver ring flew through the air and knocked the knife out of Catfish's hand.

Wincing from the sudden attack, Catfish rubs his hand while glaring into the eyes of an enraged Kunoichi, but the anger doesn't deter him but instead made him chuckle.

"Awww, is little girly mad her boy gone? Well don't be." He snaps his fingers and the much larger animals start edging towards her. "My army will help you join em."

But before anyone could make a move, the pit of quicksand suddenly erupted and out came the Ninja!

"Power un-abused!" Ninja announces as he lands.

"Ninja!" Kunoichi called in relief.

"Ninja! Yes!" Howard says happily seeing his friend was okay.

"Ninja?" Catfish says confused at the sudden appearance of the hero. "Whatcha doin down there?"

Ninja didn't get a chance to answer as the panther from before also pops out of the quicksand and begins to chase Ninja who began dodging.

"Stupid- dodge- swamp- ducks- panther!" 

Kunoichi stepped up to help but was blocked by the other animals.

After a few swipes, the panther was able to snag Ninja by his scarf and pin him to the ground.

The panther growls at Ninja as a shadow looms over him making look up to see Catfish standing over them grinning. "Oh, he name is Shawn."

Ninja blinks at this, looking from the growling animal to Catfish. "Shawn? Really? You named a panther Shawn?"

Catfish's grin drops. "Git 'em Shawn!"

The panther, Shawn, roars at the command when suddenly Ninja see's the Nomicon's message.

                                              -Abuse the power, you lose the power-

He then sees some doodle arrows pointing at the collar the large animal was wearing and gets an idea. "That's it the collar!"

And with a strong tug, Ninja rips the collar off of the panther, breaking the spell. "Your free Shawn!"

The panther just calmly walks away.

With no giant cat pinning him down, Ninja got to his feet  and glares at Catfish with his partner doing the same.

"You were totally abusing power Booray! Wild animals should not be controlled by magic collars." Ninja starts rambling. "And that furniture thing was way wrong. Didn't even look comfortable. Whats the point in having uncomfortable fur-na-ture?"

"Dude, your rambling." Kunoichi point out.

Catfish just snaps his fingers and points at the two heroes making the animals stalk forward to attack.

Ninja catches Kunoichi's eye and he nods towards the animals as if to say, 'Follow my lead', while taking out a couple Ninja rings.

Kunoichi catches on and grabs her own set of Ninja rings.

Simultaneously, the two teen heroes launch their ninja rings at the animal's collars, cutting them off and setting them all free.

Catfish watches in dismay as the animals walked away from the scene. "My swamp army!"

Ninja and Kunoichi jump forward ready to fight when Howard got their attention.

"Getting a little light headed here...." Howard says looking a little woozy.

Ninja winces sheepishly while taking out his sword. "Oops. My bad."

Ninja jumps high over Catfish, cuts the rope holding Howard, and put his dizzy friend on the ground.

Kunoichi jumps over the villain as well to join her partner to give him a hug for being alright  and to smack the back of his head.

"Don't. Ever. Do that. Again."

Randy nods nervously and starts nudging Howard. "Let's go guys."

"I'm afraid I cant let you do that Ninja." Catfish growls.

Kunoichi huffs out a laugh and looks at the man amused. "And what can you do? Your army abandoned you."

Catfish just smirks. "Oh, I still got a little somfin, somfin, yeah." He gestures to the bag tied around his neck. "This here my gree-gree. I've got the power of the swamp!" His eyes glow purple.

"Aw, how bruce for you." Ninja says sarcastically. "Well I have the power of SMOKEBOMB!"

The three teens vanish in a cloud of red smoke while also knocking over the giant pot.

"You spilled my gumbo!"

                                                ~~With Ninja, Kunoichi, and Howard~~

The three teens were running through the swamp toward the gate when Howard's leg gets caught in another trap but Ninja cuts the rope.

Continuing on, Howard didn't even make three steps when another traps catches him with Kunoichi cutting him lose this time.

"Seriously!? I've had enough of these things on the way in." Kunoichi complains.

Howard starts panicking. "He boobied trapped the whole swamp!" Scared, he jumps on Ninja's back for protection.

Not even batting an eye, Ninja carries Howard on his back as he and Kunoichi raced through the swamp, cutting, jumping, dodging, and maneuvering all the traps in their path until they were able burst out of the thick brush of the swamp and into an open field.

"The fence!" Howard said happily spotting it knowing they were almost home free. "We made it!"

A sudden rustle of leaves stops their mini-celebration.

Turning around to look back at the swamp, the group gaped in shock at the giant monster in blue overalls looming over them.

"It's a Pythanth-igator!"

The Pythanthigator screeches at them send spit everywhere.

"Quick! Through the hole!" Ninja tells Howard as he tries to wipe the spit off him.

"I'm not leaving without you." Howard say determined to stay with his friend.

That was until a giant fist came down a little to close for comfort.

"You sure about that Weinerman?" Kunoichi asks doubtfully.

"...on second thought, I'll see you guys on the other side." Howard then makes a break for the fence.

Watching the shorter teen leave, Ninja and Kunoichi quickly dodge from being stomped on,

Now behind the monster, the beast tries to strike the wo with it's tail only for the two heroes to jump up to avoid it.

The Pythanthigator lowered his head to howl angerly only to get punched in the face by Kunoichi.

In retaliation, the monster swiped it's tail again just for it be dodged again.

Landing back on the ground, Ninja takes out his sword and takes a flying leap at the creature with it doing the same.

Ninja attempts to strike the monster with sword just for the monster's tail to make a comeback and slam him to the ground harshly.

Dazed by the force of the attack, Ninja had no time to pick himself up as the creature rapped it's tail around Ninja and fling him into the air and land on the ground hard.

"Ninja!" Kunoichi yells in concern. She throws a ninja ring at the monster to distract it so she could tend to her partner.

The small weapon did nothing but make the beast more angry and stomp towards the two to attack only to have a cinderblock hit the side of it's head and knock it down.

Eyes wide in surprise, Ninja and Kunoichi look in the direction in where the cinderblock was thrown from to see Howard standing by the hole in the fence looking excited.

"Ha! Did you see that! I hit him from over here! Me! You know how hard it is to throw a cinderblock!"

The two heroes had gotten to their feet during Howard's excitement and were dusting themselves off when an angry growl alerted the two of the large shadow shading them.

"Uh Oh!"

Thinking quickly, the two teens jumped out of the way but Ninja ended up being pulled back by the monster by the end of his scarf which resulted in him landing on the monster's face.

The monster extends it's neck to coil it around the Ninja and begins to squeeze him.

"How-gasps- do we stop this thing?" Ninja grunts trying to breath.

Doodle arrows caught his attention making him look at the bag of gree-gree on the monster's neck.

"Ah!" Ninja ribs the bag off the monster and threw it towards his partner. "Kuno!"

The Pythanthigator drops Ninja in panic and tries to go after the bag.

"Got it!" Kunoichi takes out a tessen and throws at the bag shredding it and spilling of the gree-gree inside.

Ninja lands beside his partner and the two watch as the giant monster shrinks down back into Catfish.

"See ya later, Pythanthigator." Ninja laughs at his joke while his friends roll their eyes.


Catfish looks at the shredded bag in dismay. "You kill my gree-gree!"

Ninja just smugly says. "And now that you lost your power, the animals want back they poppety!

Right on cue, the animals of the swamp start emerging from the bushes and surround Catfish and none of them looked happy.

Catfish quickly got to his feet, hands raised nervously. "Oh whoa ho ho ho now yall! Ain't no reason to get angry, hehe...."

Angry growling.

Catfish took that as a sign and promptly booked it with mob of angry animals right on his heels.

Howard was already on the other side of the fence as Ninja and Kunoichi laughed at the scene.

Until a gator ran up and hissed at them making the two teen jump and walk backwards through the hole in the fence. "We're goin, We're goin."

                                                                            ~~Time Skip~~

The three friends placed a cardboard sign on a newly fixed fence that said, 'Beware!! Quicksand!! Also Swamp Guy. DO NOT ENTER'.

"Guys, the swamp has taught us a lesson today." Howards says as the three start walking back to school. "The secret ingredient to a delicious gumbo is a pinch of me.


"Not true."

"-and there's that thing about my Ninja powers. I abuse them I lose them." Randy adds.

"Although you did get them back." Howard point out. "So clearly theres some wiggle room."

"Nope! This Ninja is emergency only from now on." Randy declares. His mind then remembers something as he comes to a halt. "Hey Riley, about earlier. What were talking about when you said you necklace burned you?"

"Hm?" Riley suddenly remembers stopping as well. "Oh right that!" She takes the red stone out from under her shirt. "The stone suddenly got really hot and burned me in the middle of class and since you have the other half of this thing , I thought you did something."

"But I didn't do anything." Randy takes out his necklace. "All I did with it today was catch because it was about to fall off when I got caught by Catfish. Maybe I held onto it to tightly?....." Randy wraps his hand around the blue stone and lightly squeezed it.

Instantly Riley notices the red stone begin to flash softly and when she touched it she noticed it was slightly warm.

"Huh." She places the red stone in her palm. "Hey Randy, let got of your stone real quick."

Confused, He does what she says and lets go.

Riley places her other hand over her stone and with both hands tightly squeezes it.

"COLD!" Randy shouts as his necklace suddenly felt like a ice cube against his shirt. The temperature made him bend forward in shock to get the icy blue stone from touching him. "Coldcoldcoldcoldcold!"

"Well that proved my theory." Riley says amusement clear in her voice as she lets go of her necklace letting if back onto her chest.

Howard just laughs.

"A warning would've been lovely." Randy scowls as he straightness himself.

"If I gave you a warning, it wouldn't be called payback."

"So whats the deal with these thing?" Howard asks.

"Not entirely sure but it could come in handy if we need to reach other." Riley says as the three continue their walk back to school.

"Well-" Howard and Randy push aside a large bush only to come face to face with an angry Principal Slimovitz.

Riley quickly ducked behind a bush to not be seen.

"Mr. Weinerman and Mr. Cunningham! What part of 'keep out of the creepy swamp' did you not understand?!"

"Uh...the keep out part." Howard answers truthfully.

"You two just earned yourself detention."


Kunoichi appears behind Principal Slimovitz.

"Its alright Principal Slimovitz." Kunoichi says in reassurance. "These young men were simply assisting me in repairing a hole in the fence. Just simple community service."

"Oh in that case detention waved!" Slimovitz starts walking towards the school with Randy and Howard staying behind to deadpan at Kunoichi.

"What?" She quirks a brow under her mask. "Unlike you two, I am responsible." 

Side note: Catfish's accent and dialog was hard to wright! If you think I wrote something wrong, please tell me.

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