Raiders of the Lost Nomicon

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~Third Person P.O.V~

~Inside the Ninja/Kunoichi Nomicon~

Deep in the mountains on the Nomicons, Randy and Riley were training with the task of climbing up a waterfall.

The two were panting as they climbed and were soaked from the water.

After a few minutes, they were able to reach a small ledge to take a breath.

"Hey, Nomicons." Randy started saying as Riley was wringing water out of her hair. "Guess whose ridiculous waterfall challenge is about to get got! Boom! Yours." He then catches a fish smugly when it fell towards him. He looked up to gloat again only for another fish to smack him in the face and knocking him of the ledge.

"Randy!" Riley yelled as he fell down towards the lake.

She watched him fall and suddenly felt something smack her in the back of the head, making her loses her balance, and started fall down after her partner.

Randy grunted as he hit multiple rocks on the way down until crashing into the lake. He breaks the surface while spitting out water and feeling annoyed about the fall.

A sudden faint noise distracts him from his annoyance for a moment as he looks around for the source before looking up in time for Riley to crash onto him.

A large slab of rock lifted the two soaking teens out of the water. The two sat up and spat out some water.

"What does climbing a waterfall have to do with kicking butt anyway?" Randy complained feeling annoyed by the task and embarrassed for messing up in front of Riley. "We should be learning awesome fighting moves like ultimate punches and ultimate kicks, and ultimate kick-punches.

Water falls on him from above making him deadpan and Riley try to hold in a snort.

"Really?" Randy grumbled into the air with red cheeks.

A group of fish then falls on him and a small laugh escapes Riley.

Cheeks getting darker, Randy rips a fish off his head and stands up angerly. "How am I gonna be a master Ninja if I spend all my time getting fish-slapped?"

A small patch of water clears in front of Randy and Riley letting them see a message.

                           -The tiger who refuses to get his paws wet catches no fish.-

Randy, like usual, didn't understand the meaning of the message. "I don't want to catch fish, I want to punch them." Pause. "Not punch fish, I want to punch bad guys."

Sighing, Riley stood up and tried to help. "Randy that's not what they-"

"No I'm done today. "Randy cut her off. "So to them I say, a cannonball."

Randy then does just that and leaves the Nomicon.

Riley stared at the stilling water blankly before slowly looking up at the sky. "Why do I get the feeling nothing good will come from this."

She doesn't get an answer back.

~Back Outside~ 

                                                                         ~~With Randy~~

Lifting his head up, Randy shook off the drool on his face and glared angerly at his book. "I'm so sick of not getting straight answers from the Nomicon and it making me shoob things up in front of Riley!"

The sound of a flushing toilet and a voice caught his attention.

"Sounds like you've got a McQuestion." It was Howard in the stall next to him. 

"A McWhat?"  

"Allow me to McSplain." Howard pulls out a tablet on his side. "Thanks to my new McFist Pad, I have the entire Internet in my pocket. Ask anything, anything at all. McFist Pad, go!"

Howard slides the McFist pad into Randy's stall. A little hesitant, Randy sets down the Nomicon and picks up the device. 

"What does becoming a master Ninja have to do with wet tiger paws?" He presses an app. 

"Searching. Master Ninja Tiger Paw.

A Mctoob clip pops up titled, Brock & loaded.

Randy watches the video of Brock Octane taking down a group of street thugs with a move called the Tiger Paw.

Which was basically waving around a clawed hand while growling like a cat.

"Brock Octane's Tiger Paw...." Randy started with his voice sounding doubtful until it changed to excited. "Is exactly the kind of straightforward super Bruce move the Nomicon should be teaching me."

He and Howard stepped out of their stalls. "The McFist Pad is way less confusing than the Nomicon." 

"Don't forget to wash your hands." 

"And it's hilarious." Howard pointed out as they left the bathroom while inadvertently leaving a certain 800 year old book behind as well.

                                                                         ~~With Riley~~

"Hey Riley, are you okay?" Rachel asked knocking her friend out of her thinking state as they walked through the halls.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine." Was red head's reply. "Just thinking about something Randy said."

Rachel paused at that before a small sly grin grew on her face. "Randy, huh? You know, I noticed that the two of you have been hanging out a lot more recently."

Riley doesn't catch on at first. "Yeah, realized that we had a few things in common."

"Is that right..." Rachel continued grinning that Riley finally noticed.

"Whats that suppose to me?" Riley asked suspiciously while coming to a complete stop.

"Nothing, Nothing...."Rachel waved off the suspicious look being sent her away. "I'm just saying that some would take this as you two...liking each other."

Riley looked at her friend with blank face.





".....Your kidding right?"

"Aw! You didn't even blush." Rachel whines while pouting at her failed teasing attempt.

"Cause I don't have a reason too." Riley pointed out. "Randy and I are just friends. Even if that was the case, I highly doubt Randy likes me in that way."

Rachel stared at her friend confused before her expression went flat. "Whatever you say, I'll call you after band. Later."

"Uh, Later?" Riley said back confused by her friend's sudden departure. She then thinks back on their conversation and giggles a bit. "Seriously, what on earth gave her the indication that me and Randy like each other like that?"

She turns to go to class she spots a head of purple hair. 'Huh, speak of the devil. I should talk to him about what happened earlier.'

Riley starts to make way over to Randy and Howard as they talked about something but when Randy reaches into his bag she notices that he's starting to panic. Just as she gets in ear shot she hears,

"I cant believe I lost the Ninja Nomicon!"

This makes her freeze in place as she was just a 3 feet away from the two. Howard notices her first as his eyes widen in panic while nudging his friend. "Uh Cunningham...."

"What!?" Randy snapped from his panicing to follow his friend's finger and sees his steaming partner/crush.

"You WHAT!?"

Both boys flinched at the seething tone and Howard took a few steps back to get out of the line of fire.

Riley marches at Randy, grabs him by his hoodie, and got close to his face. "Did you just say you lost your Nomicon?"

Normally having his crush this close would make him a stuttering mess but the low, furious tone she had made him stutter for a different reason.

"W-well lost is such a.....strong word. I've simply um...misplaced it and-"

Riley lets him go and raises her hand, cutting him off. "Randy Cunningham, is the Ninja Nomicon on your person or not?"


"Then where is it!!"

"I-I probably left in the bathroom!" Randy squeaked out while backing away. "To the bathroom!"

He then runs towards the bathrooms with Riley following closely behind. Sprinting down the hallway, they hastily turned a corner just as Bash exited the bathroom the Nomicon under his arm.

"Seriously?" Randy groaned. "Our arch-enemy's stepson, are you kidding me?"

The two then quickly run after Bash just as the dismissal bell goes off and hoard of students cuts them off making them have to shove their way through.

Getting to the other side, they see Bash at his locker getting ready to leave.

Randy approaches Bash cautiously while trying to be casual. "Bash! Bash, what up, bro? Hey, that book you found in the bathroom? It's actually mine, and, uh-"

"What book?" Bash asked turning around.

Both Randy and Riley look at Bash up and down and don't see the Nomicon on him.

Riley gets curious on where it could have gone in such a short amount of time.

Randy on the other hand becomes suspicious/panicky and jumps on the bully yelling. "What did you do with it?!

"Woah! Randy!" Riley yelps in surprise from the boy's sudden action and tries to calm him down.

Bash beats her to it and shoves Randy away. "Get off of me! I gave all my books to the homework-doing kid. The one that does everybody's homework."

"Homework-doing kid?" Riley thought for moment until it came to her and Randy at the same time. "Bucky!

"To the library!" Randy exclaimed and they both shot off towards the library.  

Getting to the library, while feeling a little winded, they tracked Bucky down and found him working in a carrel.

"Oh, that book looked like it had non-school board approved ideas in it so I gave it to the principal."

"To the principal's office!"

Now in the principal's office, they watched in growing worry/fear as Slimovitz casually talked to the two while shredding books.  

Seriously, there's a thing called donating.

"Oh, that book was too big for my Word Gobbler."

The teens sighed in relief and Riley released the death grip she had on her bag.

"So, I gave it to Coach Green for flamethrower practice."

The two heroes face palm as Randy says. "To the gym!"

Tiredly, they hurriedly ran to the gym.

Bursting threw the gym doors, their hearts sunk in despair when they see a shot of fire.

Randy falls to his knees crying, "NOOOOOO!

Riley could only shake her head sadly as she leaned on the door frame watching her partner mourn.

Until a very specific book was in front of Randy's face. "Nomicon?" He grabs the book and hugs it closely. "Is it really you?" 

Riley sighs in relief.

"McFist Pad suggested I check the Lost and Found." Howard said still messing with said device. "And look who I found."

Randy laughs as he and Riley straighten themselves up. "How awesome is McFist Pad?"

 But just as they were all about to leave, Couch Green comes up behind them and grbas the Nomicon. "Naughty book. I put you in the Lost and Found."

"Wait! Couch Gre-" Riley gets cut off by Bash grabbing the book. 

"Hey, my blinky buzzy book." Bash then quickly walks out of the school.

Getting over his shock quickly, Randy runs after Bash but was too late as Bash got into his limo and the cars drives off.

"Ah!" Randy uttered while shaking from worry. "The sacred book of Ninja just got into McFist's limo."

Riley and Howard come up behind him.

"You know what you gotta do now, right?" Howard said looking at his friend.

All three then spoke at the same time.  "Go get the Nomicon!/Go get some ice cream."

Blinking, the two heroes stared at Howard blankly.

"Right." Howard realizes his mistake. "You Nomicon, and me ice cream. Want me to get you something?"

The two just continue to stare at him.

Howard doesn't notices. "Oh, right, right. It'll melt. You go. Go. I'll figure out this ice cream thing."

Giving him one last look, the two teens suited up and raced after the limo.

It didn't take the two long to find the limo driving down the road as they jumped from building to building while keeping the vehicle in sight.

Noticing they were getting closer to McFist's company as the limo stopped at a red light, Ninja and Kunoichi used their scarves to latch on a street light, swing, and then grab on to the underside of limo allowing them to hide from McFist's security.

After getting in, Ninja and Kunoichi were crawling on the ceiling as they followed Bash through out the halls of the building. 

"Hey, monkey." Bash greeted a robo-ape. 

"My name's Frank." The robot corrected. 

"No. Your name's," Bash then makes a bunch of monkey noise while as the robo-ape walks away obviously annoyed.

Another robo-ape walks by with a tall stack of papers.

" What you got there, papers?" Bash asked before knocking the stack out of its hands. "Not anymore."

The robo-ape slumps sadly at the mess.

Ninja and Kunoichi shared a look that said they agreed that Bash was a jerk.

A different robo-ape, but with a toupee, rounds the corner. "Yo, Baldy! Your sock's untied."

The robot looks down causing its hair piece to fall off making the robot to yelp in panic.

Bash laughs while walking. "You ain't even wearing socks."

 The heroes roll their eyes as Ninja say. "What a shoob."

Kunoichi hums in agreement. 

The two the notice Bash go into a room.

"Great, how are we gonna get in there with out being spotted?" Ninja complained.

Kunoichi calmly clears her throat and points at a near by air vent.

"Oh, right."

The teen heroes quickly crawled through the vent and were now looking through a vent and into a breakroom where Bash was talking to Viceroy.

 "So you want me to cover this beautiful antique book with blinkers and buzzers?" Viceroy asked, bewildered by the idea. "Why?"

"I'm gonna use it as a doorstop." Bash answered before walking away. "I like the door open when I poop."

Viceroy, and the two heroes hiding, shivered and gagged at this.

"TMI, Bash." Viceroy shuddered. "Too much ickiness-"

"I'm gonna go for it." Ninja whispered to Kunoichi as he began to lower himself with his scarf as Viceroy's back was turned.

"Be careful." Kunoichi whispered back.

"And I won't stand for it. " Viceroy continues to rant, grabbing the Nomicon before Ninja could, and stoms out the room still ranting.

"Well that was a bust." Kunoichi pointed out while jumping out of the vent.

Ninja just grunts in annoyance and then follows after Viceroy, grabbing the underside of an elevator in time as it goes up.

The elevator reaches McFist's office with Ninja and Kunoichi sneaking in as Viceroy steps out. "Hannibal. A word?"

Ninja and Kunoichi were clutching the ceiling, not taking their eyes off their enemies. 

"Viceroy, I'm kind of in a meeting right now." McFist notices the book under Viceroy's arms. "Ooh, that's a nice-looking doorstop you've got there." 

"Silence, you fools!"

Everyone in the room simultaneously snapped their heads towards a figure's image in a glass tube. "There is a Ninja and Kunoichi to be destroyed."

The two heroes gasped in shock at what they were seeing. "The Sorcerer." 

"No honkin' way!" Ninja added quietly. 

"Yeah, Viceroy, focus on that." McFist agreed, obviously trying to be a kiss up.

"I'm just here about the doorstop." Viceroy holds up the Nomicon. 

The Sorcerer's image squinted a bit at the book. "That's no doorstop."

"Oh, boy." Ninja groans while Kunoichi bites her lip under her mask in worry.

The Sorcerer takes a closer look and gasps. "That's the Ninja Nomicon! " 

"And there it is." Ninja said with Kunoichi wanting to bang her head on something for the turn of events.

McFist is just confused and asks Viceroy. "Eh, What's he talking about?"

His scientist just shrugs. 

"It is the Ninja's book of ancient knowledge." Sorcerer starts to explains. "We can learn the secrets of his powers. And his weaknesses.

"This is bad, Ninja." Kunoichi mutters out starting to worry.

"I know, I know." Ninja retorted as panic started setting in.

McFist snatches the book from Viceroy. "Give me that!" 

He then takes a minute in struggling to open the book but got no results.

Done seeing his boss make a fool of himself, Viceroy offers his helps. "Sir, let me take a whack at it."

McFist pouts and hands over the book. Viceroy places the book upright on McFist's desk and pulls out a small device.

Pressing a button, Viceroy places the device between the front and back cover. The devices started to struggle as it tried to open the book.

"Hang in there, Nomicon." Ninja quietly encouraged as the book vibrated on the desk as the devices continued to struggle.

It didn't take long for it to blow up, leaving the book unopened and unscratched.  

"Enough of this!" Sorcerer snapped. "I'll do it myself."

The Sorcerer then began to mutter some kind of chant  and red mist started to come out of the glass tube.

"Is that stank?" Ninja asked shocked. "What the juice?"

"Whatever it is, It can not be good." Kunoichi said as she watched the red mist creep closer to the Nomicon.

When the red mist gets to the Nomicon, it lifts the book into the air and began to try to pry open the book.

"Oh, he's stanking up the pages!" Ninja complained. "Enough of this." He looks at his partner. "You ready."

Kunoichi nodded. "Ready when you are."

Ninja nods back and the two then jumps down. "It's Hero time!"

"Ninja? Kunoichi?" Sorcerer said in disbelief.

"Sorcerer." The teen heroes glared at him.

"Ninja? Kunoichi?" McFist said shocked. 


"Hello." Viceroy greeted nervously. 

"You've got something that belongs to me!" Ninja said in a threatening tone making McFist and Viceroy take a step back. Ninja then jumps over them and uses his scarf to take back the Nomicon. "Ninja Snatch!" 

"Destroy him!" Sorcerer order and McFist presses a button on his desk that called in a few dozen robo-apes.

Ninja and Kunoichi quickly get into fighting stances, but just as Kunoichi was about to pull out her tessens, Ninja jumps forward while saying. "Get ready to taste Ninja Tiger Paw."

That threw his partner off. "Ninja what now?"

Ninja lands in the middle of the robo-apes and does Brock Octane's Tiger Paw move.

Kunoichi watches this in disbelief before glancing at McFist and Viceroy while jabbing her thumb at the scene as if to ask if they were seeing this too.

The two grown men just shrugged.

All robo-apes understandably laughed at the Ninja's new move making him stop and relies his error. "OK, so maybe the McFist Pad isn't the best place to learn Ninja moves." 

"Ya Think!" Kunoichi retorted making Ninja duck his head embarrassed.

"Ha!" McFist laughed. "What you don't know is that Viceroy designed my office for exactly this kind of confrontation!" 

"Well, now they knows. " Viceroy points out.

McFist ignores this and presses a different button on his desk that suddenly the floor opened up the middle of the floor.

Kunoichi was lucky enough to be closer to the edge and not fall in.

Ninja and a robo-ape were not as lucky.

The two fell down towards a mass of turning gears and other mechanics.

Ninja was able to grab onto a gear to stop his falling but the robo-ape was immediately crushed between some gears.

 Kunoichi was watching this with wide as she worried for her partner's safety. But by being to focused, a robo-ape was able to land a hit on her from behind making her slid on the ground from the hit.

Gathering her bearings, she quickly noticed she was out numbered.

Well crud.

The robo-apes immediately ganged up on her as Kunoichi did her best to dodge and attack the robots.

But during all this, she didn't notice that she was getting closer to the edge of the missing floor.

She noticed soon enough when her foot slipped and she started falling backwards. Waving her arms to try and regain her balance a tug on her scarf stopped her from falling.

Looking at her 'rescuer', she sees a robo-ape holding to then end of her scarf looking at her menacingly. And with a strong pull, the robot pulled her towards its readied fist.

She must have blacked out for moment because when she opened her eyes, she was on her knees being held by two robo-apes next to Ninja, who was in the same position, with McFist in front of them.

"I present to you the Ninja and Kunoichi!" McFist showed off to the Sorcerer. "Now, about my reward." 

Sorcerer looked dangerously ecstatic. "After centuries entombed in this filthy hole, I will be free, and chaos will reign." 

"And my reward?" McFist piped up again.

With a wave of his boney arms, more red mist began to shoot out of the glass tube. 

Seeing this, Ninja was able to kick away the robot restraining him and his partner but wasn't fast enough as the red mist took the form of large clawed hands that quickly grabbed the two heroes and began to squeeze them.

"The Nomicon did not prepare us for this." Ninja chocked out as he and Kunoichi tried to struggle.

The Nomicons earlier message popped up before them. 

                             -The tiger who refuses to get his paws wet catches no fish.-

"We're way past wet paws here." Ninja complained despite being crushed. "Why can't you teach us something useful!" 

"Ninja, that's the thing," Kunoichi gasped out. "They're always teaching us!"

And just like that, multiple lessons popped into their visons as they began to glow.

Ninja was glowing orange.

And Kunoichi white.

                                    -A Ninja/Kunoichi must master the art of stealth.-

                                            -Believe in the weapon that is in the suit.-

                                                                             -Air Fist-

"Your right." Ninja said to his partner. "Everything they've taught us is useful!"

The two heroes then stared at their enemy tauntingly as Kunoichi says, "Sorcerer, the Ninja and Kunoichi have been kicking your butt for 800 years-"

"-and they'll be kicking it for 800 more." Ninja said while gathering some air in a makeshift Air Fist that was able to break them free.

Kunoichi then releases her own air attack at the Sorcerer that was able to knock him down on his side of the glass.

"What are you standing around for?!" McFist barked at the robo-apes while pointing at the two teens. "Attack! They're over there!"

"Conceal." Ninja said as he and Kunoichi disappeared into the shadows.

McFist sees their gone and is dumbfounded. "Uh, where'd they go?" 

"Reveal!" They appear behind the group, startling them. 

"Ah, now they're over there!" McFist pointed out. 

"Believe in the weapon that is in the suit." Kunoichi recited as she brought out her tessens while Ninja brought out a pair of dual swords.

Robo-apes charged at the two but they where all swiftly sliced down.

Jumping over McFist and Viceroy, Ninja and Kunoichi quickly disposed of the rest of the robo-apes.

On his side of the glass, Sorcerer angerly got to his feet. "Feel. My. Wrath!

Red mist took the form of the Sorcerer's head that quickly dive towards the two teens.

Ninja and Kunoichi quickly ran out of the room and sprinted through the halls as the floating head of red mist gave chase.

A giant robot mantis suddenly blocked their path and another one appeared behind them, trapping them.

                                    -The best way to avoid and attack is to avoid an attack.-

(A/N: Pretend Kunoichi learned this.)

Kunoichi quickly caught one of the robot's attention making it walk forward and crash into the other robot as Ninja and her slid under them to escape.

The red cloud of Sorcerer's head the reappeared around a corner making the two start running again.

While running down a hallway, they see Bash coming out of a room with a plate of cookies that gave Ninja an idea for a little revenge.

"What you got there, plate of cookies?"

When they passed Bash, Ninja knocked the plate out of Bash's hands.

"Hey!" Bash yelled.

"Not anymore."

Kunoichi laughed as they finally came across an exit that was quickly blocked by a wall. 

Ninja and Kunoichi only had to worry for a second as they both got the same idea.

Kunoichi quickly powered up. "Okami Ice Beam!"

The wall was covered in ice and helped weaken the metal.

Ninja then powers up himself. "Ninja Tengu Fire Ball!"

The fire blast blew the whole wall up allowing  the two to escape as the red mist disappeared with the Sorcerer yelling in defeat.

                                                                            ~~Time Skip~~

~Randy's P.O.V~

"-and then I sliced through the grate, jumped out a window, caught the 2:30 cross-town bus, and here I am." I explained to Howard as we sat around in my room playing Grave Punchers.

"Wow! You are hardcore, Cunningham." Howard complimented while playing. "I would never take the bus." He sets the controller down and holds up his McFist Pad. "You weren't the only one who had an epic afternoon. McFist Pad and I took my grave punchin' to the next level, yo. Check out these moves."

I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying as I glanced at the Ninja Nomicon that was leaning against a wall.

Mind made up, I got to my feet and walked over to the book.

"What are you doing?" Howard asks."

I picked up the book and sat down against the wall, smiling. "I've gotta get my paws wet."

I then opened the book.


~Inside the Ninja Nomicon~

When I opened my eyes, I see was back sitting on the large slab of rock in the middle of the lake with waterfall behind me.

"Nomicon, whatever you say. No matter how confusing or stupid or ridiculous, I am in. I'm all about getting my Master Ninja on." I said standing up determination.

Some doodle arrows pointed at the waterfall. "Aw, the waterfall? Really? Again?"

A flash of lighting kills my complaining. "I'm going."

Before I could, a familiar giggling made me look to see Riley standing near the base of the waterfall.


She waved a 'hello' before crossing her arms. "I see someone learned their lesson."

I laughed sheepishly while rubbing the back of my head. "Uh yeah.."

She motioned me to follow. "Well come on then. The soon we get this done the better."


And once again, the two of us were soaked from the water as we reached the ledged from last time.

"I so got this." I said only to get a fish to the face. I heard Riley laughing as I took the fish off. "Come on, Nomicon. That all you got?"

I was then immediately buried under a pile of fish.

Poking my head out from the pile, I was unamused by the action or Riley's increased laughter.

Her laughter quickly stopped when a fish was aimed at her which she dodged.

"HA!" She yelled triumphantly. "Not today!"

A fish then lands on her head not a second later with a splat.

It was now my turn to laugh.

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