Thanksgiving Post

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And, to celebrate this event, as well as Thanksgiving (which, where I live, is coming up fast), I will share with you an assignment I did for Spanish class, involving a handful of my characters and one of Profoundspore8's.

    Red stood in the corner, leaning against the wall, arms crossed. "This is a bad idea for about thirty reasons." She muttered for the fourth time within the hour. Ranger just rolled her eyes as she rushed around, attempting to prepare all the decorations for Thanksgiving Day.

    The trio had decided to invite their families over for dinner, for the sake of tradition. Due to badly timed work assignments, the only relatives from Red's family that could attend was her younger sister, Amber. Ranger had a slightly larger gathering, with her father, mother, and brother attending.

    After a few long minutes of watching Ranger losing her mind over trying to get everything right, Red gave up on observing and walked out the door. "You still don't have the turkey, by the way," she called over her shoulder, finding a small bit of satisfaction in the frustrated groan and crashing that followed.

    Taking pity on the overwhelmed Ender Hybrid, Red decided it was about time to hunt. Maybe she'd get a turkey in time to save the gathering from disaster.

    Her boots crunched on the dappled leaves that covered the ground, and still fell from the trees in droves. Winter was fast approaching, but autumn was holding on with a death grip.

    Red was just about to set off into the woods when she saw the arrival of Pro, another of Ranger's oddly named companions. The girl was strange, but there was something endearing about her obsession with scissors.

    Pro's parents were behind her, who were made to carry two full boxes worth of scissors. "Give me the sharp black scissors," Pro asked. Her mother gave the scissors to Pro and she ran off to find Red.

    She finally came across her trying to hunt turkey for the Thanksgiving meal. "Hi Red!" Pro screamed.

    "Shush Pro, you just scared the turkeys away!" Red whispered harshly, turning to glare at her, only to find that Pro already held a dead turkey.

    "Did you just kill a turkey?" Red asked.

    "Why yes I did, I stabbed it." Pro replied.

    "With what?" Red questioned.

    "Scissors." Pro said cheerfully. "I'll take it back."

    Pro walked back to the house with the turkey in hand and the scissors on her belt. "Hi Pro," Ranger said, still occupied by the numerous tasks still left to finish.

    "Hey Ranger," Pro replied. Pro showed the huge turkey she had just stabbed minutes earlier to Ranger.

    "Did Red kill that turkey?" Ranger asked.

    "No. I did. I found her in a tree stand in the woods. Just stabbed the turkey with scissors," Pro replied. Ranger wasn't surprised about how Pro killed the turkey, but was surprised about how big the thing was in the first place.

   "Thanks. If we're going to get it cooked in time, I'm going to have to start plucking it and cleaning it now." Ranger murmured, taking the turkey from Pro, rushing back into the kitchen. "Can you go try to convince Red to help out with the mashed potatoes?"

    "Since when do you have any knowledge about cooking?" Pro asked, confused.

    "Just find Red and get her to help make the mashed potatoes, for goodness sake." Ranger replied, gesturing to the outside, where Red had leaned her bow against the side of the cabin.

    Meanwhile, Amber was stuffing leaves and a handful of decorative vegetables into the cornucopia on the center table. "Why are there no songs for Thanksgiving?" She asked randomly.

    "I have no idea," Ranger replied, distracted.

    Pro went out, only to find Red back in the tree stand. "Red, we got a turkey. You can get down now. Also Ranger wants you to help with the mashed potatoes," Pro said.

    Red just raised an eyebrow. "I will do no such thing. It's rather amusing to watch her frantically trying to prepare everything."

    "But she would appreciate some help," Pro replied. "Or you could just watch."

    "GUYS!" Ranger's voice drifted through the forest from where she stood on the porch of the cabin. "I NEED SOMEONE TO GO SHOPPING AND BUY PUMPKIN PIE!"

    Red turned her questioning gaze on Pro. "Aren't you supposed to make the pies, not buy them?"

    "I don't think she cares at this point," Pro replied, somewhat thankful that Ranger was trying so hard to get the dinner perfect.

    "I ALSO NEED STUFFING!" Ranger added, and Red sighed before jumping down from the tree stand in one smooth motion.

    "I suppose I'll be the one that has to go get everything," she said, more to herself than to Pro. "So we need pumpkin pie and stuffing. I will be back within an hour, and if I'm not, come looking for me."

~ A Few Hours Later ~

    "What in the world happened to this turkey?" Amber asked, poking at it with her fork.

    "I got it while I was hunting with Red," Pro replied, piling a heap of mashed potatoes and vegetables onto her plate. "It was a little messier than I'd initially hoped."

    "Focus please, people," Ranger tried to interrupt. "We need to eat normally for once."

    Amber scoffed, ignoring Ranger's statement completely. "Usually, hunting does not consist of stabbing things with scissors."

    Pro looked up briefly, then flicked a pea at her face. It hit Amber in the eye, and Red turned her head to pin Pro with an intense stare. "Watch it." Red said quietly, but not weakly by any means. In response, Pro flicked another pea, and this one hit Amber's forehead.

    What Pro did not realize, however, was that Red was intensely overprotective of Amber. Red stood up so fast that her chair rocked back, nearly crashing to the ground. "I said watch it." Red growled, and Ranger casually scooted her chair back a little.

    Another pea - and this time it whacked Red's face. Pro giggled, clearly not taking Red seriously. Ranger, on the other hand, knew that it was not wise to irritate Red, and tried to tell Pro to quit flicking vegetables at people.

    The gesture came far too late. Red grabbed a loaf of bread, drew back her arm, and chucked it at Pro's face with all her strength. Pro yelped at the impact, swiping crumbs of bread from her face, staring at Red in shock. After a few moments, Pro's irrational nature took over entirely, and she grappled for something to throw back at Red.

    Within moments, more food was flying, and Ranger tried to calm them both down. "Guys, this is not how I want to spend my Thanksgiving din-"

    She was cut off by a glob of mashed potatoes splattering her hair. Amber burst out laughing, and Ranger realized in surprise that she'd been the one to throw it. After a few seconds, Ranger's internal child emerged, and she swiped the mashed potatoes from her hair as best she could before flinging them at Pro.

    "PRO IS A TURKEY!" Ranger yelled, for no apparent reason, and Pro paused, then whirled to face her.

   "GOBBLE GOBBLE!" Pro shouted back, and chucked the entire turkey at Ranger.

    It hit her square in the face, knocking the Ender Hybrid backwards.

    Upon seeing this, Red decided that it would be best to end the food fight before anyone was seriously injured. She grabbed a cleaver, which was conveniently placed next to where the turkey had been, and slammed it down on the table with all her strength, creating a loud thud that shook the entire table.

    Everyone froze, staring at Red, and Ranger whispered "Who decided it was a good idea to let Red have a cleaver?"

    A handful of stuffing flew into the air and hit the ceiling. Dead silence, then Pro muffled "Sorry."

    Amber glanced at her older sister, then said "Aren't you the one who started the food fight in the first place?"

    More awkward silence, then Red slowly ducked down behind a chair. "Yes."

     The trio's families decided to leave, now knowing to never have Thanksgiving dinner hosted by their children ever again.

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