Stank Like Teen Spirit

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~Third Person P.O.V~

"This might be the most boring week ever." Randy said with his head in his hand as he sat between Riley and Howard in the gym. "No monsters, no robots, no reason to Ninja/Kunoichi out."

Riley hummed in agreement as she mirrored her partners body language, just as bored.

Especially with what today is.

"The only thing getting me through this week is the Big Championship!" Randy said starting to get pumped.

Riley sent him a weird look at that.

"Yes!" Howard cheered after taking a sip from his drinking hat. "I cannot wait to see Norrisville destroy Flackville in uh......what sport is this again?"

"Not. A. Clue." Randy replied, mood not faltering. "But whatever it is, we're getting our fan on." Randy takes out a cricket bat from somewhere and hits a beach ball that was being tossed around.

Riley laughs a bit when the ball hit one of the mascots.   

"Easy-teasy here." Heidi said as she was recording today's match. "Bringing you the deets on the big championship. N-Ville has destroyed those Flat-wads 11 years running and now we're about to make it an even dozen. On your mark, get set. Chess!"

Bucky and a Flackville student started to play on a table in the middle of the gym. 

"Chess?" Randy and Howard said in disbelief.

Flute Girl shushed them as Riley slumped forward in boredom.

The gym was quiet with the exception of the sound of a clock ticking and chess pieces moving.

"....This is the most boring week ever." Randy whisper aloud with Riley and Howard grunting in agreement.

The three watched in boredom as the game continued, listening to the crowd cheer when ever Bucky gained the upper hand. 

"Am I missing something?" Randy asked still in disbelief of the situation. "How could our entire school love this?"

"I thinks its for bragging rights." Riley said throwing her two cents. 

"Seriously. It's like the easiest game ever." Howard said.

Riley now looked at him weird for that comment.

Howard continued. "All he's got to do is put the castle thingy next to the horsey thingy, and the guy in the pointy hat can't do anything. I mean, am I the only one who's seeing this?"

Randy and Riley glanced at each other then look back at Howard. 

"Howard." Randy started. "I know you better than anyone, and you don't know the first thing about chess."

"Sorry Howard, but I'm gonna have to agree with Randy on that." Riley said.

Howard just scoffs and points at the big screen showing Bucky doing what Howard said and winning the match.

The school cheered as the Flackville student stormed off stage in defeat and as Randy and Riley slowly looked back at a smug Howard in shock.

"....Who are you?" Randy asked in suspicion while Riley continued to stare at Howard in shock.

She didn't even get this game!

As the players switched for the next match, Randy hears a familiar laugh and looks around only to see McFist and Viceroy sitting in the crowd!

"McFist!" Randy nudges Riley and pulls out his mask. "Finally, some action."

Riley copied his movements only for both of them to stop once they see their enemies pull out a hat and a flag, showing their support for the chess team.

The two teen heroes slumped in their seats and put away their masks.

 Randy groans. "Oh, even our enemies are boring." 

Howard wasn't listening to his friend's disappointment, to focused on the game. "What are you doing? Pointy top jumps roundhead and you got him!"

Randy groans again feeling more fed up with the whole situation.

He barley had any energy to turn his head to look at his crush when she nudged him.

Having his attention on her, Riley carefully pulled our her Nomicon, that had a history book sleeve on it, and gave him a knowing look. "You in?"

Randy felt a smile grow on his face at her idea and pulled out his own book. "Definitely."

The two simultaneously opened their books.


Howard glanced at the two teens after they go into their books and feels a sneaky smile grow on his face as he takes out his phone and started taking pictures of the two and their new position.

After their minds left them, they two ended up leaning on each other with Riley's head on Randy's shoulder and his head on hers.

This would get him a laugh later.

~Inside the Ninja/Kunoichi Nomicon~

~Riley's P.O.V~

Landing on my feet as Randy landed on his back, I look as the large clearing we were in seeing mountains in the distance. 

"Nomicons. Please tell me you got something exciting for us to do." Randy pleaded into the air.  "I'm about to lose my cheese out there."

A sudden sound startled us and we turn and see a large cabinet come out of the ground.

The cabinet doors open and a bright light blinded us for a moment. But when the light died down, we stare in amazement at the many shelves of different Ninja balls.

Randy and I silently glance at each other before we both beamed in excitement and quickly scrambled to the cabinet and started grabbing as many balls as we can carry.

We carried them over to some statues that the Nomicons made for us and dumped the balls into two separate bins.

"Ladies first." Randy said with a mocking bow that made me laugh.

"Why thank you good sir." I thanked with my own bow before grabbing a bright red ball.

Taking a breath, I threw the ball towards a turtle statue and watch in glee as the statue burst into flames and disintegrate. 

"Ha! In your face, turtle!" Randy cheered for me. "I think we should call that one 'Ninja Hot Ball'. What do you think?"

I nodded in agreement at the name. "Sounds appropriate."

Randy nodded, grabs an icy blue ball, and throws it at a dragon statue.

The statue got frozen in a block of ice and then shattered into pieces. 

"Uh-oh! Ninja Cold Balls." Randy cheers again before throwing a rock sign into the air. "Nomicons, you know exactly how to cheer us up."

A swirl of storm clouds suddenly appeared in the sky and parted in the middle to reveal some words.

                              -To underestimate your enemy is to invite your defeat.-

I stared at the lesson in confusion from its sudden appearance and started to think on what it could mean.

But Randy didn't seem to share my curiosity. "Underestimate enemy, invite defeat. Cool, yeah, just one question." Randy grabs a green sparking ball. "What the juice do these green ones do?"

He then throws it into the distance and a bolt of electricity erupted on the spot. "Ninja Electro-Balls!

Shaking my head at my partners one track mind, I grabbed an earthy brown ball that had a small branch sticking out of it and chucked it at a cat statue.

The ball activated mid-air and rapped the statue tightly with vines.

I hummed at this. "Vine Ball. That'll be good for catching Monsters."

About to pick another up, Randy beats me to it and grabs a black and yellow stripped ball.

"And what do you do?" Randy then throws it and a swarm of bees pop out! "Ah, bees!"

I grabbed his wrist and started dragging him away as the bees went after us. "That's a Ninja Bee Ball."

Dodging a couple strikes from the bees, we quickly jumped into a near by pond to avoid them.

Spitting out water as we resurfaced, I looked up and see the bees forming a the lesson from earlier.

                                -To underestimate your enemy is to invite your defeat.-

Now I'm getting worried.

Randy on the other hand.....

"That's great advice. We'll be sure keep that in mind." Randy's tone went from considerate to frustrated. "For when something's actually happening!"

Suddenly, a lighting storm formed over us and the next thing I knew, Randy and I were being sucked into a whirlpool!

I could barely make heads or tails at what I was seeing as I tumbled down this long tunnel.

Only seeing familiar flashes of green.

Landing harshly on the ground, I lifted my head and looked towards a daze Randy.

"Randy?" I called out still feeling dazed. "Ar-are you okay?"

He groaned but answered. "Ye-yeah, I'm-"

The ground suddenly shook making us look closer at our surrounding and see a dreary version of the school with a swirling mass of green stank over the school.

Then, a giant thin green arm shot of the school roof with its twin not to far behind. And with a lurch, a monstrous figure burst out of the school laughing an evil laugh.

I may never have seen him before, but I don't doubt that the monster looming over us was none other then our greatest enemy.

The Sorcerer.

With a wave of his claw like hand, The Sorcerer brought down a cloud of stank and I had to duck when images of stank's students swooped down at us.

Before I could even think to breath, Randy and I were scooped up by the Sorcerer and were being dangled over his mouth.

With no hesitation, he drops us and we scream as we fall and as our vision goes dark. 

~Back outside~

Gasping, I bolted up while clutching my heart as it raced erratically.

I even flinched slightly when a hand was placed on my shoulder. Looking at the owner of the hand, I see Randy, who looked just as rattled as I felt, giving me a comforting smile that helped my racing heart calm down a bit.

Randy then turns to Howard as we both put away our Nomicons. "Howard, you are not gonna believe what we just saw in the Nomicons."

Howard doesn't even bat an eye. "Uh, everyone was monstered out in a epic stake apocalypse?"

 "No, everybo-" Randy stops himself short and looked at Howard while I stared at the gym in shock. "Yeah, how did you know?"

"Uh Randy..." I grabbed his shoulder and pointed at the chaos happing around us!

The usual kids that get stank'd more than others were monster upped with a few others and were terrorizing the normal students and wreaking the gym!

"Yeah, week's not so boring now, is it you two?" Howard snarked while glancing at the two of us.

"We can handle this." Randy said trying to sound confident. "No problem. Just gotta figure out what to destroy, so we can de-stank 'em."

Looking around the gym, I spy some Flackville students being chased by some monsters while carrying the chess trophy.

Yeah, that's about right.

Randy notices too as the students ran into a supplies closet and the monsters chasing them crashed into a wall. "The trophy. Gotta be it."

We both then take out our masks. "Howard, it's Ninja o'clock."

"Oh ho, it is way past Ninja o'clock." I heard Howard say as Randy and I slipped behind the bleachers and suited up. 

Quickly smoke bombing into the middle of the gym, we were quickly surrounded by Monster Theresa and Monster Bucky.

The two monsters roared and Ninja quickly wrapped his scarf around monster Bucky's tongue and then flung him at monster Theresa, causing the two to start fighting each other.

About to run towards the supply closet, I was blocked by the school's stank'd dance team.

"Dancing fish." Ninja said as the group of monsters started dancing around us. "Why'd it have to be dancing fish?"

 Blocking their attacks, I got irritated and quickly shoved Ninja to the side.

Once he was out of the way, I jumped high into the air and threw down some cold balls at the dancing fish team.

Landing back on the ground, Ninja joined my side.

"Looks like she put your routine on ice." Ninja joked making me face palm and groan into my hand.

"I bet if they weren't frozen they totally would have appreciated that."

"No, no they wouldn't."

A sudden growling from above was our only warning as two lizard monsters jumped down from the rafters, landed behind us, and then pounced.

"Ninja Electro-Balls!" Ninja countered, throwing said balls at the two and frying them. 

We then quickly made our way to the supply closet and see Monsters Julian, Bucky, and Debbie trying to ram the door down.

Ninja threw another ball towards them. "Ninja Bee Ball!"

The bees quickly chased off the monsters and allowed us to get to the supply door.

Ninja banged on the door. "Open up. It's the Ninja and Kunoichi."

"Forget it." Was the muffled reply making me raise a brow. 

"Come on, there's monsters out here!" Ninja tried to argue as he and I got out weapons to break down the door.

Just as we were about to do that, some monsters ran past us with the swarm of bees tailing behind them.

Until the swarm noticed us.

"And bees." We both flatten ourselves against the wall in fear at the closing swarm. "A lot of bees."

I quickly pushed Ninja to side and waved my tessens at the bees. "Get the trophy. I'll keep the monsters and bees at bay."

~Third Person P.O.V~

The Flackvillie students watched as the door to the closet they were in begin to shake and be pounded on from the battle outside.

The glasses student, having a quick change of heart, quickly cracked the door open allowing the Ninja to slip inside breathing heavily.

"I need-Huff-your trophy." Ninja panted as he grabbed said item making the Flackville students gasp. 

"But we won!" Glasses student argued/wined. 

"And let me be the first to congratulate you...." Ninja throws the statue into the air. "You really did it." Ninja then jumps after it and cuts the head off the trophy. " Ninja Trophy Slash!"

The Flackville students gasped in despair as their trophy fell to the ground in pieces.

Ninja lands and looks at the students apologetically. "I'm sorry I had to do that. But you'll understand when I open this door, and that everything is okay."

Ninja opens the door with confidence, expecting for a broken but normal gym and students only to hear fighting and growling.

Peeking around the door, he watched gobsmacked at the sight of the still stank'd students that were fighting his partner.

"Nothing about this is okay!" Kunoichi yelled in frustration from being out numbered.

Ninja quickly closes the door and looked nervously at the angry Flackville students. "OK, this is bad." He pulls out a manrikigusari. "Just gonna wing it."

Ninja opens the door and joins his partner in battle.

Then his phones goes off. 

He picks it up when he sees its Howard. "Got kinda a lot going on here." 

"I think I know how Flackville won."

Ninja listen as he fights. "Uh-huh -(Punch)- yeah, OK. Steve Riley is a chess-playing-(Dodge)-McFist-bot designed to beat Norrisville.-(Punch)- Mm-hmm. Which bummed everyone out-(Dodge)- allowing the Sorcerer to stank them. Wow.-(Duck)- That is a serious plan. Hold on one second." He puts Howard on hold and double kicks monster Julian away and into the giant block of ice that held the dancing fish monsters, causing it to crack. "And I'm back. So the slashing the trophy? Big, fat goose egg."

The monster dance team broke free and charged at him from behind.

But Ninja didn't have to worry as Kunoichi intercepted the monster group and threw some slipping balls at the fish monsters feet causing them to slip and fall. 

"How are you guys gonna de-stank the school?

Kunoichi joins Ninja's side as they gazed at the chaos around them remembering the Nomicons advice.

"Everyone thought Norrisville couldn't lose...." Ninja said.

"We underestimated our enemy." Kunoichi pointed out.

"When we lost, everyone got stank'd." Ninja continued.

"So to de-stank them..." Kunoichi started thinking.

"We have to win." Ninja looks at the untouched chessboard and his partner catches on to what he was thinking. "Howard, we have to beat Flackville!

Howard jumps up from hiding under the chessboard table. "I'll do it!"

Ninja started looking around. "But all of our players are monsters."

"Uh Ninja..." Kunoichi gestured to Howard blankly.

"Uh, hello." Howard said looking annoyed. "I totally get this dumb game." 

"Yes, that's it!" Ninja wasn't listing. "That guy can play. Hey, buddy-"

That guy was monster Bucky who threw a bench at the three making them duck. "No, he's a monster-That's a monster too." 

Monster Bucky tackles Ninja and Kunoichi followed after them to help.

Howard watched this looking fed up. "Tell you what. You fight that thing, I'll go save the school." He then looks at the robot that was the cause of all this. "Hey, Steve."

Steve turns his head 108' degrease to see Howard sit in a chair and move a pawn. "Your move."

Steve's eyes flashed a sinister red and started to play.

As the two played, monsters began to cease their rampage and began watching the match with Howard not breaking a sweat and Steve growing frustrated at each turn.

Ninja and Kunoichi began noticing the monster's lack of focus on them and see the monsters crowding around the middle of the gym.

They see Howard playing chess confidently.

"Howard?" Ninja said in question and looked at his partner.

She just shrugs and moves closer to watch with Ninja following after.

Everyone watched as Howard continued to beat a nervous Steve at every move and showed no signs of slowing down. 

"Anybody here know what's happening?" Ninja asked aloud. "Cause I don't get this game at all."

"Same." Kunoichi said.

The two were shushed by the monsters.

Steve started smoking a bit at the pressure as he used his rook to take Howard's bishop with a triumphant, "Ha"! 

"Aw, you took my pointy diagonal guy." Howard said in fake sadness before smirking. "Uh, but you totally missed my only-can-go-straight guy." He then wins the game with his rook. "Chess mate!"

"You mean, checkmate!" Steve corrected looking angry. 

"Yeah, whatever. I win!" Howard and the monsters cheered.

In a wave of green mist, everyone turned back to normal and chanted Howard's name as said boy did a victory dance.

Steve stops it all with a yell of anger as he threw the table and started transforming into a more sinister looking robot.

Everyone gasped in fear as the robot charged at a cowering Howard.

"Ninja Hot Balls!"

Two flaming red balls stopped the robot in his tracks and melted.

The crowd then started cheering for their two heroes.

  "It's not a big deal." Ninja said 'humbly'. "It's what we do, We're the Ninja and Kunoichi."

Kunoichi nudged him with her elbow to tell him to knock it off. 

Howard huffs in annoyance. "Seriously? I had like, two seconds of glory."

"And you earned it." Ninja says before and Kunoichi smoked bombed away.

                                                                 ~~Time Skip~~

~Randy's P.O.V~

After Riley parted ways to go meet up with Rachel, Howard and followed everyone to leave.

"I underestimated my enemy," I said solemnly as we walked outside while carrying the now tapped up trophy. "And he would have defeated me, if it wasn't for you." 

I hand the trophy over to him as he say. "Wow. That is an ugly trophy." 

It kinda was.

"Hey, kid." I patted his shoulder. "You saved the day." 

"No." He says making me blink in surprise as he ripped the trophy into two pieces again and handed me the head. "We saved the day."

He starts walking as I smiled at the gestured until I noticed something. "Wait, why do you get the bigger half?" 

"Because I saved the day more."

I caught up to him. "The juice you did!" 

"The juice I didn't!"

We playfully argued a bit more until Howard said. " I saved the day more. And I also have something that'll end this argument."

"Oh?" I said in a challengingly way. "And what would that be?"

Howard just smirked, took out his phone, and then pulled something up for me to see.

That something was a picture of Riley and me cuddled against each other when we were in the Nomicons!

Face reddening, I tried to grab the phone only for Howard to keep it out of reach. "Howard! Why do you have that!"

"To have a laugh and win an argument!" He said as he runs off with me on his heels.

"Give me that picture!"

"No way! Huh, I wonder how Riley  would react if I sent this to her?"


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