Shloomp! There it is!

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A/N: Surprise! Never expected to hear from me so soon!

Anyway, this little author's note here is to give out a WARNING on how I wrote NomiRandy.

There will be a part in this chapter that has a NONCONSENT part in it. Nothing graphic as the characters are still 14, but I believed it would be the right thing to do and warn you as this could trigger some people.

So, I made a little bubble for that part.

When you see-STARTSTARTSTARTSTARTSTART!!!!, The part with it will begin so anyone can skip it if they like to. 

The scene will stop when you see- ENDENDENDENDENDENDEND!!!!

So again, if you wanna skip that part, skip at START! and continue on END!.

And on another more serious note, if you or anyone you know is in a situation where you feel unsafe, call someone. Whether it's the police, friends, family, anyone! Do NOT hesitate to speak up! There will always be someone there to help you.


~Third Person P.O.V~

Today.....was not a good day for the Ninja duo. As anyone could plainly see from chaotic destruction of the school's front lawn.

To the tossed around busses, green goop from the most recent killer robot, people still running around in a panic, and just the general destruction of everything.

But back to the now dead killer robot that suddenly began to creek and moan before its mouth was pried open to let out Norisville's now slimed covered heroes.

The familiar sound and glow of a red Nomicon makes Ninja bring it out. "You're right, Nomicon. I shoobed this one hard and it might've gone better if I'd listened to you."


"Whoa! Kuno, it wasn't-"


She smokes bombs away in a huff leaving behind a shocked Ninja.

'Can't stand you..'

'Can't stand you..'


"Oh Nomicon I shoobed up big time..." Ninja whispers staring at the spot his partner/crush was just at, before looking around at the destruction that was caused due to his reckless planning. Ninja looks down at the Nomicon in his hands before a feeling of determination started welling up inside him as he got to his feet. "Well, no more! From now on, I'll do whatever you say. That's right! I'm going Full-Nomicon! I'll become so diligent and attentive that I'll be the partner Kunoichi deserves!"

                                                                          ~~~~Time skip~~~~

At lunch the next day, Howard stares blankly at his friend as he picked himself off the floor of the lunchroom after going into the Nomicon.

"Yeah..." Randy drawls while gesturing to his 'Math Book'. "NinjaNomicon says, 'No go on the chicken parm.'"

"Really?" Howard says skeptical. "That's what it said?"

"Well, actually it said, A Ninja without balance will fall." Randy explains. "But since I had the parm yesterday, I gotta balance it out with Stroganoff today. Full-Nomicon!"

The giant grin on Randy's face fell as his 'food' hit his tray.

Howard grimace at the unappetizing meal. "Ugh. Better you than me."

The two go to a table to sit down and eat their lunches.

Randy stares at his food uneasy but takes a bite anyway and immediately grimaces at the taste and texture.

Howard notices and asks. " How's Full-Nomicon tasting?"

Randy gags as he swallows his food. "Pretty bad, Ugh. But it's worth it if it makes me a better ninja."

Howard rips the plate of food away from him and dumps it on some kid's lap. "Your Nomicon-ing is out of control! You can't make a single decision without shloomping into that book!"

"When?" Randy asks in disbelief. "Name one time."

                                                             ~~Flashback: This Morning~~

Randy was standing in his room in just his underwear looking thoughtful. "Shower or no shower? I didn't sweat much yesterday." He lifts up his arm to sniff before turning to the  Nomicon. "Better shloomp on it."

He does and his unconscious body slumps over the table just as Howard walks in and get an eyeful of his friend's underwear clad butt before shutting the door awkwardly.

                                                                     ~~First Period~~

The class was taking a pop quiz and Randy was mulling on which answer he should choose.

"A or C? A or C..." Randy glances around. "Better shloomp on it."

This doesn't do anything as the moment his head hit the desk the teacher walked by and collected his test.

                                                              ~~3 Minutes Earlier~~

"You goin' parm or Stroganoff?" Howard asks looking between the two meals.

Randy just smiles while taking out his Nomicon. "Better shloomp on it."

Howard flinches as his friend falls face first onto the glass and slowly sliding down.

                                                               ~~Flashback Ends~~

"You can't count that one, it just happened." Randy argues. "Besides, when you go Full-Nomicon, you go Full-Nomicon. That's why it's called Full-Nomicon."

"Uh huh." Howard raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "So tell me, has at any point at going Full-Nomicon helped you patch things up with Davis?"

Randy winces at that and sneaks a glance at Riley who was sitting with Rachel on the opposite side of the lunchroom. She seemed normal talking with Rachel, but Randy could see she looked a little tired.

Riley catches his stare but immediately looks away with an angry huff making him wince and slump.

"No..." Randy admits looking at Howard and just missing Riley looking back at him with a sad and guilty expression. "But it will! Once I become a better Ninja, Riley will forgive me. And I can only do that if I go Full-Nomicon!"

Howard loudly sighs while throwing his hands up in exasperation as he got up to go to the frozen yogurt machine. "Look, I can't talk about this anymore. I need to focus on something important. Now Barely Berry or ReChunkulous?"

"Better shloomp on it!"

Howard turns around and sees his friend slumped over a trash can and facepalms.

 ~~With Riley~~

"Still feeling guilty?" Rachel asks her friend who was looking down at her food sadly.

"Yup...." Riley pushes her food to the side so she could rest her head in her hands. "I feel like such a shoob for blowing up at him yesterday. I know how he gets but everything usually turns out okay." 

"I think you were just upset on how it went." Rachel points out taking a bite out of her food. "It wasn't your worst battle, the messiest probably, and beside the slime, it was okay."

"Yeah your right." Riley says running a hand through her hair, grimacing at how long it took to clean it yesterday. "I just don't know where to start in apologizing to him. If he even wants to talk to me again."

"Hey this is Randy were talking about. Besides McFist and the Sorcerer, with the occasion of Howard, he isn't one to hold grudges. Just talk to him."

Riley smiles at this and nods. "Yeah, I'll do that during free period later, so we have enough time to talk."

"Perfect! Just the old 'Kiss and Makeup!'"

"Kis-!? There'll be no such kissing during this!"

"Whatever you say~"


   ~~Back with Randy~~

~Inside the Ninja Nomicon~

A purple cloud transports Randy to the mountain range on top of large flat top mountain. 

"Let's talk dessert, Nomicon." Randy asks looking around. "What should I get?"

The lesson appears in the sky.

                                                                -A Ninja without balance will fall.-

Randy looked at the lesson in confusion. "Right. Which is what you said last time. So... Barely Berry? Is that what we're thinking?"

A bright glow surrounds the lesson as if to emphasize it.

But Randy took it differently. "OK, ReChunkulous!"

The glow got brighter making Randy flinch and cover his eyes. "Listen, I'm trying to go Full-Nomicon here, but I do not know what you're saying!"

The glowing got brighter as the lesson disappeared and, in its place, stood a familiar figure.

The figure calmly walks up to stand in front of Randy and pulls down his hood to reveal another Randy! This one having unsettling blank face.

Randy, the original, took a moment to look over his other self in amazement before saying. "Oh, OK. Ask myself. Gotcha. OK, me...I'm leaning ReChunkulous, but honestly-"


Randy grunts in pain from the sudden slap that sent him flying backwards and from the rough landing.

Looking up at his clone, he asks. "Pardon me, me, but what the juice?!"

His clone doesn't say anything but roughly grabs his fallen form and throws him off to the side before pouncing on him making them tumble around in the dirt until original Randy was able to pin his clone down. 

"OK, Nomicon," Randy grunts trying to keep his copy down. "You're in charge! Now what do I do?"


"Hello?" Randy gasps when the other him suddenly disappears and a doodle ribbon snatches him up and throws him into a chair.

The perpetrator, who Randy is now calling NomiRandy, quickly ties the original to the chair all the while smirking.

"What am I doing to me?" Randy asks helplessly as NomiRandy pulls up his hood while walking over to the edge of the mountain.

Realizing what he was about to do, Randy ups his struggling as NomiRandy falls off the mountain and also out of the book.


~Back Outside~

Back in the lunchroom, Howard was sitting next to his still knocked out friend by the trash cans, picking his ear with a pencil.

He stops when he sees 'Randy' stir awake and pulling up his hood.

"All right, drop it on me." Howard says looking bored already. "How's the Nomicon gonna wonk up fro-yo?"

'Randy' just smirks as he gets to his feet and speaking with a slight accent. "Yo, who cares what the book says."

Howard gasps at this. "Wait. You're going...No-Nomicon?"

Randy stands by the fro-yo machine and reaches for the middle handle. "I'm going Barely-Chunk!" He then tips his head back and starts eating the yogurt straight from the machine, much to the disgust of passerbys.

Howard didn't seem to care as he grins in excitement at the turn of events. "Cunningham's back! I love it!" He then notices how much his friend was eating. "Whoa! Whoa! Slow down, save me some!"

He pushes 'Randy' out of the way and attempts to get any leftover Barely-Chunk.

'Randy' watches this before smirking, eye flashing red.

~~With Original Randy~~

Randy, who was still tied to a chair, looks around at the landscape. "OK, Nomicon, time to untie me. I learned my lesson. It's, um..." He goes quiet trying to think but comes up with nothing. "OK, I didn't learn my lesson, but we can still lose the ropes here."

He looks up only to see the lesson from before.

"All right, balance..." He starts leaning back in his chair to balance it on two legs. "Balance, balance..." Only to lose balance and fall backwards.

Grunting from the fall, Randy had to squint when a glowing scroll appeared in front of his face, that opened to show the school's hall with a few students mingling about.

An off-screen voice was heard. "Hey, lookin' good, girl. What's up, P-Slims?"

The screen then shows a hand opening a locker with a mirror inside that revealed the owner of the voice being NomiRandy. "How you doin'?"

Randy gasps realizing he was watching through his clone's eyes. "It's me! But it can't be me! I'm in here! If I'm in here, then that's gotta be -gaspsNomi-Randy."

~~Back with NomiRandy~~

NomiRandy and Howard, mainly NomiRandy, were strutting through the hallways not caring who they bumped into and knocked over.

That was until NomiRandy bumped into Bash causing everyone around them to tense up.

Bash turns around and gets into NomiRandy's face. "You ran into me. Now I gotta be mean to you!"


Randy winces as he watches the scene. "Uh-oh. This is going to hurt."


Recovering from the sudden threat, NomiRandy simple straightens up, arms crossed looking confident. "Yo, you sure about that?"

NomiRandy casually kicks a nearby boombox, turning it on, and then busts out some slick moves that made everyone watching gasp.

Flute girl closes Howard's gaping mouth.

NomiRandy finishes up with a gesture at Bash to step up, but the bully could only look around nervously. "Uh... You confused me with your dancing! I'm gonna leave you alone until I can figure out what your deal is!"

Watching Bash leave, Howard turns to his friend in amazement. "No-Nomicon is the cheese!"

Theresa, who watched everything with Heidi at their lockers, swooned. "Wow, Randy. You have the Bruce-est moves."

NomiRandy slides up to her ready to flirt-

"Hey Randy."

The four stop what they're doing and looks to see Riley standing there. "I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

Theresa growls at the redhead and was about to say 'yes' when NomiRandy steps away from her. "Not at all, babe."

Riley eyes go wide at this, as did everyone else's from 'Randy's' confidence, which made Theresa start crying and run off.

After recovering from what just happened, Riley continues. "Okay...listen if you're not busy, do you mind that we talk in private. It's about what happened yesterday."

Howard turns to look at his friend's face, expecting to see the same puppy dog love look on his face whenever Davis talked to him.

What he got instead made him do a double take.

NomiRandy was sporting a hungry smirk on his face as his eyes raked over the red head in a slow predator like motion.

Riley notices this and gets an uneasy feeling but brushes it off to the side. "Well?"

"Lead the way Baby blue." NomiRandy gestures her to lead.

Giving him one more look, Riley turns and starts leading NomiRandy away, all the while feeling a burning stare on her back.

The Weinerman siblings watch them leave, looking bewildered.

"Is...Riley going to be okay." Heidi asks her brother, not liking the look on Bandy's face. 

"I...think so." Howard answers looking unsure as he watched his two friends leave.

Maybe No-Nomicon was a bad idea....

~Riley's P.O.V~

Calming myself from the intense staring I was feeling on my back, I lead Randy to an empty dark classroom and closed the door behind us, the light from the windows being are only way to see.

Didn't want someone passing by, peek in, and start asking questions.

"Listen Randy about yesterday, I'm really sorry for blowing up at you like that. The whole battle just stressed me out and I shouldn't have taken it out on you and-are you even listening?" I ask annoyed seeing how he was leaning against a desk and just staring at me with smirk on his face.

Randy just shrugs, smirk growing. "A little~"

I frown getting annoyed. "Randy I'm trying to apologize here. You could at least-!"

"Anyone tell ya how gorgeous you look when you're angry?"

I choke on my sentence feeling my face burn from the sudden complement. "Wh-wha-what! Where did that even-? Why-!?"

"Ooh~ Now that's a nicer expression." Randy purrs making my whole face feel likes it was on fire with my heart beating a mile a minute.

I couldn't help but take a nervous step back when he took one forward. "Randy, wh-whats going on with you?! You don't usually act like this."

"Maybe that good thing~." He says getting closer.

"But you-!"

It was only second.

A small, little second that if I blinked, I would've missed it.

Could've been a trick in the light.

But it was a tiny second that Randy's eyes flashed a glowing red.

The heat in my face suddenly went cold and my heart froze in that second when I realized it.

This wasn't Randy.

Shaking off the surprise and steeling my nerves as fake Randy came closer, I sneakily reached into my back pocket where my mask was and pulled out two Sais from it.

"Gonna have to disagree with that opinion." I say upping my guard as this fake got closer.

"Oh?" Fake Randy tilts his head to the side in question, looking amused. "And whys that?"

"What can I say," Readying myself. "I've always been more of a fan of the ORIGINAL!"

I lunge at him, Sais out, ready to knock him out and interrogate him but was stopped by him grabbing my wrists, putting us into a standstill.

Chuckling, he gazed at me with now red eyes. "Smart and beautiful~ What more could a guy ask for."

"Where's Randy!?" I yell while trying to break free.

"Yeah about that baby blue, it's best ya forget about OG. Cause he's not coming back. Ever."

"What did you do to him!?" I demanded fearing the worst.

"Chilax, he's fine. But enough about him, let's talk you and me~" He flirts, leaning towards my face but I finally break free from his hold and back away, holding my Sais up defensively.

"Hard pass." I retort. "Now I won't ask you again, where is he?!"

Fake Randy scoffs, looking completely bored. "Why do ya even care about that goody-goody when you got the new and improved verson right in front of ya."

"New, sure." I shrug before looking back at him with my own smirk. "Though improved might stretching it."

Fake Randy chuckles at that as he stares at me. "Feisty~ I like that.."

Sneering in disgust, I lunge at him again only for him to dodge and knee me hard in the stomach, hard enough to knock the wind out of me, drop my weapons, and sending me flying back into the chalkboard.

Only after did I catch my breath did I noticed my wrists were pinned to the chalkboard by my own Sais! Struggling against them, I almost forget about Fake Randy until a hand grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up into red eyes that didn't belong on the face of my friend.

"I take back what I said earlier, this is a much better view." Fake Randy grins as I snarl at him.

"Why are you doing this!" I yell, continuing to struggle.

"Originally, I had to teach Mr. Goody a stupid lesson. But now, after getting a taste of living; I'm gonna be living free doing what I want, when I want. With nothing or anybody holding me back. Not OG, Not the stupid book, and certainly not you princess."

I grunt trying to get out of his hold, but his grip was strong. "So what now then? Your gonna try and take over Norrisville or something?"

"Tempting..." Fake Randy said looking thoughtful at the idea before looking back me with a chilling smirk. "But first, I was thinking along the lines of something that OG could never dream of doing."



Rough lips cut me off making me gasps in shock as Fake Randy kisses me, the force of the kiss making me press back into the chalkboard uncomfortably. 

'What is he-! NO!'

I start amping up my struggling, from trying to move my head away to kicking him but this faker simply pins me further into the chalkboard, trapping me.

Becoming lightheaded from the lack of air, I start to feel tears well up in my eyes.

'This isn't how I wanted a kiss with Randy to go-!'

I feel fake Randy start to move back for a breath and I use that moment to rear my head back as far as I could and headbutt him hard!


Fake Randy stumbles back, yelling in pain and the amount of struggling that happened was able to make the Sais lose enough for me to break free, where I fell to the ground gasping for air while rubbing my mouth with my sleeve.


"Now that wasn't nice doll face..." I hear Fake Randy say which'd caused me to lift my head and glare at him.

He just rolled his eyes at me and starts making his way towards the door. "Like I said Baby blue, I'm not going anywhere. When you calm down and accept that, we can pick up where we left off. Oh, and I'll be taking this with me." He holds up my Nomicon that he must've gotten from my bag during everything. "Last thing I need is you to ruin my fun by playing hero. Later babe.~"

And with that, he left.

Now alone, I try to collect my thoughts and not think about...that.

'Okay, Randy's gone but not gone gone. The Faker said something about a lesson so the Nomicon is involved with this but he took mine so I can't ask...DANG IT WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM-! NO! no, no, focus on you. This isn't your fault. Calm down, you'll get the book and Randy back soon enough.'

Rage suddenly started taking over as I got to my feet and I punched the chalkboard leaving fist sized dent.

'As soon as I wring out that SMUG JERKS NECK!!!'

~Third Person's P.O.V.~


Everyone that was still in halls jumped as a door to an empty classroom flew off its hinges, across the hallway and crashing into some lockers with a loud bang!

Looking at the source of the destruction, thinking it was Monster Theresa, everyone immediately backed away when they saw it was Riley, who had a Dead Furious look on her face as she calmly puts her leg down.

Student's parted quickly to let her pass as she stomped through the halls, all the while whispering in wonder at what could cause a calm girl like Riley to explode like this.

As Riley makes her way towards the school's exit, a cloud of stank slithered out of a nearby vent ready to claim it's next victim-


The stank quickly retreats back into the safety of the vents and away from the murderous glare of the girl much to it's master's confusion. 


Back in the Nomicon, Randy's face was stuck between a mixture of horrified embarrassment and unbridle rage.

On one hand, he technically got to kiss Riley!


On the other, other hand, Riley figured out what's going on so he should be rescued soon.

On the other, other, other hand, Riley is most likely gonna kick the tar out of NomiRandy which with leave him with the painful aftermath.

'We'll cross that bridge when we get there...'

"That two faced shoob! How could he do that!? I would never! And why aren't I stopping Theresa?! Oh, right. That's not me. I'm me! And I'm tied to a chair!"

Randy continues to struggle but was only able to make the chair upright.

Looking up, he sees the lesson again.

Randy shakes his head in confusion. "I don't get it! I went Full-Nomicon. Why aren't you telling me what to do? JUST TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"

The only answer he got was the scroll opening again to reveal NomiRandy and Howard hanging out at the Game hole.

Randy couldn't help but grin smugly at the sight of the bruise growing between NomiRandy's eyebrows.

A thought suddenly crosses Randy's mind as he looks around the Nomicon. "This maybe a lesson for me, but you know Riley's gonna tear you a new one when this all over, right?"

He doesn't get an answer.


~With NomiRandy~

Howard cheers as he watched his friend play. "Oh, nice! You delivered a sack of punches to the whole graveyard!"

"Make your feet ready. Time to run from dogs!"

"Aaaaand here's where you lose." Howard points out with laugh. NomiRandy barley gives him a glance of acknowledgment. "You stink at run from dogs!"

"These dogs are fed. Your sack is filled two times!"

NomiRandy turns to Howard smugly as the shorter boy looked on in amazement. "You did it! Slap it out."

Howard goes in for their signature handshake, but NomiRandy simply turns back to the game, leaving Howard hanging and to fall to the ground.

Blinking in surprise, Howard glances at his friend in bewilderment. "Cunningham whiffed the slap? He never whiffs a slap!" Howard starts thinking. "Ignoring a monster, coming back with a creepy grin and bruise after talking with Davis, and now this?" He sends a suspicious glare over his shoulder. "What the juice is up with him?"

A flash of red and a familiar humming drew Howard's attention to NomiRandy's bag and sees the NinjaNomicon. "You..."

After making sure NomiRandy wasn't looking, he sneakily grabbed the book, taking note of Davis's book being in there to, and puts it in his shirt before sneaking out through the back.

Pulling the book out of his shirt, Howard glares at it. "Tell me what you did to my friend or I'm going to take you for a walk.... down the back of my pants!"

Howard pulls the back of his pants open and dangles the book over them threateningly.

After a tense moment of nothing, Howard gives up and glares at the book before throwing it at a wall that simply bounced back and hits him in the face. "I hate yoooooooooo-!"

~Inside the Ninja Nomicon~



"Howard! You freed me!" Randy says in joy from underneath his friend, who fell from a great height at entering the Nomicon. A sudden thought comes to Randy as he moves Howard off him. "What are you doing in the Nomicon?"

Howard gasps and jumps to his feet in shock. "I'm in the NinjaNomicon?!" His expression shifted to one of contempt. "So, my old enemy, we finally meet."

Taking another glance around, he couldn't help but say. "Hm. Pretty roomy for a book. Hey. If you're in here. Who's out there?"

"I call him Nomi-Randy," Randy answers looking mad just by talking about him. "And he's bad news."

"Oh. That makes sense. I just couldn't rap my brain on how you-I'm mean he was acting around Davis. Still makes me wonder what happened with their talk."

Randy winces a bit. "Yeah about that..."

~1 explanation later~

"HE WHAT!!!"

"I know!" Randy groans, hiding his face.

"Cunningham, I'm not gonna sugar coat this, but when, not if, when Davis gets her hands on him, you might not have a body to go back to."

Randy opens his mouth to say something when the scroll from before opened back up to show stanked Theresa terrorizing the school.

"You have to fix this." Howard says as he watches the scene.

"I know."

"So, how are you going to fix this?"

"I don't know. Nomicon won't tell me what to do. It just keeps saying... that." Randy gestures to the lesson.

Howard reads over the lesson and opens his mouth to answer but stops. " Yeah, I don't get that at all."

"I know! Why do you think I wonk up so much? I've been trying not to fall. Why do you think I went Full-Nomicon?" Randy stops as it hits him. "Wait a minute...That was too much Nomicon! But Nomi-Randy is no Nomicon. I need to go Half-Nomicon! Boom! Bam! Boom! Balance!"

"This is what you guys do in here?" Howard asks, weirded out. His eyes then widen when his friend goes over to stand at the edge of the mountain. "Cunningham, what are you doing?!"

"Getting my balance back!" Randy says before leaping off the edge and out of the book.

Howard just watches this awkwardly. "I'll be here!"

~~Back Outside~~

Randy gasps as he realizes he's back in the real world. "I did it. I'm out! I'm..." He stops as he glances at a broken mirror beside him and at the face staring back at him." Howard's body?"

After tucking away his Nomicon, Randy takes a minute to look over his new body, more specifically his hands. "Man, these things really are dainty. How'm I supposed to stop my Nomi-self with these?"

"You're not."

Randy snaps his head towards the voice to see NomiRandy leaning against a wall looking at him amused.

"Hey... me." Randy says with a glare. "Hand over my... self."

"No honkin' way. I like it here." NomiRandy says with a grin, getting off the wall.

"Well, I doubt you'll like it here anymore when Riley gets her hands on you for that stunt you pulled!" Randy retorts with a glare.

"Jealous?" NomiRandy mocks smugly making Randy growl. "And Baby blue won't be a problem. She'll learn to appreciate a man who can take charge."

"More like a creep that just takes what he wants!" Randy throws back growing angry. "I would never do that to Riley!"

"Cause your a wuss!"

"No! It's because I care about her and her boundaries! I'd rather be in the friendzone forever then ever hurt her!"

NomiRandy just scoffs. "Whatever. The only thing that's gonna happen here is you going back into that stupid book and Riley being all mine." 

"Is that right?"

Both boys snap their heads towards the building's back exit to see none other than Riley who looked completely unamused.

"Riley!" Randy says happily making her give him a weird look.


"No, it's Randy! The real one!"

"Then how...?"


"Ah." She nods before turning to glare at NomiRandy. "Now I don't know what demented daydreams you've been having, but the only thing you're getting from me is a well-deserved butt kicking!"

"Aw Baby blue." NomiRandy fake pouts. "I thought our little meet up meant something." He then smirks, eyes flashing red. "Maybe a recap will change your mind." He says licking his lips.

Riley felt a shiver of disgust go down her spine and just as she was about to insult the fake-

"DON'T TALK TO HER LIKE THAT!" Randy yells running forward and jumping up to deliver a kick but fell short and landed at his evil counterparts' feet.

Randy peeled his face off the ground and grumbled. "I was supposed to kick you. Balance is a little off. Working with a whole new center of gravity here."

NomiRandy just laughs until Randy pushes him into a pile of trash.

Grimacing from the trash, NomiRandy could only gasp as Randy jumps up and body slam onto him.

And considering it was Howard's body, it was very effective.


"Yeah, Cunningham!" Howard cheers from his spot on a tree stump as he watched the fight from the Nomicon. "I mean, Weinerman. Cunning... man? Weinerham? Whatever. Just get him!"


During the tussle, NomiRandy latched onto Randy's back and was attempting to put him in a choke hold.

"Get off him!" Riley grabs NomiRandy by the back of his hoodie and throws him off Randy and into some empty steel drums.

"Thanks Riley." Randy thanked before looking at NomiRandy. "Ooh! Down goes Nomi-Randy. Feel like givin' up yet?"

NomiRandy gets to his feet and says mockingly. "I'm Randy Cunningham. I never give up."

"I'm Randy Cunningham." Randy snaps back only to freeze as NomiRandy pulls out the Ninja mask and suits up. "Oh boy."

"I completely forgot he would have that..." Riley mutters also looking uneasy at the scene of this psyco wearing a powerful mask.

NomiNinja chuckles evilly before lunging at the two causing them to turn and run only for their path to be blocked but this didn't stop Randy from sliding underneath him and Riley to jump over him.

But NomiNinja was quick to grab Randy with his scarf and swing his body into Riley sending her one way before flinging him to another way and into a wall.

NomiNinja chuckles as walks forward to attack but Randy quickly gets up holding a metal trash lid in each hand in which NomiNinja pulls out a boa staff.

NomiNinja was getting the upper hand as he backs Randy up by swinging his staff and have Randy block each attack with the trash lids.

"Must-find-a way-out of Howard-and into me!" Randy pauses. "That is a weird thing to say."

He then yells when NomiNinja knocks him to the side.


"Oh, great." Howard groans at the scene. "I'm gonna feel that tomorrow."


Randy grunts as he lands on a toilet. Rubbing his head, he looks up in time to see NomiNinja land in front of him with sword in hand, scarf flowing in the wind.

Randy blinks as this. "You know at first I wasn't sold on the scarf, but that thing looks so Bruce right now!"

NomiNinja swings down his sword and Randy closes his eyes ready for pain-


"Now I hope you two didn't forget about little old me." Kunoichi teases while blocking NomiNinja's sword with her Tessens.

"Kuno! Perfect timing, keep him busy while I think of a plan!" Randy says before taking off to hide and think.

"Easier said than done...." Kunoichi grunts as she pushes NomiNinja back and the two-start fighting.

Randy was able to find a pile of trash to hide behind and started thinking quickly. "Okay. Gotta gets Nomi-Me out of me, me out of Howard, Howard into Howard, and me into me, but how?"

His train of thought was soon cut off when his partner and NomiRandy appeared in front of him, weapons locked in a standstill.

Randy watches this, still thinking on a way to help when the lesson appeared before him.

                                                           -A Ninja without balance will fall. -

Randy's eyes quickly caught the uneven board NomiNinja was standing on and get an idea.

"Nomicon Bag-alanche Throw!"  Randy yells pulling out his Nomicon.


"Don't make me say things like that!" Howard complains.


Randy throws the Nomicon at the uneven board causing NomiNinja to lose his balance and fall backwards in which Randy jumps on NomiNinja sending them both down the mountain of trash, using NomiNinja like a snowboard.

Kunoichi was so startled by the sudden turn of events that she couldn't help but yell out in surprise. "Randy!"

The two boys slid down the mountain of trash at high speed until they hit a refrigerator at the bottom that sent the two flying through the air and land face first on the conveniently open Ninja Nomicon.

NomiNinja resisted but Randy pressed his head down until they both went still.

When Kunoichi finally caught up to them, she hovers over them nervously, fearing the worst.

She tensed when she hears them groan back into conscious and slowly get up.

"Cunningham?" Howard, not Randy, asks Ninja.

"Howard?" Ninja, not NomiNinja, asks as well.

Howard just simply pulls his fist out and Ninja didn't even hesitate to do their handshake.

Kunoichi sighs in relief as the boy's cheer.

"You're back!"

"Yeah, I'm back. You back?"

"I'm back! We're both back!"

Laughing, Kunoichi couldn't help but bring the two in for a hug. "You're both back!"

After they settle, Kunoichi pulls back and punches Ninja in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for!?" Ninja asks rubbing his arm but goes quiet at the scolding expression his partner was wearing.

"For whatever you did that made your Nomicon release that evil dirtbag!" She then moves her glare to said book. "And don't think I forgot about you." 

The NinjaNomicon just weakly glowed in response.

Howard eyes suddenly widen. "As much as I would love seeing that book get ripped a new one, but...."

"Theresa Fowler. We're on it!" Ninja says before rushing off leaving his confused partner behind.

"Wait, whats wrong with Theresa?" Kunoichi asks making Howard look at her shocked.

"Uh.. she got stanked."

"WHAT!? When was this!?"

"Literally just as you and the faker went to talk somewhere! How could you not know!?"

"Oooh..." Kunoichi looks away in embarrassment. "I was kind of in rage mode after what NomiRandy did..."

Howard grimaces at the reminder.

"But Ninjas' right! We have to stop her!" Kunoichi declared before rushing off after her partner.

Only to comeback a second later, heading into the Gamehole. "Right after I get my Nomicon back."

Howard watches all this while retaking his surroundings and couldn't help but ask. "Why is there so much garbage back here?"

~Ninja's P.O.V.~


Kunoichi and I appeared behind a corner that we used to sneak a peek at Stanked Theresa.

"Okay, so since I've been technically out all day, any idea whats got her so peeved?" I ask Kuno only for her to shake her head.

"Nope, literally just heard about this 5 minutes ago from Howard." Kuno explains. "I was mainly focused on beating up the dirtbag."


"I know what I said."

"Psst! Ninja! Kunoichi!"

Hearing the whisper, Kuno and I turn to see Rachel hiding in a classroom.

"Rachel!" Kuno goes to her friend, checking her over. "You're okay right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Rachel, you've been here the whole time. Any idea what's up with Theresa?" I ask jabbing a thumb in the direction of said girl.

Rachel shrugs looking unsure. "No idea. All I know is that she mad at you two."

"What makes you say that?" Kuno asks.

A sudden crash made us jump as it was followed by a, "RANDY! RILEY!"

"......Never mind."

"But what did we do?" I ask completely lost. "I didn't even talk to her today!"

"Wait." Kuno stops as her eyes widen in realization. "You didn't but a certain scumbag did!"

Realizing it to, I facepalm in aggravation. "Not even here and he's still causing trouble!"

"Who?" Rahcel asks in confusion, but Kuno just waves it off.

"I'll explain later." Kuno starts thinking. "I think she's mad about when I came to ask NomiRandy to talk thinking he was you. It looked like they were having a conversation before I showed up because she started crying when he stopped paying attention to her."

"Wonder why?" I ask scratching my head bewildered.

"No idea."

I then notice Rachel staring at us with an expression that just said, 'I'm Done.'


Rachel just pinches her nose and says. "You two are just perfect for each other."

Kuno and I shared a confused glance at that before moving on.

"Okay so we know why she's mad but how do we stop her. She's not gonna have a stanked item on her." I explain while trying to think of a plan.

"Maybe we should just apologize." Kuno suggests.

"How? I don't think going out as Randy and Riley will help if she gets mad at the sight of us."

"Well- wait, Wheres Rachel?" Kuno suddenly asks seeing her small friend in pink was gone.

The two of us frantically look around until I spot her going towards Monster Theresa!

"What is she doing!" I gasp while Kuno looked like she was about to faint.

"Hey Theresa!" Rachel calls out getting girl turned monster's attention. She then pulls out some paper flowers. "Randy gave these to me to give to you! He says he's sorry for blowing you off earlier, but Riley needed help with something important."

She places them on the ground for stanked Theresa to pick up as Kuno and I got closer. "Randy?"

Theresa looks over the flowers before smiling and turning back to normal.

"Randy..." Theresa sighs happily, walking away and making me quirk an eyebrow.

'Why is she so happy thinking they were from me?'

I heard Kuno make a small noise and turn to see her looking after Theresa with narrowed eyes.

"You good?"

"Just fine."

I then notice Heidi come out from a hiding spot. "I guess Sandy isn't such a bad guy after all."

'Are you-' I think before saying out loud after her as she walks away. "It's Randy. Randy! We just met the guy. I know it's Randy." I look towards Kuno, Rachel, and two random guys. "Am I wrong about this?"

The two guys and Rachel just shrug while Kuno pats my arm.

I slump over feeling drained. "Sheesh. Smoke bomb."

                                                                                     ~~Time Skip~~

The final bell of the day just rang, and Howard and me were in the hallway talking about today's events.

"Howard, being inside of you..."

Howard interrupts me looking around awkwardly. "Don't say that. Never say that again."

"...really taught me something. Being the perfect ninja means listening to the Nomicon. But it also means listening to me." 

"So, you're going half-Nomicon, half-Cunningham." Howard summarizes. "What would you call that? Nomi-Ham? Cunning-Con?"

"Let's just call it a swirl."

This makes Howard eye light up. "Ooh! Like Barely-Chunk!"

"Barely-Chunk!" We cheer before racing to the fro-yo machine and taking turns stuffing our faces with each flavor.

"Really guys?"

We stop and turn to see Riley and Rachel standing outside watching us amused through the huge hole on the side of the lunchroom.

I wiped my mouth a little embarrassed at getting caught like that, but Howard just rolls his eyes. "Judge all you want, I aint't stoppin till I'm full of fro-yo."

The girls just laugh and turn to leave but I call out. "Wait, Riley! Hold on a sec!"

I jog my way over to stand in front of her on the school lawn. She looks at me curiously. "What's up, Randy?"

Rubbing my arm awkwardly, I take a breath while looking at her in the eye. "Listen...I'm so sorry about what happened today. If I just listened to the Nomicon or you, none of this would have happened. What happened to you should have never happened."


"Please let me finish." I take a breath. "So, I wanna make it up to you. Whatever you want, I'll do it. Buy you lunch, do your homework, volunteer at the bakery, anything. Heck! I'll let you punch me in the face if you want!"

"Randy, you don't have to-" She stops mid-sentence and gets a thoughtful look on her face. She then looks at me with a gleam in her eye. "You know what, sure let's do that. And I wanna renew it right now."

That catches me off guard, but I agree. "Okay, what do you want me to do?"

"Stand completely still and close your eyes." She says while handing her stuff to Rachel, who just looked lost at this point.

I tense but do as I'm told as I felt her grab my hoodie in a grip. 'Ooohh, she's gonna punch me for sure. This is gonna hurt. But a promise is a promise. I better think of an excuse for mom when I come home with a black eye-'

'Wait. What's this soft thing on my lips?'

I open my eyes out of curiosity only for them to nearly pop out my head!

Riley was kissing me.

Kissing. me








'......We're sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Please try again later'

Just as my brain was about to come up with something, Riley parts from the kiss looking thoughtful.

After a moment, she gives me a happy smile and pats my cheek. "I knew it. Completely different."

She then walks away leaving me standing there, almost brain dead that I barley heard a squealing Rahcel chase after Riley or Howard walking over to me cautiously.

"Cunningham.....are you alive?"

I pass out.

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