I'm Sorry...(Not A Rant)

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It wasn't aimed towards you...

It never even dawned upon me while writing the rant to make it about you.

Did I ever write in the rant that I was targeting you in that statement? No. Why? Because I would never write something like that about you or any of my friends in general.

I even stated in the rant that I was talking about "70% of the girls in my school". MY school. Not your school, and most absolutely not you.

I'm sorry if I made you feel offended in anyway. I didn't know you liked Starbucks or gossip. I knew you liked snapchat but I didn't know that you liked it liked it.

I don't want to lose you over this... I really don't...

Believe me, the last thing I want to happen today is to lose a friend.

I'm shedding tears in my eyes as I write this, hoping that it will reach out to you.

If you want me to delete the rant, I'll do it.

If you want me to leave you alone for a while, I will obey.

After saying that statement, I also wrote "Because I am a mature, young adult, who eats dinner with her loving parents..." that was because that's what my parents expect of me.

My parents won't let me wear tank tops or short shorts. 

Me and high heels don't mix because 1) My parents won't allow it & 2) I can't walk in them for the life of me anyways. 

I'm not allowed to hang out with my friends during school days or Sundays. Unless it's Friday in which I can go to my friends house, or the only acception is when it's for a group project. Other than that, I need to, I have to focus on my studies.

Everyday after school, I need to come straight home, hit the books by 5:30pm, eat dinner at 6:30pm, get back to the books until 9:00pm, 1 hour free time, and then I have to go to bed.

With that free time, I choose to go online and come here, because it's one of the places where I can actually be myself. No work to do, no off-line world responsibility. Just me, my books, and my Wattpad friends. And that includes you my Best Wattpad Friend.

Again, I'm really sorry I offended you in anyway. That rant, more specially that statement, was never targeted at you. I never mentioned you once in the rant. That rant was written months ago.

We live in different countries. I don't know the routine at your school, but I know a thing or two about MY school.

If you want me to leave you alone for a while, just say the word. Gives us both some time to heal. Everything heals at some point.

I'm really, really sorry... I really want to say our little nickname to each other... but I know that if others see it, they'll know who we are. Who you are. And I don't want to put all of that stress and pressure on you.

I guess, if anyone is a stupid, stereotypical teenage girl, it's me...

... I'm sorry.

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