Slinet Punch Deadly Punch

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~Riley's P.O.V~

"So your family is coming to visit before you go to your grandparents for Christmas?" I asked Rachel as I slipped on a dark blue hoodie.

"Yeah, its kinda of just to get organized with each other or something." She replied as she slipped on her bunny earmuffs.

"Kay, so when do you think we'll be able to hang out before all that?" I asked, closing my locker and started walking through the hallways.

"Probably the day before but I have to check."

"Cool, see ya then."

"Bye." She waved and then walked off towards the band room.

Going the other way, I began venturing through the halls towards the exit when a literal ringing in my ears stopped me.

Looking down a hallway, I see Bucky singing to Flute girl while playing his triangle 

"This song is for my friend, Flute Girl. Late is my Christmas gift to her, It's a song that I wrote, It's a song that I wrote, This is a song, It is a song Song, song, song, song-" Flute girl cuts him off with book to the head.

Now on the ground, Bucky looked up in confusion. " Hey, you said you wanted the gift of tunes for Christmas."

"Ugh!" Flute girl slammed her locker closed in frustration. "I said I wanted a McFist tunes gift card. Pull your dinger out of your ear."

Everyone standing around started laughing at Bucky as Flute girl walked away.

Bucky then started to cry.

Sighing at the recurring scene, cause its Bucky, I take moment to think on how I can get him to stop crying.

But I don't even get close to an idea when then sudden sound of roars and screams ring out through the halls.

Groaning, I look and see a now stank'd Bucky running after Flute girl.

"Well this is one way to start winter break." I say before jumping into an open locker and pulling on my mask.

~Third Person P.O.V~

Flute girl screamed as Monster Bucky backed her into a corner and started growling a tune.

But everyone cheered as a red and blue clouds of smoke appeared with their heroes.

"OK, Bucky. Time for a little ditty I call 'Hark the Herald Ninja Rings'!" Ninja threw some rings at a Christmas bells decoration, causing the bells to fall on Monster Bucky and annoying him.

Monster Bucky growled, dashed over, roared in their faces, and then took a swipe at them only for them to dodge out of the way.

Now on top of some vending machine, Kunoichi spies some wreaths hanging on the walls and quickly jumps from wall to wall grabbing them.

Once on the ground and behind Monster Bucky, Kunoichi threw the wreaths at Monster Bucky causing his arms to get wrapped up and unable to move them.

Monster Bucky looked up at the paper that had his song on it as it floated down until Ninja shredded it to pieces with his sword, releasing green mist and turning Bucky back to normal.

A dazed normal Bucky poked his head out from wreaths he was in. "What happened?"

Flute girl stood over him angrily and he looked up her. "Did you like my song?"

Flute girl glared harder. "Bucky-"

"Just say yes." Ninja whispered to her.

"Uh, yes?"

Bucky smiled and sighed happily as the crowd cheered.

"Have a merry winter break," Ninja started as he and his partner pulled out their smoke bombs. "and a happy new smoke bomb!"

Kunoichi was able to stop herself from leaving when she saw nothing happen with Ninja.

Ninja looks confused and tries again. "Uh Smoke bomb!"

Nothing happens.

There was an awkward silence as Kunoichi sent Ninja a look that said, 'The juice was that?'.

Ninja shrugged helplessly at her.

She rolled her eyes and grumbled under her breath before wrapping an arm around him, making his eyes go wide and face heat up, and threw down her own smoke bomb, disappearing from the hall.

Stevens played his trombone sadly causing everyone to laugh.

Just around the corner, the two partners took off their masks.

"Do you mind telling me what that was about?" Riley asked with a hand on her hip.

"Yeah cause no offense," Howard said coming up behind the two. "but that was the most shoob-tacular Ninja exit ever."

"I think I'm out of smoke bombs." Randy replied as he smacked his forehead. "How could I be out of smoke bombs?!"

He thinks back to all the times he used a smoke bomb as a toy, for pranks, or a prop.

"Wow." Randy said in realization. "You know, I waste a lot of smoke bombs."

"Do I even wanna know?" Riley asked looking like she already knew what happened.

Randy laughed sheepishly in response.

The three then started walking down the hall way. 

"So go to the NinjaNomistore and order more." Howard said.

"Can I even do that?" Randy asked.

"Why are you asking me?" 

The two boys then looked at Riley.

She looked back at them flatly. "Dude, I'm on the same level as you in training. How on earth would I know? Ask the Nomicon or something."

"Oh right." Randy then walked in a bathroom, presumably to ask his Nomicon. 

Howard looked at Riley. "I'm gonna wait by the front entrance, later."


                                                                         ~~With Randy~~

 Sitting down on the toilet of an empty stall, Randy opened his Nomicon.


~Inside the Ninja Nomicon~

Randy had to squint his eyes shut form the wind in his face as fell through the sky.

Landing on a cloud, Randy looked around until a scroll landed on his head.

Rubbing the spot where the scroll landed, He opened the scroll and read, 

                -The Ninja smoke bomb is a tool of strategy, not a toy for show.-

"Come on!" Randy argued. "Smoke bombs not for show? Have you seen how Bruce I look? I'm all, Smoke bomb! Then I'm like, Kaboosh!"

The cloud under him disappears.

Randy yells as he falls and grunts when he face plants on the ground. 

"Ow." He lifts his head up. "OK, smoke bombs are for strategy. Just tell me how to restock."

Randy then sees a Ninja in the distance on hill, holding what looked like a pinecone.

The Ninja placed the pinecone into the ground, hits it with some waves from his hands, and a giant red tree grew from the seed.

Brandishing a sword, the Ninja cut the tree, letting a stream of red sap flow from the tree.

Words then appeared on the tree.

         -Only from the sacred sap of the skunk pine can a Ninja craft bombs of smoke.-

"Ah-ha, a quest!" Randy jumped to his feet in excitement. "There is no better way to kick off winter break. Winter break!"

The Ninja the smoke bombs him out of the book.

~Back Outside~

Riley jumps when the bathroom door burst open from an excited Randy.

"Guess what we're doing- Hey where's Howard?" Randy asked looking for his best friend.

"Went to wait by the entrance. Whats got you so pumped?" Riley asked, putting her hands into her hoodie pockets.

"Lets meet up with Howard and I'll tell you both."

She nodded and they both went up to entrance as it began to snow. Howard was standing outside staring into the distance.

"Little change of plans for tonight." Randy started. "Before we get our movie marathon on, we've got to take a quick trip to the forest. See, there's this tree-"

"But-" Howard tried to interrupt but failed.

"I know, you hate nature, but the sap is the only way to make smoke bombs."

"Wait, our smoke bombs come from tree sap?" Riley asked interested in the topic.

"Apparently." Randy replied before seeing Howard's grumpy face. "Don't worry, We have 12 more days of winter break. Winter brea-"

"I said I can't hang out tonight." Howard cuts him off and looked to side uncomfortable. "I have a......previous engagement?

Randy just laughed." 'Previous engagement'. That's hilarious!"

Howard stayed silent. Randy stops laughing.

"Wait, are you serious?" Randy asked shocked. "Whatcha-Whatca up to?"

Riley looked at the two concerned.

"Nothing! It's just, uh, a family thing?" Howard explained awkwardly.  

"Oh, OK, yeah." Randy said just as awkwardly. "Uh, I guess I'll-um-I'll see you tomorrow."

"Uh, yes!...Tomorrow." Howard then walks away looking bummed.

Randy watches him sadly and called out. "Call me!"

Howard just waved back.

Randy watches him sadly until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking at the owner of the hand, he sees comforting brown eyes that held up a blue and back mask.

"Quest?" Riley asked.

Randy smiled at her in thanks and pulled out his own mask. "Quest."

                                                                        ~~Time Skip~~

~Riley's P.O.V~

Ninja and I were now jumping through the trees of the forest at the dead of night looking for the Skunk pine.

Landing on a high branch, I had to cover my nose from a putrid smell.

"Uhhh! I think Mother Nature just ripped one." Ninja says waving a hand in front of his face from his position on a lower branch.

"We must be getting close then." I pointed out.

The sound of birds caught our attention and we watch them fly close to a large pine tree with two large red stripes running down the middle.

We see the birds somehow freeze midflight and then drop.

I looked down at Ninja who looked up at me.

Found it.

"Hello, skunk pie." Ninja said as we jumped down and stood next to the tree only to cover faces cause sweet cheese does it stink!

"Oh, it's awful!" Ninja cried as red smoke came out of the trunk of the tree. "But sacred, sacredly awful."

"-Cough- Well since you got things handled-cough- here, I'm gonna get as far away from here as possible." I start walking away.

"Wait-cough- where are you going?" Ninja asked.

"I'm gonna see if my smoke bomb tree is nearby. Don't worry I'll be quick." I didn't here his response as I walked deeper in the woods.

It surprisingly didn't take long as the strong smell of blueberries filled my nose. Turing a corner, I gasp in awe at the sight of a giant oak tree with splashes of blue on it.

On closer expectation, I see instead on acorns hanging in the tree, the seeds looked like blueberries only a little bigger.

"Wow.." I whispered and placed a hand on the trunk. "I bet the view up there is amazing."

Without a second thought, I started scaling the tree until I was standing on the top.

"Now that's a view..." I say to no one as I took it all in. Gazing at the landscape, I suddenly had to squint in order to make sure I wasn't going crazy at what I was seeing.

"Are those...?"


Whipping my head around, I gape in shock when I see my partner hanging on to dear life on to a hook that was connected to McFist airship that was carrying the Skunk pine!

Just as the ship was over my head, I threw my own hook at the ship and was now flying though the air with Ninja.

"Seriously! I leave you alone for not even 5 minutes!" I yell over the wind.

"Its not like I knew this would happen!" Ninja yelled back.

I roll my eyes. "Did you at least get the sap?!"

"No! McFist grabbed the tree before I could!"

I groaned loudly just as the airship started slowing down as we arrived at McFist Industries.

We both let go of our lines and landed on the glass roof. We watched as the ship remove the Skunk pine and then place it inside the building.

Looking down through the glass, we watch as the tree get decorated into a Christmas tree for what looked like an office Christmas party.

"McFist killed a 800-year-old sacred Ninja tree for his holiday party?" Ninja said sounding shocked. "I did not see that coming."

'Really?' I thought to myself flatly as I followed after him towards a vent.

"No way McFist is dumb enough to leave these things-" Ninja's hand barley touches the vent and it falls over. "Unlocked!" Ninja shakes his head in disappointment. "Oh, McFist, you need to Ninja-proof your house."

 "Well it is McFist, he has an ego the size of his mustache!" I joked getting a snort out of Ninja as we crawled through the vent.

"So, how are we gonna get to the tree with out being seen?" Ninja asked.

"I think some disguises would be the best appro-AHHHHHH!" I yelled as I fell through a vent and landing with a thump.

Groaning, I rubbed my head and I see I landed on a bed in some kind of guest room.

"Psst! Kuno! You okay?" I look up and see Ninja poking his head out of the vent.

I sat up. "Yeah I'm fine. You go on ahead, I'll meet up with you at the party."

"Are you sure?" He asked looking a little hesitant.

"I'll be okay. Just go." I said giving him a reassuring look.

He nods and disappears into the vent.

Sighing, I got off the bed and started looking around for a disguise when I spot a garment bag lying on a dresser.

Going over to it, I gave a silent apologies to the owner in my head as I carefully unzip it and peer inside it.

".....Oh you'll do nicely."

~Third Person P.O.V~

Ninja crashes through a vent and onto a robo-ape. Eyes wide at the number of people, who thankfully didn't notice him, he quickly dragged the headless robot away and took its suit.

Now dressed in a dark blue suit and a red Santa hat, Randy looked around to try and spot his crush.

"Where are you Riley?" Randy muttered to himself quietly.

"I'm right here." An amused voice said from behind him.

Turning around to face her, Randy froze as he felt his face heat up to a new degree when he sees Riley's new outfit.

 "Uh, Randy are you okay?" Riley asked feeling a little self conscious by the sudden staring.

Randy snaps outs and started slightly babbling slightly. "Wow- I-mean you- pret-"

Riley took this slightly differently. "I get it, I must look weir-"


Riley freezes at that and looks at Randy, surprised by his comment as she felt herself blush.

Randy was silently freaking out on the inside from his sudden blurt out and felt like hiding under a rock for the rest of his life.

"Oh, uh, thank you."

Randy is now looking at her surprised as he sees her looking shy and fiddling with her hair.

Feeling a sudden boost of confidence, he said "Well I don't really lie, you know"

That made the girl blush a little deeper.

                                                            ~Awkward silence~

"So the tree...."


The two then joined the crowd and tried to weave through it to get closer to the tree.

"Oh, this is such a super party, Hannibal."

The heroes froze at the familiar voice and snap their heads to the side and see McFist and his wife walking in their direction.

Randy quickly hides behind some fruit next to the buffet table and Riley hides behind the table.

"I've been mingling so much my smile muscles are starting to cramp." Marci says to her husband.

McFist hums, happy that his wife is happy.

 "Although I still think we should've gotten a DJ." She says as they pass a robo-ape that was conducting a song with some machines.

McFist's eye twitched slightly. "Do you know how hard it was to book Doc Matrix and the Inkjet quartet?"

Seeing their enemy leave, the two teenagers sighed in relief until Randy was pushed to the side.

"Shrimp off or move on!" said then one and only Howard.

"Howard?!" Randy and Riley said in shock as they revealed themselves making Howard jump and drop his shrimp. "What the juice are you doing here?"

"Oh, Cunningham! Davis!"Howard said fidgeting a little under Randy's betrayed look and Riley's confused/angry one. "Hey! Great to...see you at this party...which I am also attending."

"You said you had a family thing." Randy glared at his friend.

"It is a family thing!" Howard said in defense. "Sigh, My dad's company was bought out by McFist's company." He grimaced at his next sentence. "We're a McFist family now. Yay..."

Riley winced a bit. "Ohh tough break..."

"Gasp, What?!" Randy gasped in disbelief. "Your dad works for our arch-nemesis? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you'd be all 'Gasp, What?!'." Riley snickered at the perfect imitation. "Look, it's really not such a big deal."

Randy isn't convinced. "Being lied to by your best friend? That's the biggest deal."

Before the argument could continue, McFist's voice rang through the speakers.

"Attention, everyone! Our security system has detected some intruders."

The crowd gasp and Randy quickly joins Riley in crouching behind the table.

Howard nudges Randy. "I bet it's that guy."

Howard points at a guy wearing a brown cowboy hat, ripped shorts, and a t-shirt that had a suit image on it.

The guy starts stuffing his pockets with sushi and Riley recognized him as the school's bus driver.

"No, you shoob, he means us!" Randy said as he ducked down.

"Please display your McFist bands for the robo-elves, so we can find the uninvited guests and ELIMINATE them!"


"Eh, nicely."

Riley got Randy's attention and pointed behind them.

They see some robo-elves near by with some guest. "Show me your McFist band or be destroyed. Merry Christmas!" The robot grabbed a guest arm and started scanning the band.

Eyes widening on panic, the two glanced at there band free wrists.

"I'll give you mine." Howard said pointing as his band. "That'll totally make up for me lying to you."

"It totally won't." Randy said flatly and then looks at Riley. "We gotta get to that tree."

Riley nodded and followed him.

The two heroes began making their way towards the while dodging elves by hiding behind guest and decorations.

The two were now hiding behind an ice statue and see that the way is blocked. 

"Ah, I'm totally shoobed." Randy said to himself.

The Nomicon's lesson suddenly popped into his mind.

                       -The Ninja smoke bomb is a tool of strategy, not a toy for show.-

"Show? Strategy?"Randy said to himself making Riley look at him confused. "What if, sometimes, the show is the strategy?"

"What on earth are you talking about?" Riley asked horrible confused.

"Riley," Rand faced her with sneaky smirk. "Wanna make McFist mad while getting the sap at the same time?"

Not getting his plan, Riley smirked back anyway. "Do you even need to ask?"

                                                                       ~~Time Skip~~

Ninja and Kunoichi, who was now wearing a green Santa hat, suddenly came out of chimney prop.

"Merry Christmas, everybody!" The two greeted the crowed.

Everyone started getting excited at the sudden appearance of their town heroes.

"Whoa. They just came out of that chimney!" Bash said while sitting in someone's lap dressed as Santa clause. "The Ninja and Kunoichi is Santa Claus?" He looks accusingly at the fake Santa. "You're a fake!" 

"My, what a glorious tree." Ninja said as he and his partner walked up to it.

"Very-cough- majestic." Kunoichi coughed trying to resist covering her nose.

"Yes. She's a real beaut." McFist said coming up to the two and putting a hand on each shoulder. "So, what are you doing here, Ninja, Kunoichi?" 

"Oh, We just stopped by to see Norrisville's most beloved gazillionaire." Kunoichi replied while pinching McFist's cheek mockingly.  

"But, while we're here," Ninja pulls out his sword making McFist flinch. "Ninja sap tap!" He taps the tree and collects the sap in a small pouch. 

"Not sure why you're doing that," McFist said with a plastered smile. "But I am not going to let it happen.

"Really?" Kunoichi ask in mock surprise. "In front of all these people." She gestures to the happy crowd.

"Gah!" McFist trembled in anger knowing he cant touch them.

"Merry Christmas, McFist. And to all a good Ninja!" Ninja said to everyone as he and Kunoichi exited the room through a door.

When the door closed, Ninja leaned against the door in relief. "I can't believe that worked."

"Uh Ninja?" Kunoichi deadpanned and staring at something behind him.

Ninja turns around and copies his partners facial expression. "Oh boy."

Cause behind them was a group of robo-reindeer with robo-elves ridding them and a robo-snowman standing in the middle.

"Almost worked." Ninja corrected himself. "It almost worked." He then talks to the robots. "In the spirit of the holidays, any chance we can just skip this fight?"

The robo-snowman took off it's hat seeming to consider the idea until it threw it's hat at them making them duck and lose their hats. 

"So that's a no." 

"Get them." Robo-snowman growled.

The pack of robots charged at them but Ninja and Kunoichi quickly jumped and used the reindeer as stepping stones.

During each jump Ninja would say. "On Dasher, on Donner, on Dancer, on Blitzen."

Rolling her eyes again, Kunoichi quickly ducked behind her partner after they land on a sleigh and he began slashing the snowballs being fired at them by the robo-snowman.

 The robo-snowman quickly runs out of snowballs and Kunoichi peeks around her partner to see what will happen next.

That was a mistake as the robo-snowman took out a metal snow shovel and bashes the two back into the party room making the guest gasp in shock.

Opening his in a daze, Ninja noticed the pouch holding the tree sap was out of his suit and on the ground in front of his face.

Or it was until the robo-snowman ran it over.

"My sap!"

"Destroy the Ninja and Kunoichi." Robo-snowman said menacingly with glowing red eyes.

"Destroy the Ninja and Kunoichi!" McFist repeated in excitement. "Yes!"

Everyone gasps and stares at him.

Catching himself, McFist said. "I mean, no! Wow! Oh, the robots, they have gone crazy! Ahhh!Everyone, please exit the room in an orderly fashion."

Everyone immediately started panicking. 

Robo-snowman attempts to grab the heroes but they jump out of the way.

The snowman goes after Ninja and Kunoichi tries to help him but was stopped when a robo-reindeer started charging at her.

She was able to dodge the robot in time but made the mistake of staying behind it and got bucked to the side as gets Ninja knocked away by a mini robo-snowman.

Ninja slid harshly along the buffet with Kunoichi getting knocked into it.

"I got my wristband off!" Howard said holding up said wristband. 

"A little late, buddy." Ninja said as he and Kunoichi pulled themselves up. "If only I had a smoke bomb."

"Didn't you find your smoke bomb tree?" Howard asked. 

"Howard, that is the smoke bomb tree." Ninja said pointing at the decorated tree.

Kunoichi's eye's widen at a sudden idea. "Ninja! That's it, the tree!"

Ninja catches onto what she's saying and narrows his eyes.

"Got it." Ninja jumps over to a giant snow globe decoration. 

"If you let them escape Christmas is cancelled!" McFist threatened making the snowman panic.

Ninja started running on top of the snow globe making it roll. Leading it towards the tree, rolling over the robot elves, snowman, and reindeer, grabbed a large candy cane and used it to zipline on some Christmas lights.

"I've been waiting all night to say this." Ninja used his new power, Ninja Rage, and formed a ball of fire that he threw at the tree. 

"Smoke bomb!"

~Riley's P.O.V~

I stood next to Randy in our party cloths outside as we watched the last of the red smoke leave the sky.

"The smoke bomb tree. It's gone." Randy said sadly making me put a hand on his shoulder for comfort. 

 Howard walks over to us. "Listen, I'm sorry I lied to you. But what if I got you a present that made everything all better?"

"There's no thing you could get me that would possibly make up for-" 

Howard pulls out a smelly seed that obviously came from the Skunk pine.

"-Except that."

"Nice job Weinerman." I said giving him a thumbs up.

                                                                               ~~Time Skip~~

After a quick change into our winter cloths, we went and found a nice place to plant the Skunk pine seed.

It also conveniently near my tree.

I stood next to Howard as we watched Ninja dig a hole, place the seed in it, and then cover it back up.

"Now I hit it with some art of heal." Red beams shot out his hands at the spot and a small tree instantly grew o the spot.

Randy takes off his mask. "Couple days I be dripping in smoke bombs." He looks at his friend. "Thanks, Howard." 

"Merry Christmas, Cunningham." 

"I did not think this is how we'd be kicking off winter break."  

"Winter break!" Howard cheered.

"Winter break!" Randy cheered. 

I just laughed at the scene, enjoying the atmosphere while glancing at the small smoke bomb tree when a thought struck.

"Crud!" I slapped my forehead before turning the boys. "Hey guys, I need you two to check something with me."

The two looked at each other confused. "Why?"

Groaning annoyed, I grabbed their arms and started dragging them. "Just c'mon."

"Wha- Wait Riley!? Where are you taking us?" Randy asked surprised.

"Yeah, Come on Davis what's the deal?!" Howard also asked.

I didn't speak to them until we were at the destination.

My smoke bomb tree. 

I heard Randy gasp. "Riley, is this...."

"Yeah its my smoke bomb tree." I answered as I stared upwards.

"Okay, so we're here at your tree. Now what?" Howard asked annoyed.

"Let me ask you guys something." I said instead of answering. "How many Ninja/ Kunoichi are there."


"Yeah its always been 2 at a time."

I turn to look at them completely serious. "If that's the case, then how many smoke bomb trees are there at a time."

"2." Randy answered.

"2. Seriously Davis, whats up?" Howard asked grumpily.

Wordlessly, I took out my mask and put it on.

"Follow me."

I then quickly climbed up the blueberry scented tree with out another word.

I waited for them at the top just watching this image in the distance.

"Gasp- Seriously Davis, Spill -gasp." I hear Howard pant out when they reach the top as well.

"Why are you panting? I carried you up here!" I heard Randy ask.

"The idea of climbing made me tired."


"Guys." I interrupted them by pointing out to the distance.

"Riley what are pointing- WHAT THE JUICE!"

"No. way."'

And that was the confirmation I needed to know I wasn't going crazy.

That we were all seeing the exact same thing.

A good mile from us and spread out amongst themselves were 7 columns of colorful smoke.







And White.

That no doubt belonged to other smoke bomb trees.

"But-but-but-but- That's not right! We are the only Ninja and Kunoichi around! There's only been 2! Why are there other smoke bomb trees!?" I hear Randy ramble in confusion.

I just stared at the clouds of smoke as I replied.

"I don't know."

HOLD IT! Before any of you get excited, you should know that the idea for making my own version of RC9GN season 3 is still a giant MAYBE!


Spell it! M-A-Y-B-E!

And I say maybe because any fellow fanfiction writer can tell you that writing ORIGINAL MATERIAL can be difficult.

Especially when I don't have much to work with.

And its not about not having a story idea, I already have one and even one for after that.

Its just this would take SO much more time.

So please don't get your hopes all the way up nor bring them down.

Cause Maybe doesn't always mean no.

Hope you guys liked the chapter.

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