Please Listen To This

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A few people I know are going through tough times, and I felt like I needed to do more than just assure them that everything will be fine. Naturally, for me, that meant writing something they could trust in. This post is specific mostly to girls, but certain parts can apply to boys as well. To all the people out there who feel the same way:

You're not alone. No matter what, you are not alone. When you think that the world hates you, know that there is someone out there who thinks otherwise. There are people out there dealing with the same emotional and physical stress you are. When you think that the world is ignoring you, know that even if they might not show it, more people pay attention to you than you may think. When you get to the point that you feel like crying, don't ever feel as if there is shame in doing it. When you get to the point that you're going to break, talk to someone about your problems. Talk to anyone who will listen, anyone who will listen and care. If you get to the point that you think there's something wrong with you, know that you are perfect just the way you are. If you have ADHD or ADD, don't let people force you into thinking that it's a bad thing. If you have OCD, don't let people make you believe that it's something that needs desperately to be fixed. If you have a quirk that people tend to hate, don't let them force you to think that it's your fault. For goodness sake, you're a human being, and so are they. Your opinion matters just as much as their does, perhaps maybe more. They aren't some kind of higher life form, and if they act like they are, then they're selfish and arrogant and cruel. If people say you're not skinny enough, never let their words influence how you think. If people say you're fat, then they're insensitive jerks. If you are the way you are because you want to be that way, not because people make you feel that way, then they have no right to try to change it. They have no right to try to change you. If people say you talk too much, know that you were given a voice for a reason - to be heard. If they say that you're too quiet, know that you were given a mouth for a reason - to be able to choose whether or not you want to be heard. If they don't like the fact that you aren't a spitting image of the picture society paints of how you should act and look and live, then they need to wake up and start realizing that nobody is perfect, not even themselves.

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