Short Story (Part 2)

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Someone asked me to continue the short story, so I decided to add a second part.

The next day, Amber was in her first period: French class. Sara attended Spanish instead - which Amber had taken last semester and gotten a perfect 100% on her final exam - so she wouldn't see her best friend for another hour and a half. And to top it all off-

"Hello, Amber!"

The girl, whose name Amber still couldn't remember, sat down at the desk next to hers. Ignoring the girl, she looked up at the board, scanning the assignment they had been given for that day. Reasonably simple.

"I went to the bakery. I have an extra muffin. Want it?" The girl asked, holding it out.

Amber stared at it. "It's poisoned, isn't it?"

"No! Of course it's not poisoned, idiot. Why would I poison you?" The girl replied, still holding out the muffin expectantly.

"I'm not hungry." Amber said, pulling out her notebook and opening it to a random blank page. The girl, though, waved dismissively and dropped the muffin onto Amber's desk.

Amber was so, so very tempted to whack the muffin and send it onto the floor, but knew it would start more drama than she could deal with. Instead, she picked up the muffin and slowly, deliberately, placed it back on the girl's desk.

The girl looked at her distastefully. "You shouldn't be so ungrateful."

"You're one to talk." Amber said, only half listening, writing down their vocabulary for the day.

A few minutes passed of absolute silence. Amber had begun to think that maybe, just this once it would be a relatively stress-free class. Then-

"Hey, can I use your notebook? I forgot to copy yesterday's work down." The girl said suddenly, already reaching for the book.

Amber shifted her notebook to the other side of her desk, out of reach. "If you were too distracted to get your own work done, then you should take the time to go through and figure it out for yourself."

The girl stared at her, then turned away and asked someone else for their notebook. Of course, she got it, and began copying down the work she hadn't done.

Amber started humming quietly to herself. It was a song she had only recently heard, but she absolutely loved it, and for good reason. It was called Never Wrong. Nobody around her seemed to care, as she was barely audible.

Except, of course-

"What's that song? I think I've heard it before." The girl said.

"It's called Never Wrong, by a band called Disturbed. I doubt that you've heard it before." Amber replied, looking up from her notebook just long enough to say it, then going back to her work.

"What are the lyrics?"

Amber sighed sharply. "You want to hear the lyrics? Fine, then."

And, grinning, knowing that it was the opportunity of a lifetime, she began to sing.

"You're never wrong, always have something more to say
You're never wrong, well you take your time, I'll be fine"

"You're never wrong and there's nothing more to say
You're never wrong, it's gonna end this time!"

"You're never wrong, you can never be contained
You're never wrong and you never mind, I'll be fine"

"You're never wrong, don't even bother to explain
You're never wrong, you'll never win this time!"

"Feel the anger coming
Feel my patience running
We'll it's plain to see that
You have lost your mind!"

"How could you let it end up this way?
Is there really nothing more you can say?"

"I'm not taking another freaking dose of your denial today!
I'm not willing to deal with someone"

"Who insists that they can never be wrong
So just keep on talking to the wall because I'm walking away!"

"You're never ever wrong and you never will believe
That you were wrong, you'll just never mind, and be fine"

"You're never wrong? Are you really that deceived?
The illusion has to end this time."

"Well you were wrong, I know it's difficult to see
That you were wrong, in your little mind, every time"

"Yeah you were wrong, and now you'd better believe
That the game is coming to an end this time."

"Feel the anger coming
Feel my patience running
And it's easy to see you've made me lose my mind!"

"How could you let it end up this way?
Is there really nothing more you can say?"

"I'm not taking another freaking dose of your denial today!
I'm not willing to deal with someone"

"Who insists that they can never be wrong
So just keep on talking to the wall because I'm walking away!"

"If you shut your mouth, then we might just make it
You want a fight? Be careful what you're wishing for"

"So say it again! Push it again!
And there is no coming back this time!"

"Shut your mouth, cause I just can't take it
I'm ready to fight, is it all that you were hoping for?"

"Don't say it again - do it again!
There'll be no coming back this time!"

The girl, by now, was glaring at Amber with pure fire in her eyes. To be honest, it wasn't as intimidating as she probably thought it was.

Amber smiled demurely. "Don't blame me. You walked right into that."

"What kind of person listens to that kind of music?" The girl sputtered, desperate to have the last word.

What she didn't realize, though, was that she had just made a potentially life-endangering error. Amber just stared. "Did I hear you wrong, or did you just insult my taste in music?"

The bell rang, saving both Amber and the girl from further argument. And for once, Amber was looking forward to Algebra, where the girl was in a different class.

Summer break couldn't come fast enough.

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