Short Story

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So we just got out of school a few days ago (SUMMER YAY) which means that I'll probably have more time to update other books.

I also made up a short story because I started thinking of school again.

Amber sat down at the lunch table next to her best friend, Sara, as she always did. They had unofficially claimed the end closest to the exit so that when the bell rang, they would be able to escape the stampede of other students with ease.

"Hey!" An annoyingly high-pitched voice said, and Amber mentally groaned. She and Sara exchanged a quick glance, but there was nowhere to hide.

Another girl sat down at their table across from Amber. Her hair had been dyed an unnatural shade of brown. This girl, though, had become the bane of their middle school existance - and with good reason.

"I heard that you were having a party for your birthday. I'm invited, right? When is it?" The girl asked, watching Sara with a smile that looked unbelievably faked.

Sara shook her head. "My mom said that I can only invite five people, and I already have them picked out. There's not enough for you to be there too."

The girl stared at Sara with a thinly veiled disgust and annoyance on her face. "You know, if you would actually include me in things, maybe that would make me like you a bit more."

"You're certainly doing a lot to earn her favor," Amber muttered.

The girl looked over at Amber. "Why don't you shut up?" She said, a bright smile on her face.

Amber's face remained perfectly calm. It was an expression she had perfected through countless meetings with this girl, and it was usually the only thing that kept her from throwing a water bottle at her face.

"I will, but only if you do the same." Amber replied.

"How about no? Neither of you ever include me in anything. So why should I do as you ask? You're both being ignorant."

"You keep using that word..." Sara began, quoting a movie called The Princess Bride.

"I do not think it means what you think it means." Amber finished for her. It was often said that the two shared a brain, and they were beginning to wonder if it was scientifically true.

"Both of you need to stop acting like this." The girl said, her face so serious it was almost funny. "Excluding me is a form of bullying, in case you didn't know. I'm going to guidance about this."

Amber honestly thought that something had to be wrong with her. Perhaps she didn't get enough attention at her home, or maybe she had some reason to be acting the way she was, but after two years of dealing with it, she didn't care.

"Well, if you act like you're so high and mighty and far above everyone else, why should we include you?" Sara questioned.

"I do not act high and mighty!" The girl shrilled. "You're the one who acts like a snobbish little princess all the time, turning your nose up at anything that doesn't meet your perfect standards!"

Amber's eyes darkened, but she kept her face calm, as she always did, swallowing her anger at the fact that her friend had just been insulted, ignoring the girl as best she could and trying to focus on watching someone up at the lunch line.

"And you," The girl said, turning her attention on Amber. "You always defend Sara, even if you know my opinion is right! You never see anybody else's side of the argument because you're shallow and selfish!"

"I always defend Sara because your opinion is invalid." Amber replied, tuning her out and only half listening.

"That's it. I'm going to guidance about both of you, and getting my parents involved in this." The girl said, picking up her lunch box, standing up, and storming off in a huff.

Amber's calm facade broke the second the girl left and she let her head drop onto the table with a rather painful thud.

"Don't worry. She always threatens to go to guidance, but she never does." Sara said, trying to console her.

"She drives me crazy," Amber mumbled. "It's like she's made it her job to make our lives miserable."

"Yep. And tomorrow she'll walk in like she did nothing wrong and expect us to be nice to her. Like that would ever happen. She'll complain, make up false accusations, and the same argument will happen over and over again."

Middle school was hard enough without the girl constantly causing drama. Nobody seemed to notice or care. The teachers knew, but they insisted on having them work it out by themselves - and if that wouldn't work, then they would just have to learn to coexist.

As usual, Amber put her calm and collected mask back up, trying to get through one day at a time. The girl seemed like such an insignificant problem in relation to the grand scheme of things, but it was slowly driving her insane. This was reality, and Amber just had to live with it.

Only a few more days, then she wouldn't have to deal with all this for at least three months.

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