Got Stank?

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~Third Person P.O.V~

'Why am I here?'  Riley asked herself in her mind as she watched the Highschool basketball game in boredom with her head in her hands.

Oh yeah, cause her parents wanted some alone time. ~Shiver~


Snapping her head to the gym doors, light brown eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

"WHATS UP NORRISVILLE!" Randy screamed as he blasted some air horns while Howard sprayed some cans of silly string everywhere.

But that's wasn't what caught everyone's attention. The two were decked out in nothing but speedos and blue body paint.

Like what the juice! Really!

The whole gym stilled in silence. Heck even the game stopped as everyone stared at the two.

"DORKS!" Bash, the school bully/shoob, mocked.

Everyone laughed at the boys. Even she couldn't hold in a slight chuckle.

The two frowned at the laughter as they walked closer to the benches.

Knowing theses two would be a lot more entertaining than the game, Riley raised her arm out.

"Hey Randy, Howard! Over here!"

They saw, walked over, and sat down. Randy being in the middle of Howard and Riley.

"Hey Riley." Randy greeted.

"What up Davis." Howard greeted.

"Well I was bored out of my mind until that little display of yours." she said with a small smile. 

"Speaking of which, what's all this about?" Gesturing to their current attire.

"That incredible display of school spirit was supposed to get us into the Fishcage." Randy explained as he gestured to the section at the top of the bleaches with velvet chairs and couple of seniors sitting there.

Riley caught sight of Doug trying to get in before one of Bash's friends, Mick, stopped him.

"If I remember correctly, no freshman have sat up there. Right?" she asked.

Randy nodded. "Yup, Only the cool "de la cool" get to sit there."

"AAAAHHHHH!" Doug's body landed roughly in front of them

The redhead couldn't help but wince. " Oooohhhhh....."

"Nice try Doug." Randy said and then went back to frowning.

Howard nudged his best bro. "Hey, at least we're not sitting with the marching band. That section has a splash zone."

They all looked over and watched as the marching band play as food was being thrown at them. Even a tire was thrown at them!

Riley cringed at the sight but waved at her friend Rachel as she played the clarinet. She received a nod that helped her friend unknowingly doge a bag of popcorn. 

Their attention soon went towards a kid named Bucky as he suddenly went rogue with his triangle.

"Bucky, there's no triangle solo in this song." Flute girl said annoyed. "Or any song!"

Bucky just continued playing even as the crowd began to boo at him.

"Bucky! What'd I tell ya about showboating!?" The conductor, Miss. Wickwhacker, shouted at  him.

Bucky was still way into playing the triangle to respond until Miss. Wickwhacker pulled him aside.

"Henceletter! Your triangles' written checks your dinger can't cash!" she said flicking his dinger. "Your benched till further notice!"

"But the triangle's my life!" Bucky said upset.

"Put your dinger in my hand, son." 

"You can take my dinger," Bucky said as placed the dinger in her hand. "But you'll never take MY BACK UP DINGER!" He pulled another dinger from his pocket before running out of the gym sniffling while accidently knocking over the mascot of the school, who began to flop around like a real fish.

The trombone player, Steven, played his instrument sadly to go with Bucky's situation.

"Ho hooo..." Howard voiced out. "Sad trombone."

"Ultimate band burn." Randy said while nodding.

Riley shook her head in sympathy. Poor Bucky.

                                                                  ~~Time skip~~

~Riley's P.O.V~

When the game ended Randy, Howard and I went our separate ways. Them going to the bathroom to wash off the paint while I was leaning on a locker a little ways from the band room waiting for Rachel to come out so we walk home together.

Mindlessly reading a book to pass the time, I jumped at the sudden screams of terror coming from the band room.

Thinking fast, I jumped into an open locker and put on my mask.

'Time to go to work.'



I appeared in the band room just in time to see a piano get dropped on the Ninja by a purple monster with a band uniform.

Wasn't expecting that. 

Ninja used his sword to cutout an outline of himself to get out from under the piano.

"I probably should've seen that coming." Ninja said.

The monster roared and threw a tuba at the Ninja.

Gasping in alarm, I used my scarf as a lasso to grab the Ninja and yanked him towards me.

Though I guess I yanked to hard because he came slamming into me. Not hard enough to knock us over but enough where we had to grab onto each other to find balance.

We ended up with my hands on his chest and him grabbing my upper arms. This made us be reeeeaaalll close. 

Especially our faces. 

Like 3 inches apart.



"Oh Geeze!"

The Ninja and I tore away from each other, looking away awkwardly and blushing. I heard the band members oohing at the scene. Some taking pictures/ recordings.

Including Rachel. Traitor.

We both snapped back into attention when the monster threw another instrument, a flute with writing on it, making Flute girl panic.

Ninja caught it with an annoyed look and handed it to Flute girl.

"Princess Toottie! I almost lost you!" Flute girl said while hugging her instrument close to her.

The monster then snatched two clarinets from the blond twins, causing them to run away screaming in fear.

"Seriously! What is this thing!?" I asked out loud while pulling out some eskrimas.

I notice Ninja squint his eyes at the monster before his eyes widen. "I think.... That's Bucky!"

"BUCKY!?" I repeated in disbelief. Well that explained the band uniform.

I then see Ninja looked towards the cowering band members.

"Hey you cowbell! Cowbell me!" Ninja said to the band member, who looked at her cowbells before throwing them with a determined look.

Ninja caught them and spun them on his fingers while I gave my eskrimas a quick twirl.

Monster Bucky did the same with the clarinets before charging at us.

Ninja went in first with a kick to Bucky's face while I thrusted my eskrima into his chest.

Jumping back a bit, Ninja rang a cowbell tauntingly before Bucky began swinging his clarinets at us but we blocked each attack everytime until he brought down both clarinets on us causing us to slide back a bit. 

Ninja and I shared a look before nodding at each other. 

Ninja, while spinning the cowbells again, jumped forward and slammed the cowbells on either sides of Bucky's head, at the same time I ran forward and ram both of my eskrima to the underside of his chin.

Bucky stumbled back and shook his head .

"Okay, so here's a question, Bucky. What exactly is going" Ninja asked while gesturing at Bucky with the cowbell. "Like, in this-In this area?"

I crossed my arms and rose a brow with my eskrimas still in hand.

Bucky got close to our faces. "If I cant play the triangle in the band, THEN NO ONE WILL!"

The two of us wiped off the spit from our faces in annoyance before we, and every student in room, looked towards the band instructor who got nervous.

"But-But my new showboating policy! He was showboating! You all saw it!"

A shaking sound began to be heard throughout the room. Turning towards the sound I saw the maraca band member who was shaking in fear while holding his maracas.

What quickly caught my attention was the sight of Bucky pushing an instrument shelf at the guy.

Swiftly switching out my eskrimas for a retractable staff, I quickly dashed in front of the kid and used my staff to stop the falling shelf. But I had to harden my grip as the weight of the shelf made the staff move off balance.

"Ninja! Grab him!" I yelled out while trying to push the shelf back. I took a quick glance behind me seeing Ninja move the guy to safety.

A loud creek was my only warning as my staff was knocked off balance as the shelf continued to fall towards me.

'This is gonna hurt.'  I thought to myself bracing for the pain until something wrapped around my waist and pulled me away just as the shelf hit the ground.

Feeling a warmth around me, I opened my eyes to see the Ninja holding me protectively as he glared at monster Bucky.

Bucky hissed and broke through the wall leading outside and into the night.

A silence washed over the room. All of us trying to process the events that just happened.

My eyes wandered back up to the Ninja's face as he continued to hold me. Quietly clearing my throat to grab his attention, he looked down at me seeming to remember I was still in his arms.

"Thanks for the save... but can you let go now, please." I asked while shifting slightly, feeling bashful.

"Oh! Uh.. yeah sure!" He said letting me go and taking a step back while rubbing the back of his head and blushing.

Giving him a small smile, I surveyed the destroyed room with a wince at the damage.

Gotta start practicing damage control.

Everyone in the room turned to stare at us for whatever reason.

"Oh boy..." I heard Ninja mumble as a piece of the ceiling fell.

Well this is awkward.

I guess we were thinking the same thing at that moment.


                                                       ~~Time Skip~~

The next day at school, my mind was on everything but my school work.

I couldn't find Bucky last night.

I almost missed my curfew which made my parents suspicious.

I didn't have a way to contact the Ninja for help.

And I almost forgot to do my homework. Cant be the Kunoichi if I'm grounded from bad grades.

When the bell rang, I stayed in my seat as the classroom cleared out with the teacher.

Doing a quick look around seeing the coast was clear, I pulled out the Kunoichi Nomicon and placed it on my desk. 

"Okay Nomicon, I have no idea where Bucky is or how to change him back. What should I do?"

Opening up the book, the pages flipped before settling on a specific one. 

My eyes caught the little doodles written on the page.

                                       -Severing the puppets string.-

"What the juice?" I asked bewildered before looking down at the corner on the page.

                                      -You gotta D'Stank them, Bro!!!-

"What?" I asked again in confusion just as the book began to glow blue. I felt my mind go blank.


~Inside the Kunoichi Nomicon~

Feeling myself fall through the book, I yelled in surprise then shock when I heard a yell beside me and saw THE NINJA FALLING WITH ME! WHAT THE JUICE!


He stopped yelling to look over at me with eyes widen in surprise,


The two of us landed on the ground which allowed me to notice I was in my suit.

"What the juice are you doing in here!?" Ninja asked while moving closer.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to find a way to stop Bucky!" We both ended up saying together making us pause for a brief moment before laughing a bit.

"Well this is weird." I said while calming down.

"Yeah, but its odd how the both of us are here at the same time." The Ninja said while looking around as if trying to find answer.

"Umm... I guess our books are connected or something but lets get back to the reason we're here."

As if on que, a man holding a fan appeared with some words that we both began to read aloud.

          -The Evil Funk possesses the vulnerable. Using that which he holds most dear-

We watched as green mist doodles go into the fan turning it green while the man transformed into a monster with snake appendages.

A Ninja and Kunoichi doodle then appeared and broke the fan causing the man to turn back to normal but confused.

I opened my mouth to say something but was pulled out of the book before I could.

~Back outside~

Gasping and siting up right in my chair, I quickly put the Nomicon away and walked into the halls to my next class.

'Okay so Ninja and I now know how to change Bucky back. But how are we going to lure him out?'  I asked myself.

                                                                        ~~Time Skip~~

It was the end of the day and I still haven't thought of a plan that didn't have people asking questions. 

My thoughts were interrupted by a laughing Howard who ran passed me.

Watching him confused, I shrugged and continued walking until Randy suddenly fell out of a locker gasping.

Concerned, I kneeled down to help him but gagged at a sudden horrid smell coming from the locker.

"Ugh..Randy what happened?" I asked helping him up.

"Nothing -cough- Howard was just being a shoob." He said while dusting his band uniform that I took notice.

"Did you join the marching band or something?" I asked.

He seemed to get flustered all of a sudden and began to lean against the wall.

"Uh yeah, just trying to expand my musical talent. Ya know whatever."

"Cool, the uniform looks good on you." That wasn't a lie, it gave him a cute/ charming look.

His face got redder for some reason.

"So what instrument are you playing?"

"The Tr-Triangle."

I felt my self tense up.

'Crud! Randy doesn't have any idea how much danger he's really in!'  I thought in panic while keeping a smile on my face that went a little strained.

"That's nice, but oh look at the time I gotta go met up with Rachel before the game tonight. I'll see you there." I said awkwardly while walking around him and waving goodbye.

"Yeah definitely!" He replied while waving back.

Turning around, I powered walked around the corner while reaching for my mask just missing the dopey look on a still waving Randy. 

~Randy's P.O.V~

'She so bruce.'  I thought stupidly before snapping out of it. Gotta focus on Monster Bucky!

I started making my way to the band room until someone suddenly grabbed me and pulled me into an empty classroom.

Turning around quickly to face/fight my attacker, I freeze at the sight of my partner, the Kunoichi, standing in front of me.

"Hello young student, As you must know I am the Kunoichi. And I'm sure you have some questions as to why I brought you here." She with her hands behind her back and standing proud.

I honestly couldn't find my voice or have a straight thought at that moment.

Like seriously! What the juice does one do for this kind of thing!

"Uh... excuse me? Are you alright.?" I heard her ask in a more hesitant tone as I felt a hand on shoulder giving me a small shake.

Snapping out of my stupor, my faced flushed in embarrassment seeing she was closer. 

"Uh.... yeah! I'm cool! And why did you pull me in here?" I stammered out while trying to calm down. 

I'm such a shoob.

I saw what looked like amusement in her eyes that made me relax.

Releasing my shoulder, her expression,that I could make out from her mask, turned serious.

"About that, I've heard word about you joining the school marching band. The triangle correct?" She asked while leaning on a desk. 

"Uh, yeah. Thought it be cool to try out." I replied trying to see were she was going with this.

"And I'm sure you've heard about the latest monster attack?" 

"Who hasn't?"

She suddenly got up and gripped my shoulders making me look her in the eye.

"Then you need to understand the danger your in."

"Danger?" 'Okay, I think I'm starting to see what she's doing.'

"Your in great danger kid! Bucky, the monster, might come after you. Normally I would ask you to not to go for your own safety. But I have a plan that needs you in it in order to work."

This caught my attention. Even though I have a plan of my own.

"Listen, you can back out at any given time. But I was thinking you can help me and the Ninja lure out Bucky during the game tonight in order to turn him back to normal."

'This is only a little different then my plan. So why not.'  I thought to myself while putting on a determined face.

"I'll do it!"

"Perfect! Now here's the plan..."

"Wait! Shouldn't the Ninja be here to talk about this too?" I asked trying not to smile as her eyes widen in panic while not keeping eye contact.

"Uhhhhhh....... he is doing something that I cant tell you at the moment. But I'll give him the run down when I meet back up with him."  She stuttered out her obvious lie in a flustered state making me hold back a smirk of amusement.

'Cute' I couldn't help but think.

                                                                    ~~Time Skip~~

It was game time as I sat with the rest of the marching band playing the triangle and trying not to let the thrown food bother me.

Bucky better show up soon.

I notice Howard walk up and sit across from me.

"Let us be clear, I'm only sitting here for the snacks." He while putting on a bucket hat that opened to catch some thrown popcorn.

Okay now I was getting a little annoyed.

"Really! You cant be seen with me!" You are wearing a bucket hat for bruce sake!

But I quickly got over it remembering earlier. "Whatever, your never gonna guess what happened to me earlier."


"Look up."

I watch as Howard look up at the rafters for a moment bored, before his eyes went wide when he saw a flash of blue.

"Whats Kuno-!"

I quickly lean over and clamped my hand over his mouth.

"Sshh! She pulled me aside earlier and wanted me in on her plan to lure out Bucky." I whispered while pulling my hand away.

"But wasn't your plan to play the triangle in the marching band to bring Bucky out?" Howard asked giving me a suspicious look that made me nervous.


I was interrupted by sudden banging on the gym doors when Monster Bucky came bursting through the wall next to them.

Wow he is not good with doors.

As the crowd gasped, I stood up and placed a hand on Howard's shoulder.

"Hey Howard. do you have the time?" I asked while looking at my wrist like I had a watch on.

"I'm not doing this with you." Howard said looking bored despite the panic.

I ignored that. "Well what do you know, its Ninja o'clock."


Ignoring the jab, I ducked behind the bleachers and pulled on my mask, feeling black ribbons wrap around me.

Time for round 2 Bucky!

~Riley's P.O.V~

The moment Bucky roared, I threw a smokebomb at his face while dropping down in front of  the band members just as the Ninja landed next to me.

"Nice of you to drop in Kunoichi." Ninja said coolly making me playfully roll my eyes.

"Isn't that my line." I replied while turning back to Bucky.

He hummed in response and faced Bucky as well while pointing at him.

"Bucky.." Ninja started. " I don't feel right about beating up a band geek."

A basketball hit him straight in the gut, me flinching to the side in surprise, sending him crashing into the snack bar.

"Yeah I don't think he feels the same dude." I said before somersaulting to avoid an incoming punch.

"Yup! He definitely doesn't feel the same way!" I exclaim while bringing out my Tenssen.

I took a swipe at him but he dodged back.

Bucky then roared and began to take multiple swipes at me leaving me to only dodge and block. Backflipping in order to put some distance between Bucky and I, I ended being in hearing distance of the Ninja.

"How do we D'Stank this geek!" I heard him say aloud.

Right, right- what did the Nomicon say?

     -The Evil Funk possesses the vulnerable. Using that which he holds most dear-

Most dear!

"Ninja! What does Bucky hold most dear?!" I called out while dodging an incoming bat.

My question was soon answered by the sight of a glowing green dinger in the sash of Bucky's band uniform.

"BACKUP DINGER!" The two of us yelled in unison. 

Ninja ran forward with a 'Ninja snatch!' and used his scarf to grab the dinger but Bucky caught the scarf and yanked Ninja towards himself.

I see Ninja using this to his advantage to land a kick. At the time of the kick I dashed forward and grabbed the dinger as Bucky stumbled back.

I was about to use my Tenssen to destroy it but notice Bucky rushing too close to me.

"NINJA!" I called out as I threw the dinger his way just barley getting out of Bucky's path.

Ninja pulled out his sword and just before the dinger hit the ground, sliced it in two.

As soon as it was cut, Monster Bucky shrank down in a puff of green mist.

I watched as the mist go into the air vents in suspicion before my attention was caught by the students crowding around us cheering 'Smokebomb'.

The Ninja and I looked at each other proud before he held up a hand to me.

"Up Top?"

Smiling under my mask, I hive-fived him.

"Later Ninja."

"See ya Kunoichi."


                                                                ~Time Skip~

After I took off my mask in an empty girl's bathroom, I made my way back to the gym.

"Hey Riley! Up here!"

Looking in the direction of the call, I felt myself smile in amusement at the sight of Randy and Howard in the Fish Cage by themselves.

Walking over, I leaned against the entrance.

"Well it looks like you boys pulled it off being the first freshman to sit in the Fish Cage." 

"Yup! And its awesome! Wanna join us?" Randy asked patting the seat next to him.

I shrugged. "Sure why not."

While getting into the seat, I didn't notice Howard nudge Randy while wiggling his eyebrows that made Randy quickly swat him off before turning back to me acting like nothing happened.

"Well Howard, Riley we did it!" Randy said. "We're the first freshman in the Fish Cage!"

"Technically that it true." Howard said smiling as I took a glace down at the crowding student below. "I guess I can forgive you for joining the band."

"Forgiveness accepted buddy." Randy said while patting his friend's shoulder. "Forgiveness accepted."

I couldn't help but smile at the two. "Well it nice to see you two being friendly."

"By the way, where were you during all the chaos?" Howard asked.

I tensed for a bit before saying nervously. "Uh... I-I was hiding in the bleachers near the door so I could stay safe but watch that Bruce fight." 

"Yeah that fight was pretty Bruce."

The three of us then looked down at the sound of whimpers as Bucky, trembling in fear, peeked out from under his oversized shredded cloths.

Only to be seen completely naked.

"Hey check it out! That guys naked!" Bash pointed out as the gym began to laugh.

I quickly covered my eyes with a startled squeak. I do NOT need to see that!

I heard Bucky scream in confusion before rushing out of the gym.

I also heard Howard laugh and called out. " Haha! Go get some loaner pants man! Haha!"

"I did not need to see that." I heard Randy say sadly.

You and me both Randy.

You and me both.

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