A Message

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This goes out to anyone who may still be waiting for me to make an official comeback on this account.

For reasons, my parents almost never allowed me on my electronics throughout the summer. It drove me completely insane not being able to listen to music, or access my books, or anything, really. Most of the time, I'll admit that I tried to sneak my way onto them, and succeeded a few times before I got caught.

And then I realized...this is addiction.

I remembered all the articles we'd read as a class about how electronics are becoming an obsession, and how this generation is being sucked into them. I remembered how I laughed at the idea. I never even made the connection before that moment, and now I'm infinitely glad that I did, because I was becoming dependent on my electronics.

So for the second half of the summer, I stayed away from them entirely. Didn't sneak onto them, forced myself to go places, to go shopping, to talk to people. The change was incredible. I started coming into myself, accepting change the way it was supposed to be. To give you an idea of how drastic this was, I bought a dress. And wore it. Happily.

I probably sound so mature and boring right now, but the truth is that it was an actual mental switch. I realized that electronics, to some extent, were holding me back. I realized that Wattpad was holding me back, because I'd created my image here to reflect who I was years ago when I first started, and felt obligated to stay the same.

I didn't allow myself any room for growth, suppressed most new ideas and conformed to the expectations of the people around me because that's what felt comfortable and familiar. It took me three years to realize that I was suffocating myself without even noticing. I was forcing myself to write books about topics I'd lost interest in, just because other people liked them.

Now summer is over, and I have my iPad back full-time, but I no longer feel the need to be on it every second of the day. I've started to prioritize real life over the digital world I made, and it's started to show in my day to day life. I'm more confident, happier, and I'm comfortable trying out new styles and going to places with people. I've evolved, both emotionally and psychologically. I've also learned to accept the parts of myself that other people might not like.

So, thank you for listening to my long and overly mature explanation. I can't say for certain whether or not I'll continue writing the books I've started or if I'll ditch them, but I can tell you right now that updates and conversations will be few and far between for now. I won't leave Wattpad for good, and will probably answer messages and comments, but as far as writing goes, I'm focusing my energy into a book that I'm already halfway finished with, and plan to publish in real life as a series.

Ranger out.

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