Grave Puncher: The Movie

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(A/N: I am super sorry about not updating last Friday! The wifi on my end was causing trouble all week. Sorry.)

~Riley's P.O.V~


I literally felt my eye twitch at the constant pleading and weight wrapped around my leg.


"Mason," I stressed out his name interrupting him. "You haven't asked for anything. So I don't know what your pleading for."

"Oh.." My younger cousin lets go of my leg, got off the ground, and clasps his hands together and looks up at me in a begging gesture. "Please, please, please! Take me to see the new Grave Puncher movie tonight!"

"You mean the opening night at midnight?"


"Why cant mom or dad take you?"

"Cause aunt and uncle are busy with a huge order and mom and dad said I could go as long as I had a grown up  take me!"

Placing my face into the palm of my hand, grumbled into it, and slowly dragged it down my face as I looked at my cousin's begging face with a dash of puppy eyes.

I sighed tiredly. " Fine I'll take you-"


I grunted as my cousin tackled me into a hug but didn't knock me down.

"Thank you, Thank you! Your the best cousin ever! This is the best birthday ever!"

"Your birthday is tomorrow."

"But the movie is at midnight which is the start of tomorrow!"



"....Just be ready by 8."


                                                                     ~~Time Skip~~

"Wow." I gaped at the large crowd around us. "We were smart to get here early."

Mason was bouncing in place. "We can we go in?"

I checked my phone.


"Probably any second now. Its gonna take awhile for everyone to get a ticket."

And just as I said this, the line began moving and before we knew it we were in the concession line getting our movie snacks.

After that we went to our seats and I noticed how packed it was.

"Geez, did the whole town come?" I asked no one in particular while sitting down with my soda.

"Wouldn't be surprised." Mason said already munching on his popcorn.

"Woah, save some for the show-" Two people walked us. "Randy? Howard?"

The two stopped and looked at me. "Riley?/Davis?"

"What are you doing here?" Howard asked as he and Randy sat down.

I gestured to Mason, who's seat was between Randy and I. "Taking my cousin to the movies for his birthday."

"Oh really?" Randy asked before looking at Mason and giving him a friendly smile. "Well Happy Birthday kiddo."

Mason doesn't say anything and just stares up at Randy.

I looked at the back of Mason's head in confusion from his sudden silence. He usually returned the greeting with his own energetic one.

I couldn't see his face but Randy's face showed he was looking a little awkward by the staring and I see Howard peek around Randy to watch.

After another moment of staring, Mason turns to look at me innocently and asks. "Is this guy your boyfriend?"

I hear Howard burst into laughter as I felt my face heat up and a glance at Randy shows his faces was equally as red as I was.

Maybe even more but I couldn't tell from the dim lighting.

"Mason!" I hissed in embarrassment trying push down my blush.

"What?" He asked innocently though if you look closely, you could see some mischief buried deep in his eyes.

"Hahaha, Oh kid, we're gonna get along just fine." Howard said between laughs.

I turned to glare at him with Randy doing the same but he suddenly gasped at something.

I glanced at him. "What's wrong?"  

Randy faced forward looking nervous but jerked his head towards his right and said in a high voice. "Over there. Look-over-there!"

Curious, I leaned forward a bit to look down the aisle but immediately straightened up in my seat when I caught sight McFist and Viceroy!

"Let's just casually stand up-" Randy said about to get up. "-and go find other seats."

"Forget it, Cunningham!" Howard stopped him. "These were the last empty seats in the house. Deal with it. There's nowhere else to sit."

Randy glanced at me unsurely as he say back down but I just shrugged. We didn't have any options.

I took a sip of my drink while taking small quick glances at McFist. 

The theater lights suddenly dimmed and metal over-the-shoulder restraints were put on everyone.

'I hate to admit it, but Viceroy did an awesome job.' Was what I thought as I held on to my seat in excitement as it copied the waving movements as the graves on the screen.

Everyone began cheering as Puncher, the main character, popped out of ground on the screen and glared towards the audience.

"Riley! Riley! Its Puncher!" Mason yelled in excitement and I glance at him with an amused smile.

"Yeah, I can see that!" I yelled over the crowd.

"Puncher!" I hear Randy cheered with Howard doing the same. "I love you, Puncher!"

My joyful laughing was loud at that and even louder when Puncher's hologram popped out of the screen and swing a punch a McFist and Viceroy.

The movie began to play and I watched as Puncher open the gates to a cemetery and glared at the graves. 

"One of you tombstones killed my mama." Puncher said coolly. "You all gonna pay. With punches!"

A sudden blast of wind made me fall back into my seat and have me struggle to keep my eyes open from the intensity.

"So honkin' Bruce!" I barely heard Randy utter.

And I couldn't even hear Howards. 

The pressure finally dies down as Puncher continued to punch graves on the screen.

But after destroying the last grave, a hologram of Puncher was suddenly looming over us as we all gasped in amazement!

That's it, 6-D has ruined movies for me forever.

Hologram Puncher stared down at us. "Well, what do we have here? A grave new world." He taps his gloves together. "To punch!

He swung a punch at the audience and I gasped when two people, along with their seats, were knocked to the side.

Though they seemed to be alright.

Hologram Puncher continued this on a few others making seats and people fly everywhere.

"This movie's better than the video game." I managed to hear Randy gasp in awe over my cousin's excited screaming. "Puncher, over here! Punch me!"


As hologram Puncher continued his mission, a growing feeling of doubt and dread started welling up inside me at the sight of the damages happening to the theater.

"Puncher! Punch me!" I looked at Mason in worry seeing that he and everyone else wasn't noticing the large problem.

"Guys, the Puncher is real!" My head snapped towards Randy in surprise. "What!?"

"And I think McSquiddling the projector made it happen." Randy continued.


"This is all me and Howard's fault." 

"Again I ask, WHAT!?"

"I don't care." Was Howards response. "This is the greatest motion picture of all time! Now stop talking."

Puncher was starting to get closer as I began to struggle in my seat trying to get my restraints off.

But my efforts weren't needed as my and everyone's restraints were taken off.

I then see McFist stand and face the remaining audience.

"Hello, I'm Hannibal McFist. Due to a technical glitch, the Puncher has come out of the movie and is on a rampage. No need to panic."

As you can guess, everyone panicked.

Jumping out of my seat, I scooped up my cousin and quickly ran to a near by storage closet.

"Mason, what ever happens stay inside till I get back." I order about to close the door but a hand gripping my sleeve stopped me.

Mason looked up at me scared. "Don't go Riley!"

I gave him a confidant/reassuring look as I gently removed his hand from my arm. "I'll be fine Mason. I need to help everyone get out of here. Just stay here and I promise I'll come back, Okay?"

Mason stares at me for another second before nodding. "Okay...."

Giving him a smile, I closed the door and then dashed towards a near by bathroom.

~Third Person P.O.V~


"I gotta admit, Puncher." Ninja said gazing up at his video game idol. "I'm kinda geekin' out right now."

"Geek out later." Kunoichi said to him. "We gotta take this guy down before he gets out into the city."

Puncher stared down at the two heroes but only saw a couple of zombie opponents.

"Welcome to the party, Players 2 and 3. Prepare to get punched!" Puncher punches Ninja into a wall.

Kunoichi gasped worried for her partner and glared at the giant hologram. "Oh your gonna pay for that!" She fires an Air Fist at the hologram making it fall on it's back.

Kunoichi jumped forward to inspect her work but tensed when the hologram just stood right back up.

"Aw crud..." Kunoichi said as the hologram stood over her.

"Yippey-ki-yay, other puncher!" The female hero was then punched to a wall right next to her partner.

Ninja glared at this and launched a kick at the game character. "Ninja Roundhouse!"

The kick sent Puncher through the theater screen, destroying it.

Kunoichi joined her partner's side, after shaking off her dizzy spell, and looked at the fallen hologram.

"Not bad Red." Kunoichi complemented.

"Why thank yo-" Puncher stands right back up punching his gloves together. "Nothing's working." 

"Throw the Haymaker." The two heroes look at Howard. "Trust me. I beat my best friend with that move all the time."

That ticks off Ninja. "The juice you do!"

Puncher started rushing towards them but Ninja jumps over him and kicks him in the back of the head. "Ninja Haymaker!"

Puncher stumbles a bit but doesn't completely fall.

Howard continues. "Now hit him with the-"

Ninja cuts him off. "I know! I've only played the game a ka-trillion times."

Kunoichi suddenly pushes him out of the way from an incoming attack that barley dodged herself.

Ninja throws his scarf and has it wrapped around Puncher's head and started throwing multiple punches at the hologram with Kunoichi doing the with Puncher's back.

 A strong punch/pull was able to bring Puncher to land on his back.

But once again nothing happened and Puncher got up with out a problem.

"I don't get it!" Howard exclaimed confused. "That combo should have taken you straight to the bonus round."

Kunoichi was about to remind him that this wasn't a game when she noticed the Puncher's body was flickering. Looking past the hologram, she sees some debris falling from the ceiling and pass in front of the projector.

"Ninja! The Projector!" Kunoichi pointed out.

Ninja looks and sees what she's talking about.

The Nomicon's lesson popped into his head.

                                                     -Deceit often comes at a price.-

 "Howard, we caused the mess." Ninja said to his friend. "We gotta pay the price." He looks at his partner. "We have to destroy the projector."

Kunoichi nodded while Howard protested. 

"But that's the only 6-D version of Grave Puncher: The Movie in existence!" 

"It's the price we have to pay." Ninja solemnly said.

Puncher then loomed over the two heroes, about to attack. "There can be only one puncher!"

Kunoichi and Ninja powered up. "Okami Ice Beam!/Tengu Fire Ball!"

"Noooooo!" Howard wailed in horror as the projector was frozen solid and then blown up.

Then in a flash of light, Puncher was gone.

Ninja and Kunoichi sighed in relief and shared a high-five.

But then flinched back in surprise when soda was dumped on them by Howard. "Hey!

"That's for ruining the movie!" Howard scowled.

Kunoichi gave him her own scowl and pushed him of the chair he was standing on. "Hey!"

Rolling her eyes, she quickly smoked bombed behind some debris and came out as Riley.

The boys watched confused as she walked over to a storage closet, open it, and get tackled to the ground by her cousin.

"Riley!" Mason cried while gripping his older cousin's shirt.

She smiles and hugs him. "Its okay Mason. I'm fine, everything is fine."

"I heard crashing and banging a- and the fighting! And I heard the Kunoichi and the Nin-" Mason stops mid-rambling when he looks over Riley's shoulder and catches sight of one of Norrisville heroes. "The Ninja!"

Mason jumps out of his cousin's arms and scrambles over to Ninja beaming up at him. "I cant believe! Your here! This is so cool!"

Ninja looked down at the star-struck relative of his crush and glances up at Riley who giggled and gestured for him to play along.

Looking back down at the younger boy, Ninja smiled and stood proudly. "Yes young citizen, tis I, the Ninja!"

"Awesome!" Mason cheered as Riley came up beside him to watch the scene. "Did you and Kunoichi stop Puncher!?"

"That is correct!" Ninja said flamboyantly making Howard roll his eyes.

"So Cooool!" The child cheered.

"Okay," Riley stepped into the fanboying. "I think that's enough excitement for one night. Time to go."

"Awwww but..." Mason whined obviously not wanting to leave.

"She is right young man." Ninja agreed placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "A child like yourself needs rest in order to grow into a healthy young man."

"But...." Mason pouted.

Seeing this, Ninja looks around a spots a discarded notepad and gets an idea.

"Here, how about this." Ninja takes the notepad and rights something down before tearing out the page and handing it to Mason. "Here you go."

Mason takes the piece of paper and reads it. "To a brave kid with nerves of steel. Have a Happy Birthday from your Hero and Friend -The Ninja..."

Mason gave Ninja a beaming smile which he returned with a thumbs up. Riley smiled at the scene and began leading her cousin out of the theater while mouthing a 'Thank you' over her shoulder at the boys.

Ninja waved goodbye while sighing as he watched her go.


Blinking in surprise, Ninja took out his phone and read the message on it.

Riley: Thanks for that, I owe you one thing from the Bakery. ;)

Howard looks over his shoulder to read the message. "Nice."

~Riley's P.O.V~

"So did you enjoy your early Birthday gift?" I asked my still buzzing cousin who was clutching the note my partner gave him.

"It was awe-yawn-some...." Mason yawned as the nights events started catching up to him as rubbed his eyes tiredly.

Rolling my eyes fondly, I crouched down in front of him. "Hop on."

A sudden weight on my back made me grunt a bit but I shook it off, stood up, and started walking home.

"Happy Birthday Mason."

"Thanks Riley...." Was mumbled into my shoulder. "The Ninja is awesome...."

I chuckled at that and glanced up at the starry sky fondly.

"Yeah, He is..."

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