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{At approximately 9:15...}

I'm currently on my way to an amusement park. Staring blankly out the bus window and not really paying attention to anything is how I plan to pass the time.

You know you're a science nerd when you look at a river and can immediately estimate how long it's been there based on its width and pattern.

You know you're a science geek when you unconsciously make those kinds of connections even when you aren't trying to.

So we passed a town. They put a bar a little ways down the road from a miniature hospital. Wise people. Very wise people.

Whenever I'm in a valley I start imagining a huge flash flood coming through and then I get paranoid and have to distract myself by either singing or zoning out completely.

I honestly would prefer going somewhere involving nature rather than going to an amusement park. I'm not a huge fan of roller coasters (heights and high speeds are not my forte).

I love mountains. You can look out the window of your vehicle and look out over miles of open space. You can see fields and forests and towns and everything is so clear.

I give up on staring out the window I need to read something now before I go crazy


Never mind it was just a place where somebody decided to drive into a field. Because that's perfectly logical.

Why did I forget to bring a book. I need a book. Or several books in case I finish one. I also need music. THE ONE TIME WHEN A WIRELESS RADIO WOULD HAVE ACTUALLY HELPED THE SITUATION.

I don't really get mad when driving. Considering I don't actually drive yet and just sit in the backseats, I guess I haven't experienced the full measure of stress.

And this has been me rambling about the random things that cross my mind during a road trip.

{On the return trip...}

I GOT AN INFLATABLE MACE OR FLAIL OR WHATEVER IT'S CALLED (a spiked ball attached to a stick by a chain)

AND A COMB THAT LOOKS LIKE A SWITCHBLADE (which I probably won't use since I never comb my hair but it looked like a knife so I got it anyway)



I vaguely remember mentioning earlier that I would prefer not to go to an amusement park. I think I have a tie. Reminder to self: Sometimes, being social and actually going out into human civilization isn't a bad thing.

There was this really high ride with a fifty foot straight-up ascent then a straight-down drop, and we just sat there eating frozen vanilla dots and watching the riders scream. Once, when they passed near us, I saluted and called "I SALUTE YOU, BRAVE HUMAN BEINGS!"

It was a fun day.

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