Rant 3: Dirty Jokes

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I HATE when someone makes a dirty joke. When a movie, show, book or person makes a dirty joke, it's the stupidest thing in the world and super awkward! Honestly, can't people think of some better jokes?!!

They show how completely dull and unimaginative they are with jokes or just with talking in general! They think they're funny, but come on! Just because something's funny doesn't make it right! People probably thought pushing around slaves was funny at some points! Definitely not right!

They are disrespectful and dumb! People think they're so creative when they crack a dirty joke but seriously?? Anyone can do one! Not that hard! Not that creative! Not that funny!

If you want to make a funny joke, I guarantee that around some people you'll get awkward, disapproving looks if you make a dirty joke. But around almost everyone, if you make a creative, original joke that's funny and imaginative, you'll get genuine laughs as you're reward!

Make the word smile by pleasant jokes! Not dirty ones!

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