McOne Armed and Dangerous

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~Third Person's P.O.V~

It was a Sunday afternoon as the four friends walked through the city, following Howard who wanted to go to something that day but wouldn't say what.

The two teen heroes, while not against the idea, weren't as chipper about it by their tired expressions, matching bags under eyes, slouching forms, unhappy frowns, and booth chugging down some energy drinks.

Rachel, seeing her friend's unhappiness, asked. "Are you guys okay?"

Riley groans as she hisses. "McFist"

"Yeah!" Randy puts in while taking another swing of his drink. "He's been coming after us every day for two weeks! We're sick of it!"

Riley grimaces while knocking back the last of her drink as unpleasant memories popped into her mind.


One of those annoying days consisted of the two heroes chasing after a pair of Chainsaw werewolves through the halls of the school, weapons out.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ninja asks sarcastically as they chased the two around a corner.

A moment of silence before a loud "CRUD!"

And the two quickly ran away yelling from a now hoard of Chainsaw werewolves.


Another day, the two heroes were fighting a group of robo-lizards in the middle of a basketball game and were quickly ganged up on. 


The most recent day was agreeably the strangest as the heroes stared down at a large chocolate cake with red and blue decorations sitting innocently in the school's field with writing on the top in red and blue icing that said, 'For Ninja and Kunoichi only'.

Ninja laughs and goes to take a piece but a hand on his shoulder stops him.

Looking at his partner, he sees her blankly staring at something slightly above them and turns to look himself.

What he sees makes him copy Kunoichi's expression.

"Go on..."

Behind a forest scenery cut out was McFist in a large robotic tank with all its weapons pointed at the two teens.

"Take it!" McFist growls.

The two heroes shared an exasperated look before going back to staring at a growing irritable McFist.

"Take it!"

The heroes groan and shake their heads.

                                                                 ~~~~~~~Flashback ends~~~~~~~~~~~

"OK, that last one was just insulting." Riley points out with an eye roll while throwing her drink can away into a nearby trashcan.

"Agreed." Randy says before also throwing away his can. "Listen, I don't care what we do today, as long as it has zero percent to do with Hannibal McFist."

The moment Randy says this, the sound of cheering makes the group turn around to see a crowd in front of  McFist industries where a McFist themed stage was set up.

Viceroy was on top of the stage talking to the crowd with Marcy and Bash behind him. "People of Norrisville, put your fist together for the man of the hour, Hannibal McFist!"

The back of the stage opens up to reveal McFist and two robo-apes holding up signs the said 'McSquidTennial!'. 

Everyone cheers as McFist walks over to Viceroy with a smile on his face. "What? A festival? In honor of me? And the 50th anniversary of McSquiddles? But mostly me?"

Viceroy rolls his eyes with an annoyed look.

Which only got deeper when his bose poked his nose playfully. "Viceroy you rascal, you shouldn't have!"

"But you told me to." Viceroy said flatly.

McFist just grins "I'm sure I didn't!"

A colorful banner saying ' The Squidtennial!' drops down making the crowd cheer louder.

Rachel peeked at her to heroic friends and watched their faces turn from surprise to annoyance.

"Howard," Randy turn to his friend in an accusatory fasion. "Did you know about this?"

Howard just laughs and takes off his trench coat to reveal himself decked out in McSquiddle merch.  "I'm sure I didn't."

Howard then joins the cheering crowd leaving his friends to watch annoyed.

"A half century ago, my father launched an empire with this!" McFist holds up glass canister that and extremely old piece of candy. "The first McSquiddle!"

Everyone oohed and awed while Randy, Riley, and Rachel watch on unimpressed.

"It's meat-flavored."

Riley slightly gags at this.

"Oh, McSquiddle Zero!" Howard starts shaking Randy in pure excitement. " Original! Original flavor! I've tasted everyone but you. Today that will change!"

"Howard, unless you want to go into some kind of shock, don't." Riley says but was ignored.

Randy was just frowning at everything. "Look at him. What a jerk-wad."

McFist placed the canister on a podium, center stage. " There you go, McSquiddy. Enjoy your day. Well, our day. Actually, it's my day."

A gold statue of McFist and the McSquiddle pops up from the stage.

Randy looks at the cheering crowd with narrow eyes. "If these people knew what we knew about McFist, they'd cheer a different tune. One that goes Booooo!"

"Cunningham, nobody cheers like that." Howard says waving off his friend's anger. "Besides, they love the guy. There's nothing you can do about it."

"Unfortunately, Howards right Randy. McFist has way too much trust and power over the town. Messing with him will just cause trouble for us." Riley says looking at Randy who looked at her in disbelief.

"How can you say that! McFist is a menace! And I could prove it by exposing him as the lying liar for the Hero-hating Hero-hater he is!" Randy takes out his Nomicon and runs towards an ally.

"Randy wait!" Riley steps forward to go after him but Howard stops her.

"Calm down Davis, his stupid book will set Cunningham straight, he'll calm down, and join us on this bruce day. Now come on, I wanna get closer to the stage." Howard starts tugging the girls closer to the front of the crowd as Riley shot a worried look at the ally Randy too.

~~With Randy~~

Randy skidded into the ally while opening his book, which wasn't the best idea as his body fell into a pile of garbage.


~Inside the Ninja Nomicon~

Randy yells as he was thrown into the forest area of the book and landed on the ground with a grunt.

After blinking the dirt out of his eye, Randy sees a man poking a hornet's nest with a stick and giggling.

That giggling didn't last long as the now angry hornets swarmed out of their nest and attacked the man.

Randy winces at the sight. "Oh, that's gotta sting."

After a moment, the hornet's leave and the man's face started to swell with the bumps having words on them, making the lesson.

                                           -Provoke your enemy and he will fight back-

"That's right Nomicon!" Randy jumps to his feet, feeling pumped. "McFist has poked this hornets' nest one too many times!"

He was then pushed out of the book.

~Back Outside~

Randy sits up from the trash. "I'm the nest!" He stands up holding out his mask. "Provoked!"

He was actually holding a feral ally cat that proceeded to attack his arm. "Garbage Cat!"

Randy quickly rips the animal off his arm and finally took out his mask and suited up.

Back at the Squidtennial, McFist was taking pictures with the crowd with Viceroy holding the camera.

"Say 'McSquiddle'."

"McSquiddle!" McFist yells spooking the girl that was getting the picture taken, making her bump into the podium causing the canister to tip over.

Everyone gasps in fear, but McFist was fast enough and fixed it making everyone sigh in relief.

Howard, who was in line for pictures with Rachel and Riley, was staring intently at the meat flavored McSquiddle. "I can't wait to smell it. Maybe lick it a little. I gotta get a taste..."

Riley, Rachel, and Bucky, who was in ear shot, took a large step away from shorter boy.

A familiar blur of red and black out the corner of her eye made Riley snap her head towards it only to see nothing in the crowd.

Feeling unease, Riley let her eyes flick around looking for a certain someone knowing full well that the blur wasn't her imagination.

"That's right! Get a pic with the most beloved man in town!" McFist says cheerfully before spotting a familiar figure. "The Ninja..." What he said catches up to him. "THE NINJA! Ah..."

McFist stops himself, remembering the large crowd that was around him. "I meant, me! Me is what we're commemorating."

Both Riley and McFist looked around for their friend/enemy and spotted him ontop of the gold statue glaring at McFist.

Ninja sent McFist a signal that easily meant 'I'm gonna get you.' before ducking out of sight.

McFist growls under his breath. "If he messes up my day..."

"If he messes up my day..." Howard mutters under his breath.

"If he does something stupid..." Riley whispers irritated.

"Smoke bomb!" Ninja appears center stage making the crowd go wild.

"Ah!"McFist yells. "GET HIM!"

Everyone goes quiet at this, confused at the tone.

Marcy leans into whisper to her husband. "Hannibal, everyone's watching..."

This makes McFist back track and quickly change his tune. "Uh... I mean, hey! How's the ninja biz treating you? Where's Kunoichi?"

Ninja pushes McFist away "Don't play McFriendly with me, McFist. I'm here to show these good people that you're an evil villain out to wonk the Ninja and Kunoichi!"

This causes the crowd to start mummering to each other, everyone looking either confused, surprised, or suspicious. 

Riley was fidgeting, her brain running a mile a minute for a plan to stop what was about to happen. 

"Don't take that from him." Viceroy cut in. "You're benevolent businessman."

"You would say that, Viceroy." Ninja says turning to the scientist. " You created all of his W.N.K.D.'s!"

Everyone got quiet again, confused on what the last part meant.

Ninja answers the silent question. "Weapons of Ninja and Kunoichi Destruction."

"Ooh..." McFist mumbles in understanding.

"Solid acronym." Viceroy compliments.

Ninja turns back to the crowd. "Everything McFist makes is secretly designed to destroy the Ninja and Kunoichi!"

Everyone gasps and watch as Ninja jumps over to Fro-yo stand. "Like this McFro-Yo stand. Switch it this way, vanilla, but this way..." Ninja pulls a different lever. "It's chocolate?"

Everyone started sharing awkward glances with Riley discreetly facepalming.

Ninja sees he's losing the crowd and quickly goes for the last lever. "OK, but what about when I do this!"

The sight of normal swirl fro-yo makes him groan.

"It's swirl." McFist says with a smirk. "Who doesn't love a swirl?"

This got everyone to cheer again.

Ninja looks around nervously before quickly flipping over to stand on top of a nearby hat stand, getting everyone's attention again. "OK, all right, but what about this hat stand?"

He jumps to the ground and tosses a few hats. "There's no way these are just hats." Ninja then starts to taunt the stand making the guy running it run away. "Come on, I'm right here. You wanna destroy me? You just gonna hold hats like some kinda kiosk?"

Everyone watched this with worried/ weirded out looks that only seem to intensify as Ninja started kicking it. 

Riley had to hide her face from the secondhand embarrassment she was feeling from all this.

Viceroy shook his head the scene. "That's what I call a crime of fashion."

"THAT'S WHAT I CALL A CRIME OF FASHION!" McFist repeats louder into his mic making everyone laugh.

Getting desperate/embarrassed, Ninja spots the statue. "Huh? The statue, of course! Ninja Tengu Fireball!"

Everyone gasps as the ball of fire made contact with the statue, blowing it to pieces.

"AH! MY STATUE!" McFist cries out.

"Oh, boy." Ninja cringes realizing he messed up as he looks around while avoiding the very annoyed glare pointed at him from a certain red head. "That wasn't a weapon. Ow!"

A piece of broken statute hits him on the head with many more raining down on the crowd.

As everyone covered their heads for protection, a piece of statue managed to hit the canister with meat flavored McSquiddle, causing it to fall of the podium, break on the ground, and make the McSquiddle zero roll on the stage with both McFist and Howard scrambling after it.

But it was all for not as the small piece of candy fell down a small hole in the stage, much to the horror of McFist and Howard.


Howard burst into tears as Rachel and Riley step forward to comfort him just as Ninja jumped back onto the stage making McFist glare at him.

"You've gone too far this time, Ninja." McFist growls getting in Ninja's face. "These people will never believe that their lovable gazillionaire is actually your arch enemy!"

Forgetting his mic was on, everyone within a listening distance heard what he said and gasps.

Riley and Rahcel were watching this with wide eyes in shock.

Viceroy slid over trying to stop his boss. "Uh, Hannibal..."

"Hold on, Viceroy." McFist waves off Viceroy to glare at Ninja. "Ninja.....I'm going to destroy you."

Gasps were heard.

"And when I'm done with you, I'll destroy the Kunoichi!"

Even louder gasps escaped the crowd.

"I'm going to blast you both to pieces!"

"Hannibal, your microphone's on!" Marcy yells but McFist was too consumed by his rage.


Viceroy finally had enough and ribs the mic off his boss, cutting off his tangent. "Everybody can hear you!"

This causes McFist to freeze and look out at the now glaring crows. "Uh... Eh.....ooh..."

The crowd erupts in anger.

"McFist is a bad guy!"

"He wants to destroy the Ninja and Kunoichi!"

"Nooo!" McFist yells out trying to save face. "It's not how it sounded. It's a-a- joke! Uh-we were just wonking around."

Ninja didn't hesitate to point at McFist and yell. "BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"


Everyone in the crowd started booing and threw McSquiddles at McFist who cover his head in protection.

It got so bad that the McFist family and Viceroy had to retreat back to McIndustres for safety.

The moment the doors closed Ninja broke into a victory dance as people continued to throw food at anything with McFist's name or face on it.

"I did it!" Ninja cheers as he dances over to the girls as the try and help Howard get out of a hole he made to get to the lost McSquiddle. "Everybody hates McFist."

"Not me." Howard says glaring at Ninja making him stop dancing. "I hate you."

This causes Ninja to gasp in shock as the girls shared a look.

"How could you hate me?!" Ninja askes. "I just got rid of our arch nemesis and told everyone the truth!"

"But at what cost Ra- I mean Ninja?" Riley asks. "For all you knew, telling the truth could have started a mass stanking. Y'know, since everyone loved and trusted McFist."

Ninja went quiet at that, realizing he didn't think that far ahead but quickly gestured to the remaining crowd. "But it didn't! Look!"

Riley looks out at the thinning crowd and saw that while disappointed and angry, it definitely wasn't enough to turn someone into a monster.

"I guess..."

"See!" Ninja says happily. "McFist pokes the hornet's nest? McFist gets stung! Ninja win!"

"I tricked you into coming to this festival so that I could have a good time," Howard grumbles getting into Ninja's face and ignoring the girl's irritated stares from his confession. "And now you're having my good time! I hope this comes back on you."

His three friends gasps.

"You take that back!"


"Not cool Weinerman!"

"I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean it." Howard apologizes looking generally apologetic. "You know, that was just a low meat-sugar talking."

Howard then spots something over Ninja's shoulder and gasps. "Ah! That garbage cat has the Meat-Squiddle! Get back here!" He charges after it, leaving his friends to watch after him.

"I'm gonna have the ambulance on standby when he goes down." Rachel says blankly with Riley nodding in agreement.

"Good call."

Ninja just shakes his head and leans against a wall, relaxed. "This will not come back on me."

A booming roar ripped through the air.

"You had to jinx it." Riley deadpanned as all three snapped their heads up to see a monster burst out of McFist industries and headed straight towards Ninja!

"Coming back on me!" Ninja quickly grabs the girls and throws the three of them out of the way just as the monster landed on the stage, destroying it.

After making sure the girls were okay, Ninja looks back at the destroyed stage in shock. "What the juice!"

The monster bursts out of the rubble, grabbed the pavement and rolled it while simultaneously firing acid from its arm.

The girls ran away, Rachel for safety and Riley to go suit up, as Ninja jumped out of the way from the flying pavement to land on a nearby car but quickly move again to avoid the acid that melted the car.

Ninja pulls out a nunchaku and goes in for an attack only to get punched to the side, through the fro-yo machine, and into a wall.

Groaning, Ninja pulled himself up and was able to get a better look at the monster and immediately knew who it was. "Stanked McFist? But this is his fault! He poked the hornet's nest!"

Stanked McFist grabs Ninja by the leg, lifted him up, and proceeded to slam him against the pavement repeatedly.

Before Stanked McFist could do anything else, a cladded foot kicks him to the side and away from Ninja.

Kunoichi quickly goes to her partner. "Ninja! Are you okay?!"

Ninja's head was swaying side to side, eyes unfocused. "KuNo-I dIdn'T KnoW yoU weRe A QuaDruPLet..."


But before she could say/do anything, stanked McFist grabbed Kunoichi by the back of her suit and threw her, with addition of Ninja as she was holding onto him, at McFist industries with enough force to make them slide halfway up the building.

Screaming as they reached halfway, gravity took hold of them, and they now screamed as they slid down the large building.

But their path was quickly blocked by stanked McFist as he dug his claws into the building and started getting closer to the heroes.

Thinking fast, the two heroes each took out a pair of sais and used to not only slow down their descent but push themselves up to a standing position.

Ninja took this time to throw his scarf and hooked it on a satellite dish, grabbed his partner by the waist, and the two started running along the building and away from stanked McFist.

Monster McFist roars in anger and storms after them.

When he got close enough, the two heroes dodged and incoming pounce by jumping into the air, followed up by Kunoichi throwing some slipping balls that caused stanked McFist to shoot off the building and crash face first into another one.

As this was going on, down below Howard was continuing his quest in retrieving the now filthy McSquiddle from the feral cat.

"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty." Howard calls out making the cat hiss with the McSquiddle protectively in it's mouth. "Give me the McSquiddle, Garbage Cat."

The cat growls as Howard got closer. "That's it-"

But just before Howard could make a move, Stanked McFist crashes down on to the port-o-potties next to them, scaring the cat enough to jump Howard in fear making him trip back but give him the chance to wrestle the McSquiddle from the cat.

"Yes! Yes!" Howard throws the cat away while holding the McSquiddle up in victory. "I got it!"

The cat land on an unexpecting Greg, causing him to freak out. "It's raining cats! Skee-meow, manSkee-meow!"

Ninja and Kunoichi land next to Howard, staring at the still active monster McFist.

"How do we de-stank Hannibal McFist?" Ninja asks out loud, having no clue on what to do.

"Like any other stanked person, we need to find what he holds most dear." Kunoichi says while still looking lost.

"But what!?"

"I don't know!"

"Could you two be quiet about whatever less interesting thing  your talking about!" Howard snaps before gazing at the McSquiddle in his hands. "An entire empire was built on this 50 year old meat-flavored ball of wax! AND I'M GONNA EAT IT!"

Hearing this, stanked McFist grabs a large piece of debri and throws it Howard in anger.

Ninja was able to push his friend out of the way.

Seeing McFist's reaction, Kunoichi gasps and looks at the McSquiddle in Howard's hand. "That's it! It's the McSquiddle!"

Howard ignores everything around him and simply throws the very old piece of candy into his mouth. 

"Howard! No!"

Howard immediately turned green and gags. "Why did I eat that?! OW!"

Howard rubs the back of his head from the slap it got from an angry red head. "Yes! Why did you eat that?!"

The three quickly had to start dodging as an angry stanked McFist started throwing debri at them.

"Seriously Howard!" Ninja scolds as he catches his friend. "It's only the thing he holds most..."

Doodle hornets circled Howard's stomach and Ninja gets an idea.

Kunoichi quickly pushed the boys out of the way when stanked McFist charged at the boys and smashed into a wall.

"Sorry, Howard. I gotta poke the hornet's nest." Ninja took his scarf and throws it at Howard to perform a certain technique. "Ninja Pukin' Poke!"

Howard face became green again as he hacked up the McSquiddle that flew through the air, making Ninja and Kunoichi duck, and straight into stanked McFist's mouth.

Ninja gags while Kunoichi looks away trying not to puke.

After a moment of silence, green stank started seeping out of McFist until he was back to normal.

McFist stood shakily on his feet looking around in confusion. "What happened?"

Ninja stepped forward look apologetic to McFist and the growing crowd. "I poked the hornet's nest. Instead of protecting Norrisville, I almost shoobed it."

McFist was just staring at him blankly. "I see your mouth moving, but everything's like, blah blah blah."

Kunoichi rolled her eyes before placing an encouraging hand on Ninja's shoulder to which he looked at her thankfully. "I have to unpoke the hornet's nest."

McFist, still confused, was staring at his arm in shock. "Whoa! There's a brain in my arm!"

Ninja fakes laugh as he walks over to McFist. "OK, hey! It's just the stank-nesia, folks! Turns out McFist was only trying to destroy me because he was a monster. I was wrong. Honest mistake. You know, it happens."

Kunoichi walked over to her partner looking proud as the crowd started agreeing with Ninja as most of the people in crowd admitted to becoming a monster once or twice. 

McFist glared suspiciously at the two heroes. "Don't know what your angle is, Ninja, but I'm still gonna take you two down."

Ninja just smirks under his mask as he leans over to McFist to whisper. "I just have one thing to say..." Now louder and aiming at the crowd. "What?! You're giving free McFistPads to everyone?! But won't that cost you a fortune?!"

Kunoichi quietly laughs at her partner and decides to join in. "And you're really going to give customized cases and accessories with it?! Oh McFist, what a generous man you are!"

"Is this guy great or what, right?" Ninja finishes off as the two heros smile mischievously under their masks at McFist's paling face.

A guy from the crowd says. "Boycott's over. Hip-hip, McSquiddles!"

Everyone cheers throwing the candy in the air in celebration.

Sharing a smile, the two partners high fived as they pulled out their respective smokebombs.

With a final musical taunt from Ninja, the two smoked bombed away as Howard came up to McFist.

"We're talking about the new McFistPads, right?" Howard asks completely serious.

McFist growls.

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