Last Stall on the Left

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~Riley's P.O.V~

"Welcome Freshman. I'm sure your bummed to be back in school....... WELL SO AM I! 500 WORDS! WHAT YOU DID ON YOUR SUMMER VACATION!" The English teacher, Mr. Bannister, bellowed out before slamming his fist on his desk.

Rubbing my ear from the loud volume, I took out a sheet of paper and began writing. Making sure to leave out my new discovery from two days ago. (A/M: See Prologue)

"Cunningham! Lemme copy off ya!"  A voice said to my right, making me turn to see Howard Weinerman crouching in front of my desk neighbor, Randy Cunningham.

I've known those two since Kindergarten, though we don't really hang out. We would usually have the occasional conversation or just wave to each other in passing. But I guess one could call us friends.

"Howard we cant turn in the exact same essay." Randy said to his best friend.

"But we had the exact same summer!" A shoe then hit Howard causing him to smack his head into Randy's desk making the latter reel back in surprise. I myself flinched back from the sudden attack while looking up at my teacher.

"NO TALKING!" Mr. Bannister yelled while leaning back in his chair with his feet on his desk, presenting his ripped up sock that showed off his......unsightly foot. ~Shiver~

Quickly returning to my essay, I began to write small detailed events that I did over the summer with my family and my best friend Rachel. Like going to the movies, amusement park, the lake, and a bunch of other stuff.


Laying my head in my hand in boredom as I wait for my paper to be picked up, I mindlessly let my eyes wander around the classroom before they settled on Randy once more only to blink in surprise as I watch him shred his essay into pieces before giving the remains to the teacher.

"What's this supposed to be?" the teacher asked sternly.

"Ummm....My commentary on the fleeting nature of summer." Randy replied with a nervous smile.

'He cant be serious'  I thought while watching the scene amused.

"Excellent use of metaphor!"

'Good grief...'

" Aced it!" Randy cheered.

"I'll give you a B." The teacher said before continuing on.

"B-ced it!"

Cant helping it, I huffed out a laugh catching Randy's attention.

Flashing him a thumbs up and a smile I said. "Not bad Randy."

His eyes widen a bit before he flashed his own smile, though nervous, and thumbs up.

"Uh.. Thanks Riley."

Nodding, I faced forward just missing the faint blush on his cheeks.

                                                               ~~~~Time skip~~~~

"Rachel you know we saw each other this morning right?" I asked my best friend Rachel who was hugging me on our way to the cafeteria for lunch.

"I know! But I wanna give you enough Bestie hugs to get you through the whole week when I'm at practice!" Rachel exclaimed with a huge smile while giving me one last hug before walking beside me.

Smiling at the little ball of sunshine that is my best friend as we enter the cafeteria. We sat down and brought out our lunches.

"So when do you think its gonna happen?" asked Rachel as she nibbled on her bunny shaped sandwich with a smile.

Raising a brow at the question, I swallowed my pasta. "Whats gonna happen?"

"You know! When are the Ninja and Kunoichi gonna appear?!"

Flinching slightly at the response nearly choking, I took a deep breath and drank some water before answering. Trying my best to keep my nerves and guilt under wraps.

"Uhhh.... I suppose when the schools in danger or something, I guess. I mean they just don't appear without a good reason to."

"Yeah I guess your right."


"I stand corrected..."

Wiping around, I took in the sight of my supposed partner crouched down in a black and red suit before standing up with his arms out.

"Hello Students! Tis I.... THE NINJA!"

I could barley hear the gasp and cheers of excitement from everyone or Rachel's own squeals as they all moved closer to the ninja. To preoccupied with my own thoughts.

Though one did stood out.


Standing, I made my way over while trying to not express my annoyance beside crossing my arms over my chest. 

I really was not impressed with the scene.

"Now as a Ninja." He started, "I must be prepared at any do THIS!" He threw a punch. "And THIS!" a kick. "And how could I forget THIS!" He jumped into the air with another kick before landing back on the table.

Everyone cheered while I discreetly rolled my eyes. What a show off.

Time to put and end to this.

Carefully making my way to the bathroom and into a stall, I reached into my bag and pulled out my mask.

 Taking a breath, I put it on and immediately felt ribbons rapping around my body in a flash of blue light before settling.

'Lets get this over with.'

~Third person's P.O.V~

Randy/ Ninja waved to his adoring audience as they cheered.

'This is the absolute CHEESE!'  


Whirling around to see a mass of blue smoke, he and the crowd gasped at the figure that appeared.

She stood just a few inches shorter than himself in a matching black and blue ninja suit with her dark red hair in a ponytail.

There were only a few minor differences in the design, like the marking on the chest was on the opposite side, the blue around her eyes were thicker and fanned out, and the lines on the bottom looked like small fangs.

'Oh my Ninja! Its KUNOICHI! Play it cool Cunningham gotta show your a bruce partner.'

"Quiet the turn out you got here Ninja." Kunoichi said while walking up to him.

Ninja stilled for a moment before remembering the eyes on them. Clearing his throat, he spoke with his Ninja voice.

"Ah Kunoichi! How nice of you to come! I was just greeting the new freshman to our humble school."

Kunoichi hummed in reply while placing a hand on her hip.

"Well that's nice, but I hope you have some time for a quick private meeting with me?"

The Ninja felt his face flush at 'private meeting'. He knows he just met this girl that is his new partner but cant help but admire the way her suit hugged her figure and the cool aura she was emanating.

Wonkin Hormones..

Kunoichi on the other hand was doing everything in her power to not smack this guy on the head at that very moment. Getting him alone would be better than giving him an earful in front of everybody. Gotta keep up a good appearance for the public.

"SuR- ahem- I mean sure! Just let me to wrap this up real quick!" The Ninja said before turning to the crowd.

"You've been great everybody! See ya next time! Remember to tip those lunch ladies! Alright Kunoichi let-"

"No wait Ninja! Kunoichi!" Howard called out begging as latched on to the Red and Blue partners legs before they could leave. "My buddy and I have been dying to meet you both since we were kids. Please just hang out until he gets back?"

'Now that I think about it ,where is Randy?'  The Kunoichi asked herself as she looked around for the purple haired teen.  She knew how big Ninja fans Randy and Howard are.

Randy felt touched at his friends words. "Aw, that's really cool of you. But we cant. We must go!"

The entrance to the cafeteria, and wall around it, was suddenly destroyed by a monster looking hybrid with 6 different arms from different animals and metal.

It began to destroy the cafeteria as student ran away in fear.

The black clad duo both tensed at the sight of the monster.

"Our first monster fight...." The Ninja said with excitement in his voice. "So honkin cool! NINJA FLIP!"

"Ninja! Wait a sec!" Kunoichi called to her partner as he flipped towards the monster.

Landing in front of it, Ninja pointed at it with confidence. "Monster. Get ready to get-"

The monster punched him sending through the wall before he could finish.

Kunoichi winced at the sight of her partner with some sympathy. 

'So my partner is a do now, think later guy. Great.'

She then rushed at the monster, doing her best to dodge incoming attacks while jumping in the air to land a kick at the monster's face.

Only for her leg to get grabbed in midair before she was thrown around like a rag doll and through the same wall as her partner.

~Riley /Kunoichi's P.O.V~

Groaning in pain as my back was thrown into a locker, I slid down next to partner whose phone went off.

'Really at a time like this!'

Ninja took out his phone to read the text.

"I wouldn't say we were getting pwned."

"My bruised back  says other wise."

Before Ninja could talk back, the monster came through the hole and roared at us. 

Ninja quickly jumped up into the air and kicked the monster in the chest knocking it down.

Jumping to my feet as the monster got back up, the Ninja and I procced to dodge attacks while trying to land our own.

"We're not getting anywhere with this guy!" I said ducking from another punch.

"I know! But what else can we do!?" Ninja asked while trying to kick the monster again.

What can we do! Its not like we can ask anybody........ THATS IT!

"Ninja I got a -WOAH-! plan!"

" What -grunt- is it!"

"Im gonna hold this guy off while you ask your Nomicon for some advice on how to beat this thing!"

Ninja seemed to get nervous for a sec as he dogged another attack.


I gave him a quick look as I blocked a claw. Whats with the tone?

"Yeah your-(dodge)- NinjaNomicon . The 800 year old book full of ninja wisdom that you get when you first open the box." I reminded before delivering a roundhouse kick to the monster's side making it stagger back.

"Oooohhh that Nomicon. Yeah  funny story... I may (dodge) or may not (punch) have left it at my house...." Ninja said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head.

I froze completely and slowly turned my head in his direction in disbelief.



I was smacked to the side, crashing into my idiot of partner making us fall down a flight of stairs painfully.

We reached the bottom while moaning in pain. Yeah I'm gonna feel that for a while.

Ninja groaned out. "Aw man we are getting pwned."



"NO DUH WERE GETTING PWNED! And what do you mean you left your Nomicon at home?!" I yelled sitting up.

"I didn't think I would need it!" Ninja defended while rubbing the spot on his head where I had smacked him.

"You didn't-!" I took a deep breath through my nose to calm myself. "Okay fine new plan. I'll look in my Nomicon for advice while you hold off ugly till I get back."

Ninja nodded just as the monster roared from the top of the stairs.

"Ninja sprint!" My partner yelled going down the hall while I ran in the opposite direction.

Ducking behind corner, I glanced around to make sure I was alone as I pulled the Kunoichi Nomicon out from my suit.

"Okay Nomicon, how do me and Ninja beat this thing?" I asked opening the book that began to glow.

Peering inside I felt my mind go blank.


~Inside the Kunoichi Nomicon~

Never in a million years would I ever be able to describe the sights and feeling of going into the Nomicon.

The wind blew my hair back as I fell through the book taking in the sights of the different creatures and pictures of ninjas doing incredible things.

It was amazing...... Until I landed on my face.

"I'm starting to think today is not my day." I said before I fell back on my butt.

Looking up, I read out the words in front of me.

                                   -Believe in the weapon that is in the suit.-

I smacked my forehead in realization. "WEAPONS! of course! I'm a Kunoichi! Kunoichi's have weapons! And so do Ninjas! Man I feel like such a shoob right now!"

The pic ninja next to me nodded before cutting the floor out from under me. 


~Back outside~

Gasping, I bolted up when I realized I was sprawled out on the floor. 

'Believe in the weapon that is in the suit.' 

I reached down into the sash on my hips feeling two metal items in hands before pulling them out.

I looked at the things in my hands in confusion. Flicking my wrist the items turned into black and blue fans.

"Fans..." Doodles appeared in my vison turning into arrows with the word Tessen pointing at the fans in my hand.

"Tessen, okay. I wonder what weapon Ninja will get- HUH! NINJA!"  Quickly I ran towards the direction Ninja went in. I hope he is okay.

Look around without finding any sign of him or the monster, I was about to head towards the restrooms-


Cursing under my breath, I gave one last look towards the bathroom before running to class while taking my mask off.

"Today is definitely not my day."

                                                              ~~~~Time skip~~~~  

When class ended, I powered walk around the halls looking for any sign of my partner or the monster.

'Did Ninja actually defeat it or something?'  I thought to myself not paying attention to the path ahead until someone ran into me knocking me down.

"Whoops, did not mean to do that." a familiar voice said.

Groaning, I opened my eyes to see purple hair in my face.

The head of hair groaned themself as the body that the hair belonged to pulled themselves up to show none other than Randy Cunningham above me pinning me down.

Blushing a bit, I cleared my throat. "Uh Randy, you mind getting off me?"

Randy blinked trying to his mind back into focus before noticing our position. Making something that sounded like yell or a squeak of surprise, he ripped himself off me.

"Riley-you-me-sorry-fell down-pret-SORRY!" He stammered out while helping me up.

"Dude its okay." I waved off his apology as I dusted myself off and took a quick look around. No one saw that, Thank cheese!

"As awkward and funny as that was, Randy! Its perfect that you got back cause I got some great news-" Howard began to say before Randy cut him off trying to back away.

"Sorry Howard but I've got to um..." I watched as Howard expression change to an furious one as he then jumped onto Randy wrapping his arms and legs around him. He did this as people began to walk by, who of coursed stared.

"NO, no! You are going to stick around for this!" Randy was shrugging at everybody who was looking at them as I stood there awkwardly.

"Turns out the Ninja and Kunoichi couldn't  beat that monster so they just locked in a basement stall."

'So that's what happened.'  Though I really couldn't blame Ninja on that one.

"So I let it out." Howard said smugly.

It took me a moment to process on what he just said.


"YOU DID WHAT!" Randy and I yelled out together in shock and anger. The anger from me.

Not noticing our expression as Howard seemed so proud of himself. "Yeah, now the Ninja and Kunoichi gotta come back and we can see them in action together."

Never in my life have I wanted to hit someone this badly. I didn't even notice Randy's faces of despair.

Before I could even utter a syllable of my outrage, a car, that I recognize as the principal's, suddenly crashed through a wall a little ways from us.

 After a moment shock, we all raced down the hallway and peered out the hole to see the monster wreaking havoc in the parking lot.

Not even thinking, I ran to the nearest empty classroom to put my mask on before jumping out a window.

~Third person's P.O.V~


The Ninja and Kunoichi appeared next to each other in front of the monster.

 "Hey Kunoichi, I was able to get my Nomicon. It also told me what we need to do." Ninja exclaimed while crouching down, ready to attack.

"Did it tell you the phrase 'Believe in the weapon that is in the suit'?" Kunoichi asked crouching down with her partner as her hands slowly went towards her sash.

"That the one! So all we gotta do is defeat this thing by believing in ourselves!"

"That's right! Wait what-" Kunoichi stumbled when she realized the Ninja didn't get the lesson!

"I believe in me kicking your butt." Ninja declared as he raced forward aiming a kick at the monster. It blocked the kick so Ninja used the arm to spring himself into the air and slam his feet down on the monster's face before leaping into the air again with a flip and landing with his back to the monster.

The monster charged forward and began throw punch with each of it arms only for the Ninja to block them.

"Ninja Block, Ninja Block, Ninja Block, Ninja Block, Ninja Block, and NINJA BLOCK!" Ninja directed the last punch with a flip kick making the monster hit himself.

The went down with a loud thump. The crowd began cheering as Kunoichi went up to her partner.

"That was impressive Ninja." Kunoichi praised as her hand on her hip.

"Thanks! Sorry I took most of the action." Ninja said while waving to the crowd.

"Its alright, but you know that wasn't what the book meant right?" She asked confusing him.

"Well what else could-" Ninja was cut off as an arm came out of the monsters chest and pinned him down while knocking Kunoichi away.

"I don't get it! I'm believing. What else could be in the suit!?" The Ninja asked himself as he tries to doge the arms coming at his pinned form.


A flash on metal flies through the air and slices the arm holding the Ninja before returning to the hand of Kunoichi.

She then sprints forward and delivers a double kick to the monster's side sending it a distance away.

Jogging over to her partner, she helped him up. 

"What the juice was that!?" Ninja asked as he looked at the Tessen in her hands.

" 'Believe in the WEAPON' " Kunoichi empathizing 'weapon' while holding up her Tessen. " 'that is in the suit.' "

Eyes widening in understanding, Ninja reached into his own suit and pulled a sword. "Oooohhhhh, That makes way more sense!"

A roar was heard and the pair turned to see the monster charging at them. With new found confidence, The Ninja and Kunoichi  charged forward together.

Kunoichi ran ahead and threw both of her Tessens at the monster's arm before flipping over it as it charged at the Ninja who began to slice his sword at the monster until came to a complete stop.

Everyone watched as one by one the monster's arms fell off until the torso itself fell apart into pieces. That made the surrounding audience grimace in disgust and have a few throw up.

Walking over to her partner, Kunoichi gave him a smile that he could make out through her mask.

"Not bad for our first monster uh?" 

"You better believe it." Ninja held out hand for a highfive that she gladly gave.

"Smokebomb! Smokebomb! Smokebomb! Smokebomb! Smokebomb!" The crowd chanted to their heroes.

The duo shared a look before nodding in agreement. Pulling out their respective smokebombs the two said their goodbyes to each other.

"Till next time Ninja."

"See ya soon Kunoichi."


~Riley's P.O.V~

Sneaking back into the empty classroom, I took off my mask and stuffed back into my bag.

Exiting the classroom as casually as possible, though I nearly jumped out of my skin at the surprise hug from behind me.

"Riley there you are!" Oh its just Rachel.

"Hey Rachel." I greeted to her face once she let me go.

"Where were you! I couldn't find you all day when the monster attack happened." She asked pouting with her arms crossed.

Smile at her attempt to look mad I said. " Ducked and covered into a classroom to watch the fight. Thought it would be better to watch a distance."

Her angry pout morphed back into a smile as she gave me another hug in which I returned. "Well just text me next time okay. I was worried."


The two of us began to make our way home.

"So what did you think of the Ninja and Kunoichi, Rach?" I asked.

"They were so BRUCE!- Squeal- They are the best team ever!"

Chuckling at her answer, I couldn't help but agree.

'We do make a pretty good team.'

A/N: Just so you know, I'm gonna try and update every Friday/Weekend. Unless something comes up.

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